public void ActorPageTest() { var seriesTitle = "The Blacklist"; var actorsCount = 7; var actorSpader = "James Spader"; var actorMarno = "Mozhan Marnò"; var actorTawfiq = "Hisham Tawfiq"; var actorBoone = "Megan Boone"; Assert.That(new AnyPage(driver) .ClickShowsMenuLnk() .WaitForPageLoaded() .IsSeriesDisplayed(seriesTitle), Is.True, $"Не отображается сериал: {seriesTitle}"); var castpage = new ShowsPage(driver) .GoToSeriesPageByTitle(seriesTitle) .ClickAddToFavorites() .GoToCastPage() .WaitForPageLoaded(); Assert.That(() => castpage.GetActorsCount(), Is.EqualTo(actorsCount).After(5000, 1000), "Не совпало количество актёров"); Assert.That(castpage.IsActorDisplayed(actorSpader), Is.True, $"Не отображается актер: {actorSpader}"); Assert.That(castpage.IsActorDisplayed(actorMarno), Is.True, $"Не отображается актер: {actorMarno}"); Assert.That(castpage.IsActorDisplayed(actorTawfiq), Is.True, $"Не отображается актер: {actorTawfiq}"); castpage.GoToActorPage(actorBoone).WaitForPageLoaded(); Assert.That(new ActorPage(driver) .ClickMore() .IsLessBtnDisplayed(), Is.True, "Не отображатеся кнопка Less"); }
public void ValidateTabsTest() { NBCHeader headerPage = new NBCHeader(driver); ShowsPage showsPage = headerPage .ClickShowsTab() .ClickCurrentTab() .ClickUpcomingTab() .ClickThrowbackTab() .ClickAllTab(); Assert.That(showsPage.IsShowBlockByNameExist(serialName), Is.True, $"Сериала с именем {serialName} нет"); showsPage.ClickOnShowBlockByName(serialName); }
public void HT6Test() { var expectedActorsCount = 7; var JamesSpader = "James Spader"; var Mozhan = "Mozhan Marnò"; var Hisham = "Hisham Tawfiq "; var Megan = "Megan Boone"; Allure.WrapInStep(() => { NavigateToNBCSite(); }, "Step1: Navigate To NBC Site"); Allure.WrapInStep(() => { var nbcShows = new NBCHeader(driver).ClickShows(); Assert.That(nbcShows.IsShowBlockByNameExist(nbcSerialName), Is.True, $"Сериала с именем {nbcSerialName} нет"); }, "Step2: Check if the series exists"); Allure.WrapInStep(() => { var serialPage = new ShowsPage(driver) .ClickOnShowBlockByName(nbcSerialName) .ClickAddToFavorite() .ClosePopUpIfPresent() .ClickCast(); Assert.Multiple(() => { Assert.That(() => serialPage.GetActorsCount(), Is.EqualTo(expectedActorsCount).After(30 * 1000, 1 * 1000), "Actors count is not as expected"); Assert.That(serialPage.IsActorPresent(JamesSpader), Is.True, $"Actor {JamesSpader} is not present"); Assert.That(serialPage.IsActorPresent(Mozhan), Is.True, $"Actor {Mozhan} is not present"); Assert.That(serialPage.IsActorPresent(Hisham), Is.True, $"Actor {Hisham} is not present"); }); }, "Step3: Check number of actors and name of actors in Cast tab"); Allure.WrapInStep(() => { new SerialPage(driver).ClickOnActor(Megan).ClickMoreButton(); }, "Step4: Click on More button"); Allure.WrapInStep(() => { Assert.That(new SerialPage(driver).IsLessButtonDisplayed(), Is.True, "Button Less is not present"); }, "Step5: Check if the Less button exists"); }
public static async Task Run( [OrchestrationTrigger] DurableOrchestrationContext orchestrationContext, ILogger logger) { logger.LogInformation("{0} function processed a request.", nameof(InitialLoadingOrchestratorFunction)); int pageNumber = 1; while (true) { logger.LogInformation("Processing {0} page", pageNumber); ShowsPage page = await orchestrationContext.CallActivityAsync <ShowsPage>(nameof(GetShowsPageFunction), pageNumber); if (page.IsLastPage) { break; } IEnumerable <Task <CastInfo> > castInfosTasks = page.Shows.Select( show => orchestrationContext.CallActivityAsync <CastInfo>(nameof(GetShowCastFunction), show.Id)); var castInfos = await Task.WhenAll(castInfosTasks); var showsWithCast = new List <ShowWithCast>(page.Shows.Count); foreach (var castInfo in castInfos) { var showToEnrich = page.Shows.First(show => show.Id == castInfo.ShowId); showsWithCast.Add( new ShowWithCast { Id = showToEnrich.Id, Name = showToEnrich.Name, Updated = showToEnrich.Updated, Cast = castInfo.Cast }); } await orchestrationContext.CallActivityAsync(nameof(InsertShowsFunction), showsWithCast); pageNumber++; } }
public async Task <IActionResult> List([FromQuery] PagingParameters parameters) { this.pageParametersValidator.EnsureValid(parameters); ShowsPage showsPage = await this.showsService.ListShowsAsync(parameters.PageNumber, parameters.PageSize); var showsDto = this.mapper.Map <ShowsDto>(showsPage); var actionInfo = new ActionInfo { UrlHelper = this.urlHelper, RouteName = nameof(this.List), HttpMethod = HttpMethod.Get.Method }; showsDto.GenerateLinks(this.pageStringResources, actionInfo); return(this.Ok(showsDto)); }
public async Task <ShowsPage> ListShowsAsync(int pageNumber, int pageSize) { if (pageNumber <= 0) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(pageNumber)); } if (pageSize <= 0) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(pageSize)); } var pageTask = this.showRepository.GetPageAsync( pageNumber, pageSize, show => new ShowDal { Id = show.Id, Name = show.Name, Cast = show.Cast.OrderByDescending(actor => actor.DateOfBirth) }); var countTask = this.showRepository.GetTotalCountAsync(); int count = await countTask; IEnumerable <ShowDal> dalPage = await pageTask; var page = this.mapper.Map <ICollection <Show> >(dalPage); var showsPage = new ShowsPage { Count = page.Count, PageNumber = pageNumber, PageSize = pageSize, TotalPages = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)count / pageSize), TotalShows = count, Shows = page }; return(showsPage); }
public async Task <bool> ProcessPage(long pageId) { var client = _httpClientFactory.Service; var pageUrl = _showsApiUrl.Replace(Constants.PageIdToken, pageId.ToString()); var response = await client.Get(pageUrl); if (response.IsEnd) { return(false); } if (response.IsOk) { var shows = _jsonConverterFactory.Service.DeserializeObject <List <ShowCastModel> >(response.ResponseContent); foreach (var show in shows) { var castUrl = _showCastApiUrl.Replace(Constants.ShowIdToken,; var castResponse = await client.Get(castUrl); if (castResponse.IsOk) { show.sourceCast = _jsonConverterFactory.Service.DeserializeObject <List <ShowCastModel.Person> >(castResponse.ResponseContent); } } var showsJson = _jsonConverterFactory.Service.SerializeObject(shows); var showsPage = new ShowsPage { Id = pageId, Json = showsJson }; await _storageFactory.Service.AddOrUpdate(showsPage); } return(true); }