Esempio n. 1
 void GetPropertyValues(ServiceProtocol serviceProtocol, Int64 requestID, ref ArrayList propertyList)
     // Return modified ArrayList with tag details included.
Esempio n. 2
  bool ModifyThingPath(ServiceProtocol serviceProtocol, Int64 requestID, Guid guid, String path)
    if (true) // Decide whether to modify an item.
    { // We're going to do it.
      // Modify the item.

      // Raise event(s).
      serviceProtocol.DoThingPathModified(requestID, guid, path);

      return true;
    { // We're not going to do it.
      return false;
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary> 获取服务 </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
        /// <param name="provider"></param>
        /// <param name="protocol"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static T GetService <T>(this IServiceProvider provider, ServiceProtocol protocol)
            var list = provider.GetServices <T>();

            return(list.First(t => t.GetType().GetCustomAttribute <ProtocolAttribute>()?.Protocol == protocol));
Esempio n. 4
 public ProtocolAttribute(ServiceProtocol protocol)
     Protocol = protocol;
 public async Task RegisterRpcRoutes(double processorTime, ServiceProtocol serviceProtocol)
     await _serviceRouteManager.RegisterRpcRoutes(processorTime, serviceProtocol);
        public async Task ClientConnectionContextAbortCanSendOutCloseMessage()
            using (StartVerifiableLog(out var loggerFactory, LogLevel.Trace, expectedErrors: c => true,
                                      logChecker: logs =>
                var            ccm                 = new TestClientConnectionManager();
                var            ccf                 = new ClientConnectionFactory();
                var            protocol            = new ServiceProtocol();
                TestConnection transportConnection = null;
                var            connectionFactory   = new TestConnectionFactory(conn =>
                    transportConnection = conn;

                var services          = new ServiceCollection();
                var lastWill          = "This is the last will";
                var connectionHandler = new LastWillConnectionHandler(lastWill);
                var builder = new ConnectionBuilder(services.BuildServiceProvider());
                builder.UseConnectionHandler <LastWillConnectionHandler>();
                ConnectionDelegate handler = builder.Build();

                var connection = new ServiceConnection(protocol, ccm, connectionFactory, loggerFactory, handler, ccf,
                                                       "serverId", Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"), null, null, closeTimeOutMilliseconds: 500);

                var connectionTask = connection.StartAsync();

                // completed handshake
                await connection.ConnectionInitializedTask.OrTimeout();

                Assert.Equal(ServiceConnectionStatus.Connected, connection.Status);
                var clientConnectionId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

                await transportConnection.Application.Output.WriteAsync(
                    protocol.GetMessageBytes(new OpenConnectionMessage(clientConnectionId, new Claim[] { })));

                var clientConnection = await ccm.WaitForClientConnectionAsync(clientConnectionId).OrTimeout();

                await clientConnection.LifetimeTask.OrTimeout();

                var input = await transportConnection.Application.Input.ReadAsync();

                var buffer   = input.Buffer;
                var canParse = protocol.TryParseMessage(ref buffer, out var msg);
                var message = msg as ConnectionDataMessage;

                Assert.Equal(clientConnectionId, message.ConnectionId);
                Assert.Equal(lastWill, Encoding.UTF8.GetString(message.Payload.First.ToArray()));

                // complete reading to end the connection

                // 1s for application task to timeout
                await connectionTask.OrTimeout(1000);

                Assert.Equal(ServiceConnectionStatus.Disconnected, connection.Status);
Esempio n. 7
 void Sync(ServiceProtocol serviceProtocol, Int64 requestID)
Esempio n. 8
  ArrayList PropertyListCheck(ServiceProtocol serviceProtocol, Guid guid, String tag, String path)
    //char* dest = new char[tag.Length+1];
    //strcpy(dest, static_cast<LPCTSTR>(const_cast<void*>(static_cast<const void*>(System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.StringToHGlobalAnsi(tag)))));

    ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
    // Generate list of properties at this level in properties tree.
    return list;
Esempio n. 9
   void GetPropertyValues(ServiceProtocol serviceProtocol, Int64 requestID, ref ArrayList propertyList)
   // Return modified ArrayList with tag details included.
Esempio n. 10
  void GetSubTags(ServiceProtocol serviceProtocol, Int64 requestID, String propertyPath, out ArrayList propertyList)
    propertyList = new ArrayList();
    Random random = new Random();

    // Return ArrayList with tag details included.
    for (int i=0; i<10; i++)
      StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
      System.Char ch;
      int n = random.Next(5, 10);
      for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
        ch = Convert.ToChar(random.Next(33, 126));
      switch (random.Next(0, 3))
      case 0:
        propertyList.Add(new ModelProperty(builder.ToString(), random.Next()));
      case 1:
        propertyList.Add(new ModelProperty(builder.ToString(), random.NextDouble()));
      case 2:
        propertyList.Add(new ModelProperty(builder.ToString(), builder.ToString()));
      case 3:
        propertyList.Add(new ModelProperty(builder.ToString(), Color.FromArgb(random.Next())));
Esempio n. 11
  bool ChangeState(ServiceProtocol serviceProtocol, Int64 requestID, BaseProtocol.RunStates runState)
    if (true) // Decide whether to allow runstate change
    { // We're going to do it.
      // Change the runstate.

      // Raise event(s).
      serviceProtocol.DoStateChanged(requestID, runState);

      return true;
    { // We're not going to do it.
      return false;
Esempio n. 12
 public ServiceDomain(string domain, ServiceProtocol protocol)
     _domain = domain;
     _protocol = protocol;
Esempio n. 13
 void Sync(ServiceProtocol serviceProtocol, Int64 requestID)
Esempio n. 14
  bool DeleteThing(ServiceProtocol serviceProtocol, Int64 requestID, Guid guid)
    if (true) // Decide whether to delete an Thing.
    { // We're going to do it.
      // Delete the Thing.

      // Raise event(s).
      serviceProtocol.DoThingDeleted(requestID, guid);

      return true;
    { // We're not going to do it.
      return false;
Esempio n. 15
  bool CreateItem(ServiceProtocol serviceProtocol, Int64 requestID, Guid guid, String tag, String path, Model model, Shape stencil, RectangleF boundingRect, Single angle, System.Drawing.Color fillColor, System.Drawing.Drawing2D.FillMode fillMode, bool mirrorX, bool mirrorY)
    // Need to check for runstate here, and decide if we'll fire DoItemCreated.
    // This is required in case a rogue client tries to create an item even when not supposed to.
    // This applies to all three create*, and all three delete* events.
    if (true) // Decide whether to create an item.
    { // We're going to do it.
      // Create the item.

      // Raise event(s).
      serviceProtocol.DoItemCreated(requestID, guid, tag, path, model, stencil, boundingRect, angle, fillColor, fillMode, mirrorX, mirrorY);

      return true;
    { // We're not going to do it.
      return false;
Esempio n. 16
 PortStatus PortCheck(ServiceProtocol serviceProtocol, Guid guid, Anchor anchor)
   //		CNSGuidItem * pGuid = new CNSGuidItem();
   //		pGuid.m_Guid = guid;
   //		m_pUnmanaged.m_Guids.AddTail(null);
   //		CNSGuidItem * pGuid = m_pUnmanaged.m_Guids.Find(guid);
   //		CNSMdlLink * pLink = dynamic_cast<CNSMdlLink *>(guid);
   return PortStatus.Available;
Esempio n. 17
  bool ModifyItem(ServiceProtocol serviceProtocol, Int64 requestID, Guid guid, String tag, String path, Model model, Shape stencil, RectangleF boundingRect, Single angle, System.Drawing.Color fillColor, System.Drawing.Drawing2D.FillMode fillMode, bool mirrorX, bool mirrorY)
    if (true) // Decide whether to modify an item.
    { // We're going to do it.

      // Modify the item.

      // Need to get hold of a valid pDoc pointer... *********

      //Individual changes would go something like this: *********
      //int length = tag.Length;
      //wchar_t * tagwc = (wchar_t*)(void*)Marshal.StringToHGlobalUni(tag);

      //char * tagc = (char *)malloc(length+1);
      //tagc[length] = 0;
      //for (int i=0; i<length; i++)
      //  tagc[i] = (char)tagwc[i];

      //                    angle,
      //                    boundingRect, 
      //                    fillColor,
      //                    fillMode,
      //                    mirrorX,
      //                    mirrorY);

      // Raise event(s).
      serviceProtocol.DoItemModified(requestID, guid, tag, path, model, stencil, boundingRect, angle, fillColor, fillMode, mirrorX, mirrorY);

      return true;
    { // We're not going to do it.
      return false;
Esempio n. 18
  public void MarshalServiceInterface(String filename)
    ServiceProtocol.ChangeStateHandler changeState = new ServiceProtocol.ChangeStateHandler(ChangeState);

    ServiceProtocol.GetPropertyValuesHandler getPropertyValues = new ServiceProtocol.GetPropertyValuesHandler(GetPropertyValues);
    ServiceProtocol.GetSubTagsHandler getSubTags = new ServiceProtocol.GetSubTagsHandler(GetSubTags);

    ServiceProtocol.CreateItemHandler createItem = new ServiceProtocol.CreateItemHandler(CreateItem);
    ServiceProtocol.ModifyItemHandler modifyItem = new ServiceProtocol.ModifyItemHandler(ModifyItem);
    ServiceProtocol.ModifyItemPathHandler modifyItemPath = new ServiceProtocol.ModifyItemPathHandler(ModifyItemPath);
    ServiceProtocol.DeleteItemHandler deleteItem = new ServiceProtocol.DeleteItemHandler(DeleteItem);

    ServiceProtocol.CreateLinkHandler createLink = new ServiceProtocol.CreateLinkHandler(CreateLink);
    ServiceProtocol.ModifyLinkHandler modifyLink = new ServiceProtocol.ModifyLinkHandler(ModifyLink);
    ServiceProtocol.DeleteLinkHandler deleteLink = new ServiceProtocol.DeleteLinkHandler(DeleteLink);

    ServiceProtocol.CreateThingHandler createThing = new ServiceProtocol.CreateThingHandler(CreateThing);
    ServiceProtocol.ModifyThingHandler modifyThing = new ServiceProtocol.ModifyThingHandler(ModifyThing);
    ServiceProtocol.ModifyThingPathHandler modifyThingPath = new ServiceProtocol.ModifyThingPathHandler(ModifyThingPath);
    ServiceProtocol.DeleteThingHandler deleteThing = new ServiceProtocol.DeleteThingHandler(DeleteThing);

    ServiceProtocol.PortCheckHandler portCheck = new ServiceProtocol.PortCheckHandler(PortCheck);

    ServiceProtocol.PropertyListHandler propertyListCheck = new ServiceProtocol.PropertyListHandler(PropertyListCheck);

    serviceProtocol = new ServiceProtocol(changeState, getPropertyValues, getSubTags, createItem, modifyItem, modifyItemPath, deleteItem, createLink, modifyLink, deleteLink, createThing, modifyThing, modifyThingPath, deleteThing, portCheck, propertyListCheck);

    //String filename = PrjName(); //gs_pPrj.

    RemotingServices.Marshal(serviceProtocol, filename);
    LogNote("Srvr", 0, "Added project %s to ProjectList.", filename);
Esempio n. 19
  bool ModifyItemBoundingRect(ServiceProtocol serviceProtocol, Int64 requestID, Guid guid, RectangleF boundingRect)
    if (true) // Decide whether to modify an item.
    { // We're going to do it.
      // Modify the item.

      // Raise event(s).
      serviceProtocol.DoItemBoundingRectModified(requestID, guid, boundingRect);

      return true;
    { // We're not going to do it.
      return false;
        public async Task TestServiceConnectionWithErrorApplicationTask()
            using (StartVerifiableLog(out var loggerFactory, LogLevel.Warning, expectedErrors: c => true,
                                      logChecker: logs =>
                Assert.Equal(2, logs.Count);
                Assert.Equal("SendLoopStopped", logs[0].Write.EventId.Name);
                Assert.Equal("ApplicationTaskFailed", logs[1].Write.EventId.Name);
                var            ccm                 = new TestClientConnectionManager();
                var            ccf                 = new ClientConnectionFactory();
                var            protocol            = new ServiceProtocol();
                TestConnection transportConnection = null;
                var            connectionFactory   = new TestConnectionFactory(conn =>
                    transportConnection = conn;
                var services          = new ServiceCollection();
                var errorTcs          = new TaskCompletionSource <Exception>();
                var connectionHandler = new ErrorConnectionHandler(errorTcs);
                var builder = new ConnectionBuilder(services.BuildServiceProvider());

                builder.UseConnectionHandler <ErrorConnectionHandler>();
                ConnectionDelegate handler = builder.Build();

                var connection = new ServiceConnection(protocol, ccm, connectionFactory, loggerFactory, handler, ccf,
                                                       "serverId", Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"), null, null);

                var connectionTask = connection.StartAsync();

                // completed handshake
                await connection.ConnectionInitializedTask.OrTimeout();

                Assert.Equal(ServiceConnectionStatus.Connected, connection.Status);
                var clientConnectionId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

                await transportConnection.Application.Output.WriteAsync(
                    protocol.GetMessageBytes(new OpenConnectionMessage(clientConnectionId, new Claim[] { })));

                var clientConnection = await ccm.WaitForClientConnectionAsync(clientConnectionId).OrTimeout();

                errorTcs.SetException(new InvalidOperationException("error operation"));

                await clientConnection.LifetimeTask.OrTimeout();

                // Should complete the connection when application throws
                await ccm.WaitForClientConnectionRemovalAsync(clientConnectionId).OrTimeout();

                // Application task should not affect the underlying service connection
                Assert.Equal(ServiceConnectionStatus.Connected, connection.Status);

                // complete reading to end the connection

                await connectionTask.OrTimeout();

                Assert.Equal(ServiceConnectionStatus.Disconnected, connection.Status);
Esempio n. 21
  bool ModifyLink(ServiceProtocol serviceProtocol, Int64 requestID, Guid guid, String tag, String classID, Guid origin, Guid destination, String originPort, String destinationPort, List<PointF> controlPoints)
    if (true) // Decide whether to modify an link.
    { // We're going to do it.
      // Modify the item.

      // Raise event(s).
      serviceProtocol.DoLinkModified(requestID, guid, tag, classID, origin, destination, originPort, destinationPort, controlPoints);

      return true;
    { // We're not going to do it.
      return false;
Esempio n. 22
        public async Task <IServiceHubContext> CreateHubContextAsync(string hubName, ILoggerFactory loggerFactory = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
            loggerFactory = loggerFactory ?? NullLoggerFactory.Instance;
            switch (_serviceManagerOptions.ServiceTransportType)
            case ServiceTransportType.Persistent:
                var connectionFactory                 = new ManagementConnectionFactory(_productInfo, new ConnectionFactory(_serverNameProvider, loggerFactory));
                var serviceProtocol                   = new ServiceProtocol();
                var clientConnectionManager           = new ClientConnectionManager();
                var clientConnectionFactory           = new ClientConnectionFactory();
                ConnectionDelegate connectionDelegate = connectionContext => Task.CompletedTask;
                var serviceConnectionFactory          = new ServiceConnectionFactory(
                    new DefaultServerNameProvider()
                var weakConnectionContainer = new WeakServiceConnectionContainer(
                    new HubServiceEndpoint(hubName, _endpointProvider, _endpoint),
                    loggerFactory?.CreateLogger(nameof(WeakServiceConnectionContainer)) ?? NullLogger.Instance);

                var serviceCollection = new ServiceCollection();
                serviceCollection.AddSingleton <IConfigureOptions <HubOptions>, ManagementHubOptionsSetup>();

                if (loggerFactory != null)
                    serviceCollection.AddSingleton(typeof(ILoggerFactory), loggerFactory);

                .AddSingleton(typeof(IConnectionFactory), sp => connectionFactory)
                .AddSingleton(typeof(HubLifetimeManager <>), typeof(WebSocketsHubLifetimeManager <>))
                .AddSingleton(typeof(IServiceConnectionManager <>), typeof(ServiceConnectionManager <>))
                .AddSingleton(typeof(IServiceConnectionContainer), sp => weakConnectionContainer);

                var             success         = false;
                ServiceProvider serviceProvider = null;
                    serviceProvider = serviceCollection.BuildServiceProvider();

                    var serviceConnectionManager = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService <IServiceConnectionManager <Hub> >();
                    _ = serviceConnectionManager.StartAsync();

                    // wait until service connection established
                    await weakConnectionContainer.ConnectionInitializedTask.OrTimeout(cancellationToken);

                    var webSocketsHubLifetimeManager = (WebSocketsHubLifetimeManager <Hub>)serviceProvider.GetRequiredService <HubLifetimeManager <Hub> >();

                    var hubContext        = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService <IHubContext <Hub> >();
                    var serviceHubContext = new ServiceHubContext(hubContext, webSocketsHubLifetimeManager, serviceProvider);
                    success = true;
                    if (!success)

            case ServiceTransportType.Transient:
                var serviceCollection = new ServiceCollection();

                // remove default hub lifetime manager
                var serviceDescriptor = serviceCollection.FirstOrDefault(descriptor => descriptor.ServiceType == typeof(HubLifetimeManager <>));

                // add rest hub lifetime manager
                var restHubLifetimeManager = new RestHubLifetimeManager(_serviceManagerOptions, hubName, _productInfo);
                serviceCollection.AddSingleton(typeof(HubLifetimeManager <Hub>), sp => restHubLifetimeManager);

                var serviceProvider = serviceCollection.BuildServiceProvider();
                var hubContext      = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService <IHubContext <Hub> >();
                return(new ServiceHubContext(hubContext, restHubLifetimeManager, serviceProvider));

                throw new ArgumentException("Not supported service transport type.");
Esempio n. 23
  bool ModifyLinkControlPoints(ServiceProtocol serviceProtocol, Int64 requestID, Guid guid, List<PointF> controlPoints)
    if (true) // Decide whether to modify an item.
    { // We're going to do it.
      // Modify the item.

      // Raise event(s).
      serviceProtocol.DoLinkControlPointsModified(requestID, guid, controlPoints);

      return true;
    { // We're not going to do it.
      return false;
Esempio n. 24
        /// <summary> 获取服务 </summary>
        /// <param name="provider"></param>
        /// <param name="type"></param>
        /// <param name="protocol"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static object GetService(this IServiceProvider provider, Type type, ServiceProtocol protocol)
            var list = provider.GetServices(type);

            return(list.First(t => t.GetType().GetCustomAttribute <ProtocolAttribute>()?.Protocol == protocol));
Esempio n. 25
  bool ModifyThing(ServiceProtocol serviceProtocol, Int64 requestID, Guid guid, String tag, String path, RectangleF boundingRect, String xaml, Single angle, bool mirrorX, bool mirrorY)
    if (true) // Decide whether to modify an Thing.
    { // We're going to do it.
      // Modify the Thing.

      // Raise event(s).
      serviceProtocol.DoThingModified(requestID, guid, tag, path, boundingRect, xaml, angle, mirrorX, mirrorY);

      return true;
    { // We're not going to do it.
      return false;
        internal static ServiceHubDispatcher PrepareAndGetDispatcher(IAppBuilder builder, HubConfiguration configuration, ServiceOptions options, string applicationName, ILoggerFactory loggerFactory)
            // Ensure we have the conversions for MS.Owin so that
            // the app builder respects the OwinMiddleware base class

            // ServiceEndpointManager needs the logger
            var hubs = GetAvailableHubNames(configuration);

            // Get the one from DI or new a default one
            var router = configuration.Resolver.Resolve <IEndpointRouter>() ?? new DefaultEndpointRouter();

            var serverNameProvider = configuration.Resolver.Resolve <IServerNameProvider>();

            if (serverNameProvider == null)
                serverNameProvider = new DefaultServerNameProvider();
                configuration.Resolver.Register(typeof(IServerNameProvider), () => serverNameProvider);

            var synchronizer = configuration.Resolver.Resolve <IAccessKeySynchronizer>();

            if (synchronizer == null)
                synchronizer = new AccessKeySynchronizer(serverNameProvider, loggerFactory);
                configuration.Resolver.Register(typeof(IAccessKeySynchronizer), () => synchronizer);

            var endpoint = new ServiceEndpointManager(synchronizer, options, loggerFactory);

            configuration.Resolver.Register(typeof(IServiceEndpointManager), () => endpoint);

            var requestIdProvider = configuration.Resolver.Resolve <IConnectionRequestIdProvider>();

            if (requestIdProvider == null)
                requestIdProvider = new DefaultConnectionRequestIdProvider();
                configuration.Resolver.Register(typeof(IConnectionRequestIdProvider), () => requestIdProvider);

            builder.Use <NegotiateMiddleware>(configuration, applicationName, endpoint, router, options, serverNameProvider, requestIdProvider, loggerFactory);


            // Fetch the trace manager from DI and add logger provider
            var traceManager = configuration.Resolver.Resolve <ITraceManager>();

            if (traceManager != null)
                loggerFactory.AddProvider(new TraceManagerLoggerProvider(traceManager));

            configuration.Resolver.Register(typeof(ILoggerFactory), () => loggerFactory);

            // TODO: Using IOptions looks wierd, thinking of a way removing it
            // share the same object all through
            var serviceOptions = Options.Create(options);

            // For safety, ALWAYS register abstract classes or interfaces
            // Some third-party DI frameworks such as Ninject, implicit self-binding concrete types:
            configuration.Resolver.Register(typeof(IOptions <ServiceOptions>), () => serviceOptions);

            var serviceProtocol = new ServiceProtocol();

            configuration.Resolver.Register(typeof(IServiceProtocol), () => serviceProtocol);

            // allow override from tests
            var scm = configuration.Resolver.Resolve <IServiceConnectionManager>();

            if (scm == null)
                scm = new ServiceConnectionManager(applicationName, hubs);
                configuration.Resolver.Register(typeof(IServiceConnectionManager), () => scm);

            var ccm = configuration.Resolver.Resolve <IClientConnectionManager>();

            if (ccm == null)
                ccm = new ClientConnectionManager(configuration, loggerFactory);
                configuration.Resolver.Register(typeof(IClientConnectionManager), () => ccm);

            var atm = new AzureTransportManager(configuration.Resolver);

            configuration.Resolver.Register(typeof(ITransportManager), () => atm);

            var parser = new SignalRMessageParser(hubs, configuration.Resolver, loggerFactory.CreateLogger <SignalRMessageParser>());

            configuration.Resolver.Register(typeof(IMessageParser), () => parser);

            var smb = new ServiceMessageBus(configuration.Resolver, loggerFactory.CreateLogger <ServiceMessageBus>());

            configuration.Resolver.Register(typeof(IMessageBus), () => smb);

            var scf = configuration.Resolver.Resolve <IServiceConnectionFactory>();

            if (scf == null)
                var connectionFactory = new ConnectionFactory(serverNameProvider, loggerFactory);
                scf = new ServiceConnectionFactory(serviceProtocol, ccm, connectionFactory, loggerFactory, serverNameProvider);
                configuration.Resolver.Register(typeof(IServiceConnectionFactory), () => scf);

            var sccf = new ServiceConnectionContainerFactory(scf, endpoint, router, options, loggerFactory);

            if (hubs?.Count > 0)
                return(new ServiceHubDispatcher(hubs, scm, sccf, serviceOptions, loggerFactory));
                loggerFactory.CreateLogger <DispatcherHelper>().Log(LogLevel.Warning, "No hubs found.");
Esempio n. 27
 public static void RegisterSensorBuilder <T>(ServiceProtocol protocol, Func <ServiceFileRecord, ISensor> builder) where T : ISensor
     store.Add(protocol, builder);