Esempio n. 1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            const string backStoreXMLPath = @"C:\Users\Manasa\Desktop\Backstore.xml";
            bool cont = true;
                Console.WriteLine("Note: Default BackStore path --> " + backStoreXMLPath);
                Console.WriteLine("Please choose any of the options provided below to proceed");
                Console.WriteLine("1. Create Claim  2. List all Claims  3. Find Claim   4. Update Claim   5. Delete Claim   6. Find Vehicle");
                //Perform the task based on the option selected by the user
                string option = Console.ReadLine();
                switch (option)
                        //Create new Claim
                    case "1":
                            Console.WriteLine("Please enter the path of the xml file to create Claims");
                            //Read xml file path from user - contains new record to be created
                            string createXMLPath = Console.ReadLine();
                            using (var client = new Service1Client())
                                //createXMLPath - path of xml file contains new record to be created. backStoreXMLPath - path of backstore xml file
                                client.CreateMitchellClaims(createXMLPath, backStoreXMLPath);
                        //List all the existing Claims
                    case "2":
                            using (var client = new Service1Client())
                                //Read all the list of existing Claims. backStoreXMLPath - path of backstore xml file
                                var mitchellClaims = client.ReadMitchellClaims(backStoreXMLPath);
                                int count = 0;
                                //Print all the list of Claims
                                foreach (MitchellClaimConsole.MitchellClaimService.MitchellClaim claims in mitchellClaims.MitchellClaim)
                                    //count - to show how many Claims are created
                                    count = count + 1;
                                    Console.WriteLine("------------- Claim" + count + "--------------");
                                    Console.WriteLine("------------- End of Claim" + count + "--------------");
                        //Finding a Claim
                    case "3":
                            Console.WriteLine("Enter the Claim Numer");
                            //Read the Claim number entered by the user. To query it and find the Claim details.
                            string claimNumber = Console.ReadLine();
                            using (var client = new Service1Client())
                                //Read all the list of existing Claims. backStoreXMLPath - path of backstore xml file
                                var mitchellClaims = client.ReadMitchellClaims(backStoreXMLPath);
                                //Query and find the Claim details using the input Claim Number
                                MitchellClaimConsole.MitchellClaimService.MitchellClaim mitchellClaim = mitchellClaims.MitchellClaim.Where(x => x.ClaimNumber == claimNumber).FirstOrDefault();

                                if (mitchellClaim != null)
                                    //Print Claim details
                                    Console.WriteLine("Please enter correct Claim Number");
                        //Updating a Claim
                    case "4":
                            Console.WriteLine("Please enter the path of the xml file to update Claims.");
                            //Read the update xml file path - Contains the updated data against a Claim number(which is unique)
                            string updateXMLPath = Console.ReadLine();
                            bool updated = false;
                            using (var client = new Service1Client())
                                //Update backstore with the new data. updateXMLPath - xml file path which contains updated data, backStoreXMLPath - path of backstore xml file
                                updated = client.UpdateXMLStore(updateXMLPath, backStoreXMLPath);

                            if (!updated)
                                Console.WriteLine("Claim Number could not be found.");
                        //Deleting a Claim
                    case "5":
                            Console.WriteLine("Enter the Claim Number for the Claim to be deleted.");
                            //Read the Claim number entered by the user. To query and delete the record.
                            string claimNumber = Console.ReadLine();
                            bool updated = false;
                            using (var client = new Service1Client())
                                //To delete the record. claimNumber - string entered by the user, backStoreXMLPath - path of backstore xml file
                                updated = client.DeleteMitchellClaim(claimNumber, backStoreXMLPath);

                            if (!updated)
                                Console.WriteLine("Claim Number could not be found.");
                        //Find Vehicle details
                    case "6":
                            Console.WriteLine("Enter the Claim Numer");
                            //Read the Claim number entered by the user
                            string claimNumber = Console.ReadLine();
                            Console.WriteLine("Enter the VIN of the Vehicle");
                            //Read the VIN entered by the user
                            string vin = Console.ReadLine();

                            using (var client = new Service1Client())
                                //Read all the list of existing Claims. backStoreXMLPath - path of backstore xml file
                                var mitchellClaims = client.ReadMitchellClaims(backStoreXMLPath);
                                //Query and find the Claim details using the input Claim Number & VIN
                                MitchellClaimConsole.MitchellClaimService.MitchellClaim mitchellClaim = mitchellClaims.MitchellClaim.Where(x => x.ClaimNumber == claimNumber && x.Vehicles.VehicleDetails.Vin == vin).FirstOrDefault();

                                if (mitchellClaim != null)
                                    //Print the Claim details
                                    Console.WriteLine("Please enter correct Claim Number & VIN");

                Console.WriteLine("Your operation is done.");
                Console.WriteLine("Do you want to try again? Press 'Y' or 'N'");

                string opt = Console.ReadLine();
                if (opt.ToLower() == "y")   cont = true;
                else cont = false;

            } while (cont);

            Console.WriteLine("Thank you!! Press any key to exit.");
