public void StringGivenString()
            ushort LangCodeEn        = 0x656e; // "en"
            ushort LangCodeIs        = 0x6973; // "is"
            ushort EncodingIdUtf8    = 106;
            ushort EncodingIdUtf16BE = 1013;
            ushort BaseA             = 0x0100;
            ushort BaseB             = 0x0100;
            String             str       = "ambds\u2022nbdas\u00FEdlka\U00012004slkda";
            ServiceElement     element_  = new ServiceElement(ElementType.TextString, str);
            ServiceAttributeId id        = ServiceRecord.CreateLanguageBasedAttributeId(UniversalAttributeId.ServiceName, (ServiceAttributeId)BaseA);
            ServiceAttribute   attribute = new ServiceAttribute(id, element_);
            ServiceRecord      record    = CreateRecord(attribute);
            LanguageBaseItem langBaseEn = new LanguageBaseItem(LangCodeEn, EncodingIdUtf8, BaseA);
            LanguageBaseItem langBaseIs = new LanguageBaseItem(LangCodeIs, EncodingIdUtf16BE, BaseB);

            Assert.AreEqual(str, record.GetMultiLanguageStringAttributeById(
            Assert.AreEqual(str, record.GetMultiLanguageStringAttributeById(
            ServiceElement element = record.GetAttributeById(UniversalAttributeId.ServiceName, langBaseIs).Value;

            Assert.AreEqual(ElementTypeDescriptor.TextString, element.ElementTypeDescriptor);
            Assert.AreEqual(ElementType.TextString, element.ElementType);
            Assert.IsInstanceOfType(typeof(String), element.Value);
            Assert.AreEqual(str, element.GetValueAsStringUtf8());
            Assert.AreEqual(str, element.GetValueAsString(Encoding.ASCII));
            Assert.AreEqual(str, element.GetValueAsString(Encoding.Unicode));
Esempio n. 2
        public void NonExistingAttrById()
            ServiceAttribute attr;
            ServiceRecord    record = RecordAccess_Data.CreateRecordWithMultipleItems();

            attr = record.GetAttributeById(UniversalAttributeId.ServiceRecordState);
Esempio n. 3
        public void AttrByIdAndLangNull()
            ServiceAttribute attr;
            ServiceRecord    record = RecordAccess_Data.CreateRecordWithZeroItems();

            attr = record.GetAttributeById(UniversalAttributeId.ServiceRecordHandle, null);
Esempio n. 4
        public void AttrByIdAndLangFake()
            ServiceAttribute attr;
            ServiceRecord    record = RecordAccess_Data.CreateRecordWithZeroItems();
            LanguageBaseItem langFake = new LanguageBaseItem(1, 2, 3);

            attr = record.GetAttributeById(UniversalAttributeId.ServiceRecordHandle, langFake);
Esempio n. 5
        public void AccessAttrById()
            ServiceRecord record = RecordAccess_Data.CreateRecordWithMultipleItems();

            Assert.AreEqual(RecordAccess_Data.MultipleItemsCount, record.Count);
            ServiceAttribute attr = record.GetAttributeById(UniversalAttributeId.ServiceRecordHandle);

            Assert.AreEqual(UniversalAttributeId.ServiceRecordHandle, attr.Id);
            Assert.AreEqual(ElementTypeDescriptor.UnsignedInteger, attr.Value.ElementTypeDescriptor);
            Assert.AreEqual(ElementType.UInt32, attr.Value.ElementType);
            Assert.AreEqual(66, attr.Value.Value);
Esempio n. 6
        public new void CreateServiceRecord(ServiceRecord record)
            if (record == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("record");
            if (_hSR.HasValue)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("One at a time please.");
            ServiceElement svcIdListElement;
            var            newList = new List <ServiceAttribute>(Math.Max(record.Count - 1, 0));

            foreach (var cur in record)
                if (cur.Id == UniversalAttributeId.ServiceClassIdList)
                    svcIdListElement = cur.Value;
            var newRecord = new ServiceRecord(newList);

            Debug.Assert(!newRecord.Contains(UniversalAttributeId.ServiceClassIdList), "DOES!! contain SvcIdList");
            // Add the list of UUIDs
            var el            = record.GetAttributeById(UniversalAttributeId.ServiceClassIdList).Value;
            var classList     = el.GetValueAsElementList();
            var svcIdListList = new Structs.SDP_UUID_Entry_Bytes[classList.Count];

            for (int i = 0; i < svcIdListList.Length; ++i)
                svcIdListList[i] = Structs.SDP_UUID_Entry_Bytes.Create(classList[i]);
            Debug.Assert(svcIdListList.Length != 0, "Docs: 'the number of UUID Entries'...'CANNOT be zero'.");
            int hSR = _fcty.Api.SDP_Create_Service_Record(_fcty.StackId,
                                                          checked ((uint)svcIdListList.Length), svcIdListList);
            var ret = (BluetopiaError)hSR;

            BluetopiaUtils.CheckAndThrowZeroIsIllegal(ret, "SDP_Create_Service_Record");
            _hSR = unchecked ((uint)hSR);
            int count = base.CreateServiceRecord(newRecord, s_dummy);
        public void OneNoExtAttr()
            var mocks   = new Mockery();
            var hackApi = mocks.NewMock <IBluesoleilApi>();

            byte[]        setSvcName = { (byte)'a', /* \u00E4 */ 0xC3, 0xA4, (byte)'b', (byte)'b', (byte)'c', (byte)'c', (byte)'d', (byte)'d' };
            var           attrs      = new Structs.BtSdkRemoteServiceAttrStru(0, 0x1112, setSvcName, IntPtr.Zero);
            ServiceRecord sr         = BluesoleilDeviceInfo.CreateServiceRecord(ref attrs, hackApi);
            const string NewLine      = "\r\n";
            const string expectedDump = "AttrId: 0x0001 -- ServiceClassIdList" + NewLine
                                        + "ElementSequence" + NewLine
                                        + "    Uuid16: 0x1112 -- HeadsetAudioGateway" + NewLine
                                        + NewLine
                                        + "AttrId: 0x0006 -- LanguageBaseAttributeIdList" + NewLine
                                        + "ElementSequence" + NewLine
                                        + "    UInt16: 0x656E" + NewLine
                                        + "    UInt16: 0x6A" + NewLine
                                        + "    UInt16: 0x100" + NewLine
                                        + NewLine
                                        + "AttrId: 0x0100 -- ServiceName" + NewLine
                                        + "TextString: [en] 'a\u00E4bbccdd'" + NewLine
                                        + NewLine
                                        + "AttrId: 0xFFFF" + NewLine
                                        + "TextString (guessing UTF-8): '<partial BlueSoleil decode>'" + NewLine
            string dump = ServiceRecordUtilities.Dump(sr);

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedDump, dump, "dump");
            ServiceElement e;

            e = sr.GetAttributeById(UniversalAttributeId.ServiceClassIdList).Value;
            ServiceElement eSvcClass = e.GetValueAsElementArray()[0];
            UInt16         svcC      = (UInt16)eSvcClass.Value;

            Assert.AreEqual(0x1112, svcC, "svcC");
            string sn = sr.GetPrimaryMultiLanguageStringAttributeById(UniversalAttributeId.ServiceName);

            Assert.AreEqual("a\u00E4bbccdd", sn, "sn");
        public void OneNoExtAttr_ManualMock()
            var hackApi = new TestSdBluesoleilApi();

            byte[]        setSvcName = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("aabbccdd");
            var           attrs      = new Structs.BtSdkRemoteServiceAttrStru(0, 0x1112, setSvcName, IntPtr.Zero);
            ServiceRecord sr         = BluesoleilDeviceInfo.CreateServiceRecord(ref attrs, hackApi);
            const string NewLine      = "\r\n";
            const string expectedDump = "AttrId: 0x0001 -- ServiceClassIdList" + NewLine
                                        + "ElementSequence" + NewLine
                                        + "    Uuid16: 0x1112 -- HeadsetAudioGateway" + NewLine
                                        + NewLine
                                        + "AttrId: 0x0006 -- LanguageBaseAttributeIdList" + NewLine
                                        + "ElementSequence" + NewLine
                                        + "    UInt16: 0x656E" + NewLine
                                        + "    UInt16: 0x6A" + NewLine
                                        + "    UInt16: 0x100" + NewLine
                                        + NewLine
                                        + "AttrId: 0x0100 -- ServiceName" + NewLine
                                        + "TextString: [en] 'aabbccdd'" + NewLine
                                        + NewLine
                                        + "AttrId: 0xFFFF" + NewLine
                                        + "TextString (guessing UTF-8): '<partial BlueSoleil decode>'" + NewLine
            string dump = ServiceRecordUtilities.Dump(sr);

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedDump, dump, "dump");
            ServiceElement e;

            e = sr.GetAttributeById(UniversalAttributeId.ServiceClassIdList).Value;
            ServiceElement eSvcClass = e.GetValueAsElementArray()[0];
            UInt16         svcC      = (UInt16)eSvcClass.Value;

            Assert.AreEqual(0x1112, svcC, "svcC");
            string sn = sr.GetPrimaryMultiLanguageStringAttributeById(UniversalAttributeId.ServiceName);

            Assert.AreEqual("aabbccdd", sn, "sn");
Esempio n. 9
        public static void RecordWithZeroItems_AssertIs(ServiceRecord record)
            ServiceAttribute attr;

            Assert.AreEqual(0, record.Count);
            IList_ServiceAttributeId ids = record.AttributeIds;

            Assert.AreEqual(0, ids.Count);
            //TODO ((((test disabled for TryGetAttributeById)))
            //bool found = record.TryGetAttributeById(UniversalAttributeId.ServiceRecordHandle, out attr);
            try {
                attr = record.GetAttributeById(UniversalAttributeId.ServiceRecordHandle);
                Assert.Fail("Record should contain no attribute.");
            } catch (KeyNotFoundException) { }
        public void DeviceIdExtAttr_NoServiceName()
            var mocks   = new Mockery();
            var hackApi = mocks.NewMock <IBluesoleilApi>();

            var    ext  = new Structs.BtSdkRmtDISvcExtAttrStru(1, 2, 3, 4, true, 6, 0);
            IntPtr pExt = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(ext));

            Marshal.StructureToPtr(ext, pExt, false);
            byte[]    setSvcName  = new byte[0];
            const int SvcClassPnp = 0x1200;
            var       attrs       = new Structs.BtSdkRemoteServiceAttrStru(0, SvcClassPnp,
                                                                           setSvcName, pExt);
            ServiceRecord sr = BluesoleilDeviceInfo.CreateServiceRecord(ref attrs, hackApi);
            const string NewLine = "\r\n";
            const string expectedDump
                = "AttrId: 0x0001 -- ServiceClassIdList" + NewLine
                  + "ElementSequence" + NewLine
                  + "    Uuid16: 0x1200 -- PnPInformation" + NewLine
                  + NewLine
                  + "AttrId: 0x0200 -- SpecificationId" + NewLine
                  + "UInt16: 0x1" + NewLine
                  + NewLine
                  + "AttrId: 0x0201 -- VendorId" + NewLine
                  + "UInt16: 0x2" + NewLine
                  + NewLine
                  + "AttrId: 0x0202 -- ProductId" + NewLine
                  + "UInt16: 0x3" + NewLine
                  + NewLine
                  + "AttrId: 0x0203 -- Version" + NewLine
                  + "UInt16: 0x4" + NewLine
                  + NewLine
                  + "AttrId: 0x0204 -- PrimaryRecord" + NewLine
                  + "Boolean: True" + NewLine
                  + NewLine
                  + "AttrId: 0x0205 -- VendorIdSource" + NewLine
                  + "UInt16: 0x6" + NewLine
                  + NewLine
                  + "AttrId: 0xFFFF" + NewLine
                  + "TextString (guessing UTF-8): '<partial BlueSoleil decode>'" + NewLine
            string dump = ServiceRecordUtilities.Dump(sr, typeof(DeviceIdProfileAttributeId));

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedDump, dump, "dump");
            ServiceElement e;

            e = sr.GetAttributeById(UniversalAttributeId.ServiceClassIdList).Value;
            ServiceElement eSvcClass = e.GetValueAsElementArray()[0];
            UInt16         svcC      = (UInt16)eSvcClass.Value;

            Assert.AreEqual(0x1200, svcC, "svcC");
        //Not supported!  Can't tell between little-endian and big-endian Unicode!
        public void OneNoExtAttr_PanuBeUnicodeSvcName()
            var mocks   = new Mockery();
            var hackApi = mocks.NewMock <IBluesoleilApi>();

            byte[] setSvcName =
                0x00, 0x50, 0x00, 0x65, 0x00, 0x72, 0x00, 0x73, 0x00,
                0x6F, 0x00, 0x6E, 0x00, 0x61, 0x00, 0x6C, 0x00,
                0x20, 0x00, 0x41, 0x00, 0x64, 0x00, 0x2D, 0x00,
                0x68, 0x00, 0x6F, 0x00, 0x63, 0x00, 0x20, 0x00,
                0x55, 0x00, 0x73, 0x00, 0x65, 0x00, 0x72, 0x00,
                0x20, 0x00, 0x53, 0x00, 0x65, 0x00, 0x72, 0x00,
                0x76, 0x00, 0x69, 0x00, 0x63, 0x00, 0x65, 0x00,
                0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
                0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
                0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
            ushort        SvcClassPanu = 0x1115;
            var           attrs        = new Structs.BtSdkRemoteServiceAttrStru(0, SvcClassPanu, setSvcName, IntPtr.Zero);
            ServiceRecord sr           = BluesoleilDeviceInfo.CreateServiceRecord(ref attrs, hackApi);
            const string NewLine      = "\r\n";
            const string expectedDump = "AttrId: 0x0001 -- ServiceClassIdList" + NewLine
                                        + "ElementSequence" + NewLine
                                        + "    Uuid16: 0x1115 -- Panu" + NewLine
                                        + NewLine
                                        + "AttrId: 0x0006 -- LanguageBaseAttributeIdList" + NewLine
                                        + "ElementSequence" + NewLine
                                        + "    UInt16: 0x656E" + NewLine
                                        + "    UInt16: 0x6A" + NewLine
                                        + "    UInt16: 0x100" + NewLine
                                        + NewLine
                                        + "AttrId: 0x0100 -- ServiceName" + NewLine
                                        + "TextString: [en] 'Personal Ad-hoc User Service'" + NewLine
                                        + NewLine
                                        + "AttrId: 0xFFFF" + NewLine
                                        + "TextString (guessing UTF-8): '<partial BlueSoleil decode>'" + NewLine
            string dump = ServiceRecordUtilities.Dump(sr);

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedDump, dump, "dump");
            ServiceElement e;

            e = sr.GetAttributeById(UniversalAttributeId.ServiceClassIdList).Value;
            ServiceElement eSvcClass = e.GetValueAsElementArray()[0];
            UInt16         svcC      = (UInt16)eSvcClass.Value;

            Assert.AreEqual(0x1115, svcC, "svcC");
            string sn = sr.GetPrimaryMultiLanguageStringAttributeById(UniversalAttributeId.ServiceName);

            Assert.AreEqual("Personal Ad-hoc User Service", sn, "sn");
        public void OneSppExtAttr_FullLenServiceName()
            var mocks   = new Mockery();
            var hackApi = mocks.NewMock <IBluesoleilApi>();

            const byte Port = 23;
            var        ext  = new Structs.BtSdkRmtSPPSvcExtAttrStru(Port);
            IntPtr     pExt = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(ext));

            Marshal.StructureToPtr(ext, pExt, false);
            byte[] setSvcName = new byte[StackConsts.BTSDK_SERVICENAME_MAXLENGTH];
            for (int i = 0; i < (setSvcName.Length - 1); ++i)
                setSvcName[i] = (byte)'a';
            setSvcName[setSvcName.Length - 1] = (byte)'b';
            var attrs = new Structs.BtSdkRemoteServiceAttrStru(0, 0x1112,
                                                               setSvcName, pExt);
            ServiceRecord sr = BluesoleilDeviceInfo.CreateServiceRecord(ref attrs, hackApi);
            const string NewLine      = "\r\n";
            const string expectedDump = "AttrId: 0x0001 -- ServiceClassIdList" + NewLine
                                        + "ElementSequence" + NewLine
                                        + "    Uuid16: 0x1112 -- HeadsetAudioGateway" + NewLine
                                        + NewLine
                                        + "AttrId: 0x0004 -- ProtocolDescriptorList" + NewLine
                                        + "ElementSequence" + NewLine
                                        + "    ElementSequence" + NewLine
                                        + "        Uuid16: 0x100 -- L2CapProtocol" + NewLine
                                        + "    ElementSequence" + NewLine
                                        + "        Uuid16: 0x3 -- RFCommProtocol" + NewLine
                                        + "        UInt8: 0x17" + NewLine
                                        + "( ( L2Cap ), ( Rfcomm, ChannelNumber=23 ) )" + NewLine
                                        + NewLine
                                        + "AttrId: 0x0006 -- LanguageBaseAttributeIdList" + NewLine
                                        + "ElementSequence" + NewLine
                                        + "    UInt16: 0x656E" + NewLine
                                        + "    UInt16: 0x6A" + NewLine
                                        + "    UInt16: 0x100" + NewLine
                                        + NewLine
                                        + "AttrId: 0x0100 -- ServiceName" + NewLine
                                        + "TextString: [en] 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaab'" + NewLine
                                        + NewLine
                                        + "AttrId: 0xFFFF" + NewLine
                                        + "TextString (guessing UTF-8): '<partial BlueSoleil decode>'" + NewLine
            string dump = ServiceRecordUtilities.Dump(sr);

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedDump, dump, "dump");
            ServiceElement e;

            e = sr.GetAttributeById(UniversalAttributeId.ServiceClassIdList).Value;
            ServiceElement eSvcClass = e.GetValueAsElementArray()[0];
            UInt16         svcC      = (UInt16)eSvcClass.Value;

            Assert.AreEqual(0x1112, svcC, "svcC");
            e = sr.GetAttributeById(UniversalAttributeId.ProtocolDescriptorList).Value;
            ServiceElement listRfcomm = e.GetValueAsElementArray()[1];
            ServiceElement eScn       = listRfcomm.GetValueAsElementArray()[1];
            byte           scn        = (byte)eScn.Value;

            Assert.AreEqual(Port, scn, "scn");
            string sn = sr.GetPrimaryMultiLanguageStringAttributeById(UniversalAttributeId.ServiceName);

            Assert.AreEqual("aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaab", sn, "sn");
        public void OneSppExtAttr_ManualMock()
            var hackApi = new TestSdBluesoleilApi();
            const byte Port = 23;
            var        ext  = new Structs.BtSdkRmtSPPSvcExtAttrStru(Port);
            IntPtr     pExt = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(ext));

            Marshal.StructureToPtr(ext, pExt, false);
            byte[]        setSvcName = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("aabbccdd");
            var           attrs      = new Structs.BtSdkRemoteServiceAttrStru(0, 0x1112, setSvcName, pExt);
            ServiceRecord sr         = BluesoleilDeviceInfo.CreateServiceRecord(ref attrs, hackApi);
            const string NewLine      = "\r\n";
            const string expectedDump = "AttrId: 0x0001 -- ServiceClassIdList" + NewLine
                                        + "ElementSequence" + NewLine
                                        + "    Uuid16: 0x1112 -- HeadsetAudioGateway" + NewLine
                                        + NewLine
                                        + "AttrId: 0x0004 -- ProtocolDescriptorList" + NewLine
                                        + "ElementSequence" + NewLine
                                        + "    ElementSequence" + NewLine
                                        + "        Uuid16: 0x100 -- L2CapProtocol" + NewLine
                                        + "    ElementSequence" + NewLine
                                        + "        Uuid16: 0x3 -- RFCommProtocol" + NewLine
                                        + "        UInt8: 0x17" + NewLine
                                        + "( ( L2Cap ), ( Rfcomm, ChannelNumber=23 ) )" + NewLine
                                        + NewLine
                                        + "AttrId: 0x0006 -- LanguageBaseAttributeIdList" + NewLine
                                        + "ElementSequence" + NewLine
                                        + "    UInt16: 0x656E" + NewLine
                                        + "    UInt16: 0x6A" + NewLine
                                        + "    UInt16: 0x100" + NewLine
                                        + NewLine
                                        + "AttrId: 0x0100 -- ServiceName" + NewLine
                                        + "TextString: [en] 'aabbccdd'" + NewLine
                                        + NewLine
                                        + "AttrId: 0xFFFF" + NewLine
                                        + "TextString (guessing UTF-8): '<partial BlueSoleil decode>'" + NewLine
            string dump = ServiceRecordUtilities.Dump(sr);

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedDump, dump, "dump");
            ServiceElement e;

            e = sr.GetAttributeById(UniversalAttributeId.ServiceClassIdList).Value;
            ServiceElement eSvcClass = e.GetValueAsElementArray()[0];
            UInt16         svcC      = (UInt16)eSvcClass.Value;

            Assert.AreEqual(0x1112, svcC, "svcC");
            e = sr.GetAttributeById(UniversalAttributeId.ProtocolDescriptorList).Value;
            ServiceElement listRfcomm = e.GetValueAsElementArray()[1];
            ServiceElement eScn       = listRfcomm.GetValueAsElementArray()[1];
            byte           scn        = (byte)eScn.Value;

            Assert.AreEqual(Port, scn, "scn");
            string sn = sr.GetPrimaryMultiLanguageStringAttributeById(UniversalAttributeId.ServiceName);

            Assert.AreEqual("aabbccdd", sn, "sn");
            hackApi.AssertActionsInOrder("Btsdk_FreeMemory", pExt);