Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Modifies RegistrationEntries which have [ExcelMapArrayFunction],
        /// converting IEnumerable parameters to and from Excel Ranges (i.e. object[,]).
        /// This allows idiomatic .NET functions (which use sequences and lists) to be used as UDFs.
        /// Supports the use of Excel Array formulae where a UDF returns an enumerable.
        /// 1-dimensional Excel arrays are mapped automatically to/from IEnumerable.
        /// 2-dimensional Excel arrays can be mapped to a single function parameter with
        /// [ExcelMapPropertiesToColumnHeaders].
        /// </summary>
        public static IEnumerable <ExcelFunctionRegistration> ProcessMapArrayFunctions(
            this IEnumerable <ExcelFunctionRegistration> registrations,
            ParameterConversionConfiguration config = null)
            foreach (var reg in registrations)
                if (!(reg.FunctionAttribute is ExcelMapArrayFunctionAttribute))
                    // Not considered at all
                    yield return(reg);


                    var inputShimParameters = reg.FunctionLambda.Parameters.ZipSameLengths(reg.ParameterRegistrations,
                                                                                           (p, r) => new ShimParameter(p.Type, r, config)).ToList();
                    var resultShimParameter = new ShimParameter(reg.FunctionLambda.ReturnType, reg.ReturnRegistration, config);

                    // create the shim function as a lambda, using reflection
                    LambdaExpression shim = MakeObjectArrayShim(

                    // create a description of the function, with a list of the output fields
                    string functionDescription = "Returns " + resultShimParameter.HelpString;

                    // create a description of each parameter, with a list of the input fields
                    var parameterDescriptions = inputShimParameters.Select(shimParameter => "Input " +

                    // all ok so far - modify the registration
                    reg.FunctionLambda = shim;
                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(reg.FunctionAttribute.Description))
                        reg.FunctionAttribute.Description = functionDescription;
                    for (int param = 0; param != reg.ParameterRegistrations.Count; ++param)
                        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(reg.ParameterRegistrations[param].ArgumentAttribute.Description))
                            reg.ParameterRegistrations[param].ArgumentAttribute.Description =
                    // failed to shim, just pass on the original
                yield return(reg);
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Function which creates a shim for a target method.
        /// The target method is expected to take 1 or more enumerables of various types, and return a single enumerable of another type.
        /// The shim is a lambda expression which takes 1 or more object[,] parameters, and returns a single object[,]
        /// The first row of each array defines the field names, which are mapped to the public properties of the
        /// input and return types.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static LambdaExpression MakeObjectArrayShim(
            LambdaExpression targetMethod,
            IList <ShimParameter> inputShimParameters,
            ShimParameter resultShimParameter)
            var nParams = targetMethod.Parameters.Count;

            var compiledTargetMethod = targetMethod.Compile();

            // create a delegate, object*n -> object
            // (simpler, but probably slower, alternative to building it all out of Expressions)
            ParamsDelegate shimDelegate = inputObjectArray =>
                    if (inputObjectArray.GetLength(0) != nParams)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException(
                                  $"Expected {nParams} params, received {inputObjectArray.GetLength(0)}");

                    var targetMethodInputs = new object[nParams];

                    for (int i = 0; i != nParams; ++i)
                            targetMethodInputs[i] = inputShimParameters[i].ConvertShimToTarget(inputObjectArray[i]);
                        catch (Exception e)
                            throw new InvalidOperationException($"Failed to convert parameter {i + 1}: {e.Message}");

                    var targetMethodResult = compiledTargetMethod.DynamicInvoke(targetMethodInputs);

                catch (Exception e)
                    return(new object[, ] {
                        { ExcelError.ExcelErrorValue }, { e.Message }

            // convert the delegate back to a LambdaExpression
            var args        = targetMethod.Parameters.Select(param => Expression.Parameter(typeof(object))).ToList();
            var paramsParam = Expression.NewArrayInit(typeof(object), args);
            var closure     = Expression.Constant(shimDelegate.Target);
            var call        = Expression.Call(closure, shimDelegate.Method, paramsParam);

            return(Expression.Lambda(call, args));