Esempio n. 1
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="CommandLineOption"/> class.
 /// This constructor is used to create an unnamed parameter
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="description"> Description of this parameter, to be used in the Usings function. </param>
 /// <param name="parameterType"> Type of parameter </param>
 /// <param name="setFunction"> Function to call when this parameter is found. Function parameter is found value </param>
 /// <param name="optional"> If false an exception will be thrown if this parameter can not be found. </param>
 public CommandLineOption(string description, ParameterType parameterType, SetOptionDelegate setFunction, bool optional = false)
     this.ShortName = '\0';
     this.LongName = null;
     this.Description = description;
     this.ParameterType = parameterType;
     this.SetFunction = setFunction;
     this.IsOptional = optional;
Esempio n. 2
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="CommandLineOption"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="shortName"> Single character name of this parameter. Optional. </param>
 /// <param name="longName"> The long name of this parameter. Optional. </param>
 /// <param name="description"> Description of this parameter, to be used in the Usings function. </param>
 /// <param name="parameterType"> Type of parameter </param>
 /// <param name="setFunction"> Function to call when this parameter is found. Function parameter is found value </param>
 public CommandLineOption(char shortName, string longName, string description, ParameterType parameterType, SetOptionDelegate setFunction)
     this.ShortName = shortName;
     this.LongName = longName;
     this.Description = description;
     this.ParameterType = parameterType;
     this.SetFunction = setFunction;
     this.IsOptional = true;
Esempio n. 3
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="CommandLineOption"/> class.
 /// This constructor is used to create an unnamed parameter
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="description"> Description of this parameter, to be used in the Usings function. </param>
 /// <param name="parameterType"> Type of parameter </param>
 /// <param name="setFunction"> Function to call when this parameter is found. Function parameter is found value </param>
 /// <param name="optional"> If false an exception will be thrown if this parameter can not be found. </param>
 public CommandLineOption(string description, ParameterType parameterType, SetOptionDelegate setFunction, bool optional = false)
     ShortName     = '\0';
     LongName      = null;
     Description   = description;
     ParameterType = parameterType;
     SetFunction   = setFunction;
     IsOptional    = optional;
Esempio n. 4
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="CommandLineOption"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="shortName"> Single character name of this parameter. Optional. </param>
 /// <param name="longName"> The long name of this parameter. Optional. </param>
 /// <param name="description"> Description of this parameter, to be used in the Usings function. </param>
 /// <param name="parameterType"> Type of parameter </param>
 /// <param name="setFunction"> Function to call when this parameter is found. Function parameter is found value </param>
 public CommandLineOption(char shortName, string longName, string description, ParameterType parameterType, SetOptionDelegate setFunction)
     ShortName     = shortName;
     LongName      = longName;
     Description   = description;
     ParameterType = parameterType;
     SetFunction   = setFunction;
     IsOptional    = true;
Esempio n. 5
        private void InitializeOptions(SetOptionDelegate setOption)
            var makeByteOption    = ByteOption.CreateFactory(BaseAddress, this.onChange, "SoundPlay Settings", setOption);
            var makeBooleanOption = BooleanOption.CreateFactory(BaseAddress, this.onChange, "SoundPlay Settings", setOption);

            PlayMusicWhenMounted         = makeBooleanOption(OptionKind.PlayMusicWhenMounted, OptionOffsets.PlayMusicWhenMounted, null);
            PlayMusicWhenMounted.Hack    = false;
            EnableNormalBattleMusic      = makeBooleanOption(OptionKind.EnableNormalBattleMusic, OptionOffsets.EnableNormalBattleMusic, null);
            EnableNormalBattleMusic.Hack = false;
            EnableCityStateBGM           = makeBooleanOption(OptionKind.EnableCityStateBGM, OptionOffsets.EnableCityStateBGM, null);
            EnableCityStateBGM.Hack      = false;
            PlaySystemSounds             = makeBooleanOption(OptionKind.PlaySystemSounds, OptionOffsets.PlaySystemSounds, null);
            PlaySystemSounds.Hack        = false;

            MasterVolume  = makeByteOption(OptionKind.Master, OptionOffsets.MasterVolume, "SoundMaster");
            Bgm           = makeByteOption(OptionKind.Bgm, OptionOffsets.Bgm, "SoundBgm");
            SoundEffects  = makeByteOption(OptionKind.SoundEffects, OptionOffsets.SoundEffects, "SoundSe");
            Voice         = makeByteOption(OptionKind.Voice, OptionOffsets.Voice, "SoundVoice");
            SystemSounds  = makeByteOption(OptionKind.SystemSounds, OptionOffsets.SystemSounds, "SoundSystem");
            AmbientSounds = makeByteOption(OptionKind.AmbientSounds, OptionOffsets.AmbientSounds, "SoundEnv");
            Performance   = makeByteOption(OptionKind.Performance, OptionOffsets.Performance, "SoundPerform");

            Self     = makeByteOption(OptionKind.Self, OptionOffsets.Self, "SoundPlayer");
            Party    = makeByteOption(OptionKind.Party, OptionOffsets.Party, "SoundParty");
            OtherPCs = makeByteOption(OptionKind.OtherPCs, OptionOffsets.OtherPCs, "SoundOther");

            MasterVolumeMuted  = makeBooleanOption(OptionKind.MasterMuted, OptionOffsets.MasterVolumeMuted, "IsSndMaster");
            BgmMuted           = makeBooleanOption(OptionKind.BgmMuted, OptionOffsets.BgmMuted, "IsSndBgm");
            SoundEffectsMuted  = makeBooleanOption(OptionKind.SoundEffectsMuted, OptionOffsets.SoundEffectsMuted, "IsSndSe");
            VoiceMuted         = makeBooleanOption(OptionKind.VoiceMuted, OptionOffsets.VoiceMuted, "IsSndVoice");
            SystemSoundsMuted  = makeBooleanOption(OptionKind.SystemSoundsMuted, OptionOffsets.SystemSoundsMuted, "IsSndSystem");
            AmbientSoundsMuted = makeBooleanOption(OptionKind.AmbientSoundsMuted, OptionOffsets.AmbientSoundsMuted, "IsSndEnv");
            PerformanceMuted   = makeBooleanOption(OptionKind.PerformanceMuted, OptionOffsets.PerformanceMuted, "IsSndPerform");

            EqualizerMode = new EqualizerModeOption
                BaseAddress = BaseAddress,
                Offset      = OptionOffsets.EqualizerMode,
                Kind        = OptionKind.EqualizerMode,

                CfgSection = "SoundPlay Settings",
                CfgSetting = "SoundEqualizerType",

                OnChange = this.onChange,

                SetFunction = setOption,
Esempio n. 6
        public static Func <OptionKind, int, string, BooleanOption> CreateFactory(IntPtr baseAddress, Action <ExpandoObject> onChange, string cfgSection, SetOptionDelegate setFunction)
            return((optionKind, offset, cfgSetting) => new BooleanOption
                BaseAddress = baseAddress,
                Offset = offset,
                Kind = optionKind,

                CfgSection = cfgSection,
                CfgSetting = cfgSetting,

                OnChange = onChange,

                SetFunction = setFunction,