public override void ViewDidLoad ()
			base.ViewDidLoad ();

			// Create the chart
			float margin = UserInterfaceIdiomIsPhone ? 10 : 50;
			chart = new ShinobiChart (new RectangleF (margin, margin, View.Bounds.Width - 2 * margin, View.Bounds.Height - 2 * margin)) {
				Title = "Grocery Sales Figures",
				AutoresizingMask = ~UIViewAutoresizing.None,
				LicenseKey = "" // TODO: add your trail licence key here!

			// Add a pair of axes
			SChartCategoryAxis xAxis = new SChartCategoryAxis ();
			xAxis.Style.InterSeriesPadding = 0.1;
			chart.XAxis = xAxis;

			SChartAxis yAxis = new SChartNumberAxis () {
				Title = "Sales (1000s)",
				RangePaddingHigh = new NSNumber(1)
			chart.YAxis = yAxis;

			// Add the the view
			View.AddSubview (chart);

			// Set the data source
			chart.DataSource = new ColumnSeriesDataSource ();

			// Show the legend on iPad only
			if(!UserInterfaceIdiomIsPhone) {
				chart.Legend.Hidden = false;
				chart.Legend.Placement = SChartLegendPlacement.InsidePlotArea;
        public override void ViewDidLoad()
            base.ViewDidLoad ();

            // Create the chart
            float margin = UserInterfaceIdiomIsPhone ? 10 : 50;
            RectangleF frame = new RectangleF (margin, margin, View.Bounds.Width - 2 * margin, View.Bounds.Height - 2 * margin);
            chart = new ShinobiChart (frame) {
                Title = "Project Commit Punchcard",
                AutoresizingMask = ~UIViewAutoresizing.None,

                LicenseKey = "", // TODO: add your trail licence key here!

                DataSource = new BubbleSeriesDataSource(),
                YAxis = new SChartCategoryAxis {
                    Title = "Day",
                    RangePaddingHigh = new NSNumber(0.5),
                    RangePaddingLow = new NSNumber(0.5)
                XAxis = new SChartNumberAxis {
                    Title = "Hour",
                    RangePaddingHigh = new NSNumber(0.5),
                    RangePaddingLow = new NSNumber(0.5)

            View.AddSubview (chart);
		void CreateColumnChart (RectangleF frame)
			// Create the chart
			columnChart = new ShinobiChart (frame.Inset(40)) {
				Title = "Grocery Sales Figures",
				AutoresizingMask = ~UIViewAutoresizing.None,
				LicenseKey = "" //TODO: add your trail licence key here!

			// Add a pair of axes
			var xAxis = new SChartCategoryAxis ();
			xAxis.Style.InterSeriesPadding = 0;
			columnChart.XAxis = xAxis;

			var yAxis = new SChartNumberAxis {
				Title = "Sales (1000s)",
				RangePaddingHigh = new NSNumber(1)
			columnChart.YAxis = yAxis;

			// Add to the view
			View.AddSubview (columnChart);

			var columnChartDelegate = new ColumnChartDelegate();
			columnChartDelegate.ToggledSelection += ColumnChartToggledSelection;

			columnChart.DataSource = columnChartDataSource;
			columnChart.Delegate = columnChartDelegate;

			// Show the legend
			columnChart.Legend.Hidden = false;
			columnChart.Legend.Placement = SChartLegendPlacement.InsidePlotArea;

Esempio n. 4
        private void CreateChart()
            _columnChart                  = new ShinobiChart(this.Bounds);
            _columnChart.LicenseKey       = ShinobiLicenseKeyProviderJson.Instance.ChartsLicenseKey;
            _columnChart.AutoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleDimensions;

            SChartNumberAxis xAxis = new SChartNumberAxis();

            xAxis.Title        = "Week";
            _columnChart.XAxis = xAxis;

            SChartNumberAxis yAxis = new SChartNumberAxis();

            yAxis.RangePaddingHigh = (NSNumber)0.5;
            yAxis.Title            = "Commits";
            _columnChart.YAxis     = yAxis;

            // Display the legend
            _columnChart.Legend.Hidden    = false;
            _columnChart.Legend.Placement = SChartLegendPlacement.InsidePlotArea;
            _columnChart.Legend.Position  = SChartLegendPosition.TopLeft;

            // disable interaction - in order to allow paging of the container view
            _columnChart.UserInteractionEnabled = false;

            // Add it as a subview
        private void createChart()
            _lineChart = new ShinobiChart(this.Bounds);
            // Get the license key from our JSON reading utility
            _lineChart.LicenseKey       = ShinobiLicenseKeyProviderJson.Instance.ChartsLicenseKey;
            _lineChart.AutoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleDimensions;

            SChartDateTimeAxis xAxis = new SChartDateTimeAxis();

            xAxis.Title = "Week Commencing";
            _lineChart.XAxis = xAxis;

            SChartNumberAxis yAxis = new SChartNumberAxis();

            yAxis.RangePaddingHigh = (NSNumber)0.5;
            yAxis.Title            = "Changes";
            _lineChart.YAxis = yAxis;

            // Display the legend
            _lineChart.Legend.Hidden    = false;
            _lineChart.Legend.Placement = SChartLegendPlacement.InsidePlotArea;
            _lineChart.Legend.Position  = SChartLegendPosition.TopRight;

            // Add it as a subview
        public override void ViewDidLoad()
            base.ViewDidLoad ();

            // Create the chart.
            chart = new ShinobiChart (View.Bounds);

            // Assign the data source
            chart.DataSource = new RadarChartDataSource ();

            // Create the axes
            chart.XAxis = new SChartCategoryAxis ();
            chart.YAxis = new SChartNumberAxis (new SChartNumberRange (0, 100));

            // Make X-Axis line draw as a spiderweb
            chart.XAxis.Style.MajorGridLineStyle.LineRenderMode = SChartRadialLineRenderMode.Linear;
            chart.XAxis.Style.MajorGridLineStyle.ShowMajorGridLines = true;
            chart.XAxis.Style.MajorGridLineStyle.LineColor = UIColor.LightGray;

            // Make Y-Axis gridlines draw as a spiderweb
            chart.YAxis.Style.MajorGridLineStyle.LineRenderMode = SChartRadialLineRenderMode.Linear;
            chart.YAxis.Style.MajorGridLineStyle.ShowMajorGridLines = true;
            chart.YAxis.Style.MajorGridLineStyle.LineColor = UIColor.LightGray;

            // Ensure the chart fills the screen
            chart.AutoresizingMask = ~UIViewAutoresizing.None;

            // TODO: Add your trial licence key here!
            chart.LicenseKey = "";

            // Add the chart to the view.
            View.AddSubview (chart);
Esempio n. 7
        public override void ViewDidLoad()

            // Create a chart
            var chart = new ShinobiChart(new RectangleF(0, 40, View.Bounds.Width, View.Bounds.Height - 40),
                                         SChartAxisType.Number, SChartAxisType.Number);

            chart.AutoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleDimensions;
            // Create a datasource helper
            _dsHelper = new BindableDataSourceHelper <ExampleDataClass> (chart,
                                                                         () => { return(new SChartLineSeries()); },
                                                                         "Time", "Lower");

            // Create a UISlider
            var slider = new UISlider(new RectangleF(0, 0, View.Bounds.Width, 40));

            slider.MinValue         = 0;
            slider.MaxValue         = 5;
            slider.AutoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleWidth;

            // Create the binding
            var set = this.CreateBindingSet <ChartView, ChartViewModel> ();

            // Bind the datasource helper to the view model
            set.Bind(_dsHelper).For(s => s.Data).To(vm => vm.Source).OneWay();
            // And the UISlider
            set.Bind(slider).To(vm => vm.Frequency);
Esempio n. 8
 public override SChartSeries GetSeries(ShinobiChart chart, nint dataSeriesIndex)
     // In our example all series are line series
     SChartLineSeries lineSeries = new SChartLineSeries ();
     lineSeries.Style.LineWidth = 2;
     return lineSeries;
		public override void ViewDidLoad ()
			base.ViewDidLoad ();

			// create the chart
			float margin = UserInterfaceIdiomIsPhone ? 10 : 50;
			RectangleF frame = new RectangleF (margin, margin, View.Bounds.Width - 2 * margin, View.Bounds.Height - 2 * margin);
			chart = new ShinobiChart (frame) {
				Title = "Countries By Area",

				// ensure the chart fills the screen
				AutoresizingMask = ~UIViewAutoresizing.None,

				// TODO: add your trail licence key here!
				LicenseKey = ""

			View.AddSubview (chart);

			chart.DataSource = new PieChartDataSource ();
			chart.Delegate = new PieChartDelegate ();

			// show the legend
			chart.Legend.Hidden = false;
        public override void ViewDidLoad()
            base.ViewDidLoad ();

            // Create the chart
            View.BackgroundColor = UIColor.White;
            nfloat margin = UserInterfaceIdiomIsPhone ? 10 : 50;
            CGRect frame = new CGRect (margin, margin, View.Bounds.Width - 2 * margin, View.Bounds.Height - 2 * margin);
            chart = new ShinobiChart (frame) {
                Title = "Apple Stock Price",
                AutoresizingMask = ~UIViewAutoresizing.None,
                LicenseKey = "", // TODO: add your trail licence key here!

                // add the axes
                XAxis = new SChartDateTimeAxis { Title = "Date" },
                YAxis = new SChartNumberAxis { Title = "Price (USD)" }

            foreach(SChartAxis axis in chart.AllAxes) {
                axis.EnableGesturePanning = true;
                axis.EnableGestureZooming = true;
                axis.EnableMomentumPanning = true;
                axis.EnableMomentumZooming = true;


            chart.Delegate = new AddingAnnotationsDelegate ();
            chart.DataSource = new AddingAnnotationsDataSource ();
            public override SChartSeries GetSeries(ShinobiChart chart, int dataSeriesIndex)
                SChartBubbleSeries chartSeries = new SChartBubbleSeries();

                chartSeries.AutoScalingBiggestBubbleDiameter = 40;
Esempio n. 12
 public override SChartData GetDataPoint(ShinobiChart chart, nint dataIndex, nint dataSeriesIndex)
     return new SChartRadialDataPoint {
         Name = countrySizes[(int)dataIndex].Item1,
         Value = countrySizes[(int)dataIndex].Item2
Esempio n. 13
 /// <summary>
 /// Create new BindableDataSourceHelper
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="chart">The ShinobiChart we wish to provide data to</param>
 /// <param name="seriesCreator">A lambda which will return the SChartSeries for this data</param>
 /// <param name="xValueKey">The name of the property in our domain objects to use as the x-value</param>
 /// <param name="yValueKey">The name of the property in our domain objects to use as the y-value</param>
 public BindableDataSourceHelper(ShinobiChart chart, Func <SChartSeries> seriesCreator, string xValueKey, string yValueKey)
     _chart      = chart;
     _xValueKey  = xValueKey;
     _yValueKey  = yValueKey;
     ChartSeries = seriesCreator;
 public override SChartData GetDataPoint(ShinobiChart chart, nint dataIndex, nint dataSeriesIndex)
     return new SChartDataPoint {
         XValue = new NSNumber (dataIndex),
         YValue = new NSNumber (data [dataIndex]),
        public override void ViewDidLoad()
            base.ViewDidLoad ();

            // Create the chart
            View.BackgroundColor = UIColor.White;
            nfloat margin = UserInterfaceIdiomIsPhone ? 10 : 50;
            CGRect frame = new CGRect (margin, margin, View.Bounds.Width - 2 * margin, View.Bounds.Height - 2 * margin);
            chart = new ShinobiChart (frame) {
                Title = "Apple Stock Price",
                AutoresizingMask = ~UIViewAutoresizing.None,
                LicenseKey = "" // TODO: add your trail licence key here!

            // Add a discountinuous date axis
            chart.XAxis = new SChartDateTimeAxis () {
                Title = "Date",
                EnableGesturePanning = true,
                EnableGestureZooming = true

            chart.YAxis = new SChartNumberAxis () {
                Title = "Price (USD)",
                EnableGesturePanning = true,
                EnableGestureZooming = true

            // Add to the view
            View.AddSubview (chart);

            chart.DataSource = new CandlestickChartDataSource ();
		void AddDateMarkerAnnoations (ShinobiChart chart)
			// Read the annotations from a JSON file
			JsonValue annotations = JsonObject.Load(new StreamReader("./Annotations.json"));
			CGAffineTransform rotationTransform = CGAffineTransform.MakeRotation ((float)Math.PI / 2);

			// create a line and text annotation for each 'date' marker on the chart
			foreach (JsonValue annotation in annotations) {
				// Extract the data for this annotation
				NSDate date = dateFormatter.Parse (annotation ["date"]);
				NSNumber yValue = (int)annotation ["y-location"];
				NSString text = new NSString(annotation ["annotation"]);

				// Add a vertical line annotation
				SChartAnnotation releaseAnnotation = SChartAnnotation.GetVerticalLine (date, chart.XAxis, chart.YAxis, 2, UIColor.FromWhiteAlpha (0.7f, 1));
				releaseAnnotation.Position = SChartAnnotationPosition.AboveData;
				chart.AddAnnotation (releaseAnnotation);

				// Add a text annotation
				SChartAnnotation releaseLabel = SChartAnnotation.GetAnnotation (text, UIFont.SystemFontOfSize(14), chart.XAxis, chart.YAxis, date, yValue, UIColor.Black, chart.PlotBackgroundColor);

				//Rotate the text by 90 degrees
				releaseLabel.Transform = rotationTransform;
				releaseLabel.Position = SChartAnnotationPosition.AboveData;

				chart.AddAnnotation (releaseLabel);
		void AddCustomAnnotation (ShinobiChart chart)
			// Create an annotation
			SChartAnnotationZooming an = new SChartAnnotationZooming {
				XAxis = chart.XAxis,
				YAxis = chart.YAxis,

				// Set its location - using the data coordinate system
				XValue = dateFormatter.Parse ("01-01-2009"),
				YValue = new NSNumber(250),

				// Pin all four corners of the annotation so that it stretches
				XValueMax = dateFormatter.Parse ("01-01-2011"),
				YValueMax = new NSNumber(550),

				// Set bounds
				Bounds = new RectangleF (0, 0, 50, 50),
				Position = SChartAnnotationPosition.BelowData

			// Add some custom content to the annotation
			UIImage image = new UIImage ("Apple.png");
			UIImageView imageView = new UIImageView (image) { Alpha = 0.1f };
			an.AddSubview (imageView);

			// Add to the chart
			chart.AddAnnotation (an);
Esempio n. 18
 protected override void OnAddingRadialLabel(ShinobiChart chart, UILabel label, SChartRadialDataPoint datapoint, int index, SChartRadialSeries series)
     // hide labels for slice with < 5% language share
     if (datapoint.Value.DoubleValue < 5)
         label.Hidden = true;
Esempio n. 19
 public override SChartSeries GetSeries(ShinobiChart chart, nint dataSeriesIndex)
     SChartPieSeries series = new SChartPieSeries ();
     series.SelectedStyle.Protrusion = 10;
     series.SelectionAnimation.Duration = 0.4;
     series.SelectedPosition = 0;
     return series;
		public override SChartSeries GetSeries (ShinobiChart chart, int dataSeriesIndex)
			SChartLineSeries series = new SChartLineSeries ();
			//series.Style.PointStyle.ShowPoints = true;
			//series.Style.PointStyle.Radius = 3;
			//series.Style.PointStyle.InnerRadius = 0.5;
			return series;
Esempio n. 21
            public override SChartSeries GetSeries(ShinobiChart chart, int dataSeriesIndex)
                SChartPieSeries series = new SChartPieSeries();

                series.Style.ShowLabels  = true;
                series.LabelFormatString = "%.0f%%";
 public override void AlterDataPointLabel(ShinobiChart chart, SChartDataPointLabel label, SChartDataPoint dataPoint, SChartSeries series)
     // Do some additional label styling
     label.Layer.CornerRadius = 10;
     label.BackgroundColor = UIColor.FromWhiteAlpha (0.8f, 1f);
     label.Frame = new CGRect (label.Frame.X -10, label.Frame.Y, label.Frame.Width + 20, label.Frame.Height);
     label.TextAlignment = UITextAlignment.Center;
Esempio n. 23
 public override SChartData GetDataPoint(ShinobiChart chart, nint dataIndex, nint dataSeriesIndex)
     var data = sales [(int)dataSeriesIndex].Item2 [(int)dataIndex];
     return new SChartDataPoint {
         XValue = new NSString(data.Item1),
         YValue = new NSNumber(data.Item2)
Esempio n. 24
 public override SChartData GetDataPoint(ShinobiChart chart, nint dataIndex, nint dataSeriesIndex)
     string key = playerRatings.Keys.ElementAt ((int)dataIndex);
     return new SChartDataPoint {
         XValue = (NSString)key,
         YValue = NSNumber.FromNInt(playerRatings[key]),
		public override SChartData GetDataPoint (ShinobiChart chart, int dataIndex, int dataSeriesIndex)
			var data = CurrentData[dataIndex];
			return new SChartDataPoint {
				XValue = new NSString(data.Item1),
				YValue = new NSNumber(data.Item2)
        public override void ViewDidLoad()

            // create the chart and add to the view
            _chart            = new ShinobiChart(chartHostView.Bounds);
            _chart.LicenseKey = "<PUT YOUR LICENSE KEY HERE";
            if (_chartTitle != null)
                _chart.Title = _chartTitle;

            // set the datasource
            _chartDataSource           = new StockChartDataSource();
            _chartDataSource.TintColor = View.TintColor;
            _chart.DataSource          = _chartDataSource;

            // add a couple of axes
            _chart.XAxis = new SChartDateTimeAxis();
            _chart.YAxis = new SChartNumberAxis();

            // add a fancy border to the loading indicato
            progressIndicatorView.Layer.MasksToBounds = false;
            progressIndicatorView.Layer.CornerRadius  = 10;
            progressIndicatorView.Layer.ShadowColor   = UIColor.DarkGray.CGColor;
            progressIndicatorView.Layer.ShadowOpacity = 1.0f;
            progressIndicatorView.Layer.ShadowRadius  = 6.0f;
            progressIndicatorView.Layer.ShadowOffset  = new SizeF(0f, 3f);

            chartHostView.Hidden = true;
            chartHostView.InsertSubview(_chart, 0);

            // Add a nav bar button to add a trend line
                new UIBarButtonItem(UIBarButtonSystemItem.Compose, (sender, e) => {
                // Present an alert view
                var alertView = new UIAlertView("Moving Average",
                                                "Set the period of the moving average",
                                                new string[] { "Cancel" });
                alertView.Clicked += (alertSender, button) => {
                    if (button.ButtonIndex == 0)
                        MovingAverageRequested(this, new MovingAverageRequestedEventArgs(
                alertView.AlertViewStyle = UIAlertViewStyle.PlainTextInput;
                alertView.GetTextField(0).Placeholder  = "Moving Average Period";
                alertView.GetTextField(0).KeyboardType = UIKeyboardType.NumberPad;
                , true);
		protected override void OnRenderFinished (ShinobiChart chart)
			if (!firstChartRender) {
				firstChartRender = true;

				AddDateMarkerAnnoations (chart);
				AddCustomAnnotation (chart);
        public override void ViewDidLoad ()
            base.ViewDidLoad ();

            // create the chart and add to the view      
            _chart = new ShinobiChart (chartHostView.Bounds);
            _chart.LicenseKey = "<PUT YOUR LICENSE KEY HERE";
            if(_chartTitle != null) {
                _chart.Title = _chartTitle;

            // set the datasource
            _chartDataSource = new StockChartDataSource ();
            _chartDataSource.TintColor = View.TintColor;
            _chart.DataSource = _chartDataSource;
            // add a couple of axes
            _chart.XAxis = new SChartDateTimeAxis ();
            _chart.YAxis = new SChartNumberAxis ();
            ConfigureAxis (_chart.XAxis);
            ConfigureAxis (_chart.YAxis);
            // add a fancy border to the loading indicato
            progressIndicatorView.Layer.MasksToBounds = false;
            progressIndicatorView.Layer.CornerRadius = 10;
            progressIndicatorView.Layer.ShadowColor = UIColor.DarkGray.CGColor;
            progressIndicatorView.Layer.ShadowOpacity = 1.0f;
            progressIndicatorView.Layer.ShadowRadius = 6.0f;
            progressIndicatorView.Layer.ShadowOffset = new SizeF (0f, 3f);
            chartHostView.Hidden = true;
            chartHostView.InsertSubview (_chart, 0);

            // Add a nav bar button to add a trend line
            NavigationItem.SetRightBarButtonItem (
                new UIBarButtonItem (UIBarButtonSystemItem.Compose, (sender, e) => {
                    // Present an alert view
                    var alertView = new UIAlertView ("Moving Average",
                                        "Set the period of the moving average",
                                        new string[] { "Cancel" });
                    alertView.Clicked += (alertSender, button) => {
                        if(button.ButtonIndex == 0) {
                            MovingAverageRequested(this, new MovingAverageRequestedEventArgs (
                                int.Parse (alertView.GetTextField (0).Text))
                    alertView.AlertViewStyle = UIAlertViewStyle.PlainTextInput;
                    alertView.GetTextField (0).Placeholder = "Moving Average Period";
                    alertView.GetTextField (0).KeyboardType = UIKeyboardType.NumberPad;
                    alertView.Show ();
                , true);
Esempio n. 29
 protected override void OnAddingTickMark(ShinobiChart chart, SChartTickMark tickMark, SChartAxis axis)
     // Hide any tickmarks over 100M on the right y-axis
     if (axis == chart.AllYAxes.Last ()) {
         if (tickMark.Value > 100.0f && tickMark.TickLabel != null && tickMark.TickMarkView != null) {
             tickMark.TickLabel.Text = "";
             tickMark.TickMarkView.Hidden = true;
		public override SChartSeries GetSeries (ShinobiChart chart, int dataSeriesIndex)
			SChartLineSeries series = new SChartLineSeries ();
			series.Style.ShowFill = true;

			// The first series is a cosine curve, the second is a sine curve
			series.Title = dataSeriesIndex == 0 ? "y = cos(x)" : "y = sin(x)";

			return series;
Esempio n. 31
 public override SChartData GetDataPoint(ShinobiChart chart, int dataIndex, int dataSeriesIndex)
     if (dataSeriesIndex == 0)
         return(_nonOwnerDPs [dataIndex]);
         return(_ownerDPs [dataIndex]);
 public override SChartData GetDataPoint(ShinobiChart chart, int dataIndex, int dataSeriesIndex)
     if (dataSeriesIndex == 0)
         return(_additionDPs [dataIndex]);
         return(_removalDPs [dataIndex]);
 public override int GetNumberOfSeries(ShinobiChart chart)
     if (_movingAverageDataPoints != null)
 public override int GetNumberOfDataPoints(ShinobiChart chart, int seriesIndex)
     // Bit convoluted to get the z-index correct
     if (_movingAverageDataPoints == null || seriesIndex == 1)
 protected override SChartData[] GetDataPoints(ShinobiChart chart, int seriesIndex)
     // Bit convoluted to get the z-index correct
     if (_movingAverageDataPoints == null || seriesIndex == 1)
Esempio n. 36
        public override SChartSeries GetSeries(ShinobiChart chart, nint dataSeriesIndex)
            SChartRadialLineSeries radialLineSeries = new SChartRadialLineSeries ();

            // Fill the series
            radialLineSeries.Style.ShowFill = true;

            // Join up the first and last points
            radialLineSeries.PointsWrapAround = true;

            return radialLineSeries;
		public override SChartData GetDataPoint (ShinobiChart chart, int dataIndex, int dataSeriesIndex)
			SChartDataPoint datapoint = new SChartDataPoint ();

			// both functions share the same x-values
			double xValue = dataIndex / 10.0;
			datapoint.XValue = new NSNumber(xValue);

			// compute the y-value for each series
			datapoint.YValue = new NSNumber(dataSeriesIndex == 0 ? Math.Cos(xValue) : Math.Sin(xValue));

			return datapoint;
Esempio n. 38
            public override SChartSeries GetSeries(ShinobiChart chart, int dataSeriesIndex)
                SChartColumnSeries series = new SChartColumnSeries();

                series.StackIndex = 0;
                if (dataSeriesIndex == 0)
                    series.Title = "Non-owner";
                    series.Title = "Owner";
Esempio n. 39
        private void CreateChart()
            _chart                  = new ShinobiChart(this.Bounds);
            _chart.LicenseKey       = ShinobiLicenseKeyProviderJson.Instance.ChartsLicenseKey;
            _chart.AutoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleDimensions;

            // disable interaction - in order to allow paging of the container view
            _chart.UserInteractionEnabled = false;

            // add the delegate
            _delegate       = new LanguageStatsDelegate();
            _chart.Delegate = _delegate;

            // Add it as a subview
        public override void ViewDidLoad()
            base.ViewDidLoad ();

            // Set up chart
            ShinobiChart chart = new ShinobiChart (View.Bounds, SChartAxisType.Number, SChartAxisType.Number) {
                DataSource = new LabelledDatapointsDataSource(),
                Delegate = new LabelledDatapointsDelegate(),
                AutoresizingMask = ~UIViewAutoresizing.None,
            View.AddSubview (chart);

            chart.YAxis.RangePaddingLow = new NSNumber(0.5);
            chart.YAxis.RangePaddingHigh = new NSNumber(0.5);
            chart.RedrawChart ();
            public override SChartSeries GetSeries(ShinobiChart chart, int dataSeriesIndex)
                SChartLineSeries series = new SChartLineSeries();

                if (dataSeriesIndex == 0)
                    series.Title = "Additions";
                    series.Title = "Deletions";
                series.Style.ShowFill = true;
                series.Baseline       = 0;
Esempio n. 42
        public override SChartSeries GetSeries(ShinobiChart chart, nint dataSeriesIndex)
            string year = sales [(int)dataSeriesIndex].Item1;
            SChartColumnSeries columnSeries = new SChartColumnSeries {
                Title = year,
                SelectionMode = SChartSelection.Series
            columnSeries.Style.ShowAreaWithGradient = false;
            columnSeries.SelectedStyle.ShowAreaWithGradient = false;
            columnSeries.SelectedStyle.AreaColor = UIColor.Red;
            columnSeries.SelectedStyle.LineWidth = 0;

            // Set the selected state of the line series - this reflects the initial UI state
            columnSeries.Selected = year == DisplayYear;
            return columnSeries;
        public override SChartSeries GetSeries(ShinobiChart chart, nint dataSeriesIndex)
            SChartColumnSeries series = new SChartColumnSeries ();

            // Display labels
            series.Style.DataPointLabelStyle.ShowLabels = true;

            // Position labels
            series.Style.DataPointLabelStyle.OffsetFromDataPoint = new CGPoint (0, -15);
            series.Style.DataPointLabelStyle.OffsetFlippedForNegativeValues = true;

            // Style labels
            series.Style.DataPointLabelStyle.TextColor = UIColor.Black;
            series.Style.DataPointLabelStyle.DisplayValues = SChartDataPointLabelDisplayValues.Y;

            return series;
		public override void ViewDidLoad ()
			base.ViewDidLoad ();
			View.BackgroundColor = UIColor.White;

			// Create the chart
			float margin = UserInterfaceIdiomIsPhone ? 10 : 50;
			chart = new ShinobiChart (new RectangleF (margin, margin, View.Bounds.Width - 2 * margin, View.Bounds.Height - 2 * margin)) {
				Title = "Trigonometric Functions",
				AutoresizingMask = ~UIViewAutoresizing.None,
				LicenseKey = "" // TODO: Add your trail licence key here!

			// Add a pair of axes
			SChartNumberAxis xAxis = new SChartNumberAxis () {
				Title = "X Value"
			chart.XAxis = xAxis;

			SChartNumberAxis yAxis = new SChartNumberAxis () {
				Title = "Y Value",
				RangePaddingLow = new NSNumber(0.1),
				RangePaddingHigh = new NSNumber(0.1)
			chart.YAxis = yAxis;

			// Enable gestures
			xAxis.EnableGesturePanning = true;
			xAxis.EnableGestureZooming = true;
			yAxis.EnableGesturePanning = true;
			yAxis.EnableGestureZooming = true;

			// Add to the view
			View.AddSubview (chart);

			// Set the data source
			chart.DataSource = new GettingStartedDataSource();

			// Hide the legend if on displaying on iPhone to save space
			chart.Legend.Hidden = UserInterfaceIdiomIsPhone;
		public override void ViewDidLoad ()
			base.ViewDidLoad ();

			// Create the chart
			View.BackgroundColor = UIColor.White;
			float margin = UserInterfaceIdiomIsPhone ? 10 : 50;
			RectangleF frame = new RectangleF (margin, margin, View.Bounds.Width - 2 * margin, View.Bounds.Height - 2 * margin);
			chart = new ShinobiChart (frame) {
				Title = "Apple Stock price",
				AutoresizingMask = ~UIViewAutoresizing.None,
				LicenseKey = "" // TODO: add your trail licence key here!

			// A time period that defines the weekends
			SChartRepeatedTimePeriod weekends = new SChartRepeatedTimePeriod (
				new NSDateFormatter { DateFormat = "dd-MM-yyyy" }.Parse ("02-01-2010"),
				SChartDateFrequency.CreateWithDay (2),
				SChartDateFrequency.CreateWithWeek (1));

			// Add a discountinuous date axis
			SChartDiscontinuousDateTimeAxis xAxis = new SChartDiscontinuousDateTimeAxis (){
				Title = "Date",
				EnableGesturePanning = true,
				EnableGestureZooming = true
			xAxis.AddExcludedRepeatedTimePeriod (weekends);
			chart.XAxis = xAxis;

			chart.YAxis = new SChartNumberAxis {
				Title = "Price (USD)",
				EnableGesturePanning = true,
				EnableGestureZooming = true

			View.AddSubview (chart);

			chart.DataSource = new TimeSeriesDataSource ();
		public override void ViewDidLoad ()
			base.ViewDidLoad ();

			// Create the chart
			chart = new ShinobiChart (new RectangleF(20, 20, View.Bounds.Width - 40, View.Bounds.Height - 40)) {
				Title = "Streaming",
				AutoresizingMask = ~UIViewAutoresizing.None,

				// Use a number axis for the x axis
				XAxis = new SChartNumberAxis(),

				// Use a number axis for the y axis
				YAxis = new SChartNumberAxis(),

				DataSource = new AppendDataDataSource()

			// Add the chart to the view controller
			View.AddSubview (chart);

			// Setup a timer to increment the data
			Timer timer = new Timer ();
			timer.Interval = 10;
			timer.Elapsed += (s, e) => {
				// Take care to update on the main thread
				BeginInvokeOnMainThread (() => {
					// Update our data
					(chart.DataSource as AppendDataDataSource).AdvanceData();

					//Refresh the chart
					chart.RemoveFromStart(1, 0);
					chart.AppendToEnd(1, 0);
			timer.Start ();
        private void CreateChart()
            _bubbleChart                  = new ShinobiChart(this.Bounds);
            _bubbleChart.LicenseKey       = ShinobiLicenseKeyProviderJson.Instance.ChartsLicenseKey;
            _bubbleChart.AutoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleDimensions;

            SChartAxis xAxis = new SChartNumberAxis();

            xAxis.RangePaddingHigh = (NSNumber)0.5;
            xAxis.RangePaddingLow  = (NSNumber)0.5;
            xAxis.Title            = "Hour";
            _bubbleChart.XAxis     = xAxis;

            SChartCategoryAxis yAxis = new SChartCategoryAxis();

            yAxis.RangePaddingHigh = (NSNumber)0.5;
            yAxis.RangePaddingLow  = (NSNumber)0.5;
            yAxis.Title            = "Day";
            _bubbleChart.YAxis     = yAxis;

            // Add it as a subview
            public override SChartSeries GetSeries(ShinobiChart chart, int index)
                var lineSeries = new SChartLineSeries();

                // Bit convoluted to get the z-index correct
                if (_movingAverageDataPoints == null || index == 1)
                    lineSeries.Style.AreaLineColor        = TintColor;
                    lineSeries.Style.AreaColor            = TintColor.ColorWithAlpha(0.1f);
                    lineSeries.Style.AreaColorLowGradient = TintColor.ColorWithAlpha(0.8f);
                    lineSeries.Style.AreaLineWidth        = 1.0;
                    lineSeries.Style.ShowFill             = true;
                    lineSeries.CrosshairEnabled           = true;
                    lineSeries.Style.LineColor  = UIColor.Red.ColorWithAlpha(0.8f);
                    lineSeries.Style.LineWidth  = 1.0;
                    lineSeries.Style.ShowFill   = false;
                    lineSeries.CrosshairEnabled = false;

 public override SChartData GetDataPoint(ShinobiChart chart, int dataIndex, int seriesIndex)
     // no-op
Esempio n. 50
 public override SChartSeries GetSeries(ShinobiChart chart, int dataSeriesIndex)
Esempio n. 51
 public BindableDataSourceHelper(ShinobiChart chart, string xValueKey, string yValueKey)
     : this(chart, () => { return(new SChartLineSeries()); }, xValueKey, yValueKey)
 public override SChartData GetDataPoint(ShinobiChart chart, int dataIndex, int dataSeriesIndex)
     return(_dataPoints [dataIndex]);
Esempio n. 53
 public override int GetNumberOfDataPoints(ShinobiChart chart, int dataSeriesIndex)
Esempio n. 54
 public override int GetNumberOfDataPoints(ShinobiChart chart, int dataSeriesIndex)
Esempio n. 55
 public override int GetNumberOfSeries(ShinobiChart chart)
Esempio n. 56
 public override SChartData GetDataPoint(ShinobiChart chart, int dataIndex, int dataSeriesIndex)
     return(_languageFrequency [dataIndex]);