Esempio n. 1
        // Creates a native shape and assignes it to prim.BSShape
        private bool GetReferenceToNativeShape(BSPrim prim, ShapeData shapeData,
                                               ShapeData.PhysicsShapeType shapeType, ShapeData.FixedShapeKey shapeKey,
                                               ShapeDestructionCallback shapeCallback)
            BulletShape newShape;

            shapeData.Type = shapeType;
            // Bullet native objects are scaled by the Bullet engine so pass the size in
            prim.Scale      = shapeData.Size;
            shapeData.Scale = shapeData.Size;

            // release any previous shape
            DereferenceShape(prim.BSShape, true, shapeCallback);

            // Native shapes are always built independently.
            newShape               = new BulletShape(BulletSimAPI.BuildNativeShape2(PhysicsScene.World.ptr, shapeData), shapeType);
            newShape.shapeKey      = (ulong)shapeKey;
            newShape.isNativeShape = true;

            // Don't need to do a 'ReferenceShape()' here because native shapes are not tracked.
            // DetailLog("{0},BSShapeCollection.AddNativeShapeToPrim,create,newshape={1}", shapeData.ID, newShape);

            prim.BSShape = newShape;
Esempio n. 2
    // No locking here because this is done when we know physics is not simulating
    private void CreateGeomMesh()
        float lod = _pbs.SculptEntry ? _scene.SculptLOD : _scene.MeshLOD;
        ulong newMeshKey = (ulong)_pbs.GetMeshKey(_size, lod);
        // m_log.DebugFormat("{0}: CreateGeomMesh: lID={1}, oldKey={2}, newKey={3}", LogHeader, _localID, _meshKey, newMeshKey);

        // if this new shape is the same as last time, don't recreate the mesh
        if (_meshKey == newMeshKey) return;

        // Since we're recreating new, get rid of any previously generated shape
        if (_meshKey != 0)
            // m_log.DebugFormat("{0}: CreateGeom: deleting old mesh. lID={1}, Key={2}", LogHeader, _localID, _meshKey);
            BulletSimAPI.DestroyMesh(_scene.WorldID, _meshKey);
            _mesh = null;
            _meshKey = 0;

        _meshKey = newMeshKey;
        // always pass false for physicalness as this creates some sort of bounding box which we don't need
        _mesh = _scene.mesher.CreateMesh(_avName, _pbs, _size, lod, false);

        int[] indices = _mesh.getIndexListAsInt();
        List<OMV.Vector3> vertices = _mesh.getVertexList();

        float[] verticesAsFloats = new float[vertices.Count * 3];
        int vi = 0;
        foreach (OMV.Vector3 vv in vertices)
            // m_log.DebugFormat("{0}:  {1}: <{2:0.00}, {3:0.00}, {4:0.00}>", LogHeader, vi / 3, vv.X, vv.Y, vv.Z);
            verticesAsFloats[vi++] = vv.X;
            verticesAsFloats[vi++] = vv.Y;
            verticesAsFloats[vi++] = vv.Z;

        // m_log.DebugFormat("{0}: CreateGeomMesh: calling CreateMesh. lid={1}, key={2}, indices={3}, vertices={4}", 
        //                   LogHeader, _localID, _meshKey, indices.Length, vertices.Count);
        BulletSimAPI.CreateMesh(_scene.WorldID, _meshKey, indices.GetLength(0), indices, 
                                                        vertices.Count, verticesAsFloats);

        _shapeType = ShapeData.PhysicsShapeType.SHAPE_MESH;
        // meshes are already scaled by the meshmerizer
        _scale = new OMV.Vector3(1f, 1f, 1f);
Esempio n. 3
    }// end CalculateMass
    #endregion Mass Calculation

    // Create the geometry information in Bullet for later use
    // The objects needs a hull if it's physical otherwise a mesh is enough
    // No locking here because this is done when we know physics is not simulating
    // if 'forceRebuild' is true, the geometry is rebuilt. Otherwise a previously built version is used
    private void CreateGeom(bool forceRebuild)
        // the mesher thought this was too simple to mesh. Use a native Bullet collision shape.
        if (!_scene.NeedsMeshing(_pbs))
            if (_pbs.ProfileShape == ProfileShape.HalfCircle && _pbs.PathCurve == (byte)Extrusion.Curve1)
                if (_size.X == _size.Y && _size.Y == _size.Z && _size.X == _size.Z)
                    // m_log.DebugFormat("{0}: CreateGeom: Defaulting to sphere of size {1}", LogHeader, _size);
                    _shapeType = ShapeData.PhysicsShapeType.SHAPE_SPHERE;
                    // Bullet native objects are scaled by the Bullet engine so pass the size in
                    _scale = _size;
                // m_log.DebugFormat("{0}: CreateGeom: Defaulting to box. lid={1}, size={2}", LogHeader, LocalID, _size);
                _shapeType = ShapeData.PhysicsShapeType.SHAPE_BOX;
                _scale = _size;
            if (IsPhysical)
                if (forceRebuild || _hullKey == 0)
                    // physical objects require a hull for interaction.
                    // This will create the mesh if it doesn't already exist
                if (forceRebuild || _meshKey == 0)
                    // Static (non-physical) objects only need a mesh for bumping into
Esempio n. 4
    // No locking here because this is done when we know physics is not simulating
    private void CreateGeomHull()
        float lod = _pbs.SculptEntry ? _scene.SculptLOD : _scene.MeshLOD;
        ulong newHullKey = (ulong)_pbs.GetMeshKey(_size, lod);
        // m_log.DebugFormat("{0}: CreateGeomHull: lID={1}, oldKey={2}, newKey={3}", LogHeader, _localID, _hullKey, newHullKey);

        // if the hull hasn't changed, don't rebuild it
        if (newHullKey == _hullKey) return;

        // Since we're recreating new, get rid of any previously generated shape
        if (_hullKey != 0)
            // m_log.DebugFormat("{0}: CreateGeom: deleting old hull. Key={1}", LogHeader, _hullKey);
            BulletSimAPI.DestroyHull(_scene.WorldID, _hullKey);
            _hullKey = 0;
            BulletSimAPI.DestroyMesh(_scene.WorldID, _meshKey);
            _mesh = null;   // the mesh cannot match either
            _meshKey = 0;

        _hullKey = newHullKey;
        if (_meshKey != _hullKey)
            // if the underlying mesh has changed, rebuild it

        int[] indices = _mesh.getIndexListAsInt();
        List<OMV.Vector3> vertices = _mesh.getVertexList();

        //format conversion from IMesh format to DecompDesc format
        List<int> convIndices = new List<int>();
        List<float3> convVertices = new List<float3>();
        for (int ii = 0; ii < indices.GetLength(0); ii++)
        foreach (OMV.Vector3 vv in vertices)
            convVertices.Add(new float3(vv.X, vv.Y, vv.Z));

        // setup and do convex hull conversion
        _hulls = new List<ConvexResult>();
        DecompDesc dcomp = new DecompDesc();
        dcomp.mIndices = convIndices;
        dcomp.mVertices = convVertices;
        ConvexBuilder convexBuilder = new ConvexBuilder(HullReturn);
        // create the hull into the _hulls variable

        // Convert the vertices and indices for passing to unmanaged
        // The hull information is passed as a large floating point array. 
        // The format is:
        //  convHulls[0] = number of hulls
        //  convHulls[1] = number of vertices in first hull
        //  convHulls[2] = hull centroid X coordinate
        //  convHulls[3] = hull centroid Y coordinate
        //  convHulls[4] = hull centroid Z coordinate
        //  convHulls[5] = first hull vertex X
        //  convHulls[6] = first hull vertex Y
        //  convHulls[7] = first hull vertex Z
        //  convHulls[8] = second hull vertex X
        //  ...
        //  convHulls[n] = number of vertices in second hull
        //  convHulls[n+1] = second hull centroid X coordinate
        //  ...
        // TODO: is is very inefficient. Someday change the convex hull generator to return
        //   data structures that do not need to be converted in order to pass to Bullet.
        //   And maybe put the values directly into pinned memory rather than marshaling.
        int hullCount = _hulls.Count;
        int totalVertices = 1;          // include one for the count of the hulls
        foreach (ConvexResult cr in _hulls)
            totalVertices += 4;                         // add four for the vertex count and centroid
            totalVertices += cr.HullIndices.Count * 3;  // we pass just triangles
        float[] convHulls = new float[totalVertices];

        convHulls[0] = (float)hullCount;
        int jj = 1;
        foreach (ConvexResult cr in _hulls)
            // copy vertices for index access
            float3[] verts = new float3[cr.HullVertices.Count];
            int kk = 0;
            foreach (float3 ff in cr.HullVertices)
                verts[kk++] = ff;

            // add to the array one hull's worth of data
            convHulls[jj++] = cr.HullIndices.Count;
            convHulls[jj++] = 0f;   // centroid x,y,z
            convHulls[jj++] = 0f;
            convHulls[jj++] = 0f;
            foreach (int ind in cr.HullIndices)
                convHulls[jj++] = verts[ind].x;
                convHulls[jj++] = verts[ind].y;
                convHulls[jj++] = verts[ind].z;

        // create the hull definition in Bullet
        // m_log.DebugFormat("{0}: CreateGeom: calling CreateHull. lid={1}, key={2}, hulls={3}", LogHeader, _localID, _hullKey, hullCount);
        BulletSimAPI.CreateHull(_scene.WorldID, _hullKey, hullCount, convHulls);
        _shapeType = ShapeData.PhysicsShapeType.SHAPE_HULL;
        // meshes are already scaled by the meshmerizer
        _scale = new OMV.Vector3(1f, 1f, 1f);
Esempio n. 5
    private void GenerateHullMesh ()
        float[] convHulls;
        _hullKey = (ulong)_pbs.GetHashCode();
        if(_hullMeshDictionary.TryGetValue(_hullKey, out convHulls))
            // create the hull definition in Bullet
            // m_log.DebugFormat("{0}: CreateGeom: calling CreateHull. lid={1}, key={2}, hulls={3}", LogHeader, _localID, _hullKey, hullCount);
            BulletSimAPI.CreateHull(_scene.WorldID, _hullKey, (int)convHulls[0], convHulls);
            _shapeType = ShapeData.PhysicsShapeType.SHAPE_HULL;
            // Let the object be scaled by Bullet (the mesh was created as a unit mesh)
            _scale = _size;
        int[] indices = _mesh.getIndexListAsInt();
        List<OMV.Vector3> vertices = _mesh.getVertexList();

        //format conversion from IMesh format to DecompDesc format
        List<int> convIndices = new List<int>();
        List<float3> convVertices = new List<float3>();
        for(int ii = 0; ii < indices.GetLength(0); ii++)
        foreach(OMV.Vector3 vv in vertices)
            convVertices.Add(new float3(vv.X, vv.Y, vv.Z));

        // setup and do convex hull conversion
        _hulls = new List<ConvexResult>();
        DecompDesc dcomp = new DecompDesc();
        dcomp.mIndices = convIndices;
        dcomp.mVertices = convVertices;
        ConvexBuilder convexBuilder = new ConvexBuilder(HullReturn);
        // create the hull into the _hulls variable

        // Convert the vertices and indices for passing to unmanaged
        // The hull information is passed as a large floating point array. 
        // The format is:
        //  convHulls[0] = number of hulls
        //  convHulls[1] = number of vertices in first hull
        //  convHulls[2] = hull centroid X coordinate
        //  convHulls[3] = hull centroid Y coordinate
        //  convHulls[4] = hull centroid Z coordinate
        //  convHulls[5] = first hull vertex X
        //  convHulls[6] = first hull vertex Y
        //  convHulls[7] = first hull vertex Z
        //  convHulls[8] = second hull vertex X
        //  ...
        //  convHulls[n] = number of vertices in second hull
        //  convHulls[n+1] = second hull centroid X coordinate
        //  ...
        // TODO: is is very inefficient. Someday change the convex hull generator to return
        //   data structures that do not need to be converted in order to pass to Bullet.
        //   And maybe put the values directly into pinned memory rather than marshaling.
        int hullCount = _hulls.Count;
        int totalVertices = 1;          // include one for the count of the hulls
        foreach(ConvexResult cr in _hulls)
            totalVertices += 4;                         // add four for the vertex count and centroid
            totalVertices += cr.HullIndices.Count * 3;  // we pass just triangles
        convHulls = new float[totalVertices];

        convHulls[0] = (float)hullCount;
        int jj = 1;
        foreach(ConvexResult cr in _hulls)
            // copy vertices for index access
            float3[] verts = new float3[cr.HullVertices.Count];
            int kk = 0;
            foreach(float3 ff in cr.HullVertices)
                verts[kk++] = ff;

            // add to the array one hull's worth of data
            convHulls[jj++] = cr.HullIndices.Count;
            convHulls[jj++] = 0f;   // centroid x,y,z
            convHulls[jj++] = 0f;
            convHulls[jj++] = 0f;
            foreach(int ind in cr.HullIndices)
                convHulls[jj++] = verts[ind].x;
                convHulls[jj++] = verts[ind].y;
                convHulls[jj++] = verts[ind].z;

        // create the hull definition in Bullet
        // m_log.DebugFormat("{0}: CreateGeom: calling CreateHull. lid={1}, key={2}, hulls={3}", LogHeader, _localID, _hullKey, hullCount);
        BulletSimAPI.CreateHull(_scene.WorldID, _hullKey, hullCount, convHulls);
        _shapeType = ShapeData.PhysicsShapeType.SHAPE_HULL;
        // Let the object be scaled by Bullet (the mesh was created as a unit mesh)
        _scale = _size;
Esempio n. 6
    }// end CalculateMass
    #endregion Mass Calculation

    // Create the geometry information in Bullet for later use
    // No locking here because this is done when we know physics is not simulating
    private void CreateGeom()
        // Since we're recreating new, get rid of any previously generated shape
        if (_hullKey != 0)
            // m_log.DebugFormat("{0}: CreateGeom: deleting old hull. Key={1}", LogHeader, _hullKey);
            BulletSimAPI.DestroyHull(_scene.WorldID, _hullKey);
            _hullKey = 0;

        if (_mesh == null)
            // the mesher thought this was too simple to mesh. Use a native Bullet collision shape.
            if (_pbs.ProfileShape == ProfileShape.HalfCircle && _pbs.PathCurve == (byte)Extrusion.Curve1)
                if (_size.X == _size.Y && _size.Y == _size.Z && _size.X == _size.Z)
                    // m_log.DebugFormat("{0}: CreateGeom: mesh null. Defaulting to sphere of size {1}", LogHeader, _size);
                    _shapeType = ShapeData.PhysicsShapeType.SHAPE_SPHERE;
                    // Bullet native objects are scaled by the Bullet engine so pass the size in
                    _scale = _size;
                // m_log.DebugFormat("{0}: CreateGeom: mesh null. Defaulting to box. lid={1}, size={2}", LogHeader, LocalID,  _size);
                _shapeType = ShapeData.PhysicsShapeType.SHAPE_BOX;
                _scale = _size;