Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds the common fields.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="document">The document.</param>
        /// <param name="propertyBag"></param>
        protected virtual void AddCommonFields(Document document, PropertyBag propertyBag, ShortID runningContextId, string id)
            // Here we add some useful fields:
            // Name - is is both used to search and to display the results
            // Url - is used to identify and open the file associated with the result.
            // Icon is used to display icon in the search results pane
            // Tags and Path can be used to narrow down the search but are not explicitly used in the current UI
            // Boost is used to adjust the priority of results from the filesystem relative to other locations.

            // Notice the functions used:
            //  CreateTextField(name, value) - creates a field optimized for full-text search.
            //                                 the content of the field cannot be retrieved from the index.
            //  CreateValueField(name, value) - creates a field optimized for value search (such as dates, GUIDs etc).
            //                                 the content of the field cannot be retrieved from the index.
            //  CreateDataField(name, value) - creates a field that will be returned in the search result.
            //                                 it is not possible to search for values in such fields.
            // These functions are just helpers, and it is possible to use just Lucene.Net API here.
            document.Add(this.CreateValueField(BuiltinFields.Path, id));
            document.Add(this.CreateDataField(BuiltinFields.Path, id));

            document.Add(this.CreateTextField(BuiltinFields.Name, ValueOrEmpty(propertyBag.Title)));
            document.Add(this.CreateDataField(BuiltinFields.Name, ValueOrEmpty(propertyBag.Title)));
            document.Add(this.CreateValueField(CustomFields.UpdateContextId, runningContextId.ToString().ToLower()));
            document.Add(this.CreateDataField(CustomFields.Depth, value: propertyBag.Step.Depth.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)));
            document.Add(this.CreateTextField(BuiltinFields.Tags, ValueOrEmpty(Tags)));
            document.Add(this.CreateDataField(BuiltinFields.Tags, ValueOrEmpty(Tags)));
            document.Add(CreateDataField(BuiltinFields.Group, ValueOrEmpty(id)));
            document.Boost = this.Boost;
        protected void ShowConfirm(ClientPipelineArgs args)
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(args, "args");
            if (!args.IsPostBack)
                SheerResponse.Confirm("Personalize component settings will be removed. Are you sure you want to continue?");
            if (!args.HasResult || !(args.Result != "no"))
                this.ComponentPersonalization.Checked = true;
            XElement rulesSet = this.RulesSet;

            foreach (XElement xElement in rulesSet.Elements("rule"))
                XElement actionById = PersonalizationFormWithActions.GetActionById(xElement, this.SetRenderingActionId);
                if (actionById == null)
                HtmlTextWriter htmlTextWriter = new HtmlTextWriter(new StringWriter());
                this.RenderSetRenderingAction(xElement, htmlTextWriter);
                ShortID shortID = ShortID.Parse(xElement.GetAttributeValue("uid"));
                Assert.IsNotNull(shortID, "ruleId");
                SheerResponse.SetInnerHtml(string.Concat(shortID, "_setrendering"), htmlTextWriter.InnerWriter.ToString().Replace("{ID}", shortID.ToString()));
            this.RulesSet = rulesSet;
Esempio n. 3
        public static string NormalizeGuid(string guid, bool lowercase)
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(guid) && IsGuid(guid))
                var shortId = new ShortID(guid);
                return lowercase ? shortId.ToString().ToLowerInvariant() : shortId.ToString();

            return guid;