Esempio n. 1
        internal void LoadItems(IQueryAdapter dbClient)
            Items = new Dictionary <uint, Item>();

            dbClient.setQuery("SELECT * FROM furniture");
            DataTable ItemData = dbClient.getTable();

            if (ItemData != null)
                uint            id;
                int             spriteID;
                string          publicName;
                string          itemName;
                string          type;
                int             width;
                int             length;
                double          height;
                bool            allowStack;
                bool            allowWalk;
                bool            allowSit;
                bool            allowRecycle;
                bool            allowTrade;
                bool            allowMarketplace;
                bool            allowGift;
                bool            allowInventoryStack;
                InteractionType interactionType;
                int             cycleCount;
                string          vendingIDS;
                string[]        ToggleHeight = null;
                bool            StackMultiplier;
                bool            sub;
                int             effect;
                int             flatId;

                foreach (DataRow dRow in ItemData.Rows)
                        id         = Convert.ToUInt32(dRow[0]);
                        spriteID   = (int)dRow[10];
                        publicName = (string)dRow[1];
                        itemName   = (string)dRow[2];
                        type       = (string)dRow[3].ToString();
                        width      = (int)dRow[4];
                        length     = (int)dRow[5];
                        if (dRow[6].ToString().Contains(";"))
                            ToggleHeight = dRow[6].ToString().Split(';');
                            height       = Convert.ToDouble(ToggleHeight[0]);
                            // Replaced the "dRow[6]" with a 7 instead.
                            height = Convert.ToDouble(dRow[7]);

                        allowStack          = Convert.ToInt32(dRow[7]) == 1;
                        allowWalk           = Convert.ToInt32(dRow[9]) == 1;
                        allowSit            = Convert.ToInt32(dRow[8]) == 1;
                        allowRecycle        = Convert.ToInt32(dRow[11]) == 1;
                        allowTrade          = Convert.ToInt32(dRow[12]) == 1;
                        allowMarketplace    = Convert.ToInt32(dRow[13]) == 1;
                        allowGift           = Convert.ToInt32(dRow[14]) == 1;
                        allowInventoryStack = Convert.ToInt32(dRow[15]) == 1;
                        interactionType     = InterractionTypes.GetTypeFromString((string)dRow[16]);
                        cycleCount          = (int)dRow[17];
                        vendingIDS          = (string)dRow[18];
                        sub             = SilverwaveEnvironment.EnumToBool(dRow[22].ToString());
                        effect          = (int)dRow[23];
                        StackMultiplier = SilverwaveEnvironment.EnumToBool(dRow[21].ToString());
                        flatId          = (int)dRow["flat_id"];
                        Item item = new Item(id, spriteID, publicName, itemName, type, width, length, height, allowStack, allowWalk, allowSit, allowRecycle, allowTrade, allowMarketplace, allowGift, allowInventoryStack, interactionType, cycleCount, vendingIDS, sub, effect, StackMultiplier, ToggleHeight, flatId);

                        Items.Add(id, item);
                    catch (Exception e)
                        Logging.WriteLine("Could not load item #" + Convert.ToUInt32(dRow[0]) + ", please verify the data is okay.");
                if (downloadFurni)
Esempio n. 2
        private void DownloadFurnis()
            XDocument xDoc            = XDocument.Load(@"C:\myxml.xml");
            string    fixedUrl        = @"";
            string    downloadUrl     = "";
            string    dynamicUrl      = "";
            string    furniName       = "";
            string    revision        = "";
            string    furniPublicName = "";
            string    description     = "";
            int       flatId          = -1;
            int       spriteId        = 0;
            int       x           = 0;
            int       y           = 0;
            string    type        = "s";
            string    canstandon  = "0";
            string    cansiton    = "0";
            string    canlayon    = "0";
            int       specialType = 1;

            furniDownloader          = new WebClient();
            furniDownloader.Encoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8;
            furniDownloader.Headers.Add("user-agent", "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.2; .NET CLR 1.0.3705;)");
            using (IQueryAdapter dbClient = SilverwaveEnvironment.GetDatabaseManager().getQueryreactor())
                var downloadRoomList = xDoc.Descendants("roomitemtypes").Descendants("furnitype");
                var downloadWallList = xDoc.Descendants("wallitemtypes").Descendants("furnitype");
                foreach (var downloadRoomItem in downloadRoomList)
                        furniName = downloadRoomItem
                        spriteId = Convert.ToInt32(downloadRoomItem
                        revision = downloadRoomItem
                        flatId = Convert.ToInt32(downloadRoomItem
                        furniPublicName = downloadRoomItem
                        description = downloadRoomItem
                        specialType = Convert.ToInt32(downloadRoomItem

                        x = Convert.ToInt32(downloadRoomItem
                        y = Convert.ToInt32(downloadRoomItem
                        type     = "s";
                        canlayon = downloadRoomItem
                        cansiton = downloadRoomItem
                        canstandon = downloadRoomItem

                    catch (Exception e)
                    string[] split = furniName.Split('*');
                    downloadUrl = split[0] + ".swf";
                    dynamicUrl  = fixedUrl + revision + "/" + downloadUrl;
                        //dbClient.runFastQuery("UPDATE furniture ");
                        dbClient.setQuery("INSERT INTO furniture" +
                                          "(public_name,item_name,type,width,length,canlayon,can_sit,is_walkable,sprite_id,flat_id,revision,description,specialtype) VALUES " +
                                          "(@pub_n,@real_n,@type,@x,@y,@lay,@sit,@walk,@sprite,@flat,@rev,@desc,@special) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE " +
                                          "public_name = VALUES(public_name)," +
                                          "item_name = VALUES(item_name)," +
                                          "type = VALUES(type)," +
                                          "width = VALUES(width)," +
                                          "length = VALUES(length)," +
                                          "canlayon = VALUES(canlayon)," +
                                          "can_sit = VALUES(can_sit)," +
                                          "is_walkable = VALUES(is_walkable)," +
                                          "sprite_id = VALUES(sprite_id)," +
                                          "flat_id = VALUES(flat_id)," +
                                          "revision = VALUES(revision)," +
                                          "description = VALUES(description)," +
                                          "specialtype = VALUES(specialtype); " +
                                          "UPDATE catalog_items SET flat_id = @flat WHERE catalog_name = @real_n");
                        dbClient.addParameter("pub_n", furniPublicName);
                        dbClient.addParameter("real_n", furniName);
                        dbClient.addParameter("type", type);
                        dbClient.addParameter("x", x);
                        dbClient.addParameter("y", y);
                        dbClient.addParameter("lay", canlayon);
                        dbClient.addParameter("sit", cansiton);
                        dbClient.addParameter("walk", canstandon);
                        dbClient.addParameter("sprite", spriteId);
                        dbClient.addParameter("flat", flatId);
                        dbClient.addParameter("rev", revision);
                        dbClient.addParameter("desc", description);
                        dbClient.addParameter("special", specialType);

                        if (!Directory.Exists(@"C:\hof_furni\" + revision + @"\"))
                            Directory.CreateDirectory(@"C:\hof_furni\" + revision + @"\");
                        furniDownloader.DownloadFileCompleted += (sender, e) => Console.WriteLine("Finished " + furniName);
                        furniDownloader.DownloadFile(new Uri(dynamicUrl), @"C:\hof_furni\" + revision + @"\" + downloadUrl);
                    catch (Exception e)

                foreach (var downloadWallItem in downloadWallList)
                    furniName = downloadWallItem
                    spriteId = Convert.ToInt32(downloadWallItem
                    revision = downloadWallItem
                    flatId = Convert.ToInt32(downloadWallItem
                    furniPublicName = downloadWallItem
                    description = downloadWallItem
                    specialType = Convert.ToInt32(downloadWallItem

                    type       = "i";
                    canlayon   = "0";
                    cansiton   = "0";
                    canstandon = "0";
                    x          = 0;
                    y          = 0;

                    string[] split = furniName.Split('*');
                    downloadUrl = split[0] + ".swf";
                    dynamicUrl  = fixedUrl + revision + "/" + downloadUrl;
                        //dbClient.runFastQuery("UPDATE furniture ");
                        dbClient.setQuery("INSERT INTO furniture" +
                                          "(public_name,item_name,type,width,length,canlayon,can_sit,is_walkable,sprite_id,flat_id,revision,description,specialtype) VALUES " +
                                          "(@pub_n,@real_n,@type,@x,@y,@lay,@sit,@walk,@sprite,@flat,@rev,@desc,@special) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE " +
                                          "public_name = VALUES(public_name)," +
                                          "item_name = VALUES(item_name)," +
                                          "type = VALUES(type)," +
                                          "width = VALUES(width)," +
                                          "length = VALUES(length)," +
                                          "canlayon = VALUES(canlayon)," +
                                          "can_sit = VALUES(can_sit)," +
                                          "is_walkable = VALUES(is_walkable)," +
                                          "sprite_id = VALUES(sprite_id)," +
                                          "flat_id = VALUES(flat_id)," +
                                          "revision = VALUES(revision)," +
                                          "description = VALUES(description)," +
                                          "specialtype = VALUES(specialtype); " +
                                          "UPDATE catalog_items SET flat_id = @flat WHERE catalog_name = @real_n");
                        dbClient.addParameter("pub_n", furniPublicName);
                        dbClient.addParameter("real_n", furniName);
                        dbClient.addParameter("type", type);
                        dbClient.addParameter("x", x);
                        dbClient.addParameter("y", y);
                        dbClient.addParameter("lay", canlayon);
                        dbClient.addParameter("sit", cansiton);
                        dbClient.addParameter("walk", canstandon);
                        dbClient.addParameter("sprite", spriteId);
                        dbClient.addParameter("flat", flatId);
                        dbClient.addParameter("rev", revision);
                        dbClient.addParameter("desc", description);
                        dbClient.addParameter("special", specialType);

                        if (!Directory.Exists(@"C:\hof_furni\" + revision + @"\"))
                            Directory.CreateDirectory(@"C:\hof_furni\" + revision + @"\");
                        furniDownloader.DownloadFileCompleted += (sender, e) => Console.WriteLine("Finished " + furniName);
                        furniDownloader.DownloadFile(new Uri(dynamicUrl), @"C:\hof_furni\" + revision + @"\" + downloadUrl);
                    catch (Exception e)