protected void BtnSubmitNewSkill_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Debug.WriteLine("Entering BtnSubmitNewSkill_Click");
            int test = 0;
            int result;
            expertObj = (Expert)Session["expertProfileObj"];

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtAddNewSkill.Text)==false)
                //search expert's skillset to see if the skill added already exsists
                //search all skill to see if the skill added exsists
                //if not to both, add a new skill
                foreach (Tuple<int,String> skill in expertObj.AllExpertSkills)//test if skill added is already in Expert's Skill Set
                    if(skill.Item2.Equals(txtAddNewSkill.Text, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        test = -1;
                if (test != -1)
                    List<Skills> allSkills = DbMethods.GetSkills();
                    foreach (Skills skill in allSkills)//handle adding the skill
                        if (skill.SkillName.Equals(txtAddNewSkill.Text, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                            result = DbMethods.AddSkillToUser(expertObj.tuID, skill.SkillID);//adding excisting skill to expert
                            if (result != -1)
                                lblAddSkillTest.Text = "Success! New Skill was added to Skills and Expert_Skills Tables.";
                                test = -2;
                                lblAddSkillTest.Text = "Error: Process did not execute successfully. :(";
                    if(test != -2)
                        result = DbMethods.AddNewSkillToUser(expertObj.tuID, txtAddNewSkill.Text);//adding brandnew skill
                        if (result != -1)
                            lblAddSkillTest.Text = "Success! New Skill was added to Skills and Expert_Skills Tables.";
                            lblAddSkillTest.Text = "Error: Process did not execute successfully. :(";
                    sm.storeExpertDataInSession();//now get the whole expert object
                    lblAddSkillTest.Text = "Cannot add this skill. you already have this skill in your skill set.";
            }//end if statement for textBoxes
                lblAddSkillTest.Text = "Error: Invalid input.";
        }//end add new skill
Esempio n. 2
        protected void btn_login_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            /*1 - Grabbing the user's login info*/
            String Username = txb_TUID.Text;
            String Password = txb_Password.Text;

            /*2 - Resetting controls to default values*/
            lbl_Error.Text = "";

            /*3 - Basic validation*/
            if (Username.Equals(""))
                lbl_Error.Text      = "ERROR: The username field is empty.";
                lbl_Error.ForeColor = Color.Red;
            else if (Password.Equals(""))
                lbl_Error.Text      = "ERROR: The password field is empty.";
                lbl_Error.ForeColor = Color.Red;
            else if (valid.validateLogin(Username) || valid.validateLogin(Password))
                lbl_Error.Text      = "ERROR: Illegal input character was used.";
                lbl_Error.ForeColor = Color.Red;
                /*3 - Checking that the Username and Password are both correct*/
                bool Correct_Login_Information = AuthenticateUser(Username, Password);
                if (!Correct_Login_Information)
                    lbl_Error.Text      = "ERROR: Your username or password is incorrect.";
                    lbl_Error.ForeColor = Color.Red;
                    /*4 - Requesting Web Service information*/
                    TempleUser.LDAPuser   Temple_Information  = TempleUser.WebService.getLDAPEntryByAccessnet(Username);
                    TempleUser.StudentObj Student_Information = TempleUser.WebService.getStudentInfo(Temple_Information.templeEduID);

                    /*5 - Checking we received something from Web Services*/
                    if (Temple_Information == null)
                        lbl_Error.Text = "ERROR: Web Services did not return anything.";
                    else if (Temple_Information != null)
                        /*Populating the Session Object with the user's information*/
                        Session["TU_ID"]                 = Temple_Information.templeEduID;//TUID
                        Session["First_Name"]            = Temple_Information.givenName;
                        Session["Last_Name"]             =;
                        Session["Email"]                 = Temple_Information.mail;
                        Session["Title"]                 = Temple_Information.title;
                        Session["Affiliation_Primary"]   = Temple_Information.eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation;
                        Session["Affiliation_Secondary"] = Temple_Information.eduPersonAffiliation;

                        /*Security Session Variable*/
                        Session["Authenticated"] = true;

                        /*If the user is also a student, we can also retreive their information and add them to the Session Object*/
                        if (Student_Information != null)
                            Session["School"]  =;
                            Session["Major_1"] = Student_Information.major1;
                            Session["Major_2"] = Student_Information.major2;

                        /*Successful Login - Allowed to be redirected to Home.aspx*/

                        DbMethods DbMethodsObj = new DbMethods();
                        bool      test         = DbMethodsObj.CheckIfAdminExists(Student_Information.tuid);
                        //check if user is an Admin
                        if (test == true)
                            //Security Session Variable for Admin
                            Session["AdminToken"] = true;
                            //check if expert exists in system
                            int count = Convert.ToInt32(DbMethodsObj.CheckIfExpertExists(Student_Information.tuid));
                            if (count == 0)
                                SessionMethods sessionMethodsObj = new SessionMethods();
                                //change isActive to true
                                Expert expertProfileObj = (CapstoneBlackstone.Expert)Session["expertProfileObj"];
                                string user_name        = expertProfileObj.username;

                                var x = Session["Authenticated"];
                                //redirect to expert page
                                Response.Redirect("ExpertPage.aspx?username=" + user_name);// conserve the session token at login
        }//end logIn button clickEvent
Esempio n. 3
        protected void btnCreateProfile_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            lblPicCheckSize.Visible = false;
            lblPicCheckType.Visible = false;
            int count = Convert.ToInt32(db.CheckIfUsernameExists(txtUsername.Text));

            if (valid.IsBlank(txtFirstName.Text) || valid.IsBlank(txtLastName.Text) || valid.IsBlank(txtEmail.Text) || valid.IsBlank(txtUsername.Text) || valid.IsBlank(txtEmail.Text))
                lblRequired.Visible = true;
            else if (count >= 1)
                lblUsernameCheck.Visible = true;
                string fileExtension = Path.GetExtension(FileUpload1.PostedFile.FileName); //uploaded file extension
                int    iFileSize     = FileUpload1.PostedFile.ContentLength;               //uploaded file size
                if (FileUpload1.FileContent != null && FileUpload1.HasFile)
                    if (valid.TestForLegalImageTypes(fileExtension) == false)
                        lblPicCheckType.Visible = true;
                        lblPicCheckType.Text    = fileExtension + " file extension is not allowed. Please use .png, .gif, .jpg, .jpeg, .pdf, .pcd, .fpx, .tif instead";
                    else if (iFileSize >= 90000)
                        lblPicCheckSize.Visible = true;
                        lblPicCheckSize.Text    = "Your file size is " + iFileSize + " bytes. Please reduce the size to less than 90 KB (90000 bytes).";
                        MemoryStream ms  = new MemoryStream();
                        var          img = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(FileUpload1.FileContent);
                        img.Save(ms, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png);
                        imageBytes = ms.ToArray();
                        Session.Add("picture", imageBytes);
                    string     FilePath = System.Web.VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/Images/TUOwls_logo.png");
                    FileStream fs       = new FileStream(FilePath, System.IO.FileMode.Open, System.IO.FileAccess.Read);
                    imageBytes = new byte[fs.Length];
                    fs.Read(imageBytes, 0, Convert.ToInt32(fs.Length));
                    MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
                    Session.Add("picture", imageBytes);

                Expert newExpert = new Expert
                    tuID           = (string)Session["TU_ID"],
                    username       = txtUsername.Text,
                    firstName      = txtFirstName.Text,
                    lastName       = txtLastName.Text,
                    college        = (string)Session["School"],
                    major          = (string)Session["Major_1"],
                    email          = txtEmail.Text,
                    dateJoined     = DateTime.Now,
                    phoneNumber    = txtPhoneNumber.Text,
                    aboutMe        = aboutMe.Text,
                    linkedIn       = txtLinkedIn.Text,
                    picture        = (byte[])Session["picture"],
                    isActive       = true,
                    skillGroupID   = Int32.Parse(SkillGroupDropdown.SelectedValue),
                    genderID       = Int32.Parse(genderDropdown.SelectedValue),
                    ethnicityID    = Int32.Parse(ethnicityDropdown.SelectedValue),
                    lastUpdateDate = DateTime.Now,
                    lastUpdateUser = txtLastName.Text + ", " + txtFirstName.Text

                DbMethods      dbmethods         = new DbMethods();
                SessionMethods sessionMethodsObj = new SessionMethods();
                int            result            = dbmethods.CreateExpert(newExpert);

                Response.Redirect("ExpertPage.aspx?username=" + newExpert.username);