private void DrawClientSection() { DrawClientSettingsList(_settings.clients); SimpleGUI.SectionSpacing(); if (SimpleGUI.ErrorBox(_settings.WorldId == null, "Can't start clients, missing WorldID")) { return; } if (SimpleGUI.ErrorBox(_settings.userId == null, "Can't find user id, please log in SDK.")) { return; } if (SimpleGUI.ErrorBox(!_settings.IsGamePathValid(), "Can't find game executable")) { return; } if (!_localTesting) { _keepInstance = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Keep current instance ID", _keepInstance); } _localTesting = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Use local testing", _localTesting); _clientsManager.InstanceId = EditorGUILayout.TextField(_clientsManager.InstanceId); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); string startButtonText = _localTesting ? "Start last version (no build)" : "Start"; SimpleGUI.ActionButton(startButtonText, () => _clientsManager.StartClients(false, _keepInstance, _localTesting, _keepInstanceForce)); if (ClientProcessesManager.IsAnyRunning()) { SimpleGUI.ActionButton("Restart", () => _clientsManager.StartClients(true, _keepInstance, _localTesting, _keepInstanceForce)); } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); if (!Application.isPlaying) { if (_localTesting) { SimpleGUI.ActionButton("Build & Start", BuildAndTest); } else { if (SimpleGUI.ErrorBox(APIUser.CurrentUser == null || !VRC_SdkBuilder.VerifyCredentials(), "Can't find user for auto publish, please log in SDK.")) { return; } SimpleGUI.ActionButton("Build & Auto Publish & Start", PublishAndTest); } } }
private void DrawPlayersEditor() { GotoUdonSettings settings = _controller.Settings; if (SimpleGUI.WarningBox(!settings.enableSimulation, "Simulation is disabled")) { return; } VRCEmulator emulator = _controller.Emulator; if (SimpleGUI.InfoBox(!VRCEmulator.IsReady, "Waiting for emulation to begin...")) { return; } SimpleGUI.ErrorBox(emulator.GetAmountOfPlayers() == 0, "Emulator should not be started without at least one player!"); SimpleGUI.OptionSpacing(); GUILayout.Label("Global settings"); emulator.IsNetworkSettled = GUILayout.Toggle(emulator.IsNetworkSettled, "Is network settled"); GUILayout.Label("Spawned players: "); SimpleGUI.OptionSpacing(); foreach (SimulatedVRCPlayer runtimePlayer in _controller.RuntimePlayers) { if (!runtimePlayer.gameObject.activeSelf) { continue; } SimulatedPlayerEditor.DrawActiveRuntimePlayer(emulator, runtimePlayer); SimpleGUI.OptionSpacing(); } SimpleGUI.SectionSpacing(); GUILayout.Label("Available players: "); SimpleGUI.OptionSpacing(); foreach (SimulatedVRCPlayer runtimePlayer in _controller.RuntimePlayers) { if (runtimePlayer.gameObject.activeSelf) { continue; } SimulatedPlayerEditor.DrawAvailableRuntimePlayer(emulator, runtimePlayer); SimpleGUI.OptionSpacing(); } DrawAddPlayerBox(); }
private void DrawSdkUpdateComponent() { if (_updateCheckerSdkResponse != null) { if (_updateCheckerSdkResponse.IsError) { #if GOTOUDON_DEV SimpleGUI.ErrorBox(_updateCheckerSdkResponse.IsError, "Failed to check for VRChat SDK update."); #endif return; } ReleaseInfo releaseInfo = _updateCheckerSdkResponse.ReleaseInfo; if (releaseInfo.Version == null) { return; } string newestSdkVersion = NormalizeVrChatSDKVersion(releaseInfo.Version); string currentSdkVersion = NormalizeVrChatSDKVersion(GotoUdonEditor.CurrentSDKVersion); // I give up, TODO: save version in own repository instead of using vrchat if (currentSdkVersion.EndsWith("05.06") && newestSdkVersion.EndsWith("05.12")) { return; } if (releaseInfo.Version.StartsWith(GotoUdonEditor.ImplementedSDKVersion)) { return; } if (releaseInfo.UnityPackage != null && SimpleGUI.InfoBox( VersionUtils.IsRightNewerThanLeft(currentSdkVersion, newestSdkVersion), $"There is new VRChat UDON SDK version available: {releaseInfo.Version}!\n{releaseInfo.Name}\n{releaseInfo.Description}") ) { GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); // if (!_downloadingSdk) // SimpleGUI.ActionButton($"Update to {releaseInfo.Version}!", UpdateSdk); SimpleGUI.ActionButton("Download manually.", () => Application.OpenURL(releaseInfo.UnityPackage.DownloadUrl)); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } } }
private void DrawGlobalOptions(GotoUdonSettings settings) { settings.Init(); if (!settings.IsSimulatorInstalled) { SimpleGUI.ActionButton("Install legacy simulator (probably doesnt work)", () => settings.IsSimulatorInstalled = true); } else { SimpleGUI.ActionButton("Remove simulator", () => settings.IsSimulatorInstalled = false); } #if GOTOUDON_SIMULATION_LEGACY SimpleGUI.ErrorBox(settings.avatarPrefab == null, "You need to select some avatar prefab to use this resource. You can find ybot-mini in Assets folder with this resource."); SimpleGUI.ErrorBox(settings.spawnPoint == null, "You need to select some spawn point to use this resource!"); GUILayout.Label("Global settings"); SimpleGUI.Indent(() => { settings.enableSimulation = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Enable simulation", settings.enableSimulation); settings.avatarPrefab = SimpleGUI.ObjectField("Avatar prefab", settings.avatarPrefab, false); settings.spawnPoint = SimpleGUI.ObjectField("Spawn point", settings.spawnPoint, true); }); // nah, not really working // SimpleGUI.DrawFoldout(this, "Advanced settings", () => // { // SimpleGUI.WarningBox(true, // "Enabling vrchat client mode might cause some issues, but also allow to test your scripts with secure heap enabled\n" + // "This will add or remove VRC_CLIENT define for compiler, meaning that all internal sdk code will think its running on client and not in editor.\n" + // "Use at own risk."); // string VRC_CLIENT = "VRC_CLIENT"; // bool vrchatClientMode = UnityCompilerUtils.IsDefineEnabled(VRC_CLIENT); // string buttonName = vrchatClientMode ? "Use vrchat editor mode" : "Use vrchat client mode"; // SimpleGUI.ActionButton(buttonName, () => UnityCompilerUtils.SetDefineEnabled(VRC_CLIENT, !vrchatClientMode)); // }); #endif }
public static void DrawValidationErrors(List <MissingImplementationData> missingImpls) { VRCVersionStatus versionStatus = IsVRChatSdkOutdated(); if (missingImpls.Count == 0) { SimpleGUI.ErrorBox(versionStatus == VRCVersionStatus.Error, "SDK version check failed, please report this to author. You can try to keep using current version, but some features might not work correctly"); SimpleGUI.ErrorBox(versionStatus == VRCVersionStatus.Outdated, $"Please update your VRChat SDK, this GotoUdon was made for: {GotoUdonEditor.ImplementedSDKVersion}"); SimpleGUI.ErrorBox(versionStatus == VRCVersionStatus.TooNew, "Please update GotoUdon if new version is available, if not you can try to keep using current version, but some features might not work correctly.\n" + "You can also check our discord to see if we are already working on update.\n" + "For emulation please use CyanEmu instead:"); return; } StringBuilder errorStr = new StringBuilder( $"GotoUdon {GotoUdonEditor.VERSION} is not compatible with VRChat sdk {GotoUdonEditor.CurrentSDKVersion}.\n"); if (versionStatus == VRCVersionStatus.Same) { errorStr.AppendLine("This project is no longer maintained, Please use CyanEmu instead:"); } errorStr.AppendLine("Auto detected problematic methods: "); foreach (MissingImplementationData missingImpl in missingImpls) { errorStr.AppendLine($" - {missingImpl.FieldName}"); } errorStr.AppendLine(); errorStr.AppendLine("If your udon scripts don't use methods above they might work just fine in emulator."); SimpleGUI.ErrorBox(true, errorStr.ToString()); }