public override object Transform(EngineIntrinsics engineIntrinsics, object inputData) { if (inputData is string var_name && var_name.StartsWith("$")) { // Work around a weird bug, if this starts with a $ it's probably a variable. // Query for it from the session state. inputData = engineIntrinsics.SessionState.PSVariable.GetValue(var_name.Substring(1)); } if (inputData is string s) { var result = Sid.Parse(s, false); if (result.IsSuccess) { return(result.Result); } } if (inputData is PSObject obj) { if (obj.BaseObject is Sid sd) { return(sd); } } return(new Sid(SecurityAuthority.Null, 0)); }
/// <summary> /// Get the object SID from a directory object. /// </summary> /// <param name="entry">The directory entry.</param> /// <returns>The object SID. Returns null if no object SID exists.</returns> public static Sid GetObjectSid(DirectoryEntry entry) { var sid = entry.ToPropertyClass().GetPropertyValue <byte[]>(kObjectSid); if (sid == null) { return(null); } return(Sid.Parse(sid, false).GetResultOrDefault()); }
private static Sid GetObjectSid(SearchResult result) { var sid = GetPropertyValue <byte[]>(result, kObjectSid); if (sid == null) { return(null); } return(Sid.Parse(sid, false).GetResultOrDefault()); }
internal FirewallSession(FWPM_SESSION0 session) { SessionKey = session.sessionKey; Name = string.IsNullOrEmpty( ? SessionKey.ToString() :; Description = session.displayData.description ?? string.Empty; Flags = session.flags; TxnWaitTimeoutInMSec = session.txnWaitTimeoutInMSec; ProcessId = session.processId; Sid = Sid.Parse(session.sid, false).GetResultOrDefault(); UserName = session.username ?? string.Empty; KernelMode = session.kernelMode; }
/// <summary> /// Get the AppContainer SID from the AuthZ context. /// </summary> /// <param name="throw_on_error">True to throw on error.</param> /// <returns>The AppContainer SID.</returns> public NtResult <Sid> GetAppContainerSid(bool throw_on_error) { using (var acsid = QueryBuffer <TokenAppContainerInformation>(AUTHZ_CONTEXT_INFORMATION_CLASS.AuthzContextInfoAppContainerSid, throw_on_error)) { if (!acsid.IsSuccess) { return(acsid.Cast <Sid>()); } IntPtr ptr = acsid.Result.Result.TokenAppContainer; if (ptr == IntPtr.Zero) { return(NtStatus.STATUS_INVALID_SID.CreateResultFromError <Sid>(throw_on_error)); } return(Sid.Parse(acsid.Result.Result.TokenAppContainer, throw_on_error)); } }
private protected FirewallNetEvent(IFwNetEvent net_event) { Type = net_event.Type; var header = net_event.Header; Flags = header.flags; Timestamp = new LargeInteger(header.timeStamp.ToInt64()).ToDateTime(); IPProtocol = (ProtocolType)header.ipProtocol; LocalEndpoint = FirewallUtils.GetEndpoint(header.ipVersion, header.localAddrV4, header.localAddrV6, header.localPort); RemoteEndpoint = FirewallUtils.GetEndpoint(header.ipVersion, header.remoteAddrV4, header.remoteAddrV6, header.remotePort); ScopeId = header.scopeId; AppId = Encoding.Unicode.GetString(header.appId.ToArray()).TrimEnd('\0'); UserId = Sid.Parse(header.userId, false).GetResultOrDefault(); AddressFamily = header.addressFamily; PackageSid = Sid.Parse(header.packageSid, false).GetResultOrDefault(); }
/// <summary> /// Get the package SID from a name. /// </summary> /// <param name="name">The name of the package, can be either an SDDL SID or a package name.</param> /// <returns>The derived SID.</returns> public static Sid GetPackageSidFromName(string name) { var package_sid = Sid.Parse(name, false); if (package_sid.IsSuccess) { if (!NtSecurity.IsPackageSid(package_sid.Result)) { throw new ArgumentException($"Invalid package SID {name}"); } return(package_sid.Result); } else { return(DerivePackageSidFromName(name)); } }
/// <summary> /// Open an alias by name. /// </summary> /// <param name="name">The name for the alias.</param> /// <param name="desired_access">The desired access for the alias object.</param> /// <param name="throw_on_error">True to throw on error.</param> /// <returns>The SAM alias object.</returns> public NtResult <SamAlias> OpenAlias(string name, SamAliasAccessRights desired_access, bool throw_on_error) { var sid_name = LookupName(name, throw_on_error); if (!sid_name.IsSuccess) { return(sid_name.Cast <SamAlias>()); } var sid = Sid.Parse(sid_name.Result.Sddl, throw_on_error); if (!sid.IsSuccess) { return(sid.Cast <SamAlias>()); } return(OpenAlias(sid.Result, desired_access, throw_on_error)); }
protected override NtResult <object> Parse(string value, bool throw_on_error) { return(Sid.Parse(value, false).Cast <object>()); }
private static bool Parse(byte[] data, bool expression, out List <ConditionalOperand> operands) { operands = new List <ConditionalOperand>(); BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(new MemoryStream(data)); if (expression && reader.ReadUInt32() != BINARY_MAGIC) { return(false); } while (reader.BaseStream.Position < reader.BaseStream.Length) { byte token = reader.ReadByte(); switch (token) { case 0x00: break; case 0x01: case 0x02: case 0x03: case 0x04: if (!ConditionalIntegerOperand.Parse(token, reader, out ConditionalIntegerOperand int_op)) { return(false); } operands.Add(int_op); break; case 0x10: operands.Add(new ConditionalStringOperand(ReadString(reader))); break; case 0x18: operands.Add(new ConditionalOctetStringOperand(ReadBytes(reader))); break; case 0x50: if (!Parse(ReadBytes(reader), false, out List <ConditionalOperand> comp_ops)) { return(false); } operands.Add(new ConditionalCompositeOperand(comp_ops)); break; case 0x51: var sid = Sid.Parse(ReadBytes(reader), false); if (!sid.IsSuccess) { return(false); } operands.Add(new ConditionalSidOperand(sid.Result)); break; default: if (!expression || !Parse(token, reader, operands)) { return(false); } break; } } return(true); }
internal static NtResult <CentralAccessPolicy> FromRegistry(NtKey key, Dictionary <int, CentralAccessRule> rules, bool throw_on_error) { List <CentralAccessRule> capes = new List <CentralAccessRule>(); string name = string.Empty; string description = string.Empty; Sid capid = null; string change_id = string.Empty; uint flags = 0; foreach (var value in key.QueryValues()) { switch (value.Name.ToLower()) { case "capes": var idxs = ParseCapeNumbers(value, throw_on_error); if (!idxs.IsSuccess) { return(idxs.Cast <CentralAccessPolicy>()); } foreach (var idx in idxs.Result) { if (rules.ContainsKey(idx)) { capes.Add(rules[idx]); } else { return(NtStatus.STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER.CreateResultFromError <CentralAccessPolicy>(throw_on_error)); } } break; case "capid": var sid = Sid.Parse(value.Data, false); if (!sid.IsSuccess) { return(sid.Cast <CentralAccessPolicy>()); } capid = sid.Result; break; case "changeid": change_id = value.ToString().TrimEnd('\0'); break; case "description": description = value.ToString().TrimEnd('\0'); break; case "flags": if (value.Type == RegistryValueType.Dword) { flags = (uint)value.ToObject(); } break; case "name": name = value.ToString().TrimEnd('\0'); break; } } return(new CentralAccessPolicy(capid, flags, name, description, change_id, capes).CreateResult()); }
/// <summary> /// Parse the policy from the Local Security Authority. /// </summary> /// <param name="throw_on_error">True to throw on error.</param> /// <returns>The list of Central Access Policies.</returns> public static NtResult <CentralAccessPolicy[]> ParseFromLsa(bool throw_on_error) { NtStatus status = SecurityNativeMethods.LsaGetAppliedCAPIDs(null, out SafeLsaMemoryBuffer capids, out int capid_count); if (!status.IsSuccess()) { return(status.CreateResultFromError <CentralAccessPolicy[]>(throw_on_error)); } List <CentralAccessPolicy> ret = new List <CentralAccessPolicy>(); using (capids) { status = SecurityNativeMethods.LsaQueryCAPs(capids.DangerousGetHandle(), capid_count, out SafeLsaMemoryBuffer caps, out uint cap_count); if (!status.IsSuccess()) { return(status.CreateResultFromError <CentralAccessPolicy[]>(throw_on_error)); } caps.Initialize <CENTRAL_ACCESS_POLICY>(cap_count); CENTRAL_ACCESS_POLICY[] policies = new CENTRAL_ACCESS_POLICY[cap_count]; caps.ReadArray(0, policies, 0, policies.Length); foreach (var policy in policies) { SafeHGlobalBuffer buffer = new SafeHGlobalBuffer(policy.CAPEs, policy.CAPECount * IntPtr.Size, false); IntPtr[] rule_entries = new IntPtr[policy.CAPECount]; buffer.ReadArray(0, rule_entries, 0, policy.CAPECount); List <CentralAccessRule> rules = new List <CentralAccessRule>(); foreach (var ptr in rule_entries) { var entry = new SafeStructureInOutBuffer <CENTRAL_ACCESS_POLICY_ENTRY>(ptr, Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(CENTRAL_ACCESS_POLICY_ENTRY)), false); var r = entry.Result; SecurityDescriptor sd = null; SecurityDescriptor staged_sd = null; string applies_to = string.Empty; if (r.LengthSD > 0) { var result = SecurityDescriptor.Parse(r.SD, throw_on_error); if (!result.IsSuccess) { return(result.Cast <CentralAccessPolicy[]>()); } sd = result.Result; } if (r.LengthStagedSD > 0) { var result = SecurityDescriptor.Parse(r.StagedSD, throw_on_error); if (!result.IsSuccess) { return(result.Cast <CentralAccessPolicy[]>()); } staged_sd = result.Result; } if (r.LengthAppliesTo > 0) { byte[] condition = new byte[r.LengthAppliesTo]; Marshal.Copy(r.AppliesTo, condition, 0, r.LengthAppliesTo); var result = NtSecurity.ConditionalAceToString(condition, throw_on_error); if (!result.IsSuccess) { return(result.Cast <CentralAccessPolicy[]>()); } applies_to = result.Result; } rules.Add(new CentralAccessRule(r.Name.ToString(), r.Description.ToString(), sd, staged_sd, applies_to, r.ChangeId.ToString(), r.Flags)); } var capid = Sid.Parse(policy.CAPID, throw_on_error); if (!capid.IsSuccess) { return(capid.Cast <CentralAccessPolicy[]>()); } ret.Add(new CentralAccessPolicy(capid.Result, policy.Flags, policy.Name.ToString(), policy.Description.ToString(), policy.ChangeId.ToString(), rules)); } } return(ret.ToArray().CreateResult()); }