Esempio n. 1
        private void Edit_Expense(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
            DataGrid dg = sender as DataGrid;

            SessionsGrid  p  = (SessionsGrid)dg.SelectedItems[0]; // OR:  Patient p = (Patient)dg.SelectedItem;
            UpdateSession up = new UpdateSession(p);


            //	Refresh the grid
            Refresh_SessionsGrid(sender, e);
Esempio n. 2
        public UpdateSession(SessionsGrid sg)
                Session = sg;

                // Initialize the variables and such
                staffFirstName     = sg.StaffFirstName;
                staffLastName      = sg.StaffLastName;
                clientFirstName    = sg.ClientFirstName;
                clientLastName     = sg.ClientLastName;
                appointmentStart   = sg.AppointmentStart;
                appointmentEnd     = sg.AppointmentEnd;
                expenseDueDate     = sg.ExpenseDueDate;
                expensePaidDate    = sg.ExpensePaidDate;
                donorBill          = sg.DonorBill;
                patientBill        = sg.PatientBill;
                totalExpense       = sg.TotalExpense;
                expenseType        = sg.ExpenseType;
                expenseDescription = sg.ExpenseDescription;
                expenseID          = sg.ExpenseID;
                cancellationType   = sg.CancellationType;

                oldDonorBill = donorBill;
                newDonorBill = donorBill;

                // Initialize the UI

                // Disable the patient's first and last name fields
                FN.IsEnabled = false;
                LN.IsEnabled = false;

                //	Select the appointment type
                ApptType.SelectedItem = sg.ExpenseType;

                //	Fill out the information in the form
                FN.Text        = sg.ClientFirstName;
                LN.Text        = sg.ClientLastName;
                Copay.Text     = Math.Round(sg.PatientBill, 2).ToString();
                Deduction.Text = Math.Round(sg.DonorBill, 2).ToString();

                Models.FCS_DBModel db = new Models.FCS_DBModel();
                oldDonationID = (from d in db.Expenses
                                 where d.ExpenseID == expenseID
                                 select d.DonationID).Distinct().FirstOrDefault();

                var oldDonation = (from d in db.Donations
                                   where d.DonationID == oldDonationID
                                   select d).FirstOrDefault();

                //	If there is a grant
                if (oldDonation != null)
                    if (oldDonation.GrantProposalID != null)
                        MoneyDonation.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden;

                        var oldGrantName = (from d in db.GrantProposals
                                            where d.GrantProposalID == oldDonation.GrantProposalID
                                            select d.GrantName).Distinct().FirstOrDefault();

                        DonorDeduction.IsChecked = true;
                        Grant.SelectedItem       = oldGrantName;
                    //	If it is a money donation
                        //	UI Updates for the money donation
                        DonorDeduction.IsChecked = false;
                        Grant.Visibility         = Visibility.Hidden;

                        //	Get the money donation
                        var oldDonorType = (from d in db.Donors
                                            where d.DonorID == oldDonation.DonorID
                                            select d.DonorType).Distinct().FirstOrDefault();

                        if (oldDonorType == "Organization" || oldDonorType == "Government")
                            MoneyDonation.SelectedItem = (from d in db.Donations
                                                          join dn in db.Donors on d.DonorID equals dn.DonorID
                                                          where d.DonationID == oldDonationID &&
                                                          dn.DonorID == oldDonation.DonorID
                                                          select d.DonationID.ToString() + ", " + dn.OrganizationName + ", " + d.DonationAmountRemaining.ToString()).Distinct().FirstOrDefault();
                        else if (oldDonorType == "Anonymous" || oldDonorType == "Individual")
                            MoneyDonation.SelectedItem = (from d in db.Donations
                                                          join dn in db.Donors on d.DonorID equals dn.DonorID
                                                          join c in db.DonorContacts on dn.DonorID equals c.DonorID
                                                          where d.DonationID == oldDonationID &&
                                                          dn.DonorID == oldDonation.DonorID
                                                          select d.DonationID + ", " + d.DonationAmountRemaining + ", " + c.ContactFirstName + ", " + c.ContactLastName).Distinct().FirstOrDefault();
                    // Hide grant stuffz for consistency
                    DonorDeduction.IsChecked = false;
                    Grant.Visibility         = Visibility.Hidden;

                Staff.SelectedItem = (from o in db.Staff
                                      where o.StaffFirstName == staffFirstName && o.StaffLastName == staffLastName
                                      select o.StaffFirstName + " " + o.StaffLastName + ", " + o.StaffUserName).Distinct().FirstOrDefault();

                //	If the patient's due is paid
                if (expensePaidDate != null)
                    IsPaid.IsChecked          = true;
                    ExpensePaidDate.IsEnabled = true;
                    ExpensePaidDate.Text      = sg.ExpensePaidDate.ToString();

                //	Set the date stuff
                DateRecieved.Text = sg.AppointmentStart.ToString();

                //	Start Hour Stuff
                if (sg.AppointmentStart.Hour >= 12)
                    if (sg.AppointmentStart.Hour % 12 != 0)
                        StartHour.Text = (sg.AppointmentStart.Hour - 12).ToString();
                        StartHour.Text = sg.AppointmentStart.Hour.ToString();

                    AMPM_Start.SelectedItem = "PM";
                    if (sg.AppointmentStart.Hour == 0)
                        StartHour.Text = (sg.AppointmentStart.Hour + 12).ToString();
                        StartHour.Text = sg.AppointmentStart.Hour.ToString();

                    AMPM_Start.SelectedItem = "AM";

                //	End Hour Stuff
                if (sg.AppointmentEnd.Hour >= 12)
                    if (sg.AppointmentEnd.Hour % 12 != 0)
                        End_Hour.Text = (sg.AppointmentEnd.Hour - 12).ToString();
                        End_Hour.Text = sg.AppointmentEnd.Hour.ToString();

                    AMPM_End.SelectedItem = "PM";
                    if (sg.AppointmentEnd.Hour == 0)
                        End_Hour.Text = (sg.AppointmentEnd.Hour + 12).ToString();
                        End_Hour.Text = sg.AppointmentEnd.Hour.ToString();

                    AMPM_End.SelectedItem = "AM";

                //	Setting the minutes
                StartMinute.Text = DisplayMinuteConversion(sg.AppointmentStart.Minute.ToString());
                End_Minute.Text  = DisplayMinuteConversion(sg.AppointmentEnd.Minute.ToString());

                //	Setting the cancellation type
                switch (sg.CancellationType)
                case "Not Cxl":
                    CancellationType.SelectedIndex = 0;

                case "No Show":
                    CancellationType.SelectedIndex = 1;

                case "Late Cxl":
                    CancellationType.SelectedIndex = 2;

                case "Cxl":
                    CancellationType.SelectedIndex = 3;

                    CancellationType.SelectedIndex = 0;
            catch (Exception error)
                MessageBox.Show("Something went wrong, please try again.");