/// <seealso cref="Silver.Weight.Raw.Collide.Collider.Collide(Silver.Weight.Raw.Contact[], Silver.Weight.Raw.Body, Silver.Weight.Raw.Body)">
        /// </seealso>
        public override int Collide(Contact[] contacts, Body bodyA, Body bodyB)
            Polygon poly = (Polygon) bodyA.Shape;
            Box box = (Box) bodyB.Shape;

            // TODO: this can be optimized using matrix multiplications and moving only one shape
            // specifically the box, because it has fewer vertices.
            Vector2f[] vertsA = poly.GetVertices(bodyA.GetPosition(), bodyA.Rotation);
            Vector2f[] vertsB = box.GetPoints(bodyB.GetPosition(), bodyB.Rotation);

            // TODO: use a sweepline that has the smallest projection of the box
            // now we use just an arbitrary one
            Vector2f sweepline = new Vector2f(vertsB[1]);

            EdgeSweep sweep = new EdgeSweep(sweepline);

            sweep.AddVerticesToSweep(true, vertsA);
            sweep.AddVerticesToSweep(false, vertsB);

            int[][] collEdgeCands = sweep.OverlappingEdges;
            //		FeaturePair[] featurePairs = getFeaturePairs(contacts.Length, vertsA, vertsB, collEdgeCands);
            //		return PopulateContacts(contacts, vertsA, vertsB, featurePairs);

            Intersection[][] intersections = GetIntersectionPairs(vertsA, vertsB, collEdgeCands);
            return PopulateContacts(contacts, vertsA, vertsB, intersections);
        /// <seealso cref="Silver.Weight.Raw.Collide.Collider.Collide(Silver.Weight.Raw.Contact[], Silver.Weight.Raw.Body, Silver.Weight.Raw.Body)">
        /// </seealso>
        public override int Collide(Contact[] contacts, Body bodyA, Body bodyB)
            Polygon polyA = (Polygon) bodyA.Shape;
            Circle circle = (Circle) bodyB.Shape;

            // TODO: this can be optimized using matrix multiplications and moving only the circle
            Vector2f[] vertsA = polyA.GetVertices(bodyA.GetPosition(), bodyA.Rotation);

            Vector2f centroidA = new Vector2f(polyA.GetCentroid());

            int[][] collPairs = GetCollisionCandidates(vertsA, centroidA, circle.Radius, bodyB.GetPosition());

            int noContacts = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < collPairs.Length; i++)
                if (noContacts >= contacts.Length)
                    return contacts.Length;

                Vector2f lineStartA = vertsA[collPairs[i][0]];
                Vector2f lineEndA = vertsA[(collPairs[i][0] + 1) % vertsA.Length];
                Line line = new Line(lineStartA, lineEndA);

                float dis2 = line.distanceSquared(bodyB.GetPosition());
                float r2 = circle.Radius * circle.Radius;

                if (dis2 < r2)
                    Vector2f pt = new Vector2f();

                    line.getClosestPoint(bodyB.GetPosition(), pt);
                    Vector2f normal = new Vector2f(bodyB.GetPosition());
                    float sep = circle.Radius - normal.Length();

                    contacts[noContacts].Separation = - sep;
                    contacts[noContacts].Position = pt;
                    contacts[noContacts].Normal = normal;
                    contacts[noContacts].Feature = new FeaturePair();

            return noContacts;
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary> Gets the closest point to a given point on the indefinately extended line.
        /// TODO: Move this somewhere in math package
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="startA">Starting point of the line
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="endA">End point of the line
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="point">The point to get a closes point on the line for
        /// </param>
        /// <returns> the closest point on the line or null if the lines are parallel
        /// </returns>
        public static Vector2f GetClosestPoint(Vector2f startA, Vector2f endA, Vector2f point)
            Vector2f startB = point;
            Vector2f endB = new Vector2f(endA);
            endB.Reconfigure(endB.y, - endB.x);

            float d = endB.y * (endA.x - startA.x);
            d -= endB.x * (endA.y - startA.y);

            if (d == 0)
                return null;

            float uA = endB.x * (startA.y - startB.Y);
            uA -= endB.y * (startA.x - startB.X);
            uA /= d;

            return new Vector2f(startA.x + uA * (endA.x - startA.x), startA.y + uA * (endA.y - startA.y));
        /// <seealso cref="Silver.Weight.Raw.Collide.Collider.Collide(Silver.Weight.Raw.Contact[], Silver.Weight.Raw.Body, Silver.Weight.Raw.Body)">
        /// </seealso>
        public override int Collide(Contact[] contacts, Body bodyA, Body bodyB)
            Line line = (Line) bodyA.Shape;
            Polygon poly = (Polygon) bodyB.Shape;

            // TODO: this can be optimized using matrix multiplications and moving only one shape
            // specifically the line, because it has only two vertices
            Vector2f[] vertsA = line.getVertices(bodyA.GetPosition(), bodyA.Rotation);
            Vector2f[] vertsB = poly.GetVertices(bodyB.GetPosition(), bodyB.Rotation);

            Vector2f pos = poly.GetCentroid(bodyB.GetPosition(), bodyB.Rotation);

            // using the z axis of a 3d Cross product we determine on what side B is
            bool isLeftOf = 0 > (pos.x - vertsA[0].x) * (vertsA[1].y - vertsA[0].y) - (vertsA[1].x - vertsA[0].x) * (pos.y - vertsA[0].y);

            // to get the proper intersection pairs we make sure
            // the line's normal is pointing towards the polygon
            // TODO: verify that it's not actually pointing in the opposite direction
            if (isLeftOf)
                Vector2f tmp = vertsA[0];
                vertsA[0] = vertsA[1];
                vertsA[1] = tmp;

            // we use the line's normal for our sweepline projection
            Vector2f normal = new Vector2f(vertsA[1]);
            normal.Reconfigure(normal.y, - normal.x);
            EdgeSweep sweep = new EdgeSweep(normal);
            sweep.Insert(0, true, vertsA[0].Dot(normal));
            sweep.Insert(0, true, vertsA[1].Dot(normal));
            sweep.AddVerticesToSweep(false, vertsB);
            int[][] collEdgeCands = sweep.OverlappingEdges;

            IntersectionGatherer intGath = new IntersectionGatherer(vertsA, vertsB);
            for (int i = 0; i < collEdgeCands.Length; i++)
                intGath.Intersect(collEdgeCands[i][0], collEdgeCands[i][1]);

            Intersection[] intersections = intGath.Intersections;

            return PopulateContacts(contacts, vertsA, vertsB, intersections);
        /// <summary> Get the edges from a list of vertices that can Collide with the given circle.
        /// This uses a sweepline algorithm which is only efficient if some assumptions
        /// are indeed true. See CPolygonCPolygonCollider for more information.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="vertsA">The vertices of a polygon that is Collided with a circle
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="centroid">The center of the polygon
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="radius">The radius of the circle
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="circlePos">The position (center) of the circle
        /// </param>
        /// <returns> The list of edges that can Collide with the circle
        /// </returns>
        protected internal virtual int[][] GetCollisionCandidates(Vector2f[] vertsA, ROVector2f centroid, float radius, ROVector2f circlePos)
            Vector2f sweepDir = new Vector2f(centroid);
            sweepDir.Normalise(); //TODO: this normalization might not be necessary

            EdgeSweep sweep = new EdgeSweep(sweepDir); //vertsA[0], true, true, dist);

            sweep.AddVerticesToSweep(true, vertsA);

            float circProj = circlePos.Dot(sweepDir);

            sweep.Insert(0, false, - radius + circProj);
            sweep.Insert(0, false, radius + circProj);

            return sweep.OverlappingEdges;
Esempio n. 6
        /// <summary> Apply the friction impulse from each contact.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dt">The amount of time to Step the simulation by
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="invDT">The inverted time
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="damping">The percentage of energy to retain through out
        /// collision. (1 = no loss, 0 = total loss)
        /// </param>
        internal virtual void PreStep(float invDT, float dt, float damping)
            float allowedPenetration = 0.01f;
            float biasFactor = 0.8f;

            for (int i = 0; i < numContacts; ++i)
                Contact c = contacts[i];

                Vector2f r1 = new Vector2f(c.position);
                Vector2f r2 = new Vector2f(c.position);

                // Precompute normal mass, tangent mass, and bias.
                float rn1 = r1.Dot(c.normal);
                float rn2 = r2.Dot(c.normal);
                float kNormal = body1.InvMass + body2.InvMass;
                kNormal += body1.InvI * (r1.Dot(r1) - rn1 * rn1) + body2.InvI * (r2.Dot(r2) - rn2 * rn2);
                c.massNormal = damping / kNormal;

                Vector2f tangent = MathUtil.Cross(c.normal, 1.0f);
                float rt1 = r1.Dot(tangent);
                float rt2 = r2.Dot(tangent);
                float kTangent = body1.InvMass + body2.InvMass;
                kTangent += body1.InvI * (r1.Dot(r1) - rt1 * rt1) + body2.InvI * (r2.Dot(r2) - rt2 * rt2);
                c.massTangent = damping / kTangent;

                // Compute restitution
                // Relative velocity at contact
                Vector2f relativeVelocity = new Vector2f(body2.Velocity);
                relativeVelocity.Add(MathUtil.Cross(r2, body2.AngularVelocity));
                relativeVelocity.Sub(MathUtil.Cross(r1, body1.AngularVelocity));

                float combinedRestitution = (body1.Restitution * body2.Restitution);
                float relVel = c.normal.Dot(relativeVelocity);
                c.restitution = combinedRestitution * (- relVel);
                c.restitution = System.Math.Max(c.restitution, 0);

                float penVel = (- c.separation) / dt;
                if (c.restitution >= penVel)
                    c.bias = 0;
                    c.bias = (- biasFactor) * invDT * System.Math.Min(0.0f, c.separation + allowedPenetration);

                // apply damping
                c.accumulatedNormalImpulse *= damping;

                // Apply normal + friction impulse
                Vector2f impulse = MathUtil.Scale(c.normal, c.accumulatedNormalImpulse);
                impulse.Add(MathUtil.Scale(tangent, c.accumulatedTangentImpulse));

                body1.AdjustVelocity(MathUtil.Scale(impulse, - body1.InvMass));
                body1.AdjustAngularVelocity((- body1.InvI) * MathUtil.Cross(r1, impulse));

                body2.AdjustVelocity(MathUtil.Scale(impulse, body2.InvMass));
                body2.AdjustAngularVelocity(body2.InvI * MathUtil.Cross(r2, impulse));

                // rest bias
                c.biasImpulse = 0;
Esempio n. 7
        //    private static Vector2f r1 = new Vector2f();
        //    private static Vector2f r2 = new Vector2f();
        //    private static Vector2f relativeVelocity = new Vector2f();
        //    private static Vector2f impulse = new Vector2f();
        //    private static Vector2f Pb = new Vector2f();
        //    private static Vector2f tmp = new Vector2f();
        //    /**
        //     * Apply the impulse accumlated at the contact points maintained
        //     * by this arbiter.
        //     */
        //    void ApplyImpulse() {
        //        Body b1 = body1;
        //        Body b2 = body2;
        //        for (int i = 0; i < numContacts; ++i)
        //        {
        //            Contact c = contacts[i];
        //            r1.set(c.position);
        //            r1.Sub(b1.GetPosition());
        //            r2.set(c.position);
        //            r2.Sub(b2.GetPosition());
        //            // Relative velocity at contact
        //            relativeVelocity.set(b2.getVelocity());
        //            relativeVelocity.Add(MathUtil.Cross(b2.getAngularVelocity(), r2));
        //            relativeVelocity.Sub(b1.getVelocity());
        //            relativeVelocity.Sub(MathUtil.Cross(b1.getAngularVelocity(), r1));
        //            // Compute normal impulse with bias.
        //            float vn = relativeVelocity.Dot(c.normal);
        //            // bias caculations are now handled seperately hence we only
        //            // handle the real impulse caculations here
        //            //float normalImpulse = c.massNormal * ((c.restitution - vn) + c.bias);
        //            float normalImpulse = c.massNormal * (c.restitution - vn);
        //            // Clamp the accumulated impulse
        //            float oldNormalImpulse = c.accumulatedNormalImpulse;
        //            c.accumulatedNormalImpulse = Math.max(oldNormalImpulse + normalImpulse, 0.0f);
        //            normalImpulse = c.accumulatedNormalImpulse - oldNormalImpulse;
        //            if (normalImpulse != 0) {
        //                // Apply contact impulse
        //                impulse.set(c.normal);
        //                impulse.Scale(normalImpulse);
        //                tmp.set(impulse);
        //                tmp.Scale(-b1.getInvMass());
        //                b1.AdjustVelocity(tmp);
        //                b1.AdjustAngularVelocity(-(b1.getInvI() * MathUtil.Cross(r1, impulse)));
        //                tmp.set(impulse);
        //                tmp.Scale(b2.getInvMass());
        //                b2.AdjustVelocity(tmp);
        //                b2.AdjustAngularVelocity(b2.getInvI() * MathUtil.Cross(r2, impulse));
        //            }
        //            // Compute bias impulse
        //            // NEW STUFF FOR SEPERATING BIAS
        //            relativeVelocity.set(b2.getBiasedVelocity());
        //            relativeVelocity.Add(MathUtil.Cross(b2.getBiasedAngularVelocity(), r2));
        //            relativeVelocity.Sub(b1.getBiasedVelocity());
        //            relativeVelocity.Sub(MathUtil.Cross(b1.getBiasedAngularVelocity(), r1));
        //            float vnb = relativeVelocity.Dot(c.normal);
        //            float biasImpulse = c.massNormal * (-vnb + c.bias);
        //            float oldBiasImpulse = c.biasImpulse;
        //            c.biasImpulse = Math.max(oldBiasImpulse + biasImpulse, 0.0f);
        //            biasImpulse = c.biasImpulse - oldBiasImpulse;
        //            if (biasImpulse != 0) {
        //                Pb.set(c.normal);
        //                Pb.Scale(biasImpulse);
        //                tmp.set(Pb);
        //                tmp.Scale(-b1.getInvMass());
        //                b1.AdjustBiasedVelocity(tmp);
        //                b1.AdjustBiasedAngularVelocity(-(b1.getInvI() * MathUtil.Cross(r1, Pb)));
        //                tmp.set(Pb);
        //                tmp.Scale(b2.getInvMass());
        //                b2.AdjustBiasedVelocity(tmp);
        //                b2.AdjustBiasedAngularVelocity((b2.getInvI() * MathUtil.Cross(r2, Pb)));
        //            }
        //            // END NEW STUFF
        //            //
        //            // Compute friction (tangent) impulse
        //            //
        //            float maxTangentImpulse = friction * c.accumulatedNormalImpulse;
        //            // Relative velocity at contact
        //            relativeVelocity.set(b2.getVelocity());
        //            relativeVelocity.Add(MathUtil.Cross(b2.getAngularVelocity(), r2));
        //            relativeVelocity.Sub(b1.getVelocity());
        //            relativeVelocity.Sub(MathUtil.Cross(b1.getAngularVelocity(), r1));
        //            Vector2f tangent = MathUtil.Cross(c.normal, 1.0f);
        //            float vt = relativeVelocity.Dot(tangent);
        //            float tangentImpulse = c.massTangent * (-vt);
        //            // Clamp friction
        //            float oldTangentImpulse = c.accumulatedTangentImpulse;
        //            c.accumulatedTangentImpulse = MathUtil.Clamp(oldTangentImpulse + tangentImpulse, -maxTangentImpulse, maxTangentImpulse);
        //            tangentImpulse = c.accumulatedTangentImpulse - oldTangentImpulse;
        //            // Apply contact impulse
        //            if ((tangentImpulse > 0.1f) || (tangentImpulse < -0.1f)) {
        //                impulse = MathUtil.Scale(tangent, tangentImpulse);
        //                tmp.set(impulse);
        //                tmp.Scale(-b1.getInvMass());
        //                b1.AdjustVelocity(tmp);
        //                b1.AdjustAngularVelocity(-b1.getInvI() * MathUtil.Cross(r1, impulse));
        //                tmp.set(impulse);
        //                tmp.Scale(b2.getInvMass());
        //                b2.AdjustVelocity(tmp);
        //                b2.AdjustAngularVelocity(b2.getInvI() * MathUtil.Cross(r2, impulse));
        //            }
        //        }
        //    }
        /// <summary> Apply the impulse accumlated at the contact points maintained
        /// by this arbiter.
        /// </summary>
        internal virtual void ApplyImpulse()
            Body b1 = body1;
            Body b2 = body2;

            for (int i = 0; i < numContacts; ++i)
                Contact c = contacts[i];

                Vector2f r1 = new Vector2f(c.position);
                Vector2f r2 = new Vector2f(c.position);

                // Relative velocity at contact
                Vector2f relativeVelocity = new Vector2f(b2.Velocity);
                relativeVelocity.Add(MathUtil.Cross(b2.AngularVelocity, r2));
                relativeVelocity.Sub(MathUtil.Cross(b1.AngularVelocity, r1));

                // Compute normal impulse with bias.
                float vn = relativeVelocity.Dot(c.normal);

                // bias caculations are now handled seperately hence we only
                // handle the real impulse caculations here
                //float normalImpulse = c.massNormal * ((c.restitution - vn) + c.bias);
                float normalImpulse = c.massNormal * (c.restitution - vn);

                // Clamp the accumulated impulse
                float oldNormalImpulse = c.accumulatedNormalImpulse;
                c.accumulatedNormalImpulse = System.Math.Max(oldNormalImpulse + normalImpulse, 0.0f);
                normalImpulse = c.accumulatedNormalImpulse - oldNormalImpulse;

                // Apply contact impulse
                Vector2f impulse = MathUtil.Scale(c.normal, normalImpulse);

                b1.AdjustVelocity(MathUtil.Scale(impulse, - b1.InvMass));
                b1.AdjustAngularVelocity(- (b1.InvI * MathUtil.Cross(r1, impulse)));

                b2.AdjustVelocity(MathUtil.Scale(impulse, b2.InvMass));
                b2.AdjustAngularVelocity(b2.InvI * MathUtil.Cross(r2, impulse));

                // Compute bias impulse
                relativeVelocity.Add(MathUtil.Cross(b2.BiasedAngularVelocity, r2));
                relativeVelocity.Sub(MathUtil.Cross(b1.BiasedAngularVelocity, r1));
                float vnb = relativeVelocity.Dot(c.normal);

                float biasImpulse = c.massNormal * (- vnb + c.bias);
                float oldBiasImpulse = c.biasImpulse;
                c.biasImpulse = System.Math.Max(oldBiasImpulse + biasImpulse, 0.0f);
                biasImpulse = c.biasImpulse - oldBiasImpulse;

                Vector2f Pb = MathUtil.Scale(c.normal, biasImpulse);

                b1.AdjustBiasedVelocity(MathUtil.Scale(Pb, - b1.InvMass));
                b1.AdjustBiasedAngularVelocity(- (b1.InvI * MathUtil.Cross(r1, Pb)));

                b2.AdjustBiasedVelocity(MathUtil.Scale(Pb, b2.InvMass));
                b2.AdjustBiasedAngularVelocity((b2.InvI * MathUtil.Cross(r2, Pb)));

                // END NEW STUFF

                // Compute friction (tangent) impulse
                float maxTangentImpulse = friction * c.accumulatedNormalImpulse;

                // Relative velocity at contact
                relativeVelocity.Add(MathUtil.Cross(b2.AngularVelocity, r2));
                relativeVelocity.Sub(MathUtil.Cross(b1.AngularVelocity, r1));

                Vector2f tangent = MathUtil.Cross(c.normal, 1.0f);
                float vt = relativeVelocity.Dot(tangent);
                float tangentImpulse = c.massTangent * (- vt);

                // Clamp friction
                float oldTangentImpulse = c.accumulatedTangentImpulse;
                c.accumulatedTangentImpulse = MathUtil.Clamp(oldTangentImpulse + tangentImpulse, - maxTangentImpulse, maxTangentImpulse);
                tangentImpulse = c.accumulatedTangentImpulse - oldTangentImpulse;

                // Apply contact impulse
                impulse = MathUtil.Scale(tangent, tangentImpulse);

                b1.AdjustVelocity(MathUtil.Scale(impulse, - b1.InvMass));
                b1.AdjustAngularVelocity((- b1.InvI) * MathUtil.Cross(r1, impulse));

                b2.AdjustVelocity(MathUtil.Scale(impulse, b2.InvMass));
                b2.AdjustAngularVelocity(b2.InvI * MathUtil.Cross(r2, impulse));
Esempio n. 8
        /// <summary> Reconfigure this joint
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="b1">The first body attached to this joint
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="b2">The second body attached to this joint
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="anchor">The static anchor point between the joints
        /// </param>
        public virtual void Reconfigure(Body b1, Body b2, Vector2f anchor)
            body1 = b1;
            body2 = b2;

            Matrix2f rot1 = new Matrix2f(body1.Rotation);
            Matrix2f rot2 = new Matrix2f(body2.Rotation);
            Matrix2f rot1T = rot1.Transpose();
            Matrix2f rot2T = rot2.Transpose();

            Vector2f a1 = new Vector2f(anchor);
            localAnchor1 = MathUtil.Mul(rot1T, a1);
            Vector2f a2 = new Vector2f(anchor);
            localAnchor2 = MathUtil.Mul(rot2T, a2);

            accumulatedImpulse.Reconfigure(0.0f, 0.0f);
            relaxation = 1.0f;
Esempio n. 9
        /// <summary> Apply the impulse caused by the joint to the bodies attached.</summary>
        public virtual void ApplyImpulse()
            if (isBroken)
                // calculate difference in velocity
                // TODO: share this code with BasicJoint and Arbiter
                Vector2f relativeVelocity = new Vector2f(body2.Velocity);
                relativeVelocity.Add(MathUtil.Cross(body2.AngularVelocity, r2));
                relativeVelocity.Sub(MathUtil.Cross(body1.AngularVelocity, r1));

                // project the relative velocity onto the spring vector and apply the mass normal
                float normalImpulse = massNormal * relativeVelocity.Dot(spring);

                //			// TODO: Clamp the accumulated impulse?
                //			float oldNormalImpulse = accumulatedNormalImpulse;
                //			accumulatedNormalImpulse = Math.max(oldNormalImpulse + normalImpulse, 0.0f);
                //			normalImpulse = accumulatedNormalImpulse - oldNormalImpulse;

                // only apply the impulse if we are pushing or pulling in the right way
                // i.e. pulling if the string is overstretched and pushing if it is too compressed
                if (springLength < minSpringSize && normalImpulse < 0 || springLength > maxSpringSize && normalImpulse > 0)
                    // now apply the impulses to the bodies
                    Vector2f impulse = MathUtil.Scale(spring, normalImpulse);
                    body1.AdjustVelocity(MathUtil.Scale(impulse, body1.InvMass));
                    body1.AdjustAngularVelocity((body1.InvI * MathUtil.Cross(r1, impulse)));

                    body2.AdjustVelocity(MathUtil.Scale(impulse, - body2.InvMass));
                    body2.AdjustAngularVelocity(- (body2.InvI * MathUtil.Cross(r2, impulse)));
Esempio n. 10
        /// <seealso cref="Silver.Weight.Raw.Collide.Collider.Collide(Silver.Weight.Raw.Contact[], Silver.Weight.Raw.Body, Silver.Weight.Raw.Body)">
        /// </seealso>
        public virtual int Collide(Contact[] contacts, Body bodyA, Body bodyB)
            Line line = (Line) bodyA.Shape;
            Circle circle = (Circle) bodyB.Shape;

            Vector2f[] vertsA = line.getVertices(bodyA.GetPosition(), bodyA.Rotation);

            // compute intersection of the line A and a line parallel to
            // the line A's normal passing through the origin of B
            Vector2f startA = vertsA[0];
            Vector2f endA = vertsA[1];
            ROVector2f startB = bodyB.GetPosition();
            Vector2f endB = new Vector2f(endA);
            endB.Reconfigure(endB.y, - endB.x);
            //		endB.Add(startB);// TODO: inline endB into equations below, this last operation will be useless..

            //TODO: reuse mathutil.Intersect
            //		float d = (endB.y - startB.getY()) * (endA.x - startA.x);
            //		d -= (endB.x - startB.getX()) * (endA.y - startA.y);
            //		float uA = (endB.x - startB.getX()) * (startA.y - startB.getY());
            //		uA -= (endB.y - startB.getY()) * (startA.x - startB.getX());
            //		uA /= d;
            float d = endB.y * (endA.x - startA.x);
            d -= endB.x * (endA.y - startA.y);

            float uA = endB.x * (startA.y - startB.Y);
            uA -= endB.y * (startA.x - startB.X);
            uA /= d;

            Vector2f position = null;

            if (uA < 0)
                // the intersection is somewhere before startA
                position = startA;
            else if (uA > 1)
                // the intersection is somewhere after endA
                position = endA;
                position = new Vector2f(startA.x + uA * (endA.x - startA.x), startA.y + uA * (endA.y - startA.y));

            Vector2f normal = endB; // reuse of vector object
            float distSquared = normal.LengthSquared();
            float radiusSquared = circle.Radius * circle.Radius;

            if (distSquared < radiusSquared)
                contacts[0].Position = position;
                contacts[0].Feature = new FeaturePair();

                contacts[0].Normal = normal;

                float separation = (float) System.Math.Sqrt(distSquared) - circle.Radius;
                contacts[0].Separation = separation;

                return 1;

            return 0;
        /// <summary> Set a contact for an intersection where the colliding line's start- or endpoint
        /// is contained in the colliding polygon.
        /// TODO: The current implementation doesn't work properly: because lines are very
        /// thin, they can slide into a polygon sideways which gives a very deep penetration
        /// |
        /// |->
        /// |      +-----+
        /// |->    |     |
        /// |      |     |
        /// |     |
        /// +-----+
        /// A possible solution would be to use the velocity of the line relative to the 
        /// polygon to construct a collision normal and penetration depth.
        /// Another possibility is to use the line's normals (both directions) and calculate
        /// proper intersection distances for them.
        /// If one has multiple normals/penetration depths to choose from, the one with the
        /// minimum penetration depth will probably be the best bet.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="contact">The contact to set
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="intersection">The intersection where the line enters or exits the polygon
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="vertsA">The line's vertices
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="vertsB">The polygon's vertices
        /// </param>
        public virtual void SetLineEndContact(Contact contact, Intersection intersection, Vector2f[] vertsA, Vector2f[] vertsB)
            Vector2f separation = new Vector2f(intersection.position);
            if (intersection.isIngoing)

            float depthA = 0; //separation.Length();

            contact.Separation = - depthA;
            contact.Normal = MathUtil.GetNormal(vertsB[(intersection.edgeB + 1) % vertsB.Length], vertsB[intersection.edgeB]);
            contact.Position = intersection.position;
            contact.Feature = new FeaturePair(0, 0, intersection.edgeA, intersection.edgeB);
Esempio n. 12
        /// <summary> Reconfigure this joint
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="b1">The first body attached to this joint
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="b2">The second body attached to this joint
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="anchor1">The location of the attachment to the first body, in absolute coordinates.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="anchor2">The location of the attachment to the second body, in absolute coordinates.
        /// </param>
        public virtual void Reconfigure(Body b1, Body b2, ROVector2f anchor1, ROVector2f anchor2)
            body1 = b1;
            body2 = b2;

            Matrix2f rot1 = new Matrix2f(body1.Rotation);
            Matrix2f rot1T = rot1.Transpose();
            Vector2f a1 = new Vector2f(anchor1);
            localAnchor1 = MathUtil.Mul(rot1T, a1);

            Matrix2f rot2 = new Matrix2f(body2.Rotation);
            Matrix2f rot2T = rot2.Transpose();
            Vector2f a2 = new Vector2f(anchor2);
            localAnchor2 = MathUtil.Mul(rot2T, a2);
Esempio n. 13
        /// <summary> Precaculate everything and apply initial impulse before the
        /// simulation Step takes place
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="invDT">The amount of time the simulation is being stepped by
        /// </param>
        public virtual void PreStep(float invDT)
            // calculate the spring's vector (pointing from body1 to body2) and Length
            spring = new Vector2f(body2.GetPosition());
            springLength = spring.Length();

            // the spring vector needs to be normalized for ApplyImpulse as well!

            // calculate the spring's forces
            // note that although theoretically invDT could never be 0
            // but here it can
            float springConst;

            if (springLength < minSpringSize || springLength > maxSpringSize)
                // Pre-compute anchors, mass matrix, and bias.
                Matrix2f rot1 = new Matrix2f(body1.Rotation);
                Matrix2f rot2 = new Matrix2f(body2.Rotation);

                r1 = MathUtil.Mul(rot1, localAnchor1);
                r2 = MathUtil.Mul(rot2, localAnchor2);

                // the mass normal or 'k'
                float rn1 = r1.Dot(spring);
                float rn2 = r2.Dot(spring);
                float kNormal = body1.InvMass + body2.InvMass;
                kNormal += body1.InvI * (r1.Dot(r1) - rn1 * rn1) + body2.InvI * (r2.Dot(r2) - rn2 * rn2);
                massNormal = 1 / kNormal;

                // The spring is broken so apply force to correct it
                // note that we use biased velocities for this
                float springImpulse = invDT != 0?brokenSpringConst * (springLength - springSize) / invDT:0;

                Vector2f impulse = MathUtil.Scale(spring, springImpulse);
                body1.AdjustBiasedVelocity(MathUtil.Scale(impulse, body1.InvMass));
                body1.AdjustBiasedAngularVelocity((body1.InvI * MathUtil.Cross(r1, impulse)));

                body2.AdjustBiasedVelocity(MathUtil.Scale(impulse, - body2.InvMass));
                body2.AdjustBiasedAngularVelocity(- (body2.InvI * MathUtil.Cross(r2, impulse)));

                isBroken = true;
                return ;
            else if (springLength < springSize)
                springConst = compressedSpringConst;
                isBroken = false;
                // if ( springLength >= springSize )
                springConst = stretchedSpringConst;
                isBroken = false;

            float springImpulse2 = invDT != 0?springConst * (springLength - springSize) / invDT:0;

            // apply the spring's forces
            Vector2f impulse2 = MathUtil.Scale(spring, springImpulse2);
            body1.AdjustVelocity(MathUtil.Scale(impulse2, body1.InvMass));
            body1.AdjustAngularVelocity((body1.InvI * MathUtil.Cross(r1, impulse2)));

            body2.AdjustVelocity(MathUtil.Scale(impulse2, - body2.InvMass));
            body2.AdjustAngularVelocity(- (body2.InvI * MathUtil.Cross(r2, impulse2)));
Esempio n. 14
        /// <summary> Get point on this polygon's hull that is closest to p.
        /// TODO: make this thing return a negative value when it is contained in the polygon
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="p">The point to search the closest point for
        /// </param>
        /// <returns> the nearest point on this vertex' hull
        /// </returns>
        public override ROVector2f GetNearestPoint(ROVector2f p)
            // TODO: this can be done with a kind of binary search
            float r = System.Single.MaxValue;
            float l;
            Vector2f v;
            int m = - 1;

            for (int i = 0; i < vertices.Length; i++)
                v = new Vector2f(vertices[i]);
                l = v.x * v.x + v.y * v.y;

                if (l < r)
                    r = l;
                    m = i;

            // the closest point could be on one of the closest point's edges
            // this happens when the angle between v[m-1]-v[m] and p-v[m] is
            // smaller than 90 degrees, same for v[m+1]-v[m]
            int length = vertices.Length;
            Vector2f pm = new Vector2f(p);
            Vector2f l1 = new Vector2f(vertices[(m - 1 + length) % length]);
            Vector2f l2 = new Vector2f(vertices[(m + 1) % length]);

            Vector2f normal;
            if (pm.Dot(l1) > 0)
                normal = MathUtil.GetNormal(vertices[(m - 1 + length) % length], vertices[m]);
            else if (pm.Dot(l2) > 0)
                normal = MathUtil.GetNormal(vertices[m], vertices[(m + 1) % length]);
                return vertices[m];

            normal.Scale(- pm.Dot(normal));
            return normal;
Esempio n. 15
        /// <summary> Apply the impulse caused by the joint to the bodies attached.</summary>
        public virtual void ApplyImpulse()
            Vector2f dv = new Vector2f(body2.Velocity);
            dv.Add(MathUtil.Cross(body2.AngularVelocity, r2));
            dv.Sub(MathUtil.Cross(body1.AngularVelocity, r1));
            dv.Scale(- 1);
            dv.Add(bias); // TODO: is this baumgarte stabilization?

            if (dv.LengthSquared() == 0)
                return ;

            Vector2f impulse = MathUtil.Mul(M, dv);

            if (!body1.Static)
                Vector2f delta1 = new Vector2f(impulse);
                delta1.Scale(- body1.InvMass);
                body1.AdjustAngularVelocity((- body1.InvI) * MathUtil.Cross(r1, impulse));

            if (!body2.Static)
                Vector2f delta2 = new Vector2f(impulse);
                body2.AdjustAngularVelocity(body2.InvI * MathUtil.Cross(r2, impulse));

Esempio n. 16
        /// <summary> Configure the line
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="start">The start point of the line
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="end">The end point of the line
        /// </param>
        public virtual void Reconfigure(ROVector2f start, ROVector2f end)
            this.start = start;
            this.end = end;

            vec = new Vector2f(end);

            lenSquared = vec.Length();
            lenSquared *= lenSquared;
Esempio n. 17
        /// <summary> Precaculate everything and apply initial impulse before the
        /// simulation Step takes place
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="invDT">The amount of time the simulation is being stepped by
        /// </param>
        public virtual void PreStep(float invDT)
            // Pre-compute anchors, mass matrix, and bias.
            Matrix2f rot1 = new Matrix2f(body1.Rotation);
            Matrix2f rot2 = new Matrix2f(body2.Rotation);

            r1 = MathUtil.Mul(rot1, localAnchor1);
            r2 = MathUtil.Mul(rot2, localAnchor2);

            // deltaV = deltaV0 + K * impulse
            // invM = [(1/m1 + 1/m2) * eye(2) - skew(r1) * invI1 * skew(r1) - skew(r2) * invI2 * skew(r2)]
            //      = [1/m1+1/m2     0    ] + invI1 * [r1.y*r1.y -r1.x*r1.y] + invI2 * [r1.y*r1.y -r1.x*r1.y]
            //        [    0     1/m1+1/m2]           [-r1.x*r1.y r1.x*r1.x]           [-r1.x*r1.y r1.x*r1.x]
            Matrix2f K1 = new Matrix2f();
            K1.col1.x = body1.InvMass + body2.InvMass; K1.col2.x = 0.0f;
            K1.col1.y = 0.0f; K1.col2.y = body1.InvMass + body2.InvMass;

            Matrix2f K2 = new Matrix2f();
            K2.col1.x = body1.InvI * r1.y * r1.y; K2.col2.x = (- body1.InvI) * r1.x * r1.y;
            K2.col1.y = (- body1.InvI) * r1.x * r1.y; K2.col2.y = body1.InvI * r1.x * r1.x;

            Matrix2f K3 = new Matrix2f();
            K3.col1.x = body2.InvI * r2.y * r2.y; K3.col2.x = (- body2.InvI) * r2.x * r2.y;
            K3.col1.y = (- body2.InvI) * r2.x * r2.y; K3.col2.y = body2.InvI * r2.x * r2.x;

            Matrix2f K = MathUtil.Add(MathUtil.Add(K1, K2), K3);
            M = K.Invert();

            Vector2f p1 = new Vector2f(body1.GetPosition());
            Vector2f p2 = new Vector2f(body2.GetPosition());
            Vector2f dp = new Vector2f(p2);

            bias = new Vector2f(dp);
            bias.Scale(- 0.1f);

            // Apply accumulated impulse.

            if (!body1.Static)
                Vector2f accum1 = new Vector2f(accumulatedImpulse);
                accum1.Scale(- body1.InvMass);
                body1.AdjustAngularVelocity(- (body1.InvI * MathUtil.Cross(r1, accumulatedImpulse)));

            if (!body2.Static)
                Vector2f accum2 = new Vector2f(accumulatedImpulse);
                body2.AdjustAngularVelocity(body2.InvI * MathUtil.Cross(r2, accumulatedImpulse));
Esempio n. 18
        /// <summary> Given two intersecting polygons, the intersection points and a collision
        /// normal, get the maximum penetration Distance along the normal.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="in">The ingoing intersection
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="out">The outgoing intersection
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="normal">The collision normal
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="vertsA">The vertices of polygon A
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="vertsB">The vertices of polygon B
        /// </param>
        /// <returns> the maximum penetration depth along the given normal
        /// </returns>
        public static float GetPenetrationDepth(Intersection ingoing, Intersection outgoing, Vector2f normal, Vector2f[] vertsA, Vector2f[] vertsB)
            Vector2f sweepdir = new Vector2f(outgoing.position);

            PenetrationSweep ps = new PenetrationSweep(normal, sweepdir, ingoing.position, outgoing.position);

            //TODO: most penetrations are very simple, similar to:
            // \               +       |
            //  \             / \      |
            //   +-----------x---x-----+
            //              /     \
            // these should be handled separately

            ContourWalker walkerA = new Silver.Weight.Raw.Collide.PenetrationSweep.ContourWalker(ps, vertsA, ingoing.edgeA, outgoing.edgeA, false);
            ContourWalker walkerB = new Silver.Weight.Raw.Collide.PenetrationSweep.ContourWalker(ps, vertsB, (outgoing.edgeB + 1) % vertsB.Length, (ingoing.edgeB + 1) % vertsB.Length, true);

            float penetration = 0;
            float lowerBound = ingoing.position.Dot(normal);
            float upperBound = lowerBound;

            while (walkerA.HasNext() || walkerB.HasNext())
                // if walker a has more and the Next vertex comes before B's
                // or if walker a has more but walker b hasn't, go and take a Step
                if (walkerA.HasNext() && (walkerA.NextDistance < walkerB.NextDistance || !walkerB.HasNext()))
                    if (walkerA.Distance < ps.startDist || walkerA.Distance > ps.endDist)
                        continue; // we don't care for vertices outside of the intersecting borders

                    upperBound = walkerA.GetPenetration();
                    lowerBound = walkerB.GetPenetration(walkerA.Distance);
                    if (walkerB.Distance < ps.startDist || walkerB.Distance > ps.endDist)

                    upperBound = walkerA.GetPenetration(walkerB.Distance);
                    lowerBound = walkerB.GetPenetration();

                penetration = System.Math.Max(penetration, upperBound - lowerBound);

            return penetration;
Esempio n. 19
        /// <summary> Create a joint holding two bodies together
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="b1">The first body attached to the joint
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="b2">The second body attached to the joint
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="anchor1">The location of the attachment to the first body, in absolute coordinates.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="anchor2">The location of the attachment to the second body, in absolute coordinates.
        /// </param>
        public SpringJoint(Body b1, Body b2, ROVector2f anchor1, ROVector2f anchor2)
            id = NEXT_ID++;

            stretchedSpringConst = 100;
            compressedSpringConst = 100;
            brokenSpringConst = 100;

            Vector2f spring = new Vector2f(anchor1);
            springSize = spring.Length();
            minSpringSize = 0;
            maxSpringSize = 2 * springSize;

            Reconfigure(b1, b2, anchor1, anchor2);