Esempio n. 1
        /* ------------------------- CONTROL FUNCTIONS ------------------------- */
        /* Functions are primarily modified control functions for a cross threaded application */

         * General purpose function for setting the text of a control in a threadsafe manner
         * @param text: The desired text for the control
         * @param control: The control being modified
        private void setControlText(String text, Control control)
            if (control.InvokeRequired)
                SetLabelTextDelegate d = new SetLabelTextDelegate(setControlText);
                this.Invoke(d, new object[] { text, control });
                control.Text = text;
        private void WorkerMine_DoWork()
            //Set Progress Text to "0/0"
            SetLabelTextDelegate setLabelTextDelegate = new SetLabelTextDelegate(SetLabelText);
            String progressTextString = "0/0";

            this.Invoke(setLabelTextDelegate, new object[] { "progressText", progressTextString });
            productsLoaded = false;

            //Create a box with 4 default spots + more depending on how many bags are present
            WebBrowser webBrowser    = new WebBrowser();
            int        defaultWidth  = 550;
            int        defaultHeight = 550;
            Panel      leftPanel     = new Panel
                Name       = "leftPanel",
                Location   = new Point(30, 30),
                Size       = new Size(defaultWidth, defaultHeight),
                AutoScroll = false,
                BackColor  = Color.Gray,

            leftPanel.VerticalScroll.Visible = false;

            //Click Event
            this.Click      += clickEvent;
            leftPanel.Click += clickEvent;
            AddPanelDelegate addPanel = new AddPanelDelegate(AddPanel);

            this.Invoke(addPanel, new object[] { leftPanel });

            //Variables for item boxes
            int xCoord = 0;
            int yCoord = 0;

            //Check if the user wants to get stock data (slow as it uses a web browser)
            bool getStock = false;

            if (stockCheckBox.Checked)
                getStock = true;

            //Load an instance of Internet Explorer 11 for Web Browsing
            if (getStock)
                webBrowser.ScriptErrorsSuppressed = true;
                if (!WBEmulator.IsBrowserEmulationSet())
                //Web Browser Event
                webBrowser.DocumentCompleted += new WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventHandler(JavaScriptLoaded);

            //Using the HTML Agility NuGet
            HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlWeb      htmlWeb     = new HtmlWeb();
            HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument webPage     = new HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument();
            HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument webPageDesc = new HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument();
            webPage = htmlWeb.Load("");

            //Collect HTML Data
            HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNodeCollection productNames     = webPage.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//div[@class='productName toMinimize']");
            HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNodeCollection productPrices    = webPage.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//div[@class='from-price']//span");
            HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNodeCollection productPageLinks = webPage.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//a[@class='product-item productItem tagClick tagClick']");
            //HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNodeCollection productPageLinks = webPage.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//a[@class='product-item tagClick tagClick']");
            HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNodeCollection productImageLinks = webPage.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//a[@class='product-item productItem tagClick tagClick']//div[@class='imageWrapper']//img");

            //Progress Bar

            //Collect JavaScript Data + Add Item to Form
            for (int i = 0; i < productNames.Count; i++)
                //Create Handbag Object
                handbags.Add(new Handbag());

                //Product Name
                handbags.ElementAt(i).ProductName = productNames.ElementAt(i).InnerText;

                //Product Price
                handbags.ElementAt(i).ProductPrice = productPrices.ElementAt(i).Attributes["data-htmlContent"].Value;

                //Product Code
                handbags.ElementAt(i).ProductCode = productPageLinks.ElementAt(i).Attributes["data-sku"].Value;

                //Image Link
                handbags.ElementAt(i).ProductImage = productImageLinks.ElementAt(i).Attributes["data-src"].Value;
                handbags.ElementAt(i).ProductImage = handbags.ElementAt(i).ProductImage.Replace("{IMG_WIDTH}", "360");
                handbags.ElementAt(i).ProductImage = handbags.ElementAt(i).ProductImage.Replace("{IMG_HEIGHT}", "360");
                handbags.ElementAt(i).ProductImage = handbags.ElementAt(i).ProductImage.Replace(" ", "%20");

                //Page Link
                handbags.ElementAt(i).PageLink = "" + productPageLinks.ElementAt(i).Attributes["href"].Value;

                //Navigate Browser for JavaScript (The only way to get stock messages is using JavaScript, so the program opens an internet browser)
                if (getStock)
                    LoadWebPageWithBrowser(webPageDesc, handbags.ElementAt(i).PageLink, webBrowser);
                    webPageDesc = htmlWeb.Load(handbags.ElementAt(i).PageLink);

                HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNode description = webPageDesc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//div[@class='productDescription description-push-text onlyML ppTextDescription ']");
                if (description != null)
                    handbags.ElementAt(i).ProductDescription = description.InnerText;
                    handbags.ElementAt(i).ProductDescription = handbags.ElementAt(i).ProductDescription.Remove(0, 15);

                //Handbag Availability
                if (getStock)
                    HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNode availability = webPageDesc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//div[@id='notInStock']");
                    if (availability != null)
                        if (availability.Attributes["class"].Value == "getIndexClass")
                            handbags.ElementAt(i).Availability = "Currently out of stock online";
                            handbags.ElementAt(i).Availability = "In Stock";

                //Add Item to Form
                int rowNumber = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Floor(Convert.ToDouble(i) / 2));

                //Get X & Y Coordinates
                yCoord = yMargin + rowNumber * boxSize + yMargin * rowNumber;
                if (i % 2 == 0)
                    xCoord = xMargin;
                    xCoord = columnDistance;

                //Add Box To Panel
                UpdatePanelDelegate updatePanelDelegate = new UpdatePanelDelegate(UpdatePanel);
                this.Invoke(updatePanelDelegate, new object[] { "leftPanel", handbags.ElementAt(i), xCoord, yCoord, boxSize, i });

                //Progress Text
                progressTextString = (i + 1) + "/" + productNames.Count;
                VoidDelegate progressStep = new VoidDelegate(ProgressStep);
                this.Invoke(setLabelTextDelegate, new object[] { "progressText", progressTextString });
            //DATA COLLECTED!
            VoidDelegate endProgressBar = new VoidDelegate(EndProgressBar);

            webSiteLoaded  = false;
            midwork        = false;
            productsLoaded = true;