public void TestFS13_1() { var gameFolder = SteamHelper.GetGameDirectory("Farming Simulator 2013"); Skip.If(gameFolder == null); var file = new ShapesFile(); file.Load(Path.Combine(gameFolder, @"data\vehicles\tools\kuhn\kuhnGA4521GM.i3d.shapes")); AssertShapesFile(file, 68, 2, 32); AssertShape(file.Shapes[0], "blanketBarShape2", 26, 68, 44); }
public void TestFS17_1() { var gameFolder = SteamHelper.GetGameDirectory("Farming Simulator 17"); Skip.If(gameFolder == null); var file = new ShapesFile(); file.Load(Path.Combine(gameFolder, @"data\vehicles\tools\magsi\wheelLoaderLogFork.i3d.shapes")); AssertShapesFile(file, 49, 5, 12); AssertShape(file.Shapes[0], "wheelLoaderLogForkShape", 1, 24, 12); }
public void TestFS15_1() { var gameFolder = SteamHelper.GetGameDirectory("Farming Simulator 15"); Skip.If(gameFolder == null); var file = new ShapesFile(); file.Load(Path.Combine(gameFolder, @"data\vehicles\tools\grimme\grimmeFT300.i3d.shapes")); AssertShapesFile(file, 188, 3, 16); AssertShape(file.Shapes[0], "grimmeFTShape300", 1, 40, 20); }
IEnumerator loadData() { // loadingText += "Loading Default Physics... "; // Wadfile physicsFile = new Wadfile(); loadingText += "\n"; SoundsFile sounds = new SoundsFile(); sounds.Load(GlobalData.soundsFilePath); yield return(makeAudioDefinitionsFromSoundsFile(sounds)); // AudioSource aud = GetComponent<AudioSource>(); // aud.clip = audioDefinitions[29].sounds[0]; // aud.Play(); loadingText += "\n"; = this; ShapesFile shapes = new ShapesFile(); shapes.Load(GlobalData.shapesFilePath); yield return(StartCoroutine(makeMaterialsFromShapesFile(shapes))); loadingText += "\nLoading Map... "; Wadfile wadfile = new Wadfile(); wadfile.Load(GlobalData.mapsFilePath); foreach (var kvp in wadfile.Directory) { if (kvp.Value.Chunks.ContainsKey(MapInfo.Tag)) { string String = kvp.Value.LevelName; int levelNumber = kvp.Key; } } Level Level = new Level(); Level.Load(wadfile.Directory[mapNo]); Debug.Log(Level.Name); // Debug.Log(Level.Environment); yield return(createLightsFromMarathonMap(Level)); yield return(StartCoroutine(makeWorldFromMarathonMap(Level))); loadingText += "\nSpawing Entities... "; yield return(StartCoroutine(spawnEntitiesFromMarathonMap(Level, shapes))); loadingText = null; GameObject.Find("LoadingDisplay").SetActive(false); GameObject.Find("worldLight").SetActive(GlobalData.globalLighting); }
public void TestFS19() { var gameFolder = SteamHelper.GetGameDirectory("Farming Simulator 19"); Skip.If(gameFolder == null); var file = new ShapesFile(); file.Load(Path.Combine(gameFolder, @"data\vehicles\magsi\telehandlerBaleFork\telehandlerBaleFork.i3d.shapes")); AssertShapesFile(file, 201, 5, 9); AssertShape(file.Shapes[0], "colPartBackShape1", 4, 24, 12); }
private static ShapesFile LoadFile(CommandLineOptions options) { var file = new ShapesFile(Logger); Logger.LogInformation($"Loading file: {Path.GetFileName(options.File)}"); try { file.Load(options.File); } catch (DecryptFailureException) { Logger.LogInformation("Failed decrypting file. Attempting to brute-force the seed..."); return(LoadFileBruteForce(options)); } return(file); }
private static void ExtractFile(CommandLineOptions options) { var file = new ShapesFile(Logger); file.Load(options.File); string folder; if (options.CreateDir) { folder = Path.Combine(options.Out, "extract_" + Path.GetFileName(file.FilePath)); Directory.CreateDirectory(folder); } else { folder = options.Out; } foreach (var shape in file.Shapes) { if (options.DumpBinary) { var binFileName = $"shape_{shape.Name}.bin"; File.WriteAllBytes(Path.Combine(folder, CleanFileName(binFileName)), shape.RawData); } var mdlFileName = Path.Combine(folder, CleanFileName(shape.Name + ".obj")); var objfile = shape.ToObj(); objfile.Name = Path.GetFileName(file.FilePath).Replace(".i3d.shapes", ""); var dataBlob = objfile.ExportToBlob(); if (File.Exists(mdlFileName)) { File.Delete(mdlFileName); } File.WriteAllBytes(mdlFileName, dataBlob); } }
private static ShapesFile LoadFileBruteForce(CommandLineOptions options) { var file = new ShapesFile(Logger); var success = false; byte seed; for (seed = 0; seed < 0xFF; seed++) { try { file.Load(options.File, seed); } catch (DecryptFailureException) { continue; } if (!IsFileLoadSuccessful(file)) { continue; } success = true; break; } if (!success) { Logger.LogWarning("Failed to find any matching seed for this file."); return(null); } Logger.LogInformation($"Found successful seed {seed}"); return(file); }
private static void AssertShapesFile(ShapesFile file, int seed, int version, int shapeCount) { Assert.Equal(seed, file.Seed); Assert.Equal(version, file.Version); Assert.Equal(shapeCount, file.ShapeCount); }
IEnumerator makeMaterialsFromShapesFile(ShapesFile shapes) { string load = loadingText; for (int col = 0; col < 32; col++) { //if (col != 20) { collectionMapping.Add(0);continue;} //bool landscape = col >= 27; Collection coll = shapes.GetCollection(col); collectionMapping.Add(coll.BitmapCount); // Debug.Log(collectionMapping[col]); ShapeDescriptor d = new ShapeDescriptor(); d.CLUT = 0; d.Collection = (byte)col; for (byte i = 0; i < coll.BitmapCount; ++i) { d.Bitmap = i; Texture2D bitmap = shapes.GetShape(d); if (GlobalData.landscapeCollections.Contains(col)) { bitmap = rotateTexture(bitmap, false); //extend landscape image to make skybox distortion less if (GlobalData.landscapeType > 0) { Color32[] original = bitmap.GetPixels32(); Color32[] stretched = new Color32[bitmap.width * bitmap.width]; int difference = stretched.Length - original.Length; int top = difference / 2; if (GlobalData.landscapeType == 2) { Color32 fill = new Color32(255, 255, 255, 0); for (int pos = 0; pos < stretched.Length; pos++) { stretched[pos] = fill; } } if (GlobalData.landscapeType == 3) { int row = bitmap.width; Color32[] fillTop = new Color32[row]; Color32[] fillBottom = new Color32[row]; for (int pos = 0; pos < row; pos++) { fillBottom[pos] = original[pos]; fillTop[pos] = original[pos + original.Length - row]; } for (int y = 0; y < top / row; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < row; x++) { stretched[y * row + x + original.Length + top] = fillTop[x]; stretched[y * row + x] = fillBottom[x]; } } } if (GlobalData.landscapeType == 4 || GlobalData.landscapeType == 5) { int row = bitmap.width; Color32[] fillTop = new Color32[row]; Color32[] fillBottom = new Color32[row]; int rt = 0; int gt = 0; int bt = 0; int rb = 0; int gb = 0; int bb = 0; for (int pos = 0; pos < row; pos++) { rb += original[pos].r; gb += original[pos].g; bb += original[pos].b; rt += original[pos + original.Length - row].r; gt += original[pos + original.Length - row].g; bt += original[pos + original.Length - row].b; } rt = rt / row; gt = gt / row; bt = bt / row; rb = rb / row; gb = gb / row; bb = bb / row; for (int pos = 0; pos < row; pos++) { fillBottom[pos] = new Color32((byte)rb, (byte)gb, (byte)bb, 255); fillTop[pos] = new Color32((byte)rt, (byte)gt, (byte)bt, 255); } for (int y = 0; y < top / row; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < row; x++) { stretched[y * row + x + original.Length + top] = fillTop[x]; stretched[y * row + x] = fillBottom[x]; } } } for (int pos = 0; pos < original.Length; pos++) { stretched[pos + top] = original[pos]; } if (GlobalData.landscapeType == 5) { Color32[] restretched = new Color32[bitmap.width * bitmap.width - top]; for (int pos = top / 2; pos < stretched.Length - top / 2; pos++) { restretched[pos - top / 2] = stretched[pos]; } bitmap = new Texture2D(bitmap.width, bitmap.width - top / bitmap.width); bitmap.SetPixels32(restretched); } else { bitmap = new Texture2D(bitmap.width, bitmap.width); bitmap.SetPixels32(stretched); } } bitmap.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Clamp; } bitmap.Apply(); Material material = new Material(Shader.Find("Custom/StandardClippableV2")); material.SetFloat("_Glossiness", 0.0f); if (bitmap.format == TextureFormat.ARGB32) { material.SetFloat("_Mode", 1f); material.SetFloat("_Cutoff", 0.85f); material.EnableKeyword("_ALPHABLEND_ON"); material.EnableKeyword("_ALPHAPREMULTIPLY_ON"); material.EnableKeyword("_ALPHATEST_ON"); } else { //Debug.Log("noalpha"); } material.mainTexture = bitmap; material.SetTexture("_EmissionMap", bitmap); material.SetColor("_EmissionColor", Color.white); material.EnableKeyword("_EMISSION"); materials.Add(material); // Debug.Log(material); } loadingText = load + "Loading Shapes... " + col + "/31"; if (col % 7 == 0) { yield return(null); } } loadingText = load + "Loading Shapes... 31/31"; }
/// <summary> /// Tests if the shapes loaded from this file are valid shapes /// </summary> /// <param name="file"></param> /// <returns></returns> private static bool IsFileLoadSuccessful(ShapesFile file) { // All shape names should contain only valid ASCII characters, if they don't we know something has gone wrong return(file.Shapes.SelectMany(shape => shape.Name).All(c => c >= 0x20 && c <= 0x7E)); }
static void Main(string[] args) { /* TODO DO NOT FORGET TO PUT THIS BACK * string path = ""; * * if (args.Length > 0) path = args[0]; * else { * Console.WriteLine("Current directory is " + Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()); * Console.Write("Enter a directory or leave blank for the above: "); * path = Console.ReadLine(); * } */ string path = @"C:\Users\Nixill\Documents\Git\NXS-GTFS"; if (path != "") { Directory.SetCurrentDirectory(path); } // Get the configuration Console.WriteLine("Reading config..."); Config.Load(); // Make sure we have directories Console.WriteLine("Creating folders..."); Directory.CreateDirectory("gtfs"); Directory.CreateDirectory("shapes"); Directory.CreateDirectory("trip-times"); Directory.CreateDirectory("trips"); // Initialize lists of things List <CompleteRelation> agencies = new List <CompleteRelation>(); List <ICompleteOsmGeo> stops = new List <ICompleteOsmGeo>(); Dictionary <long, RouteRelation> routes = new Dictionary <long, RouteRelation>(); Console.WriteLine("Reading map file..."); using (FileStream fileStream = File.OpenRead("map.osm")) { // Open the map file XmlOsmStreamSource xmlSrc = new XmlOsmStreamSource(fileStream); // We'll keep the whole thing so we can iterate over it multiple times var src = (from osmGeo in xmlSrc select osmGeo).ToComplete(); // Iterate through the file to get all the agencies // Other things will be added later foreach (var obj in src) { if (obj.Tags != null) { // Get agencies // Routes are added within each agency if (obj.Type == OsmGeoType.Relation && obj.Tags.Contains("type", "network")) { agencies.Add((CompleteRelation)obj); } // Get stops else if (obj.Type != OsmGeoType.Relation && obj.Tags.Contains("public_transport", "platform")) { stops.Add(obj); } } } Console.WriteLine(""); // Now make the agency file Console.WriteLine("Found " + agencies.Count + " agency(ies)."); Console.WriteLine("Writing agency.txt..."); AgencyFile.Create(agencies, routes); Console.WriteLine("Done."); Console.WriteLine(""); // Now make the stops file Console.WriteLine("Found " + stops.Count + " stop(s)."); Console.WriteLine("Writing stops.txt..."); StopFile.Create(stops); Console.WriteLine("Done."); Console.WriteLine(""); // Now make the routes file Console.WriteLine("Found " + routes.Count + " route(s)."); Console.WriteLine("Writing routes.txt..."); RoutesFile.Create(routes.Values); Console.WriteLine("Done."); Console.WriteLine(""); // Now make the trips file Console.WriteLine("Writing trips.txt by merging existing files..."); TripsFile.Create(); Console.WriteLine("Done."); Console.WriteLine(""); // Now make the times file Console.WriteLine("Writing stop_times.txt by merging existing files..."); TimesFile.Create(); Console.WriteLine("Done."); Console.WriteLine(""); // Now make the trips file Console.WriteLine("Writing shapes.txt by merging existing files..."); ShapesFile.Create(); Console.WriteLine("Done."); Console.WriteLine(""); // Now the calendar files Console.WriteLine("Writing calendar.txt and calendar_dates.txt..."); CalendarFile.Create(); Console.WriteLine("Done."); } }