private void InjectSiteimproveScriptIntoCmsDeskPages(CMSPage cmsPage)
            // Looking for a more elgeant solution. I am not a fan of all of these Contains/StartsWith TypeName string stuff

            // bail for Delete page, I'd like to do this a better way
            // This MUST go First, if you attempt to access a property (like DocumentID), it errors hard, even with try catch
            if (cmsPage.TypeName.Contains("_cmsdesk_delete_"))

            // For the "Page" Tab, this is == 0, which is not what we want, but it is helping us ignore a bunch of other situations
            if (cmsPage.DocumentID == 0)

            // if already registered, bail
            if (SiteimproveUtility.IsJavascriptAlreadyRegistered())

            bool overlayIsEnabled = false;

            // this Contains() check is NOT ideal... Looking for a more elgeant solution, based on support talks and documentation, nothing seems to exist
            if (PortalContext.ViewMode == ViewModeEnum.Preview)
                overlayIsEnabled = SettingsUtility.GetIsEnabledOnPreview();
            else if (cmsPage.TypeName.Contains("cmsmodules_content_cmsdesk_properties_"))
                overlayIsEnabled = SettingsUtility.GetIsEnabledOnPropertyTabs();
            else if (PortalContext.ViewMode == ViewModeEnum.EditForm && cmsPage.TypeName.Contains("_cmsdesk_edit_edit_"))
                overlayIsEnabled = SettingsUtility.GetIsEnabledOnForm();

            if (!overlayIsEnabled)

            SiteimproveUtility.RegisterJavascriptBigBoxSmart(cmsPage, cmsPage.DocumentID, false);