private static void Push2Git(string projectPath) { Console.WriteLine("Would you like to update changes to git? y(yes)|n(no) [Default:yes]"); var answer = Console.ReadLine()?.Trim()?.ToLower(); if (string.Equals(answer, "n") || string.Equals(answer, "no")) { return; } Console.WriteLine("Please enter your changes log."); var msg = Console.ReadLine()?.Trim(); ShellHelper.ExecuteFile("", $"{projectPath} {msg}", true); }
private static bool PublishOneBook(string book, string siteMap) { try { //build book var success = ShellHelper.ExecuteFile("", book, true); if (!success) { return(false); } //read new items var bookName = book.GetFileName(); var map = book + GitbookSiteMapPath; if (!File.Exists(map)) { Console.WriteLine($"Warn. {bookName} has no sitemap.xml"); return(true); } var root = XDocument.Load(map).Root; var xmlns = root?.Attribute("xmlns"); string GetXElementFullName(string shortName) => $"{{{xmlns?.Value}}}{shortName}"; var urls = root?.Elements(GetXElementFullName("url")); if (urls == null || !urls.Any()) { return(true); } //clear history var lines = File.ReadAllLines(siteMap).ToList(); var begin = lines.IndexOf(lines.FirstOrDefault(l => l.Contains($"{bookName} begin"))); var end = lines.IndexOf(lines.FirstOrDefault(l => l.Contains($"{bookName} end"))); if (begin > 0 && end > begin) { lines.RemoveRange(begin, end - begin + 1); } //insert new items begin = begin > 0 ? begin : lines.IndexOf(lines.FirstOrDefault(l => l.Contains($"</urlset>"))); lines.Insert(begin, $"<!-- {bookName} begin: {urls.Count() - 1} links with priority=0.6, changefreq=monthly -->"); for (var i = 1; i < urls.Count(); i++) { //edit new item var url = urls.ElementAt(i); var loc = url.Element(GetXElementFullName("loc")); loc?.SetValue(Regex.Replace(loc?.Value, "(https?://.+?)/", $"$1/{bookName}/")); url.Element(GetXElementFullName("changefreq"))?.SetValue(ChangeFreq); url.Element(GetXElementFullName("priority"))?.SetValue(Priority); lines.Insert(begin + i, url.ToString().Replace(" " + xmlns?.ToString(), string.Empty)); } lines.Insert(begin + urls.Count(), $"<!-- {bookName} end -->"); File.WriteAllLines(siteMap, lines); //deploy book success = ShellHelper.ExecuteFile("", $"{map} {Path.GetDirectoryName(map)} {bookName}", true); return(success); } catch { return(false); } }
static bool ExecuteScriptFile() { return(RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Windows) ? ShellHelper.ExecuteFile("win.bat", "C:\\", true) : ShellHelper.ExecuteFile("", "-lh", true)); }