Esempio n. 1
        public int Add(AlarmAddModel mAlarm)
            var location = _context.Locations.FirstOrDefault(a => a.LocationId == mAlarm.LocationId);

            if (location == null)
                throw new ExpectException("Could not find Location data which LocationId equal to " + mAlarm.LocationId);

            var alarmMessage = _context.AlarmMessages.FirstOrDefault(a => a.AlarmMessageId == mAlarm.AlarmMessageId);

            if (alarmMessage == null)
                throw new ExpectException("Could not find AlarmMessage data which AlarmMessageId equal to " + mAlarm.AlarmMessageId);

            var model = new Alarm
                AlarmMessageId = mAlarm.AlarmMessageId,
                LocationId     = mAlarm.LocationId,
                CreateDate     = DateTime.Now

Esempio n. 2
        public int Add(ProjectAddModel project)
            var customer = _context.Customers.FirstOrDefault(c => c.CustomerId == project.CustomerId);

            if (customer == null)
                throw new ExpectException("Could not find Customer data which CustomerId equal to " + project.CustomerId);

            //ProjectNo must be unique
            var checkData = _context.Projects.Where(p => p.ProjectNo == project.ProjectNo).ToList();

            if (checkData.Count > 0)
                throw new ExpectException("The data which ProjectNo equal to '" + project.ProjectNo + "' already exist in system");

            //Get UserInfo
            var user = _loginUser.GetLoginUserInfo();

            var model = new Project
                CustomerId  = project.CustomerId,
                ProjectName = project.ProjectName,
                ProjectNo   = project.ProjectNo,
                Creator     = user.UserName,
                CreateDate  = DateTime.Now

Esempio n. 3
        public int Add(CustomerAddModel customer)
            //CustomerNo must be unique
            var checkData = _context.Customers.Where(c => c.CustomerNo == customer.CustomerNo).ToList().Count;

            if (checkData > 0)
                throw new ExpectException("The data which CustomerNo equal to '" + customer.CustomerNo + "' already exist in system");

            //Get UserInfo
            var user = _loginUser.GetLoginUserInfo();

            var model = new Customer
                CustomerName = customer.CustomerName,
                CustomerNo   = customer.CustomerNo,
                Creator      = user.UserName,
                CreateDate   = DateTime.Now


Esempio n. 4
        public int Add(LogAddModel mLog)
            var location = _context.Locations.FirstOrDefault(a => a.LocationId == mLog.LocationId);

            if (location == null)
                throw new ExpectException("Could not find Location data which LocationId equal to " + mLog.LocationId);

            var logDescription = _context.LogDescriptions.FirstOrDefault(a => a.LogDescriptionId == mLog.LogDescriptionId);

            if (logDescription == null)
                throw new ExpectException("Could not find LogDescription data which LogDescriptionId equal to " + mLog.LogDescriptionId);

            var user = _loginUser.GetLoginUserInfo();

            var model = new Log
                Comment          = mLog.Comment,
                LocationId       = mLog.LocationId,
                LogDescriptionId = mLog.LogDescriptionId,
                Creator          = user.UserName,
                CreateDate       = DateTime.Now

Esempio n. 5
        public int Add(SceneSegmentAddModel mSceneSegment)
            var scene = _context.Scenes.FirstOrDefault(c => c.SceneId == mSceneSegment.SceneId);

            if (scene == null)
                throw new ExpectException("Could not find Scene data which SceneId equal to " + mSceneSegment.SceneId);

            //SequenceNo must be unique
            var checkData = _context.SceneSegments.Where(s => s.SequenceNo == mSceneSegment.SequenceNo).ToList();

            if (checkData.Count > 0)
                throw new ExpectException("The data which SequenceNo equal to '" + mSceneSegment.SequenceNo + "' already exist in system");

            //Get UserInfo
            var user = _loginUser.GetLoginUserInfo();

            var model = new SceneSegment
                SceneId    = mSceneSegment.SceneId,
                SequenceNo = mSceneSegment.SequenceNo,
                StartTime  = mSceneSegment.StartTime,
                Volumn     = mSceneSegment.Volumn,
                Creator    = user.UserName,
                CreateDate = DateTime.Now

Esempio n. 6
        public int Add(SceneAddModel scene)
            var project = _context.Projects.FirstOrDefault(c => c.ProjectId == scene.ProjectId);

            if (project == null)
                throw new ExpectException("Could not find Project data which ProjectId equal to " + scene.ProjectId);

            //SceneName must be unique
            var checkData = _context.Scenes.Where(s => s.SceneName == scene.SceneName).ToList();

            if (checkData.Count > 0)
                throw new ExpectException("The data which SceneName equal to '" + scene.SceneName + "' already exist in system");

            //Get UserInfo
            var user = _loginUser.GetLoginUserInfo();

            var model = new Scene
                ProjectId  = scene.ProjectId,
                SceneName  = scene.SceneName,
                Enable     = scene.Enable,
                Creator    = user.UserName,
                CreateDate = DateTime.Now

Esempio n. 7
        public void RemoveById(int locationId)
            var location = _context.Locations.FirstOrDefault(l => l.LocationId == locationId);

            if (location == null)
                throw new ExpectException("Could not find data which DeviceLocation equal to " + locationId);

Esempio n. 8
        public int Add(DeviceAddModel mDevice)
            var model = new Device
                Voltage  = mDevice.Voltage,
                Diameter = mDevice.Diameter,
                Torque   = mDevice.Torque,


Esempio n. 9
        public void Remove(Guid locationId, int motorLocationNumber)
            var _installedMotor = this._context.InstalledMotors
                                  .Where(m => m.LocationId == locationId && m.MotorLocationNumber == motorLocationNumber)
                                  .First <InstalledMotor>();


            // remove date form the related table
            var _location = _context.Locations.Where(l => l.LocaitonId == locationId).Single <Location>();


Esempio n. 10
        public void Remove(Guid projectId)
            var _project = this._context.Projects
                           .Where(p => p.ProjectId == projectId)
                           .First <Project>();


            //// remove date form the related table
            //var _groupMotor = _context.GroupInstalledMotors.Where(gl => gl.GroupId == _group.GroupId);
            //foreach (var gl in _groupMotor)
            //    _context.GroupInstalledMotors.Remove(gl);

Esempio n. 11
        public void Remove(MGroup mGroup)
            var _group = this._context.Groups
                         .Where(g => g.ProjectId == mGroup.ProjectId && g.GroupName == mGroup.GroupName)
                         .First <Group>();


            // remove date form the related table
            var _groupMotor = _context.GroupInstalledMotors.Where(gl => gl.GroupId == _group.GroupId);

            foreach (var gl in _groupMotor)

Esempio n. 12
        public void Remove(Guid projectId, Guid locationId)
            var _location = this._context.Locations
                            .Where(l => l.ProjectId == projectId && l.LocaitonId == locationId)
                            .First <Location>();


            // remove date form the event table manually
            var _event = _context.Events.Where(e => e.ProjectId == projectId);

            foreach (var e in _event)

Esempio n. 13
        public int Add(GroupAddModel group)
            var project = _context.Projects.FirstOrDefault(p => p.ProjectId == group.ProjectId);

            if (project == null)
                throw new ExpectException("Could not find Project data which ProjectId equal to " + group.ProjectId);

            //If SceneId not null,check whether corresponding Scenes data existed
            if (group.SceneId != null)
                var scene = _context.Scenes.FirstOrDefault(p => p.SceneId == group.SceneId);
                if (scene == null)
                    throw new ExpectException("Could not find Scenes data which SceneId equal to " + group.SceneId);

            //GroupName must be unique
            var checkData = _context.Groups.Where(g => g.GroupName == group.GroupName).ToList();

            if (checkData.Count > 0)
                throw new ExpectException("The data which GroupName equal to '" + group.GroupName + "' already exist in system.");

            //Get UserInfo
            var user = _loginUser.GetLoginUserInfo();

            var model = new Group
                GroupName  = group.GroupName,
                ProjectId  = group.ProjectId,
                SceneId    = group.SceneId,
                Creator    = user.UserName,
                CreateDate = DateTime.Now

        public int Add(LogDescriptionAddModel mLogDescription)
            //DescriptionCode must be unique
            var checkData = _context.LogDescriptions
                            .Where(c => c.DescriptionCode == mLogDescription.DescriptionCode).ToList();

            if (checkData.Count > 0)
                throw new ExpectException("The data which DescriptioncODE equal to " + mLogDescription.DescriptionCode + " already exist in system");

            var model = new LogDescription
                DescriptionCode = mLogDescription.DescriptionCode,
                Description     = mLogDescription.Description

Esempio n. 15
        public int Add(AlarmMessageAddModel mAlarmMessage)
            //ErrorCode must be unique
            var checkData = _context.AlarmMessages
                            .Where(c => c.ErrorCode == mAlarmMessage.ErrorCode).ToList();

            if (checkData.Count > 0)
                throw new ExpectException("The data which ErrorCode equal to " + mAlarmMessage.ErrorCode + " already exist in system");

            var model = new AlarmMessage
                ErrorCode = mAlarmMessage.ErrorCode,
                Message   = mAlarmMessage.Message

Esempio n. 16
        public int Add(GroupLocationAddModel mGroupLocation)
            var group = _context.Groups.FirstOrDefault(c => c.GroupId == mGroupLocation.GroupId);

            if (group == null)
                throw new ExpectException("Could not find Group data which GroupId equal to " + mGroupLocation.GroupId);

            var location = _context.Locations.FirstOrDefault(c => c.LocationId == mGroupLocation.LocationId);

            if (location == null)
                throw new ExpectException("Could not find Location data which LocationId equal to " + mGroupLocation.LocationId);

            //GroupId and LocationId must be unique
            var checkData = _context.GroupLocations
                            .Where(c => c.GroupId == mGroupLocation.GroupId &&
                                   c.LocationId == mGroupLocation.LocationId).ToList();

            if (checkData.Count > 0)
                throw new ExpectException("There is already exist data which GroupId equal to "
                                          + mGroupLocation.GroupId + " and LocationId equal to " + mGroupLocation.LocationId);

            var model = new GroupLocation
                GroupId    = mGroupLocation.GroupId,
                LocationId = mGroupLocation.LocationId

Esempio n. 17
        public int Add(UserGroupAddModel mUserGroup)
            var group = _context.Groups.FirstOrDefault(c => c.GroupId == mUserGroup.GroupId);

            if (group == null)
                throw new ExpectException("Could not find Group data which GroupId equal to " + mUserGroup.GroupId);

            var user = _context.Users.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Id == mUserGroup.UserId);

            if (user == null)
                throw new ExpectException("Could not find User data which UserId equal to '" + mUserGroup.UserId + "'");

            //GroupId and UserId must be unique
            var checkData = _context.UserGroups
                            .Where(c => c.GroupId == mUserGroup.GroupId &&
                                   c.UserId == mUserGroup.UserId).ToList();

            if (checkData.Count > 0)
                throw new ExpectException("There is already exist data which GroupId equal to "
                                          + mUserGroup.GroupId + " and UserId equal to '" + mUserGroup.UserId + "'");

            var model = new UserGroup
                GroupId = mUserGroup.GroupId,
                UserId  = mUserGroup.UserId

Esempio n. 18
        public int Add(UserLocationAddModel mUserLocation)
            var location = _context.Locations.FirstOrDefault(c => c.LocationId == mUserLocation.LocationId);

            if (location == null)
                throw new ExpectException("Could not find Location data which LocationId equal to " + mUserLocation.LocationId);

            var user = _context.Users.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Id == mUserLocation.UserId);

            if (user == null)
                throw new ExpectException("Could not find User data which UserId equal to '" + mUserLocation.UserId + "'");

            //LocationId and UserId must be unique
            var checkData = _context.UserLocations
                            .Where(c => c.LocationId == mUserLocation.LocationId &&
                                   c.UserId == mUserLocation.UserId).ToList();

            if (checkData.Count > 0)
                throw new ExpectException("There is already exist data which LocationId equal to "
                                          + mUserLocation.LocationId + " and UserId equal to '" + mUserLocation.UserId + "'");

            var model = new UserLocation
                LocationId = mUserLocation.LocationId,
                UserId     = mUserLocation.UserId

Esempio n. 19
        public int Add(HolidayAddModel mHoliday)
            var project = _context.Projects.FirstOrDefault(c => c.ProjectId == mHoliday.ProjectId);

            if (project == null)
                throw new ExpectException("Could not find Project data which ProjectId equal to " + mHoliday.ProjectId);

            //Get UserInfo
            var user = _loginUser.GetLoginUserInfo();

            var model = new Holiday
                ProjectId  = mHoliday.ProjectId,
                Day        = mHoliday.Day,
                Creator    = user.UserName,
                CreateDate = DateTime.Now

Esempio n. 20
        public void Add(MEvent mEvent)
            _context.Events.Add(new Event
                EventId        = new Guid(),
                ProjectId      = mEvent.ProjectId,
                LocationId     = mEvent.LocationId,
                EventMessageId = this._context.EventMessages
                                 .Where(em => em.MessageCode == mEvent.MessageCode)
                ModifiedDate = DateTime.Now
