public SmsHandler() { clientNo = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ClientNo"]; clientPass = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ClientPass"]; serviceType = Convert.ToInt32(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ServiceType"]); upiSrv = new ServiceSoapClient("ServiceSoap"); }
public void GetWorkouts() { TrainingPeaks.ServiceSoapClient client = new ServiceSoapClient("ServiceSoap12"); var workouts = client.GetWorkoutsForAthlete(Config.TrainingPeaksUserName, Config.TrainingPeaksPassword, DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1), DateTime.Now.AddDays(1)); }
private void searchStudent() { string strName = txtName.Text; string strAdress = txtAdress.Text; string strEmail = txtEmail.Text; Student stuSearch = new Student() { Name = strName, Adress = strAdress, Email = strEmail }; ServiceSoapClient serviceSql = new ServiceSoapClient(); var listStudent = serviceSql.SearchStudent(stuSearch); listView1.Columns.Add("Name", 100, System.Windows.Forms.HorizontalAlignment.Left); listView1.Columns.Add("Email", 100, System.Windows.Forms.HorizontalAlignment.Left); listView1.Columns.Add("Adress", 100, System.Windows.Forms.HorizontalAlignment.Left); foreach (var student in listStudent) { string[] studentArray = new string[3] { student.Name, student.Email, student.Adress }; listView1.Items.Add(new ListViewItem(studentArray)); } }
/// <summary>Invia il viaggio a TXTango e ritorna l'evento relativo all'aggiornamento.</summary> /// <param name="login">L'oggetto login da inviare a TXTango per l'autenticazione della richiesta.</param> /// <returns>Eventi</returns> public Eventi TXUpdate(TXTango.Login login) { PlanningInsert planning = this.TXCreateObject(); ServiceSoapClient service = new ServiceSoapClient(); PlanningResultInsert result = service.Update_Planning(login, planning); Eventi evento = new Eventi(); evento.SyncData = DateTime.Now; evento.SyncTask = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["TXTANGO_TASK_INSERT"]; evento.SyncTipo = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["TXTEMP_TO_TXTANGO"]; if (result.Errors.Length > 0) { log.Error("Errore TXTango: " + result.Errors[0].ErrorCode.ToString()); evento.Stato = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["TXTANGO_STATO_NOT_DELIVERED"]; evento.SyncStato = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["TXTEMP_STATO_ERRORE"]; evento.Note = "Vedi XmlResponse per i dettagli sugli errori"; } else { evento.Stato = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["TXTANGO_STATO_DELIVERED"]; evento.SyncStato = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["TXTEMP_STATO_SINCRONIZZATO"]; } evento.XmlRequest = Serializer.SerializeObject(planning, SerializationType.XML); evento.XmlResponse = Serializer.SerializeObject(result, SerializationType.XML); return(evento); }
/// <summary>Cancella il viaggio da TXTango e ritorna l'evento relativo all'eliminazione.</summary> /// <param name="login">L'oggetto login da inviare a TXTango per l'autenticazione della richiesta.</param> /// <returns>Eventi</returns> public Eventi TXDelete(TXTango.Login login) { PlanningItemSelection planning = new PlanningItemSelection(); planning.PlanningSelectionType = enumPlanningItemSelectionType.TRIP; planning.ID = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["TXTANGO_ID_PREFIX"] + this.Id; ServiceSoapClient service = new ServiceSoapClient(); ExecutionResult result = service.Cancel_Planning(login, planning); Eventi evento = new Eventi(); evento.SyncData = DateTime.Now; evento.SyncTask = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["TXTANGO_TASK_DELETE"]; evento.SyncTipo = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["TXTEMP_TO_TXTANGO"]; if (result.Errors.Length > 0) { log.Error("Errore TXTango: " + result.Errors[0].ErrorCode.ToString()); evento.Stato = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["TXTANGO_STATO_NOT_DELIVERED"]; evento.SyncStato = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["TXTEMP_STATO_ERRORE"]; evento.Note = "Vedi XmlResponse per i dettagli sugli errori"; } else { evento.Stato = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["TXTANGO_STATO_CANCELED"]; evento.SyncStato = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["TXTEMP_STATO_SINCRONIZZATO"]; // setto a "CANCELED anche tutte le spedizioni) this.CancellaSpedizioni(); } evento.XmlRequest = Serializer.SerializeObject(planning, SerializationType.XML); evento.XmlResponse = Serializer.SerializeObject(result, SerializationType.XML); return(evento); }
// GET: Order public ActionResult Import(HttpPostedFileBase file) { if (file == null || file.ContentLength == 0) { ViewBag.StatusClass = "alert alert-warning"; ViewBag.StatusMessage = "O campo não pode estar vazio."; return(View()); } var filePath = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/TempImportFiles"), Path.GetFileName(file.FileName)); try { file.SaveAs(filePath); var client = new ServiceSoapClient(); client.ImportFile(filePath); ViewBag.StatusClass = "alert alert-success"; ViewBag.StatusMessage = "Arquivo importado com sucesso."; } catch (Exception e) { string message = InnerException(e).Message; ViewBag.StatusClass = "alert alert-danger"; ViewBag.StatusMessage = $"Erro ao importar o arquivo. Erro: {message}"; } return(View()); }
public async Task<IList<JourneyResult>> GetJourneys(string stopCode) { ServiceSoapClient client = new ServiceSoapClient(); using (new OperationContextScope(client.InnerChannel)) { OperationContext.Current.OutgoingMessageHeaders.Add(new CtsMessageHeader()); var result = await client.rechercheProchainesArriveesWebAsync(new rechercheProchainesArriveesWebRequest { CodeArret = stopCode, Heure = DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm"), Mode = 0, NbHoraires = 3 }); var lignes = Ligne.GetLignes(); return result.rechercheProchainesArriveesWebResult.ListeArrivee.Select(journey => { int indexWhiteSpace = journey.Destination.IndexOf(" "); string number = journey.Destination.Substring(0, indexWhiteSpace); return new JourneyResult { Direction = journey.Destination.Remove(0, indexWhiteSpace).Trim(), Mode = journey.Mode, Time = journey.Horaire.Remove(journey.Horaire.Length - 3).Replace(':', 'h'), Ligne = lignes.Single(ligne => ligne.Number.Equals(number)) }; }).ToList(); } }
public MapaPosicionesActuales() { InitializeComponent(); this.DataContext = this; this.servicioMobile = new ServiceSoapClient(); this.Vendedores = new ObservableCollection <Vendedor>(); this.FechaDesde = DateTime.Today.AddHours(8); this.FechaHasta = DateTime.Today.AddDays(1); var mdp = ControladorMapa.ObtenerCordenadasPorDireccion("Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires"); if (mdp.HasValue) { this.mapa.Position = mdp.Value; } else { this.mapa.Position = new PointLatLng(-38.0042615, -57.6070055); } this.actualizadorDePosiciones = new Timer(45000); this.actualizadorDePosiciones.Elapsed += actualizadorDePosiciones_Elapsed; this.actualizadorDePosiciones.Start(); this.listaDeElementos.SelectionChanged += listaDeElementos_SelectionChanged; this.CmdVerClientesPorRuta = new RelayCommand(e => this.VerClientesDelVendedor(e)); this.CmdDibujarZona = new RelayCommand(e => this.VerZonasDelVendedor(e)); this.CmdVerCaminoPreventista = new RelayCommand(e => this.VerCaminoDelVendedor(e)); //this.CmdVerificarPreventistaDentroDeZona = new RelayCommand(e => this.VerificarPreventistaDentroDeZona(e)); this.CmdVerDomicilioVendedor = new RelayCommand(e => this.VerDomicilioVendedor(e)); }
public async Task <IList <JourneyResult> > GetJourneys(string stopCode) { ServiceSoapClient client = new ServiceSoapClient(); using (new OperationContextScope(client.InnerChannel)) { OperationContext.Current.OutgoingMessageHeaders.Add(new CtsMessageHeader()); var result = await client.rechercheProchainesArriveesWebAsync(new rechercheProchainesArriveesWebRequest { CodeArret = stopCode, Heure = DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm"), Mode = 0, NbHoraires = 3 }); var lignes = Ligne.GetLignes(); return(result.rechercheProchainesArriveesWebResult.ListeArrivee.Select(journey => { int indexWhiteSpace = journey.Destination.IndexOf(" "); string number = journey.Destination.Substring(0, indexWhiteSpace); return new JourneyResult { Direction = journey.Destination.Remove(0, indexWhiteSpace).Trim(), Mode = journey.Mode, Time = journey.Horaire.Remove(journey.Horaire.Length - 3).Replace(':', 'h'), Ligne = lignes.Single(ligne => ligne.Number.Equals(number)) }; }).ToList()); } }
internal static void EmailContactsWithNullModules(ref Customer currentCustomer, string role) { string custKey = currentCustomer == null ? "cust = null" : currentCustomer.Key.ToString(); string summary = string.Format($@"These contacts have titles = null. {Environment.NewLine} {Environment.NewLine} Current CustKey: {custKey} {Environment.NewLine} {Environment.NewLine}"); var contactsWithNullTitles = currentCustomer.Contacts.Where(c => c.Module == null).ToList(); contactsWithNullTitles.ForEach(c => { c.Module = role; summary += string.Format($"Contact Key: {c.Key} - Contact Name: {c.Name} {Environment.NewLine}"); }); if (contactsWithNullTitles.Count > 0) { if (Debugger.IsAttached) { MessageBox.Show(summary); return; } ServiceSoapClient client = new ServiceSoapClient(); client.Email("*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", "ContactManager Error", summary, false, "", ""); } }
protected override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e) { ProgressIndicator indicator = new ProgressIndicator(); indicator.IsIndeterminate = true; indicator.IsVisible = true; indicator.Text = "Seferler yükleniyor.."; string whereFrom = NavigationContext.QueryString["whereFrom"]; string whereTo = NavigationContext.QueryString["whereTo"]; dateFrom = NavigationContext.QueryString["dateFrom"]; passengerCount = NavigationContext.QueryString["passengerCount"]; actionType = NavigationContext.QueryString["actionType"] == "Satış" ? "0" : "1"; string requestFrom = "<Sefer>" + "<FirmaNo>0</FirmaNo>" + "<KalkisAdi>" + whereFrom + "</KalkisAdi>" + "<VarisAdi>" + whereTo + "</VarisAdi>" + "<Tarih>" + dateFrom + "</Tarih>" + "<AraNoktaGelsin>1</AraNoktaGelsin>" + "<IslemTipi>" + actionType + "</IslemTipi>" + "<YolcuSayisi>" + passengerCount + "</YolcuSayisi>" + "</Sefer>"; ServiceSoapClient client = new ServiceSoapClient(); client.StrIsletAsync(requestFrom, Database.Admin); client.StrIsletCompleted += client_StrIsletCompleted; SystemTray.SetProgressIndicator(this, indicator); WhereFrom.Text = whereFrom; WhereTo.Text = whereTo; TimeGrid.Background = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(0xFF, 0x33, 0x99, 0xFF)); TimeText.Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.White); TimeImage.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri("/Assets/down.png", UriKind.Relative)); orderType = 3; base.OnNavigatedTo(e); }
protected override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e) { ProgressIndicator indicator = new ProgressIndicator(); indicator.IsIndeterminate = true; indicator.IsVisible = true; indicator.Text = "Şehirler yükleniyor.."; ServiceSoapClient client = new ServiceSoapClient(); client.StrIsletAsync("<Kalkis><FirmaNo>0</FirmaNo><IlceleriGoster>1</IlceleriGoster></Kalkis>", Database.Admin); client.StrIsletCompleted += client_StrIsletCompleted; SystemTray.SetProgressIndicator(this, indicator); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(DateFrom.Text)) { DateFrom.Text = DateTime.Now.ToString("d MMMMMMM yyyy"); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(PassengerCount.Text)) { PassengerCount.Text = "1"; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ActionType.Text)) { ActionType.Text = "Rezervasyon"; } base.OnNavigatedTo(e); }
public RegisterationBusiness() { BasicHttpBinding binding = new BasicHttpBinding(); EndpointAddress address = new EndpointAddress("http://ws_xdsl.tce.local/service.asmx"); _service = new ServiceSoapClient(binding, address); }
public static void GetJourneys(Journey journey) { IsJourneysCompleted = false; string xml; if (journey.From.Type == StationType.Bus) { xml = JourneyParsing.GetJourneys(journey); } else { xml = JourneyParsing.GetFlights(journey); } var client = new ServiceSoapClient(); client.StrIsletAsync(xml, Global.Authorization); client.StrIsletCompleted += (s, e) => { string xmlResult = e.Result; if (journey.From.Type == StationType.Bus) { PopulateJourneys(xmlResult); } else { PopulateFlights(xmlResult); } }; }
protected override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e) { ProgressIndicator indicator = new ProgressIndicator(); indicator.IsIndeterminate = true; indicator.IsVisible = true; indicator.Text = "Koltuklar yükleniyor.."; ServiceSoapClient client = new ServiceSoapClient(); string query = "<Otobus>" + "<FirmaNo>" + Database.SeferDetaylari.Firma.No + "</FirmaNo>" + "<KalkisAdi>" + Database.SeferDetaylari.KalkisYeri + "</KalkisAdi>" + "<VarisAdi>" + Database.SeferDetaylari.VarisYeri + "</VarisAdi>" + "<Tarih>" + Database.SeferDetaylari.Tarih.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "</Tarih>" + "<Saat>" + Database.SeferDetaylari.Saat + "</Saat>" + "<HatNo>" + Database.SeferDetaylari.HatNo + "</HatNo>" + "<IslemTipi>" + Database.SeferDetaylari.IslemTipi + "</IslemTipi>" + "<SeferTakipNo>" + Database.SeferDetaylari.TakipNo + "</SeferTakipNo>" + "</Otobus>"; client.StrIsletAsync(query, Database.Admin); client.StrIsletCompleted += client_StrIsletCompleted; SystemTray.SetProgressIndicator(this, indicator); passengerCount = Convert.ToInt32(NavigationContext.QueryString["passengerCount"]); MaleGrid.Background = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(0xFF, 0x33, 0x99, 0xFF)); MaleText.Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.White); Database.Cinsiyet = Cinsiyet.Bay; base.OnNavigatedTo(e); }
public static int SendSms_new(EmployeeMarketslidesendmail Mobj) { int intStatus = 0; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Mobj.strbody)) { ServiceSoapClient cc = new ServiceSoapClient(); try { if (Mobj.strMobileCountryCode != "91" && Mobj.strMobileCountryCode != null && Mobj.strMobileCountryCode != "undefined") { string strMobileOther = Mobj.strMobileCountryCode + Mobj.strMobileNumber.Trim(); string result = cc.SendTextSMS("yrd", "01291954", strMobileOther, "Dear " + Mobj.strName.Trim() + "," + Mobj.strbody + " Support:" + Mobj.strEmpname + " : 91-" + Mobj.strEmpmobileNumber + " ", "smscntry"); } else { string result = cc.SendTextSMS("ykrishna", "summary$1", Mobj.strMobileNumber.Trim(), "Dear " + Mobj.strName.Trim() + "," + Mobj.strbody + " Support:" + Mobj.strEmpname + " : 91-" + Mobj.strEmpmobileNumber + " ", "smscntry"); } } catch (Exception ee) { } return(intStatus); } return(intStatus); }
// 07_03_2018 Employee sms public int?Employeesmsformatchfollowup([FromBody] employeesmsmatchfollowup Mobj) { ServiceSoapClient cc = new ServiceSoapClient(); string result1 = cc.SendTextSMS("ykrishna", "summary$1", Mobj.Mobilenumber, Mobj.Matchfollouptext, "smscntry"); return(1); }
public void PopulaListaDeSubSecoes() { //WebService = CriaObjetoConexaoWS(); WebService = CriaObjetoConexaoWS(); comboBoxNomeUsuario.DataSource = WebService.wsListagemDeUsuarios(); }
private void btnCadastrar_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string mensagemDeErro = string.Empty; bool cadastrado = false; bool subSecaoExistente = false; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtNomeSubSecao.Text)) { try { BasicHttpsBinding binding = new BasicHttpsBinding(); binding.Security.Mode = BasicHttpsSecurityMode.Transport; EndpointAddress endpoint = new EndpointAddress(""); ServiceSoapClient WebService = new ServiceSoapClient(binding, endpoint); ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls12; cadastrado = WebService.wsCadastrarSubSecao(txtNomeSubSecao.Text.Trim(), out subSecaoExistente); if (cadastrado) { notifyIcon1.Icon = this.Icon; notifyIcon1.BalloonTipTitle = "Cadastro de Sub Seções"; notifyIcon1.BalloonTipText = $"Cadastro realizado com sucesso!"; notifyIcon1.ShowBalloonTip(20); cadastrado = false; this.Close(); } else if (subSecaoExistente) { notifyIcon1.Icon = this.Icon; notifyIcon1.BalloonTipTitle = "Cadastro de Sub Seções"; notifyIcon1.BalloonTipText = $"Sub Seção já cadastrada!"; notifyIcon1.ShowBalloonTip(20); subSecaoExistente = false; } else { notifyIcon1.Icon = this.Icon; notifyIcon1.BalloonTipTitle = "Cadastro de Sub Seções"; notifyIcon1.BalloonTipText = $"Erro. Cadastro não efetuado."; notifyIcon1.ShowBalloonTip(20); } } catch (Exception ex) { mensagemDeErro = ex.Message; } } else { notifyIcon1.Icon = this.Icon; notifyIcon1.BalloonTipTitle = "Cadastro de Sub Seções"; notifyIcon1.BalloonTipText = $"Nenhum nome de sub seção foi inserido!"; notifyIcon1.ShowBalloonTip(20); } }
private static Random random = new Random((int)DateTime.Now.Ticks);//thanks to McAden public decimal GetPremiumDetail(MobileHome.Insure.Model.Rental.Quote quote, bool generatePolicy = false) { decimal premium = 0; //prepare XML file for sending and take the result from other service using (var cxt = new mhRentalContext()) { //cxt.Configuration.ProxyCreationEnabled = false; var customerInfo = cxt.Customers.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Id == quote.CustomerId); var amountCharged = 0M; // As per requirement, we are not sending the proc fee to aegis if (quote.InstallmentFee.HasValue) { amountCharged = quote.PremiumChargedToday.Value + quote.InstallmentFee.Value; } XElement rootEle = new XElement("root", GetPolicyReturnInfo(generatePolicy, amountCharged), GetPropertyDealerInfo(string.IsNullOrEmpty(customerInfo.Park.Subproducer) ? ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MHISubproducerCode"] : customerInfo.Park.Subproducer), GetPropertyInfo(customerInfo), new XElement("unitinfo", GetHouseUnitInfo(quote.PersonalProperty)) ); rootEle.Element("unitinfo").Add(new XElement("covinfo", GetCoverItemInfo(CoverType.persprop, limit: quote.PersonalProperty), GetCoverItemInfo(CoverType.deductible, deductible: quote.Deductible), GetCoverItemInfo(CoverType.lou, limit: quote.LOU), GetCoverItemInfo(CoverType.liability, limit: quote.Liability), GetCoverItemInfo(CoverType.medpay, limit: quote.MedPay), GetCoverItemInfo(CoverType.thirdpartydesignee) )); if (quote.SendLandLord) { rootEle.Element("unitinfo").Add(new XElement("addl_exposure", GetAdditionalExposure(customerInfo.Park))); } //Call service and get the result with Premium ServiceSoapClient sClient = new ServiceSoapClient(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ServiceConfigName"]); sClient.InnerChannel.OperationTimeout = new TimeSpan(0, 10, 0); XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.LoadXml(rootEle.ToString()); XmlNode xnode = doc.FirstChild; XmlNode result = sClient.QuotePolicy(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PasskeyForAegisService"], xnode, "AGHO", AstecProcessingMode.SubmitOverride); if (result != null) { var elements = result.SelectSingleNode("rtninfo"); if (elements != null && elements["returnc"].InnerText != "001") { quote.Premium = premium = Convert.ToDecimal(elements["premwrit"].InnerText); quote.ProposalNumber = elements["policynbr"].InnerText; } } } return(premium); }
public ReportesPorDiaPorVendedor() { InitializeComponent(); this.servicioMobile = new ServiceMobile.ServiceSoapClient(); this.DataContext = this; this.dtpFechaDesde.SelectedDate = DateTime.Today; this.dtpFechaHasta.SelectedDate = DateTime.Today.AddDays(1); }
// GET: Order public ActionResult import(HttpPostedFileBase file) { var client = new ServiceSoapClient(); client.Example(); return(View()); }
private static ServiceSoapClient CreateClient(string systemName) { var apiUrl = $"{systemName}/service.asmx"; BasicHttpBinding binding = CreateBinding(); var soapClient = new ServiceSoapClient(binding, new EndpointAddress(apiUrl)); return(soapClient); }
/// <summary> /// Obtiene una lista de los conceptos admitidos por el servicio web. /// </summary> public ConceptoTipo[] ObtenerConceptos() { using (var Clie = new ServiceSoapClient()) { var Res = Clie.FEParamGetTiposConcepto(this.CrearFEAuthRequest()); return(Res.ResultGet); } }
/// <summary> /// Obtiene los datos del último comprobante autorizado para un PV. /// </summary> /// <param name="pv">El punto de venta a consultar.</param> /// <param name="tipoComprob">El tipo de comprobante a consultar.</param> public FERecuperaLastCbteResponse UltimoComprobante(int pv, Tablas.ComprobantesTipos tipoComprob) { using (var Clie = new ServiceSoapClient()) { var Res = Clie.FECompUltimoAutorizado(this.CrearFEAuthRequest(), pv, (int)tipoComprob); return(Res); } }
/// <summary> /// Consulta el estado de los servicios web de AFIP. /// </summary> /// <returns>True si los servicios están funcionando</returns> public static bool ProbarEstadoServicios() { using (var Clie = new ServiceSoapClient()) { var Estado = Clie.FEDummy(); return(Estado.AppServer == "OK" && Estado.AuthServer == "OK"); // && Estado.DbServer == "OK"; } }
/// <summary> /// Obtiene una lista de los tipos de comprobante admitidos por el servicio web. /// </summary> public CbteTipo[] ObtenerTiposDeComprobante() { using (var Clie = new ServiceSoapClient()) { var Res = Clie.FEParamGetTiposCbte(this.CrearFEAuthRequest()); return(Res.ResultGet); } }
/// <summary>Interroga TXTango riguardo ai consumi (+ velocità media e ore di guida), aggiorna nel database la tabella "Viaggi" e ritorna un evento contenente lo stato del viaggio impostato a "CLOSED".</summary> /// <param name="login">L'oggetto login da inviare a TXTango per l'autenticazione della richiesta.</param> /// <returns>Eventi</returns> public Eventi TXGetConsumptionReport(TXTango.Login login) { // se non sono presenti le date di inizio e fine viaggio non posso ricavare correttamente i consumi del viaggio if (this.DataInizio == DateTime.MinValue || this.DataFine == DateTime.MinValue) { throw new Exception("Impossibile ricavare i consumi poichè non sono presenti le date di inizio o fine viaggio. IdViaggio: " + this.Id + " KeyViaggio: " + this.KeyViaggio); } ServiceSoapClient service = new ServiceSoapClient(); // chiamata per i consumi ConsumptionReportSelection reportSelection = new ConsumptionReportSelection(); reportSelection.DateTimeRangeSelection = new DateTimeRangeSelection() { StartDate = (DateTime)this.DataInizio, EndDate = this.DataFine }; reportSelection.Drivers = new Identifier[1]; reportSelection.Drivers[0] = new Identifier() { IdentifierType = enumIdentifierType.TRANSICS_ID, Id = this.CodiceAutista }; reportSelection.SummaryLevel = SummaryLevel.OnlyTotal; GetConsumptionReportResult result = service.Get_ConsumptionReport(login, reportSelection); Eventi evento = new Eventi(); evento.SyncData = DateTime.Now; evento.SyncTask = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["TXTANGO_TASK_GET_CONSUMPTIONS"]; evento.SyncTipo = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["TXTEMP_FROM_TXTANGO"]; evento.XmlRequest = Serializer.SerializeObject(reportSelection, SerializationType.XML); evento.XmlResponse = Serializer.SerializeObject(result, SerializationType.XML); evento.Stato = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["TXTANGO_STATO_CLOSED"]; if (result.Errors.Length == 0) { if (result.ConsumptionReportItems.Length > 0) { this.ConsumoLt = (result.ConsumptionReportItems[0].Consumption_Total != null) ? result.ConsumptionReportItems[0].Consumption_Total.Value : 0; this.VelocitaMedia = (result.ConsumptionReportItems[0].Speed_Avg != null) ? result.ConsumptionReportItems[0].Speed_Avg.Value : 0; this.OreGuida = (result.ConsumptionReportItems[0].Duration_Driving != null) ? result.ConsumptionReportItems[0].Duration_Driving.Value : 0; this.Update(); } else { evento.Note = "Nessuna informazione pervenuta da TXTango."; } evento.SyncStato = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["TXTEMP_STATO_SINCRONIZZATO"]; } else { log.Error("Errore TXTango: " + result.Errors[0].ErrorCode.ToString()); evento.SyncStato = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["TXTEMP_STATO_ERRORE"]; evento.Note = "Vedi Xml Response per i dettagli sugli errori."; } return(evento); }
/// <summary>Interroga TXTango e ritorna un evento contenente lo stato del viaggio. /// Si occupa inoltre di salvare le date di inizio e fine viaggio quanto occorrono i rispettivi eventi.</summary> /// <param name="login">L'oggetto login da inviare a TXTango per l'autenticazione della richiesta.</param> /// <returns>Eventi</returns> public Eventi TXGetStatus(TXTango.Login login) { // richiedo a TXTango lo stato del viaggio PlanningSelection planningSelection = new PlanningSelection(); PlanningItemSelection itemSelection = new PlanningItemSelection(); itemSelection.PlanningSelectionType = enumPlanningItemSelectionType.TRIP; itemSelection.ID = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["TXTANGO_ID_PREFIX"] + this.Id; planningSelection.Item = itemSelection; ServiceSoapClient service = new ServiceSoapClient(); GetPlanningResult result = service.Get_Planning(login, planningSelection); // creo e ritorno l'evento relativo allo stato di viaggio Eventi evento = new Eventi(); evento.SyncData = DateTime.Now; evento.SyncTask = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["TXTANGO_TASK_GET_STATUS"]; evento.SyncTipo = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["TXTEMP_FROM_TXTANGO"]; evento.XmlRequest = Serializer.SerializeObject(planningSelection, SerializationType.XML); evento.XmlResponse = Serializer.SerializeObject(result, SerializationType.XML); if (result.Errors.Length > 0) { log.Error("Errore TXTango: " + result.Errors[0].ErrorCode.ToString()); evento.SyncStato = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["TXTEMP_STATO_ERRORE"]; evento.Note = "Vedi XmlResponse per i dettagli sugli errori."; } else { // se il viaggio è partito registro la data di inizio viaggio if (result.ItemSelection.Trips[0].Status.ToString() == ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["TXTANGO_STATO_BUSY"]) { this.DataInizio = result.ItemSelection.Trips[0].StartDate.Value; this.Update(); } // se il viaggio è terminato registro la data di fine viaggio if (result.ItemSelection.Trips[0].Status.ToString() == ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["TXTANGO_STATO_FINISHED"]) { this.DataFine = result.ItemSelection.Trips[0].EndDate.Value; this.Update(); } evento.SyncStato = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["TXTEMP_STATO_SINCRONIZZATO"]; evento.Stato = result.ItemSelection.Trips[0].Status.ToString(); if (evento.Stato == ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["TXTANGO_STATO_FINISHED"]) { evento.Data = this.DataFine; } else if (this.DataInizio != DateTime.MinValue) { evento.Data = this.DataInizio; } } return(evento); }
public MainForm() { mClient = new ServiceSoapClient(); RetrieveEmployees(); RetrieveDepartments(); InitializeComponent(); }
private void deleteStudent() { string strName = txtName.Text; string strAdress = txtAdress.Text; string strEmail = txtEmail.Text; Student stuDelete = new Student() { Name = strName, Adress = strAdress, Email = strEmail }; ServiceSoapClient serviceSql = new ServiceSoapClient(); serviceSql.DeleteStudent(stuDelete); }
public SoapService(ConnectionCredentials connectionCredentials) { if (connectionCredentials == null) { throw new ArgumentException("Credentials needed", nameof(connectionCredentials)); } _soapClient = CreateClient(connectionCredentials.SystemName); _user = connectionCredentials.User; _goodsOwner = connectionCredentials.GoodsOwner; }
// GET: Test public ActionResult Index() { SKH_Check.ServiceSoapClient check = new ServiceSoapClient(); string name = ""; string ACC = ""; ViewBag.result = check.CHECK_AUTH("M012363", "Hsieh0919", ref name, ref ACC); = name; ViewBag.ACC = ACC; return(View()); }
private void btnExcluir_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string executarExclusao = string.Empty; if (listaDeMaquinas.SelectedItems.Count > 0) { executarExclusao = MessageBox.Show("A máquina selecionada será excluída! Se esta máquina estiver ativa no sistema, a exclusão da mesma poderá ocasionar erros! Você tem certeza disso?", "ATENÇÃO", MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Warning, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1).ToString(); if (executarExclusao == "Yes") { string IPMaquina = string.Empty; string subSecao = string.Empty; string numeroMaquina = string.Empty; string nomeMaquina = string.Empty; string dadosConcatenados = string.Empty; bool linhaExcluida = false; for (int i = 0; i < listaDeMaquinas.SelectedItems[0].SubItems.Count; i++) { dadosConcatenados += listaDeMaquinas.SelectedItems[0].SubItems[i].Text + ":"; } string[] arrayItens = dadosConcatenados.Split(':'); IPMaquina = arrayItens[0]; subSecao = arrayItens[1]; numeroMaquina = arrayItens[4]; nomeMaquina = arrayItens[5]; WebService = CriaObjetoConexaoWS(); linhaExcluida = WebService.wsExcluirMaquina(IPMaquina.Trim(), subSecao.Trim(), numeroMaquina.Trim(), nomeMaquina.Trim()); if (linhaExcluida) { notifyIcon1.Icon = this.Icon; notifyIcon1.BalloonTipTitle = "Excluir Máquinas"; notifyIcon1.BalloonTipText = $"Máquina excluida com sucesso!"; notifyIcon1.ShowBalloonTip(20); listaDeMaquinas.Items.Remove(listaDeMaquinas.SelectedItems[0]); this.Dispose(); } else { notifyIcon1.Icon = this.Icon; notifyIcon1.BalloonTipTitle = "Excluir Máquinas"; notifyIcon1.BalloonTipText = $"Erro! Máquina não excluída."; notifyIcon1.ShowBalloonTip(20); this.Dispose(); } } } }
public Comprobante ObtenerCompUltimoAutorizado() { FEAuthRequest feAuthRequest = new FEAuthRequest(); // MIGRAR LA BUSQUEDA A LA CLASE COMPROBANTE feAuthRequest.Cuit = _ticket.Cuit; feAuthRequest.Sign = _ticket.Sign; feAuthRequest.Token = _ticket.Token; ServiceSoapClient client = new ServiceSoapClient(); FERecuperaLastCbteResponse result = client.FECompUltimoAutorizado(feAuthRequest, 27, 1); Console.WriteLine(" ULTIMO COMPROBANTE PARA EL PVTA 27 TIPO TIPO COMPROBANTE 1 - FACTURA "); Console.WriteLine(result.CbteNro); return new Comprobante(); }
private void metodStudentSave() { string strName = txtName.Text; string strAdress = txtAdress.Text; string strEmail = txtEmail.Text; Student stuSave = new Student() { Name = strName, Adress = strAdress, Email = strEmail }; ServiceSoapClient serviceSql = new ServiceSoapClient(); serviceSql.SaveStudent(stuSave); /*SqlAgent sqlAgent = new SqlAgent(); sqlAgent.metodSqlStudentSave(stuSave); */ }
/// <summary> /// DoRequest /// </summary> /// <exception cref="SveaWebPayValidationException"></exception> /// <returns>CreateOrderEuRequest</returns> public CreateOrderEuResponse DoRequest() { CreateOrderEuRequest request = PrepareRequest(); Soapsc = new ServiceSoapClient(new BasicHttpBinding { Name = "ServiceSoap", Security = new BasicHttpSecurity { Mode = BasicHttpSecurityMode.Transport } }, new EndpointAddress( CrOrderBuilder.GetConfig().GetEndPoint(PayType))); return Soapsc.CreateOrderEu(request); }
/// <summary> /// doRequest /// </summary> /// <returns>PaymentPlanParamsResponse</returns> public GetPaymentPlanParamsEuResponse DoRequest() { GetPaymentPlanParamsEuRequest request = PrepareRequest(); Soapsc = new ServiceSoapClient(new BasicHttpBinding { Name = "ServiceSoap", Security = new BasicHttpSecurity { Mode = BasicHttpSecurityMode.Transport } }, new EndpointAddress( _config.GetEndPoint(PaymentType.PAYMENTPLAN))); return Soapsc.GetPaymentPlanParamsEu(request); }
/// <summary> /// doRequest /// </summary> /// <returns>GetCustomerAddressesResponse</returns> public GetCustomerAddressesResponse DoRequest() { GetCustomerAddressesRequest request = PrepareRequest(); Soapsc = new ServiceSoapClient(new BasicHttpBinding { Name = "ServiceSoap", Security = new BasicHttpSecurity { Mode = BasicHttpSecurityMode.Transport } }, new EndpointAddress( _config.GetEndPoint(_orderType == "Invoice" ? PaymentType.INVOICE : PaymentType.PAYMENTPLAN))); return Soapsc.GetAddresses(request); }
public async Task<IList<StopResult>> GetStopsByName(string stopName) { ServiceSoapClient client = new ServiceSoapClient(); using (new OperationContextScope(client.InnerChannel)) { OperationContext.Current.OutgoingMessageHeaders.Add(new CtsMessageHeader()); var result = await client.rechercherCodesArretsDepuisLibelleAsync(new rechercherCodesArretsDepuisLibelleRequest { NoPage = 1, Saisie = stopName, }); return result.rechercherCodesArretsDepuisLibelleResult.ListeArret.Select(la => new StopResult { Code = la.Code, Name = la.Libelle }).ToList(); } }
/// <summary> /// doRequest /// </summary> /// <exception cref="Exception"></exception> /// <returns>CloseOrderResponse</returns> public CloseOrderEuResponse DoRequest() { CloseOrderEuRequest request = PrepareRequest(); Soapsc = new ServiceSoapClient(new BasicHttpBinding { Name = "ServiceSoap", Security = new BasicHttpSecurity { Mode = BasicHttpSecurityMode.Transport } }, new EndpointAddress( _order.GetConfig() .GetEndPoint(_order.GetOrderType() == "Invoice" ? PaymentType.INVOICE : PaymentType.PAYMENTPLAN))); return Soapsc.CloseOrderEu(request); }
public MerchantResponse Charge(int orderId, string cardHoldersName, string cardNumber, decimal amount, int expirationMonth, int expirationYear, int ccv, string address, string city, string state, string zip) { var client = new ServiceSoapClient(new BasicHttpBinding(BasicHttpSecurityMode.Transport), new EndpointAddress(_isDemo ? TestUrl : ProdUrl)); client.ChannelFactory.Endpoint.Behaviors.Add(new HmacHeaderBehaivour(_hmac, _keyId)); TransactionResult result = client.SendAndCommit(new Transaction { ExactID = _gatewayId, Password = _password, Transaction_Type = "00", Card_Number = cardNumber, CardHoldersName = cardHoldersName, DollarAmount = amount.ToString("F"), Expiry_Date = string.Format("{0:D2}{1}", expirationMonth, expirationYear), Customer_Ref = orderId.ToString(), VerificationStr1 = string.Format("{0}|{1}|{2}|{3}|US", address, zip, city, state), VerificationStr2 = ccv.ToString() }); var response = new MerchantResponse { IsTransactionApproved = result.Transaction_Approved, IsError = result.Transaction_Error }; if (!result.Transaction_Approved && !result.Transaction_Error) { response.Message = string.Format("Error {0}: {1}", result.Bank_Resp_Code, result.Bank_Message); } if (!result.Transaction_Approved && result.Transaction_Error) { response.Message = string.Format("Error {0}: {1}", result.EXact_Resp_Code, result.EXact_Message); } if (result.Transaction_Approved) { response.Message = result.Authorization_Num; } return response; }
/// <summary> /// Disposes the handler. /// </summary> public void Dispose() { this.client = null; instance = null; }
private void showStudent() { ServiceSoapClient serviceSqlShow = new ServiceSoapClient(); var listStudent = serviceSqlShow.ShowStudent(); listView1.Columns.Add("Name", 100, System.Windows.Forms.HorizontalAlignment.Left); listView1.Columns.Add("Email", 100, System.Windows.Forms.HorizontalAlignment.Left); listView1.Columns.Add("Adress", 100, System.Windows.Forms.HorizontalAlignment.Left); foreach (var student in listStudent) { string[] studentArray = new string[3] { student.Name, student.Email, student.Adress }; listView1.Items.Add(new ListViewItem(studentArray)); } }
void FetchProcessDbQueue() { if (dict.Count == 0) return; foreach (ProcessInfoCtl infoctl in dict.Values.ToArray<ProcessInfoCtl>()) { ProcessInfo info = (infoctl.DataContext as ProcessInfo); SLProcessController.ProcessService.ServiceSoapClient client = new ServiceSoapClient(); client.getDbQueueCntCompleted+= (s,a)=> { if(a.Error==null) info.DataQueueCnt=a.Result; }; try { client.getDbQueueCntAsync(info.MFCC_TYPE, info.HostIP, info.ConsolePort, info.MFCC_TYPE.ToUpper() == "HOST" ? true : false); } catch { throw new Exception(info.ProcessName + ", get Dbqueuecnt failed!"); } } }
public static Hasta setHastaTuikBilgi(Hasta hasta) { if (Current.AktifDoktor.WebTUIKServisKullaniciNo == 0 || Current.AktifDoktor.WebTUIKServisSifre.Length == 0 || Current.AktifDoktor.TckNo == 0 ) return hasta; TCKimlikNoKisiBilgi[] NufusBilgi; string snc = ""; ServiceSoapClient serviceSoapClient = new ServiceSoapClient(); NufusBilgi = serviceSoapClient.TCKimlikNoSorgulaArray( Current.AktifDoktor.WebTUIKServisKullaniciNo, Current.AktifDoktor.WebTUIKServisSifre, hasta.TckNo ); if (NufusBilgi != null) if (NufusBilgi.Length>0) if (NufusBilgi[0].TCKimlikNo != null) { try { hasta.Adi= NufusBilgi[0].Ad ?? ""; } catch { } try { hasta.Soyadi = NufusBilgi[0].Soyad ?? ""; } catch { } try { hasta.NfAileSiraNo = NufusBilgi[0].AileSiraNo ?? ""; } catch { } try { hasta.NfAileSiraNo = NufusBilgi[0].AileSiraNo ?? ""; }catch { } try { hasta.NfAnaAd = NufusBilgi[0].AnaAd ?? "";}catch { } try { hasta.NfAnaSoyad = NufusBilgi[0].AnaSoyad ?? "";}catch { } try { hasta.NfBabaAd = NufusBilgi[0].BabaAd ?? "";}catch { } try { hasta.NfBabaSoyad = NufusBilgi[0].BabaSoyad ?? "";}catch { } try { hasta.NfBireySiraNo = NufusBilgi[0].BireySiraNo ?? "";}catch { } try { hasta.NfCiltAd = NufusBilgi[0].CiltAd ?? "";}catch { } try { hasta.NfCiltKod = NufusBilgi[0].CiltKod ?? "";}catch { } try { hasta.NfCuzdanNo = NufusBilgi[0].CuzdanNo ?? "";}catch { } try { hasta.NfCuzdanSeri = NufusBilgi[0].CuzdanSeri ?? "";}catch { } try { hasta.NfDin = NufusBilgi[0].Din ?? "";}catch { } try { hasta.NfDogumTarih = NufusBilgi[0].DogumTarih ?? "";}catch { } try { hasta.NfDogumYer = NufusBilgi[0].DogumYer ?? "";}catch { } try { hasta.NfKayIlAd = NufusBilgi[0].IlAd ?? "";}catch { } try { hasta.NfKayIlceAd = NufusBilgi[0].IlceAd ?? "";}catch { } try { hasta.NfKayIlceKod = NufusBilgi[0].IlceKod ?? "";}catch { } try { hasta.NfKayIlKod = NufusBilgi[0].IlKod ?? "";}catch { } try { hasta.NfMedeniHal = NufusBilgi[0].MedeniHal ?? "";}catch { } try { hasta.NfOlumTarih = NufusBilgi[0].OlumTarih ?? "";}catch { } try { hasta.NfOlumYer = NufusBilgi[0].OlumYer ?? "";}catch { } try { hasta.NfVerildigiIlceAd = NufusBilgi[0].VerildigiIlceAd ?? "";}catch { } try { hasta.NfVerildigiIlceKod = NufusBilgi[0].VerildigiIlceKod ?? "";}catch { } try { hasta.NfverilmeNeden = NufusBilgi[0].verilmeNeden ?? "";}catch { } try { hasta.NfVerilmeTarih = NufusBilgi[0].VerilmeTarih ?? "";}catch { } try { hasta.NfYakinlik = NufusBilgi[0].Yakinlik ?? "";}catch { } } else snc = "kimlik"; GenelAdresKisiBilgi[] TUIKAdres; TUIKAdres = serviceSoapClient.GenelAdresKisiBilgiSorgulaArray( Current.AktifDoktor.WebTUIKServisKullaniciNo, Current.AktifDoktor.WebTUIKServisSifre, hasta.TckNo ); if (TUIKAdres != null) if (TUIKAdres.Length > 0) if (TUIKAdres[0].AdresNo != null) { try { hasta.TUIKAdresNo = TUIKAdres[0].AdresNo ?? "";}catch { } try { hasta.TUIKBucak = TUIKAdres[0].Bucak ?? "";}catch { } try { hasta.TUIKBucakKodu = TUIKAdres[0].BucakKodu ?? "";}catch { } try { hasta.TUIKCsbm = TUIKAdres[0].Csbm ?? "";}catch { } try { hasta.TUIKCsbmKodu = TUIKAdres[0].CsbmKodu ?? "";}catch { } try { hasta.TUIKDisKapiNo = TUIKAdres[0].DisKapiNo ?? "";}catch { } try { hasta.TUIKIcKapiNo = TUIKAdres[0].IcKapiNo ?? "";}catch { } try { hasta.TUIKIl = TUIKAdres[0].Il ?? "";}catch { } try { hasta.TUIKIlKodu = TUIKAdres[0].IlKodu ?? "";}catch { } try { hasta.TUIKIlce = TUIKAdres[0].Ilce ?? "";}catch { } try { hasta.TUIKIlceKodu = TUIKAdres[0].IlceKodu ?? "";}catch { } try { hasta.TUIKKoy = TUIKAdres[0].Koy ?? "";}catch { } try { hasta.TUIKKoyKodu = TUIKAdres[0].KoyKodu ?? "";}catch { } try { hasta.TUIKKoyKayitNo = TUIKAdres[0].KoyKayitNo ?? "";}catch { } try { hasta.TUIKMahalle = TUIKAdres[0].Mahalle ?? "";}catch { } try { hasta.TUIKMahalleKodu = TUIKAdres[0].MahalleKodu ?? ""; } catch { } } else snc += " adres"; if (snc.Length > 0) snc = "Tuık " + snc + " bilgisi alınamadı"; else { snc = "Tuik kimlik adres bilgisi güncellendi"; hasta.TransferDurumu = myenum.TransferDurumu.Alindi; } hasta.TransferSonuc = snc; hasta.TransferTarihi = DateTime.Today; return hasta; }
void ctl_OnChangeState(ProcessInfoCtl ctl,ProcessInfo info, bool bPlay) { //throw new NotImplementedException(); if (!bPlay) { ConfirmChild child = new ConfirmChild("TCS", "確定要停止" + info.ProcessName + "?"); child.Closed += (s, a) => { if (child.DialogResult == true) { ProcessService.ServiceSoapClient client = new ServiceSoapClient(); client.ChangeProcessStateAsync(info.HostIP, info.ProcessName, false); VisualStateManager.GoToState(ctl, "Stop", true); } }; child.Show(); } else { new ServiceSoapClient().ChangeProcessStateAsync(info.HostIP, info.ProcessName, true); VisualStateManager.GoToState(ctl, "Normal",true); } }
public ServerClient() { this._serverClient = new ServiceSoapClient(); }