public async Task PutDirectoryAsync(Profile profile, string directory, SharingHandler <ISharingDirectorySender> handler) { if (profile == null || handler == null || !(profile is NotifyClientProfile receiver)) { throw new ArgumentNullException(); } var directoryInfo = new DirectoryInfo(directory); if (!directoryInfo.Exists) { throw new DirectoryNotFoundException("Directory not found!"); } var packet = new { name = directoryInfo.Name }; _ = await"", packet, receiver.GetTcpEndPoint(), async stream => { var result = await stream.ReadBlockWithHeaderAsync(this.settings.TcpBufferLimits, this.cancellationToken); var data = new Token(this.generator, result); if (data["status"].As <string>() != "wait") { throw new NetworkException(NetworkError.InvalidData); } using (var sender = new DirectorySender(this.context, receiver, stream, directoryInfo.FullName)) { await this.dispatcher.InvokeAsync(() => handler.Invoke(sender)); await sender.LoopAsync(); } return(new Unit()); }, this.cancellationToken); }
private static Content GetSharingGroupByUrlParameter(NameValueCollection parameters) { var sharingGuid = parameters?[Constants.SharingUrlParameterName]; return(string.IsNullOrEmpty(sharingGuid) ? null : SharingHandler.GetSharingGroupBySharingId(sharingGuid)); }
private Content GetSharingGroupByUrlParameter() { var sharingGuid = _httpContext?.Request.Query[Constants.SharingUrlParameterName]; return(string.IsNullOrEmpty(sharingGuid) ? null : SharingHandler.GetSharingGroupBySharingId(sharingGuid)); }
private static void ExportDataPath(XmlWriter writer, string sharingData) { // Convert all ids to path in case of identity properties // to let other repository instances import sharing data. var sharingItems = SharingHandler.Deserialize(sharingData); var settings = new JsonSerializerSettings { Converters = { new IdToPathConverter() }, NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore, MissingMemberHandling = MissingMemberHandling.Ignore, ReferenceLoopHandling = ReferenceLoopHandling.Ignore, DateFormatHandling = DateFormatHandling.IsoDateFormat, Formatting = Formatting.Indented }; writer.WriteString(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(sharingItems, settings)); }
internal MembershipExtension GetSharingExtension(string contextValue) { // check the url first var sharingGroup = GetSharingGroupByUrlParameter()?.ContentHandler as Group; // check the context param next if (sharingGroup == null && contextValue != null) { sharingGroup = SharingHandler.GetSharingGroupBySharingId(contextValue)?.ContentHandler as Group; } if (sharingGroup == null) { return(MembershipExtension.Placeholder); } var sharedNode = sharingGroup.GetReference <GenericContent>(Constants.SharedContentFieldName); // Check if the related shared content exists. if (sharedNode == null) { // Invalid sharing group: no related content. Delete the group and move on. SnTrace.Security.Write($"SharingMembershipExtender: Deleting orphaned sharing group {sharingGroup.Id} ({sharingGroup.Path})."); sharingGroup.ForceDelete(); sharingGroup = null; } // If found and the content is not in the Trash, return a new extension collection // containing the sharing group. if ((sharingGroup?.ContentType.IsInstaceOfOrDerivedFrom(Constants.SharingGroupTypeName) ?? false) && !TrashBin.IsInTrash(sharedNode)) { return(new MembershipExtension(new[] { sharingGroup.Id })); } return(MembershipExtension.Placeholder); }