Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Generalized convex-convex distance.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="verticesA">Vertices of the first collider in local space</param>
        /// <param name="verticesB">Vertices of the second collider in local space</param>
        /// <param name="aFromB">Transform from the local space of B to the local space of A</param>
        /// <param name="penetrationHandling">How to compute penetration.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static unsafe Result ConvexConvex(
            float3 *verticesA, int numVerticesA, float3 *verticesB, int numVerticesB,
            MTransform aFromB, PenetrationHandling penetrationHandling)
            const float epsTerminationSq = 1e-8f; // Main loop quits when it cannot find a point that improves the simplex by at least this much
            const float epsPenetrationSq = 1e-9f; // Epsilon used to check for penetration.  Should be smaller than shape cast ConvexConvex keepDistance^2.

            // Initialize simplex.
            Simplex simplex = new Simplex();

            simplex.NumVertices    = 1;
            simplex.A              = GetSupportingVertex(new float3(1, 0, 0), verticesA, numVerticesA, verticesB, numVerticesB, aFromB);
            simplex.Direction      = simplex.A.Xyz;
            simplex.ScaledDistance = math.lengthsq(simplex.A.Xyz);
            float scaleSq = simplex.ScaledDistance;

            // Iterate.
            int       iteration     = 0;
            bool      penetration   = false;
            const int maxIterations = 64;

            for (; iteration < maxIterations; ++iteration)
                // Find a new support vertex
                SupportVertex newSv = GetSupportingVertex(-simplex.Direction, verticesA, numVerticesA, verticesB, numVerticesB, aFromB);

                // If the new vertex is not significantly closer to the origin, quit
                float scaledImprovement = - newSv.Xyz, simplex.Direction);
                if (scaledImprovement * math.abs(scaledImprovement) < epsTerminationSq * scaleSq)

                // Add the new vertex and reduce the simplex
                switch (simplex.NumVertices++)
                case 1: simplex.B = newSv; break;

                case 2: simplex.C = newSv; break;

                default: simplex.D = newSv; break;

                // Check for penetration
                scaleSq = math.lengthsq(simplex.Direction);
                float scaledDistanceSq = simplex.ScaledDistance * simplex.ScaledDistance;
                if (simplex.NumVertices == 4 || scaledDistanceSq <= epsPenetrationSq * scaleSq)
                    penetration = true;

            // Finalize result.
            var ret = new Result {
                Iterations = iteration + 1

            // Handle penetration.
            if (penetration && penetrationHandling != PenetrationHandling.DotNotCompute)
                // Allocate a hull for EPA
                int verticesCapacity = 64;
                int triangleCapacity = 2 * verticesCapacity;
                ConvexHullBuilder.Vertex *  vertices  = stackalloc ConvexHullBuilder.Vertex[verticesCapacity];
                ConvexHullBuilder.Triangle *triangles = stackalloc ConvexHullBuilder.Triangle[triangleCapacity];
                var hull = new ConvexHullBuilder(vertices, verticesCapacity, triangles, triangleCapacity);

                // Initialize int space
                // TODO - either the hull should be robust when int space changes after points are already added, or the ability to do so should be removed, probably the latter
                // Currently for example a valid triangle can collapse to a line segment when the bounds grow
                hull.IntegerSpaceAabb = GetSupportingAabb(verticesA, numVerticesA, verticesB, numVerticesB, aFromB);

                // Add simplex vertices to the hull, remove any vertices from the simplex that do not increase the hull dimension
                hull.AddPoint(simplex.A.Xyz, simplex.A.Id);
                if (simplex.NumVertices > 1)
                    hull.AddPoint(simplex.B.Xyz, simplex.B.Id);
                    if (simplex.NumVertices > 2)
                        int dimension = hull.Dimension;
                        hull.AddPoint(simplex.C.Xyz, simplex.C.Id);
                        if (dimension == 0 && hull.Dimension == 1)
                            simplex.B = simplex.C;
                        if (simplex.NumVertices > 3)
                            dimension = hull.Dimension;
                            hull.AddPoint(simplex.D.Xyz, simplex.D.Id);
                            if (dimension > hull.Dimension)
                                if (dimension == 0)
                                    simplex.B = simplex.D;
                                else if (dimension == 1)
                                    simplex.C = simplex.D;
                simplex.NumVertices = (hull.Dimension + 1);

                // If the simplex is not 3D, try expanding the hull in all directions
                while (hull.Dimension < 3)
                    // Choose expansion directions
                    float3 support0, support1, support2;
                    switch (simplex.NumVertices)
                    case 1:
                        support0 = new float3(1, 0, 0);
                        support1 = new float3(0, 1, 0);
                        support2 = new float3(0, 0, 1);

                    case 2:
                        Math.CalculatePerpendicularNormalized(math.normalize(simplex.B.Xyz - simplex.A.Xyz), out support0, out support1);
                        support2 =;

                        UnityEngine.Assertions.Assert.IsTrue(simplex.NumVertices == 3);
                        support0 = math.cross(simplex.B.Xyz - simplex.A.Xyz, simplex.C.Xyz - simplex.A.Xyz);
                        support1 =;
                        support2 =;

                    // Try each one
                    int  numSupports = 4 - simplex.NumVertices;
                    bool success     = false;
                    for (int i = 0; i < numSupports; i++)
                        for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) // +/- each direction
                            SupportVertex vertex = GetSupportingVertex(support0, verticesA, numVerticesA, verticesB, numVerticesB, aFromB);
                            hull.AddPoint(vertex.Xyz, vertex.Id);
                            if (hull.Dimension == simplex.NumVertices)
                                switch (simplex.NumVertices)
                                case 1: simplex.B = vertex; break;

                                case 2: simplex.C = vertex; break;

                                default: simplex.D = vertex; break;

                                // Next dimension
                                success = true;
                                i = numSupports;
                            support0 = -support0;
                        support0 = support1;
                        support1 = support2;

                    if (!success)

                // We can still fail to build a tetrahedron if the minkowski difference is really flat.
                // In those cases just find the closest point to the origin on the infinite extension of the simplex (point / line / plane)
                if (hull.Dimension != 3)
                    switch (simplex.NumVertices)
                    case 1:
                        ret.ClosestPoints.Distance  = math.length(simplex.A.Xyz);
                        ret.ClosestPoints.NormalInA = -math.normalizesafe(simplex.A.Xyz, new float3(1, 0, 0));

                    case 2:
                        float3 edge      = math.normalize(simplex.B.Xyz - simplex.A.Xyz);
                        float3 direction = math.cross(math.cross(edge, simplex.A.Xyz), edge);
                        Math.CalculatePerpendicularNormalized(edge, out float3 safeNormal, out float3 unused);     // backup, take any direction perpendicular to the edge
                        float3 normal = math.normalizesafe(direction, safeNormal);
                        ret.ClosestPoints.Distance  =, simplex.A.Xyz);
                        ret.ClosestPoints.NormalInA = -normal;

                        UnityEngine.Assertions.Assert.IsTrue(simplex.NumVertices == 3);
                        float3 normal = math.normalize(math.cross(simplex.B.Xyz - simplex.A.Xyz, simplex.C.Xyz - simplex.A.Xyz));
                        float  dot    =, simplex.A.Xyz);
                        ret.ClosestPoints.Distance  = math.abs(dot);
                        ret.ClosestPoints.NormalInA =, normal, dot < 0);
                    int   closestTriangleIndex;
                    Plane closestPlane  = new Plane();
                    float stopThreshold = 1e-4f;
                    uint *uidsCache     = stackalloc uint[triangleCapacity];
                    for (int i = 0; i < triangleCapacity; i++)
                        uidsCache[i] = 0;
                    float *distancesCache = stackalloc float[triangleCapacity];
                        // Select closest triangle.
                        closestTriangleIndex = -1;
                        foreach (int triangleIndex in hull.Triangles.Indices)
                            if (hull.Triangles[triangleIndex].Uid != uidsCache[triangleIndex])
                                uidsCache[triangleIndex]      = hull.Triangles[triangleIndex].Uid;
                                distancesCache[triangleIndex] = hull.ComputePlane(triangleIndex).Distance;
                            if (closestTriangleIndex == -1 || distancesCache[closestTriangleIndex] < distancesCache[triangleIndex])
                                closestTriangleIndex = triangleIndex;
                        closestPlane = hull.ComputePlane(closestTriangleIndex);

                        // Add supporting vertex or exit.
                        SupportVertex sv  = GetSupportingVertex(closestPlane.Normal, verticesA, numVerticesA, verticesB, numVerticesB, aFromB);
                        float         d2P =, sv.Xyz) + closestPlane.Distance;
                        if (math.abs(d2P) > stopThreshold && hull.AddPoint(sv.Xyz, sv.Id))
                            stopThreshold *= 1.3f;
                    } while (++iteration < maxIterations);

                    // Generate simplex.
                    ConvexHullBuilder.Triangle triangle = hull.Triangles[closestTriangleIndex];
                    simplex.NumVertices    = 3;
                    simplex.A.Xyz          = hull.Vertices[triangle.Vertex0].Position; simplex.A.Id = hull.Vertices[triangle.Vertex0].UserData;
                    simplex.B.Xyz          = hull.Vertices[triangle.Vertex1].Position; simplex.B.Id = hull.Vertices[triangle.Vertex1].UserData;
                    simplex.C.Xyz          = hull.Vertices[triangle.Vertex2].Position; simplex.C.Id = hull.Vertices[triangle.Vertex2].UserData;
                    simplex.Direction      = -closestPlane.Normal;
                    simplex.ScaledDistance = closestPlane.Distance;

                    // Set normal and distance.
                    ret.ClosestPoints.NormalInA = -closestPlane.Normal;
                    ret.ClosestPoints.Distance  = closestPlane.Distance;
                // Compute distance and normal.
                float lengthSq    = math.lengthsq(simplex.Direction);
                float invLength   = math.rsqrt(lengthSq);
                bool  smallLength = lengthSq < 1e-10f;
                ret.ClosestPoints.Distance  = * invLength, 0.0f, smallLength);
                ret.ClosestPoints.NormalInA = * invLength, new float3(1, 0, 0), smallLength);

                // Make sure the normal is always valid.
                if (!math.all(math.isfinite(ret.ClosestPoints.NormalInA)))
                    ret.ClosestPoints.NormalInA = new float3(1, 0, 0);

            // Compute position.
            float3 closestPoint = ret.ClosestPoints.NormalInA * ret.ClosestPoints.Distance;
            float4 coordinates  = simplex.ComputeBarycentricCoordinates(closestPoint);

            ret.ClosestPoints.PositionOnAinA =
                verticesA[simplex.A.IdA] * coordinates.x +
                verticesA[simplex.B.IdA] * coordinates.y +
                verticesA[simplex.C.IdA] * coordinates.z +
                verticesA[simplex.D.IdA] * coordinates.w;

            // Encode simplex.
            ret.Simplex.x = simplex.A.Id;
            ret.Simplex.y = simplex.NumVertices >= 2 ? simplex.B.Id : Result.InvalidSimplexVertex;
            ret.Simplex.z = simplex.NumVertices >= 3 ? simplex.C.Id : Result.InvalidSimplexVertex;

            // Done.
            UnityEngine.Assertions.Assert.IsTrue(math.abs(math.lengthsq(ret.ClosestPoints.NormalInA) - 1.0f) < 1e-5f);