public SplashWindow()

            _titleSplosion = Resources["TitleSplosion"] as Storyboard;
            _showSubtitle = Resources["ShowSubTitle"] as Storyboard;
            _showMessage = Resources["ShowLoadingMessage"] as Storyboard;
            _hideMessage = Resources["HideLoadingMessage"] as Storyboard;

            txtLoading.Text = "";

            _onShowStoryboard = OnShowStoryboard;
            _onShowText = OnShowText;
            _onHideText = OnHideText;
        private void ShowText(string text, bool showIt)
            if (System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread != textBox.Dispatcher.Thread)
                if (setText == null)
                    // Tom Xue: Delegates are used to pass methods as arguments to other methods.
                    setText = new ShowTextHandler(ShowText);

                object[] myArray = new object[2];
                myArray[0] = text;
                myArray[1] = showIt;
                textBox.Dispatcher.Invoke(setText, DispatcherPriority.Normal, myArray);
                if (showIt)
                    textBox.AppendText(text + " ");
                    // Set some limitation, otherwise the program needs to refresh all the old data (accumulated) and cause performance down
                    //if (textBox.LineCount > 4500)
                    //    textBox.Clear();