Esempio n. 1
        public async Task <IEnumerable <IClientValidationDto> > GetAllAsync(ServiceArgs args = null)
            var validationDto = new ClientValidationDto();

            if (args != null)
                if (args.ContainsKey("ShopName"))
                    var shopName = args["ShopName"].ToString();
                    validationDto.IsValid = await Db.Shops.CountAsync(x => x.Name == shopName) == 0;
                if (args.ContainsKey("AccountName"))
                    var shopName = args["AccountName"].ToString();
                    validationDto.IsValid = await Db.Accounts.CountAsync(x => x.Name == shopName) == 0;
                if (args.ContainsKey("UserEmail"))
                    var email = args["UserEmail"].ToString();
                    var registrationCheckQuery = Db.Registrations.Where(x => x.Email == email);
                    if (args.ContainsKey("RegistrationId"))
                        var registrationId = Guid.Parse(args["RegistrationId"].ToString());
                        registrationCheckQuery = registrationCheckQuery.Where(x => x.RegistrationId != registrationId);
                    validationDto.IsValid = await Db.Users.Where(x => x.Email == email).CountAsync() == 0 && await registrationCheckQuery.CountAsync() == 0;

            return(new List <IClientValidationDto> {
Esempio n. 2
        public IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <string, string> > GetDisplayList(ServiceArgs args = null)
            // Create Tools List.
            var tools = new List <AirProToolEntityModel>();

            var toolTypes = new List <ToolType> {

            if (args != null && args.ContainsKey("ToolTypes"))
                toolTypes = args["ToolTypes"].ToString().Split(',').Select(x => (ToolType)Enum.Parse(typeof(ToolType), x)).ToList();

            // Check for Shop Guid Filter.
            if (args != null && args.ContainsKey("ShopGuid") && Guid.TryParse(args["ShopGuid"].ToString(), out var shopGuid))
                // Select Tools Based on Shop.
                tools.AddRange(Db.AirProToolShops.Where(s => s.ShopGuid == shopGuid && toolTypes.Any(y => y == s.Tool.Type)).Select(t => t.Tool)
                               .Union(Db.AirProToolAccounts.Where(a => a.Account.Shops.Any(s => s.ShopGuid == shopGuid) && toolTypes.Any(y => y == a.Tool.Type))
                                      .Select(t => t.Tool)).ToList());
                // Load All.
                tools.AddRange(Db.AirProTools.Where(x => toolTypes.Any(y => y == x.Type)).ToList());

            // Return Tools.
            return(tools.Select(t => new KeyValuePair <string, string>(t.ToolId.ToString(),
Esempio n. 3
        public IEnumerable <IShopDto> GetAll(ServiceArgs args = null)
            var result = new List <IShopDto>();

            if (!UserHasRoles(ApplicationRoles.ShopView, ApplicationRoles.ShopEdit))

            if (AllowedShops != null)
                string shopName    = null;
                Guid?  notShopGuid = null;
                if (args != null && args.ContainsKey("ShopName") && args["ShopName"] != null)
                    shopName = args["ShopName"].ToString();

                if (args != null && args.ContainsKey("NotShopGuid") && Guid.TryParse(args["NotShopGuid"].ToString(), out var nsg))
                    notShopGuid = nsg;

                result.AddRange(GetShops(shopName: shopName, notShopGuid: notShopGuid));

Esempio n. 4
        public IEnumerable <IDiagnosticResultDto> GetAll(ServiceArgs args = null)
            // Check Args.
            if (args == null)

                // Shop Guid.
                Guid shopGuid = new Guid();
                if (args.ContainsKey("ShopGuid"))
                    Guid.TryParse(args["ShopGuid"].ToString(), out shopGuid);

                // Request Id.
                int requestId = 0;
                if (args.ContainsKey("RequestId"))
                    int.TryParse(args["RequestId"].ToString(), out requestId);

                // Load Params.
                var param = new
                    ShopGuid  = shopGuid,
                    RequestId = requestId

                // Load Diagnostics.
                var resultDictionary = new Dictionary <int, DiagnosticResultDto>();
                var result           = Conn
                                       .Query <DiagnosticResultDto, DiagnosticControllerDto, DiagnosticTroubleCodeDto, dynamic,
                                                                    (r, c, tc, ff) => MapDiagnosticResult(resultDictionary, r, c, tc, ff),
                                                                    param: param,
                                                                    transaction: null,
                                                                    buffered: true,
                                                                    splitOn: "ControllerId,DiagnosticTroubleCodeId,FreezeFrameDiagnosticTroubleCode",
                                                                    commandTimeout: null,
                                                                    commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure)
                                       .Distinct().ToList <IDiagnosticResultDto>();

                // Return Results.
            catch (Exception e)

Esempio n. 5
        private static object ParamsFromArgs(Guid userGuid, ServiceArgs args = null)
            var sort = (args != null && args.ContainsKey("SortOrder") ? args["SortOrder"].ToString() : string.Empty).Replace(",", "").Split(' ');

                UserGuid = userGuid,
                CompletedInd = args != null && args.ContainsKey("CompletedInd") && bool.TryParse(args["CompletedInd"].ToString(), out var completed) && completed,
                Search = args != null && args.ContainsKey("SearchPhrase") ? args["SearchPhrase"].ToString() : string.Empty,
                CurrentPage = args != null && args.ContainsKey("CurrentPage") && int.TryParse(args["CurrentPage"].ToString(), out var page) ? page : 1,
                RowCount = args != null && args.ContainsKey("RowCount") && int.TryParse(args["RowCount"].ToString(), out var rows) ? rows : 25,
                SortCol = sort.Length > 0 ? sort[0] : "RequestCreatedDt",
                SortDir = sort.Length > 1 ? sort[1] : "ASC",
Esempio n. 6
        public IEnumerable <IUploadDto> GetAll(ServiceArgs args = null)
            // Create Result.
            var result = new List <UploadDto>();

            // Load Uploads.
            var query = Db.Uploads.Where(u => !u.UploadDeletedInd);

            // Check Upload Type & Key.
            if (!(args?.ContainsKey("UploadTypeId") ?? false) || !args.ContainsKey("UploadKey") ||
                !int.TryParse(args["UploadTypeId"]?.ToString(), out var type))

            // Query Data.
            var key = args["UploadKey"].ToString();

            query = query.Where(u => u.UploadTypeId == type && u.UploadKey == key);

            // Load Uploads.
            var uploads = query.ToList();

            // Convert to Dto.
            var mapped = uploads.Select(u => Mapper.Map <UploadEntityModel, UploadDto>(u, opts => opts.AfterMap((src, dest) => dest.UploadedDateTime = src.CreatedDt.ConvertToUserTime(User.TimeZoneInfoId)))).ToList();

            // Load Result.

            // Return.
        public IGridPageDto <IInvoiceDto> GetAllByGridPage(ServiceArgs args = null)
            // Load Status.
            var status = 3;

            if ((args?.ContainsKey("StatusFilter") ?? false) && Enum.TryParse(args["StatusFilter"]?.ToString(), out RepairStatuses statusFilter))
                if (statusFilter == RepairStatuses.Completed || statusFilter == RepairStatuses.Invoiced)
                    status = (int)statusFilter;

            // Load Grid Items.
            var query = Conn.Query <InvoiceDto>("Billing.usp_GetBillingInvoiceGrid",
                UserGuid = User.UserGuid,
                Search   = args?["SearchPhrase"]?.ToString(),
                Status   = status
            }, null, true, null, CommandType.StoredProcedure).ToList();

            // Set Default Sort.
            args?.SetDefaultSort("InvoicedDt DESC, RepairLastUpdatedDt ASC");

            // Load Grid Page.
            var result = query.ToList <IInvoiceDto>().GetGridPageFromCollection(args);

            // Return.
Esempio n. 8
        public IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <string, string> > GetDisplayList(ServiceArgs args = null)
            if (args != null && args.ContainsKey("RepairId") && int.TryParse(args["RepairId"].ToString(), out var repairId) && args.ContainsKey("ShopGuid") && Guid.TryParse(args["ShopGuid"].ToString(), out var shopGuid))
                var users = Conn.Query <UserEntityModel>("Access.usp_GetUsersByRepairId", new { RepairId = repairId == 0 ? null : new int?(repairId), ShopGuid = shopGuid == Guid.Empty ? null : new Guid?(shopGuid) }, null, true, null, CommandType.StoredProcedure);
                return(users.Select(x => new KeyValuePair <string, string>(x.Id.ToString(), x.GetDisplayName)));

            return(AllowedUsers?.OrderBy(u => u.LastName).ThenBy(u => u.FirstName).AsEnumerable()
                   .Select(u => new KeyValuePair <string, string>(u.Id.ToString(), u.GetDisplayName)));
Esempio n. 9
        public IGridPageDto <IOutstandingInvoiceDto> GetAllByGridPage(ServiceArgs args = null)
            Guid shopGuid = Guid.Empty;

            if ((args?.ContainsKey("ShopGuid") ?? false) &&
                Guid.TryParse(args["ShopGuid"]?.ToString(), out shopGuid))

            int currencyId = 0;

            if ((args?.ContainsKey("CurrencyId") ?? false) &&
                int.TryParse(args["CurrencyId"]?.ToString(), out currencyId))

            var shopParam = shopGuid == Guid.Empty
                ? new SqlParameter("@ShopGuid", DBNull.Value)
                : new SqlParameter("@ShopGuid", shopGuid);

            var currencyParam = currencyId <= 0
                ? new SqlParameter("@CurrencyId", DBNull.Value)
                : new SqlParameter("@CurrencyId", currencyId);
            var search    = args?["SearchPhrase"]?.ToString();
            var sqlParams = new[]
                new SqlParameter("@Search", search)

            var unpaidInvoices = Db.Database.SqlQuery <OutstandingInvoice>("Billing.usp_GetOutstandingInvoices @ShopGuid, @CurrencyId, @Search", sqlParams).ToList();

            // Localize Invoiced Date.
            unpaidInvoices.ForEach(e => e.InvoiceDateTime = e.InvoiceDateTime.ConvertToUserTime(User.TimeZoneInfoId));

            // Localize Repair Date.
            unpaidInvoices.ForEach(e => e.RepairCreatedDateTime = e.RepairCreatedDateTime.ConvertToUserTime(User.TimeZoneInfoId));

            return(unpaidInvoices.ToList <IOutstandingInvoiceDto>().GetGridPageFromCollection(args));
        public IEnumerable <IUserPreferenceDto> GetAll(ServiceArgs args = null)
            if (args != null && args.ContainsKey("ControlId") && args.ContainsKey("UserGuid"))
                var controlId = args["ControlId"].ToString();
                var userGuid  = Guid.Parse(args["UserGuid"].ToString());

                var sql = @"SELECT * FROM Access.UserPreferences WHERE UserGuid = @UserGuid AND ControlId = @ControlId";

                var param = new
                    UserGuid  = userGuid,
                    ControlId = controlId
                var result = Conn.Query <UserPreferenceDto>(sql, param, null, true, null, CommandType.Text).ToList <IUserPreferenceDto>();


            throw new NotImplementedException();
Esempio n. 11
        public IEnumerable <IReleaseNoteDto> GetAll(ServiceArgs args = null)
            string version = null, userGuid = null;

            if (args != null && args.ContainsKey("Version"))
                version = args["Version"].ToString();
            if (args != null && args.ContainsKey("UserGuid"))
                userGuid = args["UserGuid"].ToString();

            var query = GetReleaseNoteQuery(userGuid);

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(version))
                query = query.Where(x => x.Version == version);

Esempio n. 12
        public async Task <IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <string, string> > > GetDisplayListAsync(ServiceArgs args = null)
            // Load Arguments.
            bool?selfScan = null;

            if (args != null && args.ContainsKey("AllowSelfScan") && bool.TryParse(args["AllowSelfScan"].ToString(), out var self))
                selfScan = self;

            bool?selfAnalysis = null;

            if (args != null && args.ContainsKey("AllowScanAnalysis") && bool.TryParse(args["AllowScanAnalysis"].ToString(), out var analysis))
                selfAnalysis = analysis;

            bool?hideFromReports = null;

            if (args != null && args.ContainsKey("HideFromReports") && bool.TryParse(args["HideFromReports"].ToString(), out var hide))
                hideFromReports = hide;

            // Load Parameter.
            var param = new
                AllowSelfScan     = selfScan,
                AllowScanAnalysis = selfAnalysis,
                HideFromReports   = hideFromReports

            // Return Display List.
            return((await Conn.QueryAsync(sql: "Access.usp_GetShopDisplayList", param: param, commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure))
                   .Select(s => new KeyValuePair <string, string>(s.ShopGuid.ToString(), s.ShopName)).ToList());
Esempio n. 13
        private static object ParamsFromArgs(Guid userGuid, ServiceArgs args = null)
            var sort = (args != null && args.ContainsKey("SortOrder") ? args["SortOrder"].ToString() : string.Empty).Replace(",", "").Split(' ');

                UserGuid = userGuid,
                RepairId = args != null && args.ContainsKey("RepairId") && int.TryParse(args["RepairId"].ToString(), out var repairId) ? repairId : 0,
                AgingRepairs = args != null && args.ContainsKey("AgingRepairs") && bool.TryParse(args["AgingRepairs"].ToString(), out var isAgingRepairs) && isAgingRepairs,
                Search = args != null && args.ContainsKey("SearchPhrase") ? args["SearchPhrase"].ToString() : string.Empty,
                RepairStatusId = args != null && args.ContainsKey("StatusFilter") && Enum.TryParse(args["StatusFilter"].ToString(), out RepairStatuses status) ? status : RepairStatuses.Active,
                ShopGuid = args != null && args.ContainsKey("ShopGuid") && Guid.TryParse(args["ShopGuid"].ToString(), out var shopGuid) ? shopGuid : Guid.Empty,
                CurrentPage = args != null && args.ContainsKey("CurrentPage") && int.TryParse(args["CurrentPage"].ToString(), out var page) ? page : 1,
                RowCount = args != null && args.ContainsKey("RowCount") && int.TryParse(args["RowCount"].ToString(), out var rows) ? rows : 25,
                SortCol = sort.Length > 0 ? sort[0] : "CreatedDt",
                SortDir = sort.Length > 1 ? sort[1] : "DESC",
Esempio n. 14
        public IEnumerable <IAccountDto> GetAll(ServiceArgs args = null)
            var result = new List <IAccountDto>();

            if (!UserHasRoles(ApplicationRoles.AccountView, ApplicationRoles.AccountEdit))
            if (AllowedAccounts != null)
                var query = AllowedAccounts
                            .Include(a => a.State)
                            .Include(a => a.AccountUsers)
                            .Include(a => a.AccountUsers.Select(au => au.User));

                if (args != null && args.ContainsKey("Light") && bool.TryParse(args["Light"].ToString(), out var light) && light)
                    query = AllowedAccounts;

                if (args != null && args.ContainsKey("AccountName") && args["AccountName"] != null)
                    var shopName = args["AccountName"].ToString();
                    query = query.Where(x => x.Name == shopName);

                if (args != null && args.ContainsKey("NotAccountGuid") && Guid.TryParse(args["NotAccountGuid"].ToString(), out var notAccountGuid))
                    query = query.Where(x => x.AccountGuid != notAccountGuid);

                result.AddRange(query.ToList().Select(Mapper.Map <AccountDto>));

        public IEnumerable <ITechnicianProfileDto> GetAll(ServiceArgs args = null)
            if (args != null && args.ContainsKey("ProfileCoverage"))
                       .Include(d => d.Schedules)
                       .Include(d => d.TimeOffEntries)
                       .ToList().Select(p => Mapper.Map <TechnicianProfileEntityModel, TechnicianProfileDto>(p, opts => opts.Items["TimeZoneInfoId"] = User.TimeZoneInfoId)));

                   .Include(d => d.User)
                   .Include(d => d.VehicleMakes)
                   .Include(d => d.VehicleMakes.Select(m => m.VehicleMake))
                   .Include(d => d.Schedules)
                   .Include(d => d.TimeOffEntries)
                   .ToList().Select(p => Mapper.Map <TechnicianProfileEntityModel, TechnicianProfileDto>(p, opts => opts.Items["TimeZoneInfoId"] = User.TimeZoneInfoId)));
Esempio n. 16
        public IEnumerable <IDiagnosticQueueDto> GetAll(ServiceArgs args = null)
            // Create Result.
            var result = new List <IDiagnosticQueueDto>();

            // Check Args.
            if (args == null)

                // Shop Guid.
                Guid shopGuid = new Guid();
                if (args.ContainsKey("ShopGuid"))
                    Guid.TryParse(args["ShopGuid"].ToString(), out shopGuid);

                // Load Params.
                var param = new
                    ShopGuid = shopGuid,

                // Load Scan Queue.
                result.AddRange(Conn.Query <DiagnosticQueueDto>("Diagnostic.usp_GetDiagnosticQueueByShop", param,
                                                                commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure).ToList());
            catch (Exception e)

Esempio n. 17
        public async Task <IEnumerable <INoteDto> > GetAllAsync(ServiceArgs args = null)
            // Create Result.
            var result = new List <NoteDto>();

            // Load Uploads.
            var query = Db.Notes.Where(u => !u.NoteDeletedInd);

            // Check Upload Type & Key.
            if (!(args?.ContainsKey("NoteTypeId") ?? false) || !args.ContainsKey("NoteKey") ||
                !int.TryParse(args["NoteTypeId"]?.ToString(), out var type))

            // Query Data.
            var key = args["NoteKey"].ToString();

            query = query.Where(u => u.NoteTypeId == type && u.NoteKey == key).OrderByDescending(x => x.NoteId);

            // Load Uploads.
            var notes = await query.ToListAsync();

            // Convert to Dto.
            var mapped = notes.Select(u => Mapper.Map <NoteEntityModel, NoteDto>(u, opts => opts.AfterMap((src, dest) =>
                dest.UpdatedDateTime = src.UpdatedDt == null ? src.CreatedDt.ConvertToUserTime(User.TimeZoneInfoId) : src.UpdatedDt.Value.ConvertToUserTime(User.TimeZoneInfoId);
                dest.UpdatedByUser   = src.UpdatedByUserGuid == null ? src.CreatedBy.GetDisplayName : src.UpdatedBy.GetDisplayName;

            // Load Result.

            // Return.