public override void DoInspectorGUI()
            using (new NamedVerticalScope("Shape Editor Brush"))
                GUIStyle createBrushStyle = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.toolbarButton);
                if (GUILayout.Button(new GUIContent(" Shape Editor", SabreCSGResources.ButtonShapeEditorTexture, "Show 2D Shape Editor"), createBrushStyle))
                    // display the 2d shape ditor.
                if (GUILayout.Button(new GUIContent(" Restore Project", SabreCSGResources.ShapeEditorRestoreTexture, "Load Embedded Project Into 2D Shape Editor"), createBrushStyle))
                    if (EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("2D Shape Editor", "Are you sure you wish to restore the embedded project?\r\nAny unsaved work in the 2D Shape Editor will be lost!", "Yes", "No"))
                        // display the 2d shape ditor.
                        ShapeEditorWindow window = ShapeEditorWindow.InitAndGetHandle();
                        // load a copy of the embedded project into the editor.
                        window.LoadProject(BrushTarget.GetComponent <ShapeEditorBrush>().GetEmbeddedProject());
