private Vector2 ComputeCascadeSplits(RenderContext context, ShadowMapRenderer shadowContext, ref LightShadowMapTexture lightShadowMap)
            var shadow = (LightDirectionalShadowMap)lightShadowMap.Shadow;

            var cameraNear = shadowContext.Camera.NearClipPlane;
            var cameraFar = shadowContext.Camera.FarClipPlane;
            var cameraRange = cameraFar - cameraNear;

            var minDistance = cameraNear + LightDirectionalShadowMap.DepthRangeParameters.DefaultMinDistance;
            var maxDistance = cameraNear + LightDirectionalShadowMap.DepthRangeParameters.DefaultMaxDistance;

            if (shadow.DepthRange.IsAutomatic)
                var depthReadBack = DepthReadback.GetDepthReadback(context);
                if (depthReadBack.IsResultAvailable)
                    var depthMinMax = depthReadBack.DepthMinMax;
                    minDistance = ToLinearDepth(depthMinMax.X, ref shadowContext.Camera.ProjectionMatrix);
                    // Reserve 1/3 of the guard distance for the min distance
                    minDistance = Math.Max(cameraNear, minDistance - shadow.DepthRange.GuardDistance / 3);

                    // Reserve 2/3 of the guard distance for the max distance
                    var guardMaxDistance = minDistance + shadow.DepthRange.GuardDistance * 2 / 3;
                    maxDistance = ToLinearDepth(depthMinMax.Y, ref shadowContext.Camera.ProjectionMatrix);
                    maxDistance = Math.Max(maxDistance, guardMaxDistance);
                minDistance = cameraNear + shadow.DepthRange.ManualMinDistance;
                maxDistance = cameraNear + shadow.DepthRange.ManualMaxDistance;

            var manualPartitionMode = shadow.PartitionMode as LightDirectionalShadowMap.PartitionManual;
            var logarithmicPartitionMode = shadow.PartitionMode as LightDirectionalShadowMap.PartitionLogarithmic;
            if (logarithmicPartitionMode != null)
                var minZ = minDistance;
                var maxZ = maxDistance;

                var range = maxZ - minZ;
                var ratio = maxZ / minZ;
                var logRatio = MathUtil.Clamp(1.0f - logarithmicPartitionMode.PSSMFactor, 0.0f, 1.0f);

                for (int cascadeLevel = 0; cascadeLevel < lightShadowMap.CascadeCount; ++cascadeLevel)
                    // Compute cascade split (between znear and zfar)
                    float distrib = (float)(cascadeLevel + 1) / lightShadowMap.CascadeCount;
                    float logZ = (float)(minZ * Math.Pow(ratio, distrib));
                    float uniformZ = minZ + range * distrib;
                    float distance = MathUtil.Lerp(uniformZ, logZ, logRatio);
                    cascadeSplitRatios[cascadeLevel] = distance;
            else if (manualPartitionMode != null)
                if (lightShadowMap.CascadeCount == 1)
                    cascadeSplitRatios[0] = minDistance + manualPartitionMode.SplitDistance1 * maxDistance;
                else if (lightShadowMap.CascadeCount == 2)
                    cascadeSplitRatios[0] = minDistance + manualPartitionMode.SplitDistance1 * maxDistance;
                    cascadeSplitRatios[1] = minDistance + manualPartitionMode.SplitDistance3 * maxDistance;
                else if (lightShadowMap.CascadeCount == 4)
                    cascadeSplitRatios[0] = minDistance + manualPartitionMode.SplitDistance0 * maxDistance;
                    cascadeSplitRatios[1] = minDistance + manualPartitionMode.SplitDistance1 * maxDistance;
                    cascadeSplitRatios[2] = minDistance + manualPartitionMode.SplitDistance2 * maxDistance;
                    cascadeSplitRatios[3] = minDistance + manualPartitionMode.SplitDistance3 * maxDistance;

            // Convert distance splits to ratios cascade in the range [0, 1]
            for (int i = 0; i < cascadeSplitRatios.Length; i++)
                cascadeSplitRatios[i] = (cascadeSplitRatios[i] - cameraNear) / cameraRange;

            return new Vector2(minDistance, maxDistance);
        public override void Render(RenderContext context, ShadowMapRenderer shadowMapRenderer, LightShadowMapTexture lightShadowMap)
            var shadow = (LightDirectionalShadowMap)lightShadowMap.Shadow;
            // TODO: Min and Max distance can be auto-computed from readback from Z buffer
            var camera = shadowMapRenderer.Camera;
            var shadowCamera = shadowMapRenderer.ShadowCamera;

            var viewToWorld = camera.ViewMatrix;

            // Update the frustum infos

            // Computes the cascade splits
            var minMaxDistance = ComputeCascadeSplits(context, shadowMapRenderer, ref lightShadowMap);
            var direction = lightShadowMap.LightComponent.Direction;

            // Fake value
            // It will be setup by next loop
            Vector3 side = Vector3.UnitX;
            Vector3 upDirection = Vector3.UnitX;

            // Select best Up vector
            // TODO: User preference?
            foreach (var vectorUp in VectorUps)
                if (Math.Abs(Vector3.Dot(direction, vectorUp)) < (1.0 - 0.0001))
                    side = Vector3.Normalize(Vector3.Cross(vectorUp, direction));
                    upDirection = Vector3.Normalize(Vector3.Cross(direction, side));

            int cascadeCount = lightShadowMap.CascadeCount;

            // Get new shader data from pool
            LightDirectionalShadowMapShaderData shaderData;
            if (cascadeCount == 1)
                shaderData = shaderDataPoolCascade1.Add();
            else if (cascadeCount == 2)
                shaderData = shaderDataPoolCascade2.Add();
                shaderData = shaderDataPoolCascade4.Add();
            lightShadowMap.ShaderData = shaderData;
            shaderData.Texture = lightShadowMap.Atlas.Texture;
            shaderData.DepthBias = shadow.BiasParameters.DepthBias;
            shaderData.OffsetScale = shadow.BiasParameters.NormalOffsetScale;

            // Push a new graphics state
            var graphicsDevice = context.GraphicsDevice;

            float splitMaxRatio = (minMaxDistance.X - camera.NearClipPlane) / (camera.FarClipPlane - camera.NearClipPlane);
            for (int cascadeLevel = 0; cascadeLevel < cascadeCount; ++cascadeLevel)
                // Calculate frustum corners for this cascade
                var splitMinRatio = splitMaxRatio;
                splitMaxRatio = cascadeSplitRatios[cascadeLevel];
                for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
                    // Calculate frustum in WS and VS
                    var frustumRange = frustumCornersWS[j + 4] - frustumCornersWS[j];
                    cascadeFrustumCornersWS[j] = frustumCornersWS[j] + frustumRange * splitMinRatio;
                    cascadeFrustumCornersWS[j + 4] = frustumCornersWS[j] + frustumRange * splitMaxRatio;

                    frustumRange = frustumCornersVS[j + 4] - frustumCornersVS[j];
                    cascadeFrustumCornersVS[j] = frustumCornersVS[j] + frustumRange * splitMinRatio;
                    cascadeFrustumCornersVS[j + 4] = frustumCornersVS[j] + frustumRange * splitMaxRatio;

                Vector3 cascadeMinBoundLS;
                Vector3 cascadeMaxBoundLS;
                Vector3 target;

                if (!shadow.DepthRange.IsAutomatic && (shadow.StabilizationMode == LightShadowMapStabilizationMode.ViewSnapping || shadow.StabilizationMode == LightShadowMapStabilizationMode.ProjectionSnapping))
                    // Make sure we are using the same direction when stabilizing
                    var boundingVS = BoundingSphere.FromPoints(cascadeFrustumCornersVS);

                    // Compute bounding box center & radius
                    target = Vector3.TransformCoordinate(boundingVS.Center, viewToWorld);
                    var radius = boundingVS.Radius;

                    //if (shadow.AutoComputeMinMax)
                    //    var snapRadius = (float)Math.Ceiling(radius / snapRadiusValue) * snapRadiusValue;
                    //    Debug.WriteLine("Radius: {0} SnapRadius: {1} (snap: {2})", radius, snapRadius, snapRadiusValue);
                    //    radius = snapRadius;

                    cascadeMaxBoundLS = new Vector3(radius, radius, radius);
                    cascadeMinBoundLS = -cascadeMaxBoundLS;

                    if (shadow.StabilizationMode == LightShadowMapStabilizationMode.ViewSnapping)
                        // Snap camera to texel units (so that shadow doesn't jitter when light doesn't change direction but camera is moving)
                        // Technique from ShaderX7 - Practical Cascaded Shadows Maps -  p310-311 
                        var shadowMapHalfSize = lightShadowMap.Size * 0.5f;
                        float x = (float)Math.Ceiling(Vector3.Dot(target, upDirection) * shadowMapHalfSize / radius) * radius / shadowMapHalfSize;
                        float y = (float)Math.Ceiling(Vector3.Dot(target, side) * shadowMapHalfSize / radius) * radius / shadowMapHalfSize;
                        float z = Vector3.Dot(target, direction);

                        //target = up * x + side * y + direction * R32G32B32_Float.Dot(target, direction);
                        target = upDirection * x + side * y + direction * z;
                    var cascadeBoundWS = BoundingBox.FromPoints(cascadeFrustumCornersWS);
                    target = cascadeBoundWS.Center;

                    // Computes the bouding box of the frustum cascade in light space
                    var lightViewMatrix = Matrix.LookAtLH(cascadeBoundWS.Center, cascadeBoundWS.Center + direction, upDirection);
                    cascadeMinBoundLS = new Vector3(float.MaxValue);
                    cascadeMaxBoundLS = new Vector3(-float.MaxValue);
                    for (int i = 0; i < cascadeFrustumCornersWS.Length; i++)
                        Vector3 cornerViewSpace;
                        Vector3.TransformCoordinate(ref cascadeFrustumCornersWS[i], ref lightViewMatrix, out cornerViewSpace);

                        cascadeMinBoundLS = Vector3.Min(cascadeMinBoundLS, cornerViewSpace);
                        cascadeMaxBoundLS = Vector3.Max(cascadeMaxBoundLS, cornerViewSpace);

                    // TODO: Adjust orthoSize by taking into account filtering size

                // Update the shadow camera
                shadowCamera.ViewMatrix = Matrix.LookAtLH(target + direction * cascadeMinBoundLS.Z, target, upDirection); // View;;
                shadowCamera.ProjectionMatrix = Matrix.OrthoOffCenterLH(cascadeMinBoundLS.X, cascadeMaxBoundLS.X, cascadeMinBoundLS.Y, cascadeMaxBoundLS.Y, 0.0f, cascadeMaxBoundLS.Z - cascadeMinBoundLS.Z); // Projection

                // Stabilize the Shadow matrix on the projection
                if (shadow.StabilizationMode == LightShadowMapStabilizationMode.ProjectionSnapping)
                    var shadowPixelPosition = shadowCamera.ViewProjectionMatrix.TranslationVector * lightShadowMap.Size * 0.5f;
                    shadowPixelPosition.Z = 0;
                    var shadowPixelPositionRounded = new Vector3((float)Math.Round(shadowPixelPosition.X), (float)Math.Round(shadowPixelPosition.Y), 0.0f);

                    var shadowPixelOffset = new Vector4(shadowPixelPositionRounded - shadowPixelPosition, 0.0f);
                    shadowPixelOffset *= 2.0f / lightShadowMap.Size;
                    shadowCamera.ProjectionMatrix.Row4 += shadowPixelOffset;

                // Cascade splits in light space using depth: Store depth on first CascaderCasterMatrix in last column of each row
                shaderData.CascadeSplits[cascadeLevel] = MathUtil.Lerp(camera.NearClipPlane, camera.FarClipPlane, cascadeSplitRatios[cascadeLevel]);

                var shadowMapRectangle = lightShadowMap.GetRectangle(cascadeLevel);

                var cascadeTextureCoords = new Vector4((float)shadowMapRectangle.Left / lightShadowMap.Atlas.Width,
                    (float)shadowMapRectangle.Top / lightShadowMap.Atlas.Height,
                    (float)shadowMapRectangle.Right / lightShadowMap.Atlas.Width,
                    (float)shadowMapRectangle.Bottom / lightShadowMap.Atlas.Height);

                //// Add border (avoid using edges due to bilinear filtering and blur)
                //var borderSizeU = VsmBlurSize / lightShadowMap.Atlas.Width;
                //var borderSizeV = VsmBlurSize / lightShadowMap.Atlas.Height;
                //cascadeTextureCoords.X += borderSizeU;
                //cascadeTextureCoords.Y += borderSizeV;
                //cascadeTextureCoords.Z -= borderSizeU;
                //cascadeTextureCoords.W -= borderSizeV;

                float leftX = (float)lightShadowMap.Size / lightShadowMap.Atlas.Width * 0.5f;
                float leftY = (float)lightShadowMap.Size / lightShadowMap.Atlas.Height * 0.5f;
                float centerX = 0.5f * (cascadeTextureCoords.X + cascadeTextureCoords.Z);
                float centerY = 0.5f * (cascadeTextureCoords.Y + cascadeTextureCoords.W);

                // Compute receiver view proj matrix
                Matrix adjustmentMatrix = Matrix.Scaling(leftX, -leftY, 1.0f) * Matrix.Translation(centerX, centerY, 0.0f);
                // Calculate View Proj matrix from World space to Cascade space
                Matrix.Multiply(ref shadowCamera.ViewProjectionMatrix, ref adjustmentMatrix, out shaderData.WorldToShadowCascadeUV[cascadeLevel]);

                // Render to the atlas
                graphicsDevice.SetViewport(new Viewport(shadowMapRectangle.X, shadowMapRectangle.Y, shadowMapRectangle.Width, shadowMapRectangle.Height));

                // Render the scene for this cascade
                shadowMapRenderer.RenderCasters(context, lightShadowMap.LightComponent.CullingMask);
                //// Copy texture coords with border
                //cascades[cascadeLevel].CascadeLevels.CascadeTextureCoordsBorder = cascadeTextureCoords;

        private static void PrepareLightGroups(RenderDrawContext context, FastList<RenderView> renderViews, RenderView renderView, RenderViewLightData renderViewData, ShadowMapRenderer shadowMapRenderer, EntityGroup group)
            foreach (var activeRenderer in renderViewData.ActiveRenderers)
                // Find lights
                var lightRenderer = activeRenderer.LightRenderer;
                var lightCollection = activeRenderer.LightGroup.FindLightCollectionByGroup(group);

                var processLightsParameters = new LightGroupRendererBase.ProcessLightsParameters
                    Context = context,
                    ViewIndex = renderViewData.ViewIndex,
                    View = renderView,
                    Views = renderViews,
                    LightCollection = lightCollection,
                    LightType = activeRenderer.LightGroup.LightType,
                    LightStart = 0,
                    LightEnd = lightCollection.Count,
                    ShadowMapRenderer = shadowMapRenderer,
                    ShadowMapTexturesPerLight = renderViewData.LightComponentsWithShadows,

        protected override void DrawCore(RenderContext context)
            modelProcessor = SceneInstance.GetCurrent(context).GetProcessor<ModelProcessor>();
            lightProcessor = SceneInstance.GetCurrent(context).GetProcessor<LightProcessor>();

            // No light processors means no light in the scene, so we can early exit
            if (lightProcessor == null || modelProcessor == null)

            // Not in the context of a SceneCameraRenderer? just exit
            sceneCameraRenderer = context.Tags.Get(SceneCameraRenderer.Current);
            sceneCamera = context.Tags.Get(CameraComponentRenderer.Current);
            if (sceneCameraRenderer == null || sceneCamera == null)
            sceneCullingMask = sceneCameraRenderer.CullingMask;

            // Setup the callback on the ModelRenderer and shadow map LightGroupRenderer
            if (!isModelComponentRendererSetup)
                // TODO: Check if we could discover declared renderers in a better way than just hacking the tags of a component
                var modelRenderer = ModelComponentRenderer.GetAttached(sceneCameraRenderer);
                if (modelRenderer == null)

                modelRenderer.Callbacks.PreRenderModel += PrepareRenderModelForRendering;
                modelRenderer.Callbacks.PreRenderMesh += PreRenderMesh;

                // TODO: Make this pluggable
                // TODO: Shadows should work on mobile platforms
                if (context.GraphicsDevice.Features.Profile >= GraphicsProfile.Level_10_0
                    && (Platform.Type == PlatformType.Windows || Platform.Type == PlatformType.WindowsStore || Platform.Type == PlatformType.Windows10))
                    shadowMapRenderer = new ShadowMapRenderer(modelRenderer.EffectName);
                    shadowMapRenderer.Renderers.Add(typeof(LightDirectional), new LightDirectionalShadowMapRenderer());
                    shadowMapRenderer.Renderers.Add(typeof(LightSpot), new LightSpotShadowMapRenderer());

                isModelComponentRendererSetup = true;

            // Collect all visible lights

            // Draw shadow maps
            if (shadowMapRenderer != null)
                shadowMapRenderer.Draw(context, visibleLightsWithShadows);

            // Prepare active renderers in an ordered list (by type and shadow on/off)

            currentModelLightShadersPermutationEntry = null;
            currentModelShadersParameters = null;
            currentShadowReceiver = true;

            // Clear the cache of parameter entries

            // Clear association between model and lights

            // Clear all data generated by shader entries
            foreach (var shaderEntry in shaderEntries)
Esempio n. 5
        public override void Collect(RenderContext context, ShadowMapRenderer shadowMapRenderer, LightShadowMapTexture lightShadowMap)
            // TODO: Min and Max distance can be auto-computed from readback from Z buffer
            var shadow = (LightStandardShadowMap)lightShadowMap.Shadow;

            // Computes the cascade splits
            var lightComponent = lightShadowMap.LightComponent;
            var spotLight = (LightSpot)lightComponent.Type;
            var position = lightComponent.Position;
            var direction = lightComponent.Direction;
            var target = position + spotLight.Range * direction;
            var orthoSize = spotLight.LightRadiusAtTarget;

            // Fake value
            // It will be setup by next loop
            Vector3 side = Vector3.UnitX;
            Vector3 upDirection = Vector3.UnitX;

            // Select best Up vector
            // TODO: User preference?
            foreach (var vectorUp in VectorUps)
                if (Vector3.Dot(direction, vectorUp) < (1.0 - 0.0001))
                    side = Vector3.Normalize(Vector3.Cross(vectorUp, direction));
                    upDirection = Vector3.Normalize(Vector3.Cross(direction, side));

            // Get new shader data from pool
            var shaderData = shaderDataPool.Add();
            lightShadowMap.ShaderData = shaderData;
            shaderData.Texture = lightShadowMap.Atlas.Texture;
            shaderData.DepthBias = shadow.BiasParameters.DepthBias;
            shaderData.OffsetScale = shadow.BiasParameters.NormalOffsetScale;

            // Update the shadow camera
            var viewMatrix = Matrix.LookAtLH(position, target, upDirection); // View;;
            // TODO: Calculation of near and far is hardcoded/approximated. We should find a better way to calculate it.
            var projectionMatrix = Matrix.PerspectiveFovLH(spotLight.AngleOuterInRadians, 1.0f, 0.01f, spotLight.Range * 2.0f); // Perspective Projection for spotlights
            Matrix viewProjectionMatrix;
            Matrix.Multiply(ref viewMatrix, ref projectionMatrix, out viewProjectionMatrix);

            var shadowMapRectangle = lightShadowMap.GetRectangle(0);

            var cascadeTextureCoords = new Vector4((float)shadowMapRectangle.Left / lightShadowMap.Atlas.Width,
                (float)shadowMapRectangle.Top / lightShadowMap.Atlas.Height,
                (float)shadowMapRectangle.Right / lightShadowMap.Atlas.Width,
                (float)shadowMapRectangle.Bottom / lightShadowMap.Atlas.Height);

            //// Add border (avoid using edges due to bilinear filtering and blur)
            //var borderSizeU = VsmBlurSize / lightShadowMap.Atlas.Width;
            //var borderSizeV = VsmBlurSize / lightShadowMap.Atlas.Height;
            //cascadeTextureCoords.X += borderSizeU;
            //cascadeTextureCoords.Y += borderSizeV;
            //cascadeTextureCoords.Z -= borderSizeU;
            //cascadeTextureCoords.W -= borderSizeV;

            float leftX = (float)lightShadowMap.Size / lightShadowMap.Atlas.Width * 0.5f;
            float leftY = (float)lightShadowMap.Size / lightShadowMap.Atlas.Height * 0.5f;
            float centerX = 0.5f * (cascadeTextureCoords.X + cascadeTextureCoords.Z);
            float centerY = 0.5f * (cascadeTextureCoords.Y + cascadeTextureCoords.W);

            // Compute receiver view proj matrix
            Matrix adjustmentMatrix = Matrix.Scaling(leftX, -leftY, 1.0f) * Matrix.Translation(centerX, centerY, 0.0f);
            // Calculate View Proj matrix from World space to Cascade space
            Matrix.Multiply(ref viewProjectionMatrix, ref adjustmentMatrix, out shaderData.WorldToShadowCascadeUV);

            shaderData.ViewMatrix = viewMatrix;
            shaderData.ProjectionMatrix = projectionMatrix;
        public override void Collect()
            // Initialize shadow map renderer
            if (!isShadowMapRendererSetUp && ShadowMapRenderStage != null)
                // TODO: Shadow mapping is currently disabled in new render system
                // TODO: Make this pluggable
                // TODO: Shadows should work on mobile platforms
                if (RenderSystem.RenderContextOld.GraphicsDevice.Features.RequestedProfile >= GraphicsProfile.Level_10_0)
                    ShadowMapRenderer = new ShadowMapRenderer(RenderSystem, ShadowMapRenderStage);
                    ShadowMapRenderer.Renderers.Add(typeof(LightDirectional), new LightDirectionalShadowMapRenderer());
                    ShadowMapRenderer.Renderers.Add(typeof(LightSpot), new LightSpotShadowMapRenderer());

                isShadowMapRendererSetUp = true;

            // Collect all visible lights

            // Prepare active renderers in an ordered list (by type and shadow on/off)

            // Collect shadow maps
            ShadowMapRenderer?.Collect(RenderSystem.RenderContextOld, renderViewDatas);
 public abstract void Render(RenderContext context, ShadowMapRenderer shadowMapRenderer, LightShadowMapTexture lightShadowMap);
        public override void Render(RenderContext context, ShadowMapRenderer shadowMapRenderer, LightShadowMapTexture lightShadowMap)
            // TODO: Min and Max distance can be auto-computed from readback from Z buffer
            var shadow = (LightStandardShadowMap)lightShadowMap.Shadow;
            var shadowCamera = shadowMapRenderer.ShadowCamera;

            // Computes the cascade splits
            var lightComponent = lightShadowMap.LightComponent;
            var spotLight = (LightSpot)lightComponent.Type;
            var position = lightComponent.Position;
            var direction = lightComponent.Direction;
            var target = position + spotLight.Range * direction;
            var orthoSize = spotLight.LightRadiusAtTarget;

            // Fake value
            // It will be setup by next loop
            Vector3 side = Vector3.UnitX;
            Vector3 upDirection = Vector3.UnitX;

            // Select best Up vector
            // TODO: User preference?
            foreach (var vectorUp in VectorUps)
                if (Vector3.Dot(direction, vectorUp) < (1.0 - 0.0001))
                    side = Vector3.Normalize(Vector3.Cross(vectorUp, direction));
                    upDirection = Vector3.Normalize(Vector3.Cross(direction, side));

            // Get new shader data from pool
            var shaderData = shaderDataPool.Add();
            lightShadowMap.ShaderData = shaderData;
            shaderData.Texture = lightShadowMap.Atlas.Texture;
            shaderData.DepthBias = shadow.BiasParameters.DepthBias;
            shaderData.OffsetScale = shadow.BiasParameters.NormalOffsetScale;

            var graphicsDevice = context.GraphicsDevice;


            // Update the shadow camera
            shadowCamera.ViewMatrix = Matrix.LookAtLH(position, target, upDirection); // View;;
            shadowCamera.ProjectionMatrix = Matrix.OrthoOffCenterLH(-orthoSize, orthoSize, -orthoSize, orthoSize, 0.0f, spotLight.Range); // Projection

            var shadowMapRectangle = lightShadowMap.GetRectangle(0);

            var cascadeTextureCoords = new Vector4((float)shadowMapRectangle.Left / lightShadowMap.Atlas.Width,
                (float)shadowMapRectangle.Top / lightShadowMap.Atlas.Height,
                (float)shadowMapRectangle.Right / lightShadowMap.Atlas.Width,
                (float)shadowMapRectangle.Bottom / lightShadowMap.Atlas.Height);

            //// Add border (avoid using edges due to bilinear filtering and blur)
            //var borderSizeU = VsmBlurSize / lightShadowMap.Atlas.Width;
            //var borderSizeV = VsmBlurSize / lightShadowMap.Atlas.Height;
            //cascadeTextureCoords.X += borderSizeU;
            //cascadeTextureCoords.Y += borderSizeV;
            //cascadeTextureCoords.Z -= borderSizeU;
            //cascadeTextureCoords.W -= borderSizeV;

            float leftX = (float)lightShadowMap.Size / lightShadowMap.Atlas.Width * 0.5f;
            float leftY = (float)lightShadowMap.Size / lightShadowMap.Atlas.Height * 0.5f;
            float centerX = 0.5f * (cascadeTextureCoords.X + cascadeTextureCoords.Z);
            float centerY = 0.5f * (cascadeTextureCoords.Y + cascadeTextureCoords.W);

            // Compute receiver view proj matrix
            Matrix adjustmentMatrix = Matrix.Scaling(leftX, -leftY, 1.0f) * Matrix.Translation(centerX, centerY, 0.0f);
            // Calculate View Proj matrix from World space to Cascade space
            Matrix.Multiply(ref shadowCamera.ViewProjectionMatrix, ref adjustmentMatrix, out shaderData.WorldToShadowCascadeUV);

            // Render to the atlas
            graphicsDevice.SetViewport(new Viewport(shadowMapRectangle.X, shadowMapRectangle.Y, shadowMapRectangle.Width, shadowMapRectangle.Height));

            // Render the scene for this cascade
            shadowMapRenderer.RenderCasters(context, lightShadowMap.LightComponent.CullingMask);
                //// Copy texture coords with border
                //cascades[cascadeLevel].CascadeLevels.CascadeTextureCoordsBorder = cascadeTextureCoords;
        protected override void DrawCore(RenderContext context)
            modelProcessor = SceneInstance.GetCurrent(context).GetProcessor <ModelProcessor>();
            lightProcessor = SceneInstance.GetCurrent(context).GetProcessor <LightProcessor>();

            // No light processors means no light in the scene, so we can early exit
            if (lightProcessor == null || modelProcessor == null)

            // Not in the context of a SceneCameraRenderer? just exit
            sceneCameraRenderer = context.Tags.Get(SceneCameraRenderer.Current);
            sceneCamera         = context.Tags.Get(CameraComponentRenderer.Current);
            if (sceneCameraRenderer == null || sceneCamera == null)
            sceneCullingMask = sceneCameraRenderer.CullingMask;

            // Setup the callback on the ModelRenderer and shadow map LightGroupRenderer
            if (!isModelComponentRendererSetup)
                // TODO: Check if we could discover declared renderers in a better way than just hacking the tags of a component
                var modelRenderer = ModelComponentRenderer.GetAttached(sceneCameraRenderer);
                if (modelRenderer == null)

                modelRenderer.Callbacks.PreRenderModel += PrepareRenderModelForRendering;
                modelRenderer.Callbacks.PreRenderMesh  += PreRenderMesh;

                // TODO: Make this pluggable
                if (context.GraphicsDevice.Features.Profile >= GraphicsProfile.Level_10_0)
                    shadowMapRenderer = new ShadowMapRenderer(modelRenderer.EffectName);
                    shadowMapRenderer.Renderers.Add(typeof(LightDirectional), new LightDirectionalShadowMapRenderer());
                    shadowMapRenderer.Renderers.Add(typeof(LightSpot), new LightSpotShadowMapRenderer());

                isModelComponentRendererSetup = true;

            // Collect all visible lights

            // Draw shadow maps
            if (shadowMapRenderer != null)
                shadowMapRenderer.Draw(context, visibleLightsWithShadows);

            // Prepare active renderers in an ordered list (by type and shadow on/off)

            currentModelLightShadersPermutationEntry = null;
            currentModelShadersParameters            = null;
            currentShadowReceiver = true;

            // Clear the cache of parameter entries

            // Clear association between model and lights

            // Clear all data generated by shader entries
            foreach (var shaderEntry in shaderEntries)
        protected internal void RenderScene(CustomSceneQuery sceneQuery, RenderContext context,
                                            bool doPostProcessing, bool renderLensFlares, bool renderDebugOutput, bool renderReticle)
            var renderTargetPool      = GraphicsService.RenderTargetPool;
            var graphicsDevice        = GraphicsService.GraphicsDevice;
            var originalRenderTarget  = context.RenderTarget;
            var originalViewport      = context.Viewport;
            var originalSourceTexture = context.SourceTexture;

            // All intermediate render targets have the size of the target viewport.
            int width  = context.Viewport.Width;
            int height = context.Viewport.Height;

            context.Viewport = new Viewport(0, 0, width, height);

            // The render context can be used to share any data, for example:
            // Store a shared RebuildZBufferRenderer in the context.
            context.Data[RenderContextKeys.RebuildZBufferRenderer] = _rebuildZBufferRenderer;

            // ----- G-Buffer Pass
            // The GBufferRenderer creates context.GBuffer0 and context.GBuffer1.
            _gBufferRenderer.Render(sceneQuery.RenderableNodes, sceneQuery.DecalNodes, context);

            // ----- Shadow Pass
            // The ShadowMapRenderer renders the shadow maps which are stored in the light nodes.
            context.RenderPass = "******";
            ShadowMapRenderer.Render(sceneQuery.Lights, context);
            context.RenderPass = null;

            // The ShadowMaskRenderer renders the shadows and stores them in one or more render
            // targets ("shadows masks").
            ShadowMaskRenderer.Render(sceneQuery.Lights, context);


            // ----- Light Buffer Pass
            // The LightBufferRenderer creates context.LightBuffer0 (diffuse light) and
            // context.LightBuffer1 (specular light).
            LightBufferRenderer.Render(sceneQuery.Lights, context);

            // Normally, we do not need the shadow masks anymore - except if we want to
            // display them for debugging.
            if (!VisualizeIntermediateRenderTargets)

            // ----- Material Pass
            if (DebugMode == DeferredGraphicsDebugMode.None)
                // In the material pass we render all meshes and decals into a single full-screen
                // render target. The shaders combine the material properties (diffuse texture, etc.)
                // with the light buffer info.
                context.RenderTarget =
                    renderTargetPool.Obtain2D(new RenderTargetFormat(width, height, false, SurfaceFormat.HdrBlendable,
                context.Viewport = graphicsDevice.Viewport;
                graphicsDevice.Clear(new Color(3, 3, 3, 255));
                graphicsDevice.DepthStencilState = DepthStencilState.Default;
                graphicsDevice.RasterizerState   = RasterizerState.CullCounterClockwise;
                graphicsDevice.BlendState        = BlendState.Opaque;
                context.RenderPass = "******";
                _opaqueMeshSceneRenderer.Render(sceneQuery.RenderableNodes, context);
                _decalRenderer.Render(sceneQuery.DecalNodes, context);
                context.RenderPass = null;
                // For debugging:
                // Ignore the material pass. Keep rendering into one of the light buffers
                // to visualize only the lighting results.
                if (DebugMode == DeferredGraphicsDebugMode.VisualizeDiffuseLightBuffer)
                    context.RenderTarget = context.LightBuffer0;
                    context.RenderTarget = context.LightBuffer1;

            // The meshes rendered in the last step might use additional floating-point
            // textures (e.g. the light buffers) in the different graphics texture stages.
            // We reset the texture stages (setting all GraphicsDevice.Textures to null),
            // otherwise XNA might throw exceptions.

            // ----- Occlusion Queries
            if (renderLensFlares)
                _lensFlareRenderer.UpdateOcclusion(sceneQuery.LensFlareNodes, context);

            // ----- Sky
            _skyRenderer.Render(sceneQuery.SkyNodes, context);

            // ----- Fog
            _fogRenderer.Render(sceneQuery.FogNodes, context);

            // ----- Forward Rendering of Alpha-Blended Meshes and Particles
            graphicsDevice.DepthStencilState = DepthStencilState.DepthRead;
            graphicsDevice.RasterizerState   = RasterizerState.CullCounterClockwise;
            graphicsDevice.BlendState        = BlendState.AlphaBlend;
            context.RenderPass = "******";
            AlphaBlendSceneRenderer.Render(sceneQuery.RenderableNodes, context, RenderOrder.BackToFront);
            context.RenderPass = null;

            context.SourceTexture = null;

            _underwaterPostProcessor.Enabled = IsCameraUnderwater(sceneQuery, context.CameraNode);

            // ----- Post Processors
            context.SourceTexture = context.RenderTarget;
            context.RenderTarget  = originalRenderTarget;
            context.Viewport      = originalViewport;
            if (doPostProcessing)
                // The post-processors modify the scene image and the result is written into
                // the final render target - which is usually the back  buffer (but this could
                // also be another off-screen render target used in another graphics screen).
                // Only copy the current render target to the final render target without post-processing.
                graphicsDevice.Viewport = originalViewport;
                SpriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Immediate, BlendState.Opaque, SamplerState.PointClamp, DepthStencilState.None, RasterizerState.CullNone);
                SpriteBatch.Draw(context.SourceTexture, new Rectangle(0, 0, originalViewport.Width, originalViewport.Height), Color.White);
            context.SourceTexture = null;

            // ----- Lens Flares
            if (renderLensFlares)
                _lensFlareRenderer.Render(sceneQuery.LensFlareNodes, context);

            // ----- Debug Output
            if (renderDebugOutput)
                // ----- Optional: Restore the Z-Buffer
                // Currently, the hardware depth buffer is not initialized with useful data because
                // every time we change the render target, XNA deletes the depth buffer. If we want
                // the debug rendering to use correct depth buffer, we can restore the depth buffer
                // using the RebuildZBufferRenderer. If we remove this step, then the DebugRenderer
                // graphics will overlay the whole 3D scene.
                _rebuildZBufferRenderer.Render(context, true);

                // Render debug info added by game objects.

                // Render intermediate render targets for debugging.
                // We do not use the public DebugRenderer here because the public DebugRenderer
                // might not be cleared every frame (the game logic can choose how it wants to
                // use the public renderer).
                if (VisualizeIntermediateRenderTargets)
                    _internalDebugRenderer.DrawTexture(context.GBuffer0, new Rectangle(0, 0, 200, 200));
                    _internalDebugRenderer.DrawTexture(context.GBuffer1, new Rectangle(200, 0, 200, 200));
                    _internalDebugRenderer.DrawTexture(context.LightBuffer0, new Rectangle(400, 0, 200, 200));
                    _internalDebugRenderer.DrawTexture(context.LightBuffer1, new Rectangle(600, 0, 200, 200));
                    for (int i = 0; i < ShadowMaskRenderer.ShadowMasks.Count; i++)
                        var shadowMask = ShadowMaskRenderer.ShadowMasks[i];
                        if (shadowMask != null)
                            _internalDebugRenderer.DrawTexture(shadowMask, new Rectangle((i) * 200, 200, 200, 200));


            // ----- Draw Reticle
            if (renderReticle && _sampleFramework.IsGuiVisible)
                SpriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Immediate, BlendState.AlphaBlend);
                    new Vector2(originalViewport.Width / 2 - _reticle.Width / 2, originalViewport.Height / 2 - _reticle.Height / 2),

            // ----- Clean-up
            // It is very important to give every intermediate render target back to the
            // render target pool!
            context.GBuffer0 = null;
            context.GBuffer1 = null;
            if (DebugMode != DeferredGraphicsDebugMode.VisualizeDiffuseLightBuffer)
            context.LightBuffer0 = null;
            if (DebugMode != DeferredGraphicsDebugMode.VisualizeSpecularLightBuffer)
            context.LightBuffer1 = null;
            context.SourceTexture = originalSourceTexture;
        public DeferredGraphicsScreen(IServiceLocator services)
            : base(services.GetInstance <IGraphicsService>())
            _sampleFramework = services.GetInstance <SampleFramework>();
            var contentManager = services.GetInstance <ContentManager>();

            SpriteBatch = GraphicsService.GetSpriteBatch();

            // Let's create the necessary scene node renderers:

            TerrainRenderer = new TerrainRenderer(GraphicsService);

            MeshRenderer = new MeshRenderer();

            // The _opaqueMeshSceneRenderer combines all renderers for opaque
            // (= not alpha blended) meshes.
            _opaqueMeshSceneRenderer = new SceneRenderer();



            _decalRenderer     = new DecalRenderer(GraphicsService);
            _billboardRenderer = new BillboardRenderer(GraphicsService, 2048)
                EnableSoftParticles = true,

                // If you have an extreme amount of particles that cover the entire screen,
                // you can turn on offscreen rendering to improve performance.
                //EnableOffscreenRendering = true,

            // The AlphaBlendSceneRenderer combines all renderers for transparent
            // (= alpha blended) objects.
            AlphaBlendSceneRenderer = new SceneRenderer();
            AlphaBlendSceneRenderer.Renderers.Add(new WaterRenderer(GraphicsService));
            AlphaBlendSceneRenderer.Renderers.Add(new FogSphereRenderer(GraphicsService));
            AlphaBlendSceneRenderer.Renderers.Add(new VolumetricLightRenderer(GraphicsService));

            // Update terrain clipmaps. (Only necessary if TerrainNodes are used.)
            _terrainClipmapRenderer = new TerrainClipmapRenderer(GraphicsService);

            // Renderer for cloud maps. (Only necessary if LayeredCloudMaps are used.)
            _cloudMapRenderer = new CloudMapRenderer(GraphicsService);

            // Renderer for SceneCaptureNodes. See also SceneCapture2DSample.
            // In the constructor we specify a method which is called in SceneCaptureRenderer.Render()
            // when the scene must be rendered for the SceneCaptureNodes.
            SceneCaptureRenderer = new SceneCaptureRenderer(context =>
                // Get scene nodes which are visible by the current camera.
                CustomSceneQuery sceneQuery = Scene.Query <CustomSceneQuery>(context.CameraNode, context);
                // Render scene (with post-processing, with lens flares, no debug rendering, no reticle).
                RenderScene(sceneQuery, context, true, true, false, false);

            // Renderer for PlanarReflectionNodes. See also PlanarReflectionSample.
            // In the constructor we specify a method which is called in PlanarReflectionRenderer.Render()
            // to create the reflection images.
            _planarReflectionRenderer = new PlanarReflectionRenderer(context =>
                // Get scene nodes which are visible by the current camera.
                CustomSceneQuery sceneQuery = Scene.Query <CustomSceneQuery>(context.CameraNode, context);

                var planarReflectionNode = (PlanarReflectionNode)context.ReferenceNode;

                // Planar reflections are often for WaterNodes. These nodes should not be rendered
                // into their own reflection map because when the water surface is displaced by waves,
                // some waves could be visible in the reflection.
                // --> Remove the water node from the renderable nodes. (In our samples, the water
                // node is the parent of the reflection node.)
                if (planarReflectionNode.Parent is WaterNode)
                    var index = sceneQuery.RenderableNodes.IndexOf(planarReflectionNode.Parent);
                    if (index >= 0)
                        sceneQuery.RenderableNodes[index] = null;

                // Render scene (no post-processing, no lens flares, no debug rendering, no reticle).
                RenderScene(sceneQuery, context, false, false, false, false);

            _waterWavesRenderer = new WaterWavesRenderer(GraphicsService);

            // The shadow map renderer renders a depth image from the viewpoint of the light and
            // stores it in LightNode.Shadow.ShadowMap.
            ShadowMapRenderer = new ShadowMapRenderer(context =>
                var query = context.Scene.Query <ShadowCasterQuery>(context.CameraNode, context);
                if (query.ShadowCasters.Count == 0)

                _opaqueMeshSceneRenderer.Render(query.ShadowCasters, context);

            // The shadow mask renderer evaluates the shadow maps, does shadow filtering
            // and stores the resulting shadow factor in a screen space image
            //(see LightNode.Shadow.ShadowMask/ShadowMaskChannel).
            ShadowMaskRenderer = new ShadowMaskRenderer(GraphicsService, 2);

            // Optionally, we can blur the shadow mask to make the shadows smoother.
            var blur = new Blur(GraphicsService)
                IsAnisotropic = false,
                IsBilateral   = true,
                EdgeSoftness  = 0.05f,
                Scale         = 1f,
                Enabled       = false, // Disable blur by default.

            blur.InitializeGaussianBlur(11, 3, true);
            ShadowMaskRenderer.Filter = blur;

            // Renderers which create the intermediate render targets:
            // Those 2 renderers are implemented in this sample. Those functions could
            // be implemented directly in this class but we have created separate classes
            // to make the code more readable.
            _gBufferRenderer    = new GBufferRenderer(GraphicsService, _opaqueMeshSceneRenderer, _decalRenderer);
            LightBufferRenderer = new LightBufferRenderer(GraphicsService);

            // Other specialized renderers:
            _lensFlareRenderer      = new LensFlareRenderer(GraphicsService);
            _skyRenderer            = new SkyRenderer(GraphicsService);
            _fogRenderer            = new FogRenderer(GraphicsService);
            _internalDebugRenderer  = new DebugRenderer(GraphicsService, null);
            _rebuildZBufferRenderer = new RebuildZBufferRenderer(GraphicsService);

            Scene = new Scene();

            // This screen needs a HDR filter to map high dynamic range values back to
            // low dynamic range (LDR).
            PostProcessors = new PostProcessorChain(GraphicsService);
            PostProcessors.Add(new HdrFilter(GraphicsService)
                EnableBlueShift = true,
                BlueShiftCenter = 0.0004f,
                BlueShiftRange  = 0.5f,
                //BlueShiftColor = new Vector3(1.05f / 4f, 0.97f / 4f, 1.27f / 4f),  // Default physically-based blue-shift
                BlueShiftColor = new Vector3(0.25f, 0.25f, 0.7f), // More dramatic blue-shift
                MinExposure    = 0,
                MaxExposure    = 10,
                BloomIntensity = 1,
                BloomThreshold = 0.6f,
            _underwaterPostProcessor = new UnderwaterPostProcessor(GraphicsService, contentManager);

            // Use 2D texture for reticle.
            _reticle = contentManager.Load <Texture2D>("Reticle");

            // Use the sprite font of the GUI.
            var uiContentManager = services.GetInstance <ContentManager>("UIContent");
            var spriteFont       = uiContentManager.Load <SpriteFont>("UI Themes/BlendBlue/Default");

            DebugRenderer = new DebugRenderer(GraphicsService, spriteFont)
                DefaultColor        = new Color(0, 0, 0),
                DefaultTextPosition = new Vector2F(10),

            EnableLod = true;