Esempio n. 1
    public ServerSpecificUserInfo GetUserServerInfo(ulong UserID, ulong ServerID)
        UnspecificUserInfo     UserInfo     = GetUserInfo(UserID);
        ServerSpecificUserInfo SearchResult = new ServerSpecificUserInfo(ServerID);
        bool WasServerFound = false;

        foreach (ServerSpecificUserInfo ServerSpecifics in UserInfo.ServerInfo)
            // TODO be sure that a server gets autoadded to a user on join (AND NOT ONLY THE FIRST SERVER THEY JOIN LIKE NOW!!!!!!)
            if (ServerSpecifics.ServerID == ServerID)
                // The server with a matching ID was found!
                SearchResult   = ServerSpecifics;
                WasServerFound = true;

        // Search was completed, now if there wheren't any servers found that means it needs to add the server to the users servers!
        if (!WasServerFound)

    public UnspecificUserInfo ChangeStrikes(Discord.Server Server, ulong UserID, int Change)
        const int NUMSTRIKESFORKICK = 2;
        const int NUMSTRIKESFORBAN  = 3;

        // Setup variables
        UnspecificUserInfo     InitialUserInfo       = Modules.DataModule.GetUserInfo(UserID);
        ServerSpecificUserInfo InitialUserServerInfo = Modules.DataModule.GetUserServerInfo(UserID, Server.Id);

        Discord.User User = Modules.UserModule.GetUserByID(UserID, Server).User;

        // Check if the user was NOT found...
        if (!Modules.UserModule.GetUserByID(UserID, Server).WasFound)
            // and return an empty user info.

        int NewNumberOfStrikes = InitialUserServerInfo.NumStrikes + Change; // will calculate the new number of strikes CUZ ( +- = -)

        if (Change == 0)
            goto end; // Nothing to change!
        else if (Change > 0)
            User.SendMessage($"Be carefull! You just recieved {Change} strikes (total number of strikes: {NewNumberOfStrikes}). {NUMSTRIKESFORKICK} strikes is a kick and {NUMSTRIKESFORBAN} is a ban!");
        else if (Change < 0)
            if (Modules.DataModule.GetUserServerInfo(UserID, Server.Id).NumStrikes == 0)
                goto end; // Do nothing as the user cannot have sub-zero strikes!
                User.SendMessage($"{Change * -1} strikes just got revoked to give you a total of {NewNumberOfStrikes} strikes. {NUMSTRIKESFORKICK} strikes is a kick and {NUMSTRIKESFORBAN} is a ban!");

        // Create a new ServerSpecificUserInfo struct with the update ammount of strikes.
        ServerSpecificUserInfo NewServerUserInfo = InitialUserServerInfo;

        NewServerUserInfo.NumStrikes = NewNumberOfStrikes;
        // Create a new UserInfo based on the origional user info to house the new ServerUserInfo
        UnspecificUserInfo NewUserInfo = InitialUserInfo;

        // Find the server's list index in the new userinfo.
        int index = NewUserInfo.ServerInfo.FindIndex(d => d.ServerID == NewServerUserInfo.ServerID);

        // And set the above index of the list to the new serveruserinfo.
        NewUserInfo.ServerInfo[index] = NewServerUserInfo;
        // TODO extract above (update UserServer info) into function or something.


        // Check if the user has enough strikes to get kicked
        if (Modules.DataModule.GetUserServerInfo(UserID, Server.Id).NumStrikes == NUMSTRIKESFORKICK)
            // TODO make a rejoinmsg.
            User.SendMessage($"You got a total of {NewNumberOfStrikes} strikes, this is more than {NUMSTRIKESFORKICK} so you got kicked!");
            // Now kick the user TODO: be sure that User.Kick(); is actually the right command :D
        // Check if the user has enough strikes for a ban.
        else if (Modules.DataModule.GetUserServerInfo(UserID, Server.Id).NumStrikes >= NUMSTRIKESFORBAN)
            // Send the user a message telling them they got banned as they had more than the ban threshhold strikes.
            User.SendMessage($"You got a total of {NewNumberOfStrikes} strikes, this is more than {NUMSTRIKESFORBAN} so you got banned!");
            // And then actually ban them from the server
            Server.Ban(Modules.UserModule.GetUserByID(UserID, Server).User);
        // an end goto for stuff that doesnt need to process the ammount of strikes etc. When strikes are not processed it will automagically fall through to this.
        // Get and return the updated user info