/// <summary>
        /// Post destroy handling: destroy all sub-part objects.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="obj"></param>
        /// <param name="msg"></param>
        /// <param name="packet"></param>
        /// <param name="reader"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected override Error PostHandleMessage(DestroyMessage msg, ShapeCache cache, int shapeIndex)
            if (shapeIndex < 0)
                // Nothing to delete.
                // Delete of invalid object is allowed.
                return(new Error());

            PartSet partSet = cache.GetShapeDataByIndex <PartSet>(shapeIndex);

            if (partSet != null)
                // Remove from the registered mesh list.
                for (int i = 0; i < partSet.MeshIDs.Length; ++i)
                    List <PartSet> parts;
                    if (_registeredParts.TryGetValue(partSet.MeshIDs[i], out parts))
                        // Remove from the list.
                        parts.RemoveAll((PartSet cmp) => { return(cmp == partSet); });

            return(new Error());
        /// <summary>
        /// Overridden to read optional point cloud indices.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="msg">Message header.</param>
        /// <param name="packet">Data packet.</param>
        /// <param name="reader">Data packet reader.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected override Error HandleMessage(DataMessage msg, PacketBuffer packet, BinaryReader reader)
            ShapeCache cache      = (msg.ObjectID == 0) ? _transientCache : _shapeCache;
            int        shapeIndex = (msg.ObjectID == 0) ? _lastTransientIndex : cache.GetShapeIndex(msg.ObjectID);

            if (shapeIndex < 0)
                return(new Error(ErrorCode.InvalidObjectID, msg.ObjectID));

            PointsComponent pointsComp = cache.GetShapeDataByIndex <PointsComponent>(shapeIndex);

            // Read index offset and count.
            uint offset = reader.ReadUInt32();
            uint count  = reader.ReadUInt32();

            int[] indices = pointsComp.Indices;
            for (uint i = 0; i < count; ++i)
                indices[i + offset] = reader.ReadInt32();

            pointsComp.IndicesDirty = true;

            if (pointsComp.IndexCount != 0 && offset + count >= pointsComp.IndexCount)
                // Done. Register for the mesh.

            return(new Error());
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a text shape for serialisation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="shapeComponent">The component to create a shape for.</param>
        /// <returns>A shape instance suitable for configuring to generate serialisation messages.</returns>
        protected override Shapes.Shape CreateSerialisationShape(ShapeCache cache, int shapeIndex, CreateMessage shape)
            TextShapeData textData = cache.GetShapeDataByIndex <TextShapeData>(shapeIndex);
            // Note: initialise position to zero. SetAttributes() below will overwrite this.
            var textShape = new Shapes.Text3D(textData.Text, shape.ObjectID, shape.Category, Maths.Vector3.Zero);

        /// <summary>
        /// Handle additional <see cref="UpdateMessage"/> data.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="obj"></param>
        /// <param name="msg"></param>
        /// <param name="packet"></param>
        /// <param name="reader"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected override Error PostHandleMessage(UpdateMessage msg, PacketBuffer packet, BinaryReader reader,
                                                   ShapeCache cache, int shapeIndex)
            TextShapeData textData = cache.GetShapeDataByIndex <TextShapeData>(shapeIndex);

            // textData.Mesh.fontSize = (int)msg.Attributes.ScaleZ;
            // textData.Mesh.color = Maths.ColourExt.ToUnity32(new Maths.Colour(msg.Attributes.Colour));
            textData.ScreenFacing = (msg.Flags & (ushort)Text3DFlag.ScreenFacing) != 0;

            cache.SetShapeDataByIndex(shapeIndex, textData);

            return(base.PostHandleMessage(msg, packet, reader, cache, shapeIndex));
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a mesh set shape for serialising the mesh and its resource references.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="shapeComponent">The component to create a shape for.</param>
        /// <returns>A shape instance suitable for configuring to generate serialisation messages.</returns>
        protected override Shapes.Shape CreateSerialisationShape(ShapeCache cache, int shapeIndex, CreateMessage shapeData)
            // Start by building the resource list.
            PartSet partSet = cache.GetShapeDataByIndex <PartSet>(shapeIndex);

            Shapes.MeshSet meshSet = new Shapes.MeshSet(shapeData.ObjectID, shapeData.Category);
            for (int i = 0; i < partSet.MeshIDs.Length; ++i)
                MeshResourcePlaceholder part = new MeshResourcePlaceholder(partSet.MeshIDs[i]);
                meshSet.AddPart(part, Tes.Maths.Matrix4Ext.FromUnity(partSet.Transforms[i]));
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a point cloud shape for serialising <paramref name="shapeComponent"/> and its point data.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="shapeComponent">The component to create a shape for.</param>
        /// <returns>A shape instance suitable for configuring to generate serialisation messages.</returns>
        protected override Shapes.Shape CreateSerialisationShape(ShapeCache cache, int shapeIndex, CreateMessage shapeData)
            PointsComponent pointsComp = cache.GetShapeDataByIndex <PointsComponent>(shapeIndex);

            Shapes.PointCloudShape points = new Shapes.PointCloudShape(new MeshResourcePlaceholder(pointsComp.MeshID),
            if (pointsComp.IndexCount > 0)
        /// <summary>
        /// Post destroy message: destroy sub-objects.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="obj"></param>
        /// <param name="msg"></param>
        /// <param name="packet"></param>
        /// <param name="reader"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected override Error PostHandleMessage(DestroyMessage msg, ShapeCache cache, int shapeIndex)
            PointsComponent pointsComp = cache.GetShapeDataByIndex <PointsComponent>(shapeIndex);

            if (pointsComp != null)
                // Remove from the registered mesh list.
                List <PointsComponent> parts;
                if (_registeredParts.TryGetValue(pointsComp.MeshID, out parts))
                    // Remove from the list.
                    parts.RemoveAll((PointsComponent cmp) => { return(cmp == pointsComp); });

            return(new Error());
Esempio n. 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a mesh shape for serialising <paramref name="shapeComponent"/> and its associated mesh data.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="shapeComponent">The component to create a shape for.</param>
        /// <returns>A shape instance suitable for configuring to generate serialisation messages.</returns>
        protected override Shapes.Shape CreateSerialisationShape(ShapeCache cache, int shapeIndex, CreateMessage shapeData)
            MeshEntry  meshEntry = cache.GetShapeDataByIndex <MeshEntry>(shapeIndex);
            RenderMesh mesh      = meshEntry.Mesh;

            Debug.Log($"serialise mesh. Normals? {mesh.HasNormals}");

            Shapes.MeshShape meshShape = new Shapes.MeshShape(meshEntry.Mesh.DrawType,
                                                              shapeData.ObjectID, shapeData.Category);

            if (mesh.HasNormals && !meshEntry.CalculateNormals)
                // We have normals which were not locally calculated.
                meshShape.Normals = Tes.Maths.Vector3Ext.FromUnity(mesh.Normals);

        protected void Render(CameraContext cameraContext, ShapeCache shapeCache)
            // TODO: (KS) verify material setup.
            // TODO: (KS) incorporate the 3es scene transform.
            // TODO: (KS) handle multiple cameras (code only tailored to one).
            Vector3         cameraPosition = (Vector3)cameraContext.CameraToWorldTransform.GetColumn(3);
            CategoriesState categories     = this.CategoriesState;

            // Walk the items in the shape cache.
            foreach (int shapeIndex in shapeCache.ShapeIndices)
                // if (shapeCache.GetShapeDataByIndex<CreateMessage>(shapeIndex).Category)
                CreateMessage shape = shapeCache.GetShapeByIndex(shapeIndex);
                if (!categories.IsActive(shape.Category))
                    // Category not enabled.

                // Get transform and text data.
                Matrix4x4     transform = shapeCache.GetShapeTransformByIndex(shapeIndex);
                TextShapeData textData  = shapeCache.GetShapeDataByIndex <TextShapeData>(shapeIndex);

                if (textData.Mesh == null || textData.Material == null)
                    // No mesh/material. Try instantiate via the delegate.
                    if (CreateTextMeshHandler != null)
                        CreateTextMeshHandler(textData.Text, textData.FontSize,
                                              Maths.ColourExt.ToUnity(new Maths.Colour(shape.Attributes.Colour)),
                                              ref textData.Mesh, ref textData.Material);

                    if (textData.Mesh == null || textData.Material == null)

                    // Newly creates mesh/material. Store the changes.
                    shapeCache.SetShapeDataByIndex <TextShapeData>(shapeIndex, textData);

                if (textData.Mesh == null || textData.Material == null)

                if (textData.ScreenFacing)
                    Vector3 textPosition = cameraContext.TesSceneToWorldTransform * (Vector3)transform.GetColumn(3);
                    Vector3 toCamera     = cameraPosition - textPosition;
                    // Remove any height component from the camera. Indexing using Unity's left handed, Y up system.
                    toCamera[1] = 0;

                    if (toCamera.sqrMagnitude > 1e-3f)
                        toCamera = toCamera.normalized;
                        Vector3 side = Vector3.Cross(toCamera, Vector3.up);
                        // Build new rotation axes using toCamera for forward and a new Up axis.
                        transform.SetColumn(0, new Vector4(side.x, side.y, side.z));
                        transform.SetColumn(1, new Vector4(Vector3.up.x, Vector3.up.y, Vector3.up.z));
                        transform.SetColumn(2, new Vector4(toCamera.x, toCamera.y, toCamera.z));
                        transform.SetColumn(3, new Vector4(textPosition.x, textPosition.y, textPosition.z, 1.0f));
                    // else too close to the camera to build a rotation.
                    // transform = cameraContext.TesSceneToWorldTransform * transform;
                    // Just extract the text position.
                    // TODO: (KS) will have to look at allowing users to orient the text from the server.
                    Vector3 textPosition = cameraContext.TesSceneToWorldTransform * (Vector3)transform.GetColumn(3);
                    transform = Matrix4x4.identity;
                    transform.SetColumn(3, new Vector4(textPosition.x, textPosition.y, textPosition.z, 1.0f));

                cameraContext.TransparentBuffer.DrawMesh(textData.Mesh, transform, textData.Material);

                // TODO: (KS) resolve procedural rendering without a game object. Consider TextMeshPro.
                // TODO: (KS) select opaque layer.
                // Graphics.DrawMesh(textData.Mesh, transform, material, 0);
Esempio n. 10
        private void RenderMeshes(CameraContext cameraContext, ShapeCache cache, int shapeIndex)
            CreateMessage shape = cache.GetShapeByIndex(shapeIndex);

            if (CategoriesState != null && !CategoriesState.IsActive(shape.Category))

            Matrix4x4 shapeWorldTransform = cameraContext.TesSceneToWorldTransform * cache.GetShapeTransformByIndex(shapeIndex);
            PartSet   parts = cache.GetShapeDataByIndex <PartSet>(shapeIndex);

            for (int i = 0; i < parts.Meshes.Length; ++i)
                RenderMesh mesh = (parts.Meshes[i] != null) ? parts.Meshes[i].Mesh : null;

                if (mesh == null)

                if (mesh.MaterialDirty)

                Material material =
                    (parts.MaterialOverrides != null && parts.MaterialOverrides.Length > 0 && parts.MaterialOverrides[i]) ?
                    parts.MaterialOverrides[i] : mesh.Material;

                if (material == null)

                // TODO: (KS) use transparent queue for parts with transparency.
                CommandBuffer renderQueue = cameraContext.OpaqueBuffer;

                // Push the part transform.
                Matrix4x4 partWorldTransform = shapeWorldTransform * parts.Transforms[i] * mesh.LocalTransform;

                if (mesh.HasColours)
                    material.SetBuffer("_Colours", mesh.ColoursBuffer);

                if (mesh.HasNormals)
                    material.SetBuffer("_Normals", mesh.NormalsBuffer);

                // if (mesh.HasUVs)
                // {
                //   material.SetBuffer("uvs", mesh.UvsBuffer);
                // }

                if (material.HasProperty("_Color"))
                    material.SetColor("_Color", new Maths.Colour(shape.Attributes.Colour).ToUnity32());

                if (material.HasProperty("_Tint"))
                    material.SetColor("_Tint", mesh.Tint.ToUnity32());

                if (material.HasProperty("_BackColour"))
                    material.SetColor("_BackColour", new Maths.Colour(shape.Attributes.Colour).ToUnity32());

                // Bind vertices and draw.
                material.SetBuffer("_Vertices", mesh.VertexBuffer);

                if (mesh.IndexBuffer != null)
                    renderQueue.DrawProcedural(mesh.IndexBuffer, partWorldTransform, material, 0, mesh.Topology, mesh.IndexCount);
                    renderQueue.DrawProcedural(partWorldTransform, material, 0, mesh.Topology, mesh.VertexCount);
Esempio n. 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Release the mesh resources of <paramref name="obj"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="obj"></param>
        void ResetObject(ShapeCache cache, int shapeIndex)
            MeshEntry meshEntry = cache.GetShapeDataByIndex <MeshEntry>(shapeIndex);

Esempio n. 12
        /// <summary>
        /// Overridden to handle triangle data in the <paramref name="msg"/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="msg"></param>
        /// <param name="packet"></param>
        /// <param name="reader"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected override Error HandleMessage(DataMessage msg, PacketBuffer packet, BinaryReader reader)
            ShapeCache cache      = (msg.ObjectID == 0) ? _transientCache : _shapeCache;
            int        shapeIndex = (msg.ObjectID == 0) ? _lastTransientIndex : cache.GetShapeIndex(msg.ObjectID);

            if (shapeIndex < 0)
                return(new Error(ErrorCode.InvalidObjectID, msg.ObjectID));

            // Naive support for multiple packets. Assume:
            // - In order.
            MeshEntry meshEntry = cache.GetShapeDataByIndex <MeshEntry>(shapeIndex);

            // Well, this is confusing indirection...
            int readComponent = MeshShape.ReadDataComponentDeferred(
                reader, (uint)meshEntry.Mesh.VertexCount, (uint)meshEntry.Mesh.IndexCount,
                // Vertex handler.
                new MeshShape.ComponentBlockReader((MeshShape.SendDataType dataType, BinaryReader reader2, uint offset, uint count) =>
                return(ReadMeshVector3Data(reader2, offset, count, (Vector3[] buffer, int writeOffset, int writeCount) =>
                    meshEntry.Mesh.SetVertices(buffer, 0, writeOffset, writeCount, true);
                // Index handler
                new MeshShape.ComponentBlockReader((MeshShape.SendDataType dataType, BinaryReader reader2, uint offset, uint count) =>
                return(ReadIndexComponent(reader2, offset, count, meshEntry.Mesh));
                // Normals handler.
                new MeshShape.ComponentBlockReader((MeshShape.SendDataType dataType, BinaryReader reader2, uint offset, uint count) =>
                return(ReadMeshVector3Data(reader2, offset, count, (Vector3[] buffer, int writeOffset, int writeCount) =>
                    if (dataType == MeshShape.SendDataType.UniformNormal)
                        // Only one normal for the whole mesh.
                        // Fill the buffer and write in chunks.
                        for (int i = 1; i < buffer.Length; ++i)
                            buffer[i] = buffer[0];
                        int localOffset = 0;
                        for (int i = 0; i < meshEntry.Mesh.VertexCount; i += buffer.Length)
                            int blockCount = Math.Min(buffer.Length, meshEntry.Mesh.VertexCount - localOffset);
                            meshEntry.Mesh.SetNormals(buffer, 0, localOffset, blockCount);
                            writeOffset += blockCount;
                        meshEntry.Mesh.SetNormals(buffer, 0, writeOffset, writeCount);
                // Colours handler.
                new MeshShape.ComponentBlockReader((MeshShape.SendDataType dataType, BinaryReader reader2, uint offset, uint count) =>
                return(ReadColourComponent(reader2, offset, count, meshEntry.Mesh));

            if (readComponent == -1)
                return(new Error(ErrorCode.MalformedMessage, DataMessage.MessageID));

            if (readComponent == (int)(MeshShape.SendDataType.Vertices | MeshShape.SendDataType.End))
                // Finalise the material.
                meshEntry.Material = CreateMaterial(cache.GetShapeByIndex(shapeIndex), meshEntry);
                cache.SetShapeDataByIndex(shapeIndex, meshEntry);

            return(new Error());
Esempio n. 13
        protected void RenderObject(CameraContext cameraContext, ShapeCache cache, int shapeIndex)
            CreateMessage shape = cache.GetShapeByIndex(shapeIndex);

            if (CategoriesState != null && !CategoriesState.IsActive(shape.Category))

            MeshEntry meshEntry = cache.GetShapeDataByIndex <MeshEntry>(shapeIndex);
            Matrix4x4 transform = cache.GetShapeTransformByIndex(shapeIndex);

            // TODO: (KS) select command buffer for transparent rendering.
            CommandBuffer renderQueue = cameraContext.OpaqueBuffer;
            Material      material    = meshEntry.Material;
            RenderMesh    mesh        = meshEntry.Mesh;

            if (material == null || mesh == null)

            Matrix4x4 modelWorld = cameraContext.TesSceneToWorldTransform * transform;

            // Transform and cull bounds
            // FIXME: (KS) this really isn't how culling should be performed.
            Bounds bounds = GeometryUtility.CalculateBounds(new Vector3[] { mesh.MinBounds, mesh.MaxBounds }, modelWorld);

            if (!GeometryUtility.TestPlanesAABB(cameraContext.CameraFrustumPlanes, bounds))

            if (mesh.HasColours)
                material.SetBuffer("_Colours", mesh.ColoursBuffer);

            if (mesh.HasNormals)
                material.SetBuffer("_Normals", mesh.NormalsBuffer);

            // if (mesh.HasUVs)
            // {
            //   material.SetBuffer("uvs", mesh.UvsBuffer);
            // }

            if (material.HasProperty("_Color"))
                material.SetColor("_Color", Maths.ColourExt.ToUnity(new Maths.Colour(shape.Attributes.Colour)));

            if (material.HasProperty("_Tint"))
                material.SetColor("_Tint", Maths.ColourExt.ToUnity(mesh.Tint));

            if (material.HasProperty("_BackColour"))
                material.SetColor("_BackColour", Maths.ColourExt.ToUnity(new Maths.Colour(shape.Attributes.Colour)));

            // TODO: (KS) Need to derive this from the shape properties.
            if (mesh.Topology == MeshTopology.Points)
                // Set min/max shader values.
                if (material.HasProperty("_BoundsMin"))
                    material.SetVector("_BoundsMin", mesh.MinBounds);
                if (material.HasProperty("_BoundsMax"))
                    material.SetVector("_BoundsMax", mesh.MaxBounds);

                float pointScale = (meshEntry.DrawScale > 0) ? meshEntry.DrawScale : 1.0f;
                material.SetFloat("_PointSize", GlobalSettings.PointSize * pointScale);

                // Colour by height if we have a zero colour value.
                if (shape.Attributes.Colour == 0)
                    material.SetColor("_Color", Color.white);
                    material.SetColor("_BackColour", Color.white);
                    switch (CoordinateFrameUtil.AxisIndex(ServerInfo.CoordinateFrame, 2))
                    case 0:

                    case 1:

                    case 2:

            // Bind vertices and draw.
            material.SetBuffer("_Vertices", mesh.VertexBuffer);

            if (mesh.IndexBuffer != null)
                renderQueue.DrawProcedural(mesh.IndexBuffer, modelWorld, material, 0, mesh.Topology, mesh.IndexCount);
                renderQueue.DrawProcedural(modelWorld, material, 0, mesh.Topology, mesh.VertexCount);
        void RenderPoints(CameraContext cameraContext, ShapeCache cache, int shapeIndex)
            CreateMessage shape = cache.GetShapeByIndex(shapeIndex);

            if (CategoriesState != null && !CategoriesState.IsActive(shape.Category))

            Matrix4x4       modelWorld  = cameraContext.TesSceneToWorldTransform * cache.GetShapeTransformByIndex(shapeIndex);
            PointsComponent points      = cache.GetShapeDataByIndex <PointsComponent>(shapeIndex);
            CommandBuffer   renderQueue = cameraContext.OpaqueBuffer;
            RenderMesh      mesh        = points.Mesh != null ? points.Mesh.Mesh : null;

            if (mesh == null)
                // No mesh.
                Debug.LogWarning($"Point cloud shape {shape.ObjectID} missing mesh with ID {points.MeshID}");

            if (points.Material == null)
                // No mesh.
                Debug.LogWarning($"Point cloud shape {shape.ObjectID} missing material");

            // Check rendering with index buffer?
            GraphicsBuffer indexBuffer = null;
            int            indexCount  = 0;

            if (mesh.IndexCount > 0 || points.IndexCount > 0)
                if ((int)points.IndexCount > 0)
                    indexBuffer = points.IndexBuffer;
                    indexCount  = (int)points.IndexCount;
                // We only use the mesh index buffer if the mesh has points topology.
                // Otherwise we convert to points using vertices as is.
                else if (mesh.Topology == MeshTopology.Points)
                    indexBuffer = mesh.IndexBuffer;
                    indexCount  = mesh.IndexCount;

            if (mesh.HasColours)
                points.Material.SetBuffer("_Colours", mesh.ColoursBuffer);

            if (mesh.HasNormals)
                points.Material.SetBuffer("_Normals", mesh.NormalsBuffer);

            points.Material.SetBuffer("_Vertices", mesh.VertexBuffer);

            // Set min/max shader values.
            if (points.Material.HasProperty("_BoundsMin"))
                points.Material.SetVector("_BoundsMin", points.Mesh.Mesh.MinBounds);
            if (points.Material.HasProperty("_BoundsMax"))
                points.Material.SetVector("_BoundsMax", points.Mesh.Mesh.MaxBounds);

            float pointScale = (points.PointScale > 0) ? points.PointScale : 1.0f;

            points.Material.SetFloat("_PointSize", GlobalSettings.PointSize * pointScale);

            // Colour by height if we have a zero colour value.
            if (shape.Attributes.Colour == 0)
                points.Material.SetColor("_Color", Color.white);
                points.Material.SetColor("_BackColour", Color.white);
                switch (CoordinateFrameUtil.AxisIndex(ServerInfo.CoordinateFrame, 2))
                case 0:

                case 1:

                case 2:

            if (mesh.IndexBuffer != null)
                renderQueue.DrawProcedural(mesh.IndexBuffer, modelWorld, points.Material, 0, mesh.Topology, mesh.IndexCount);
                renderQueue.DrawProcedural(modelWorld, points.Material, 0, mesh.Topology, mesh.VertexCount);