public void NotifyPartDestroyed(ShipPart part) { parts.Remove(part); parts = parts.Where(p => p != null).ToList(); // HACK! Don't know why I need this. Single cockpit throws errors otherwise cameraManager.AddScreenShake(1.5f); Thrusters thruster = part.GetComponent <Thrusters>(); if (thruster != null) { thrusters.Remove(thruster); } ProjectileWeapon weapon = part.GetComponent <ProjectileWeapon>(); if (weapon != null) { weapons.Remove(weapon); } if (part.partName == "Cockpit") { // Inverse for loop because each death will modify parts with the callback Debug.LogFormat("Killing remaining {0} parts", parts.Count); for (int i = parts.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { // TODO: It would be really cool if we could show each part blowing up in succession parts[i].TakeDamage(parts[i].maxHealth); } Destroy(gameObject); } }
public AttachPoint(Vector3 position,ShipPart myParent, string name) { GameObject attachPoint = (GameObject)Instantiate(Resources.Load("attachPoint")); attachPoint.transform.position = position; attachPoint.transform.localScale = new Vector3(myParent.GetComponent<BoxCollider>().size.x / 1.5f,myParent.GetComponent<BoxCollider>().size.x / 1.5f,myParent.GetComponent<BoxCollider>().size.x / 1.5f); attachPoint.transform.parent = myParent.transform; myName = name; = "attachPoint(" + myName + ")"; }
void SelectShipPart() { RaycastHit hit; Ray ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition); if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit, 100000.0f)) { if (_selectedPart != null) { foreach (Renderer rend in _selectedPart.GetAllMeshRenderers()) { foreach (var mat in rend.materials) { mat.EnableKeyword("_EMISSION"); mat.SetColor("_EmissionColor",; } } _selectedPart.isSelected = false; } var newPart = hit.transform.GetComponent <ShipPart>(); if (_selectedPart != newPart) { _selectedPart = newPart; _selectedPart.isSelected = true; foreach (Renderer rend in _selectedPart.GetAllMeshRenderers()) { foreach (var mat in rend.materials) { mat.EnableKeyword("_EMISSION"); mat.SetColor("_EmissionColor", Color.cyan); } } partText.text =; var shipPart = _selectedPart.GetComponent <ShipPart>(); statusText.text = "Status: " + _selectedPart.GetComponent <ShipPart>().GetPartStatus; panel.SetActive(true); if (shipPart.GetPartStatus == PartStatus.OK) { fixButton.SetActive(false); panel.GetComponent <RectTransform>().sizeDelta = new Vector2(300, 200); } else { fixButton.SetActive(true); panel.GetComponent <RectTransform>().sizeDelta = new Vector2(300, 300); } } else { UnselectShipPart(); } Debug.Log("You selected the " +; // ensure you picked right object } }
public AttachPoint(Vector3 position, ShipPart myParent, string name) { GameObject attachPoint = (GameObject)Instantiate(Resources.Load("attachPoint")); attachPoint.transform.position = position; attachPoint.transform.localScale = new Vector3(myParent.GetComponent <BoxCollider>().size.x / 1.5f, myParent.GetComponent <BoxCollider>().size.x / 1.5f, myParent.GetComponent <BoxCollider>().size.x / 1.5f); attachPoint.transform.parent = myParent.transform; myName = name; = "attachPoint(" + myName + ")"; }
// Top screen private void SetupSelectedPartUI(int buttonIndex) { List <string> invKeys = inventory.Keys.ToList(); invKeys.Sort(); if (invKeys.Count == 0) { return; } selectedPart = shipFactory.GetPrefabByNameAndMark(invKeys[partScrollIndex + buttonIndex]).GetComponent <ShipPart>(); SP_title.text = selectedPart.partName; SP_mark.text = "MK " + selectedPart.mark; SP_place.text = "Inventory: " + inventory[invKeys[partScrollIndex + buttonIndex]]; SP_icon.sprite = selectedPart.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sprite; if (selectedPart.partName == "Thrusters") { SP_icon.sprite = thrusterButtonSprite; } foreach (RectTransform button in partSelectButtons) { button.GetComponent <Image>().color = Color.white; } partSelectButtons[buttonIndex].GetComponent <Image>().color = selectedPartColor; }
public IEnumerator Loader() { if (savedSpaceShip.shipName != "") { savedSpaceShip.partIndex = PlayerPrefsX.GetIntArray(savedSpaceShip.shipName + ".savedSpaceShip.partIndex"); myAPoints = PlayerPrefsX.GetIntArray(savedSpaceShip.shipName + ".myAPoints"); targetAPoints = PlayerPrefsX.GetIntArray(savedSpaceShip.shipName + ".targetAPoints"); int[] serialID = new int[savedSpaceShip.partIndex.Length]; thisPartAttachPoint = null; otherPartAttachPoint = null; thisParts = new ShipPart[savedSpaceShip.partIndex.Length]; otherParts = new ShipPart[savedSpaceShip.partIndex.Length]; ShipPart thisPart = null; ShipPart otherPart = null; int value; for (int i = 0; i < savedSpaceShip.partIndex.Length; i++) { thisPart = (ShipPart)Instantiate(partInstantiator.GetComponent <PartInstantiator>().partList[savedSpaceShip.partIndex[i]], (Vector2)(Camera.main.transform.position), Quaternion.Euler(-90, 180, 0)); int.TryParse(, out value); = (i + 100 + value).ToString(); int.TryParse(, out value); serialID [i] = value; otherPart = GameObject.Find(serialID[thisPart.attachedToIndex].ToString()).GetComponent <ShipPart>(); thisParts[i] = thisPart; otherParts[i] = otherPart; if (i == 0) { loadedShip = thisPart.gameObject; } shipScaleVertical += thisPart.GetComponent <BoxCollider>().size.y; } yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame()); for (int i = 0; i < myAPoints.Length; i++) { Transform[] children = thisParts[i + 1].GetComponentsInChildren <Transform>(); foreach (Transform child in children) { if (( == "attachPoint(up)" && myAPoints[i] == 1) || ( == "attachPoint(down)" && myAPoints[i] == 2)) { thisPartAttachPoint = child.GetComponent <AttachPoint>(); } } children = otherParts[i + 1].GetComponentsInChildren <Transform>(); foreach (Transform child in children) { if (( == "attachPoint(up)" && targetAPoints[i] == 1) || ( == "attachPoint(down)" && targetAPoints[i] == 2)) { otherPartAttachPoint = child.GetComponent <AttachPoint>(); } } thisPartAttachPoint.otherAttachPoint = otherPartAttachPoint; thisPartAttachPoint.Attach(); } } else { Debug.Log("Load failed."); } }