public void WhereTest() { SetService service = new SetService(); try { // Test sending a null parameter. service.Where <int>(null, 1); Assert.True(false); } catch (ArgumentNullException ex) { Assert.Equal("property", ex.ParamName); } catch { Assert.True(false); } try { // Test sending a null parameter. service.Where(x => x.Name, null); Assert.True(false); } catch (ArgumentNullException ex) { Assert.Equal("value", ex.ParamName); } catch { Assert.True(false); } }
public async Task Reset_Success() { _mockRateLimit.Setup(x => x.IsTurnedOn).Returns(false); _mockHeaderManager.Setup(x => x.Update(It.IsAny <IReadOnlyNameValueList <string> >())); _mockHeaderManager.Setup(x => x.Get <int>(ResponseHeader.TotalCount)).Returns(2000); _mockHeaderManager.Setup(x => x.Get <int>(ResponseHeader.PageSize)).Returns(1000); var rootSetList = new RootSetDto() { Set = new SetDto(), }; using var httpTest = new HttpTest(); httpTest.RespondWithJson(rootSetList); _mockModelMapper.Setup(x => x.MapSet(It.IsAny <SetDto>())).Returns(new Set()); var service = new SetService( _mockHeaderManager.Object, _mockModelMapper.Object, ApiVersion.V1, _mockRateLimit.Object); service.Where(x => x.Name, "test"); // act service.Reset(); // assert await service.AllAsync(); httpTest.ShouldHaveCalled(""); }
public void WhereTest() { SetService service = new SetService(); try { // Test sending a null parameter. service.Where <int>(null, 1); Assert.Fail(); } catch (ArgumentNullException ex) { Assert.AreEqual("property", ex.ParamName); } catch { Assert.Fail(); } try { // Test sending a null parameter. service.Where(x => x.Name, null); Assert.Fail(); } catch (ArgumentNullException ex) { Assert.AreEqual("value", ex.ParamName); } catch { Assert.Fail(); } service = service.Where(x => x.Name, "test"); PrivateObject privateObject = new PrivateObject(service); var whereQuery = privateObject.GetFieldOrProperty("_whereQueries") as NameValueCollection; Assert.AreEqual(1, whereQuery.Count); Assert.AreEqual("name", whereQuery.AllKeys[0]); Assert.AreEqual("test", whereQuery["name"]); }
public void Where_DefaultValue_Throws() { var service = new SetService( _mockHeaderManager.Object, _mockModelMapper.Object, ApiVersion.V1, _mockRateLimit.Object); // act // assert Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(() => service.Where(x => x.Name, null)); }
public void Where_NullProperty_Throws() { const string NAME = "name1"; var service = new SetService( _mockHeaderManager.Object, _mockModelMapper.Object, ApiVersion.V1, _mockRateLimit.Object); // act // assert Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(() => service.Where(_ => null, NAME)); }
public async Task Where_AddsQueryParameters_Success() { const string NAME = "name1"; const string BLOCK = "12345"; _mockRateLimit.Setup(x => x.IsTurnedOn).Returns(false); _mockHeaderManager.Setup(x => x.Update(It.IsAny <IReadOnlyNameValueList <string> >())); _mockHeaderManager.Setup(x => x.Get <int>(ResponseHeader.TotalCount)).Returns(2000); _mockHeaderManager.Setup(x => x.Get <int>(ResponseHeader.PageSize)).Returns(1000); var rootSetList = new RootSetListDto() { Sets = new List <SetDto> { new SetDto() }, }; using var httpTest = new HttpTest(); httpTest.RespondWithJson(rootSetList); _mockModelMapper.Setup(x => x.MapSet(It.IsAny <SetDto>())).Returns(new Set()); var service = new SetService( _mockHeaderManager.Object, _mockModelMapper.Object, ApiVersion.V1, _mockRateLimit.Object); // act service .Where(x => x.Name, NAME) .Where(x => x.Block, BLOCK); // assert await service.AllAsync(); httpTest .ShouldHaveCalled("*") .WithQueryParams("name", "block"); }
public async Task AllAsyncTest() { var sets = new List <SetDto>() { new SetDto() { Block = "block1", Booster = new object[2] { new JValue("booster1"), new JArray() { new JValue("booster2"), new JValue("booster3"), new JArray() { new JValue("booster4"), new JValue("booster5") } } }, Border = "border1", Code = "code1", Expansion = "expansion1", GathererCode = "gathererCode1", MagicCardsInfoCode = "magicCardsInfoCode1", Name = "name1", OldCode = "oldCode1", OnlineOnly = true, ReleaseDate = "2016, 1, 1" }, new SetDto() { Block = "block2", Booster = new object[2] { new JValue("booster1"), new JArray() { new JValue("booster2"), new JValue("booster3"), new JArray() { new JValue("booster4"), new JValue("booster5") } } }, Border = "border2", Code = "code2", Expansion = "expansion2", GathererCode = "gathererCode2", MagicCardsInfoCode = "magicCardsInfoCode2", Name = "name2", OldCode = "oldCode2", OnlineOnly = true, ReleaseDate = "2016, 2, 2" } }; // Test the All method. var moqAdapter = new Mock <IMtgApiServiceAdapter>(); moqAdapter .SetupSequence(x => x.WebGetAsync <RootSetListDto>(It.IsAny <Uri>())) .Throws <ArgumentNullException>() .Throws(new MtgApiException <BadRequestException>("bad request")) .Throws(new MtgApiException <ForbiddenException>("forbidden")) .Throws(new MtgApiException <InternalServerErrorException>("server error")) .Throws(new MtgApiException <NotFoundException>("not found")) .Throws(new MtgApiException <ServiceUnavailableException>("unavailable")) .Throws <Exception>() .ReturnsAsync(new RootSetListDto() { Sets = sets }); var service = new SetService(moqAdapter.Object, ApiVersion.V1_0, false); service = service.Where(x => x.Name, "name1"); var result = await service.AllAsync(); Assert.False(result.IsSuccess); Assert.Equal("Value cannot be null.", result.Exception.Message); result = await service.AllAsync(); Assert.False(result.IsSuccess); Assert.Equal("bad request", result.Exception.Message); result = await service.AllAsync(); Assert.False(result.IsSuccess); Assert.Equal("forbidden", result.Exception.Message); result = await service.AllAsync(); Assert.False(result.IsSuccess); Assert.Equal("server error", result.Exception.Message); result = await service.AllAsync(); Assert.False(result.IsSuccess); Assert.Equal("not found", result.Exception.Message); result = await service.AllAsync(); Assert.False(result.IsSuccess); Assert.Equal("unavailable", result.Exception.Message); result = await service.AllAsync(); Assert.False(result.IsSuccess); Assert.IsType <Exception>(result.Exception); result = await service.AllAsync(); Assert.True(result.IsSuccess); Assert.Null(result.Exception); Assert.NotNull(result.Value); }