public void When_expiring_a_cache_entry_no_longer_there()
            const string contextKey = "Inbox_Cache_Expiry_Tests";

            var inbox = new InMemoryInbox()
                //set some aggressive outbox reclamation times for the test
                EntryTimeToLive        = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(50),
                ExpirationScanInterval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100)

            var command = new SimpleCommand();

            inbox.Add(command, contextKey);

            Task.Delay(500).Wait(); //give the entry to time to expire

            //Trigger a cache clean
            SimpleCommand foundCommand = null;

                foundCommand = inbox.Get <SimpleCommand>(command.Id, contextKey);
            catch (Exception e) when(e is RequestNotFoundException <SimpleCommand> || e is TypeLoadException)
                //early sweeper run means it doesn't exist already

            Task.Delay(500).Wait(); //Give the sweep time to run

            var afterExpiryExists = inbox.Exists <SimpleCommand>(command.Id, contextKey);
