protected void CompleteShot(ref ShotInformation shot) { if (!shot.valid) { return; } bool failedToFindInterestingStrategies = frames > 10 && shot.interestPoint != null && shot.sampledStrategies.Count == 0; if (failedToFindInterestingStrategies) { shot.interestPoint = null; frames = 0; } if (shot.interestPoint == null) { EmotionSpectrum emotionAtShotStart = emotionEngine.GetSmoothSpectrum(shot.startEvent.timestamp); shot.interestPoint = FindInterestPoint(emotionAtShotStart, shot.startEvent.timestamp); } else { SampleStrategies(shot.sampledStrategies, shot.interestPoint, shot.startEvent, shot.duration * ProceduralEngine.Instance.Duration); } }
protected void StartTransition(ShotInformation shot) { if (currentShot.valid && currentShot.strategy != null) { currentShot.strategy.StopStrategy(); } if (shot.valid) { // Select the strategy when starting the transition shot.strategy = ProceduralEngine.SelectRandomWeighted(shot.sampledStrategies, x => x.Value).Key; shot.selectedCamera = InstanceCamera(); this.history.Add(shot); this.nextShot = new ShotInformation(); this.nextShot.sampledStrategies = new List <KeyValuePair <ProceduralCameraStrategy, float> >(); this.nextShotTries = 0; this.currentCutTime = 0f; this.currentShot = shot; this.currentCamera = shot.selectedCamera; this.currentCamera.InitializeCamera(currentShot.strategy, GetComponent <PostProcessingBehaviour>().profile); this.currentShot.strategy.StartStrategy(currentCamera); } }
public static ShotInformationResponse ToRest(this ShotInformation shotInformation) { return(new ShotInformationResponse() { Destroy = shotInformation.Destroy, Knock = shotInformation.Knock, End = shotInformation.End }); }
public void InitializeDirector(EmotionEngine engine) { this.emotionEngine = engine; this.nextShot = new ShotInformation(); this.grid = GetComponent <InterestPointGrid>(); ProceduralEngine.Instance.EventDispatcher.AddListener(this); this.currentShot = new ShotInformation(); this.currentShot.valid = false; }
public void UpdateCamera(float t) { if (!currentShot.valid) { return; } CompleteShot(ref nextShot); if (currentCutTime < currentShot.duration) { // Normalized delta currentCutTime += Time.deltaTime / ProceduralEngine.Instance.Duration; if (!nextShot.valid) { nextShot = TryFindCut(currentShot.selectedNextEventTrigger); nextShotTries++; //if (nextShot.valid) // Debug.Log("Found shot at frame " + frames); } else { CompleteShot(ref nextShot); } } else { //Debug.Log(frames); //Debug.Log(nextShot.interestPoint); //Debug.Log(nextShot.sampledStrategies.Count); //if (nextShot.sampledStrategies.Count == 0) // Debug.Log(nextShot.interestPoint, nextShot.interestPoint); frames = 0; if (nextShot.valid) { StartTransition(nextShot); } else { // Couldnt sample an interesting shot, just repeat the last one StartTransition(currentShot); Debug.Log("Failed finding a shot; repeating..."); } } frames++; }
public ShotConfiguration GetNextShotConfig() { bool newFase = setupFase(); Vector3 position; if (hardPositioning) { position = hardPosition; } else { position = AreaManager.GetRandomPoint(CurrentDifficulty, ServiceLocator.Request <IGameplayService>().GetGameMode(), centerPercent); } ShotConfiguration config = new ShotConfiguration() { Mode = GameMode.Shooter, //Position = AreaManager.GetRandomPoint( CurrentDifficulty, ServiceLocator.Request<IGameplayService>().GetGameMode() ), Position = position, Bullseyes = null, Difficulty = CurrentDifficulty, Fase = fase, IsNewFase = newFase }; // mostrar la barrera (si procede) SetupWall(position); // mostrar sábana (si procede) SetupSheet(); lastConfig = config; ShotInformation info = new ShotInformation() { Shot = config, Result = false }; CurrentShot = info; sendEvent(config); return(config); }
public void StartFirstShot() { EmotionEvent firstEvent = emotionEngine.GetFirstEvent(); ShotInformation firstShot = new ShotInformation(); int tries = 64; for (int i = 0; i < tries; ++i) { if (!firstShot.valid) { firstShot = TryFindCut(firstEvent); } else { CompleteShot(ref firstShot); } // Emulate frames so the interest point reset works frames++; } StartTransition(firstShot); }
/// <summary> /// This method has two main responsibilities: /// - Decide when to cut /// - Decide what shot to take /// It is tied to a specific event, so that the chaining of shots is possible /// </summary> protected ShotInformation TryFindCut(EmotionEvent startEvent) { ShotInformation shot = new ShotInformation(); shot.valid = false; shot.selectedCamera = null; shot.type = TransitionType.Cut; // TODO: for now... shot.strategy = null; shot.interestPoint = null; shot.sampledStrategies = new List <KeyValuePair <ProceduralCameraStrategy, float> >(); shot.startEvent = startEvent; // Make sure we don't lag float timestamp = Mathf.Max(startEvent.timestamp, ProceduralEngine.Instance.CurrentTimeNormalized); CutRange searchRange = EvaluateCutRangeForEvent(startEvent); float minT = timestamp + searchRange.minCutTime; float maxT = timestamp + searchRange.maxCutTime * (1f + nextShotTries * .1f); // Increase search range when it fails List <EmotionEventGroup> searchEvents = ProceduralEngine.Instance.EventDispatcher.GetFutureEventGroups(minT, maxT); if (searchEvents.Count == 0) { Debug.Log("Could not find event groups... " + minT + ", " + maxT); return(shot); } EmotionEventGroup selectedGroup = null; bool structural = false; foreach (EmotionEventGroup g in searchEvents) { if (g.ContainsStructuralEvent()) { selectedGroup = g; structural = true; } } if (selectedGroup == null) { selectedGroup = ProceduralEngine.SelectRandomWeighted(searchEvents, x => x.GetPriority()); } // We found a subset of interesting events, now we can pick something in here if (selectedGroup != null && > 0) { EmotionEvent selectedEvent; if (structural) { selectedEvent = selectedGroup.GetStructuralEvent(); } else { selectedEvent = ProceduralEngine.SelectRandomWeighted(, x => GetEventPriority(x)); } shot.duration = (selectedEvent.timestamp - timestamp); shot.selectedNextEventTrigger = selectedEvent; // Try cutting before, but not after float margin = emotionEngine.BeatDurationNormalized * .5f; float fuzzyDuration = shot.duration - ProceduralEngine.RandomRange(0f, margin); if (fuzzyDuration > searchRange.minCutTime && fuzzyDuration < searchRange.maxCutTime) { shot.duration = fuzzyDuration; } shot.valid = true; } return(shot); }