Esempio n. 1
 private void IsInputReceived()
     if (countDownTimer < 1)
         currentState = SimoneState.INPUTRECEIVED;
     next = 0; //reset it back to 0
Esempio n. 2
    private void StartPlayingState()
        currentState = SimoneState.PLAYING;

        next = 0; //Next should start at 0
        //isDisplayingSequence = true;//Sequence should be displayed first
        //awaitingPlayerInput = false;//Then player input after sequence

        sequenceList = simonSaysRandomizer.RandomizeSequence(maxiumSequenceLength); //Get a randomized sequence list at the start and how long the sequence is
Esempio n. 3
    private bool DoesInputMatchSequence()
        bool answeredCorrectly = false;

        //simonImageDisplay.DisplayImageSequence(inputManager.Inputs[next]); //Display the button pressed
        if (inputManager.Inputs.Count < 1)
            currentState = SimoneState.PLAYING;

        for (int i = 0; i < inputManager.Inputs.Count; i++)
            if (i > sequenceList.Count)

            if (sequenceList[next] == inputManager.Inputs[next]) //If the button (index) pressed matches the button index on the sequence list
                answeredCorrectly = true;

                currentState = SimoneState.PLAYING;
                answeredCorrectly = false;
                currentState = SimoneState.PLAYING;

            next++;                                                                         //add 1 to get to the next index in the sequence

            if (!(next < maxiumSequenceLength) || answeredCorrectly == false)               // Once int next reaches max or player answered wrong
                sequenceList = simonSaysRandomizer.RandomizeSequence(maxiumSequenceLength); //Get a new randomized sequence
                next         = 0;                                                           //- reset it back to 0
                //isDisplayingSequence = true; //display the new sequence
                //awaitingPlayerInput = false;//stop getting player input

                StartCoroutine(TimedSequence());                  //wait a bit to clear image

                timeStamp = Mathf.RoundToInt(Time.fixedTime) + 2; //Get the current time plus a bit of a delay(2)

Esempio n. 4
    //Main Methods
    private void DisplaySequence()
        if (Mathf.RoundToInt(Time.fixedTime) == timeStamp + secondsToWait) //waits every so seconds until displaying the next button
            simonImageDisplay.DisplayImageSequence(sequenceList[next]);    //Display the button on the sequence list

            StartCoroutine(TimedSequence());                               //Wait a bit until clearing image

            next++;                                                        //add 1 to get to the next index in the sequence

            if (!(next < maxiumSequenceLength))                            // Once int next reaches max
                //isDisplayingSequence = false;//No longer displaying sequence
                //awaitingPlayerInput = true;//Start getting player input
                currentState = SimoneState.AWAITINGINPUT;

            timeStamp = Mathf.RoundToInt(Time.fixedTime); //Get the current time to update the time to wait until displaying the next image
Esempio n. 5
 // Use this for initialization
 private void Awake()
     isInputCorrect = true;
     currentState   = SimoneState.START;