// </snippet_CreateShareSnapshot>

        // <snippet_ListShareSnapshots>
        // List the snapshots on a share
        public void ListShareSnapshots()
            // Get the connection string from app settings
            string connectionString = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["StorageConnectionString"];

            // Instatiate a ShareServiceClient
            ShareServiceClient shareServiceClient = new ShareServiceClient(connectionString);

            // Display each share and the snapshots on each share
            foreach (ShareItem item in shareServiceClient.GetShares(ShareTraits.All, ShareStates.Snapshots))
                if (null != item.Snapshot)
                    Console.WriteLine($"Share: {item.Name}\tSnapshot: {item.Snapshot}");
        // </snippet_ListShareSnapshots>

        public ShareItem GetSnapshotItem()
            ShareItem result = null;

            // Get the connection string from app settings
            string connectionString = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["StorageConnectionString"];

            // Instatiate a ShareServiceClient
            ShareServiceClient shareServiceClient = new ShareServiceClient(connectionString);

            foreach (ShareItem item in shareServiceClient.GetShares(ShareTraits.All, ShareStates.Snapshots))
                if (null != item.Snapshot)
                    // Return the first share with a snapshot
