public SmartAPIException(ServerLogin login, string message) : base(message)
     if (login != null)
         Server = login.Name;
 public SmartAPIException(ServerLogin login)
     if (login != null)
         Server = login.Name;
Esempio n. 3
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var url      = args[0];
            var user     = args[1];
            var password = args[2];

            var authData = new PasswordAuthentication(user, password);
            var login    = new ServerLogin()
                Address = new Uri(url), AuthData = authData

            using (var session = SessionBuilder.CreateOrReplaceOldestSession(login))
                var project = session.ServerManager.Projects["nav_demo"];
                var search  = project.Pages.CreateSearch();
                search.PageType = PageType.Unlinked;
                var unlinkedPages = search.Execute();

                IEnumerable <IPage> processedPages = new List <IPage>();

                while (unlinkedPages.Any())
                    foreach (var curPage in unlinkedPages)
                        Console.WriteLine("Deleting " + curPage);
                    processedPages = processedPages.Union(unlinkedPages);
                    unlinkedPages  = search.Execute().Where(page => !processedPages.Contains(page));

Esempio n. 4
        protected override void PostDeserialize()
            if (ServerAddress.IsNullOrTimmedEmpty())
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Please add a non empty server address for attribute 'serverAddress'.");

            if (ServerNation.IsNullOrTimmedEmpty())
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Please add a non empty server nation for attribute 'serverNation'.");

            if (ServerLogin.IsNullOrTimmedEmpty())
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Please add a non empty server login for attribute 'serverLogin'.");

            if (ServerLoginPassword.IsNullOrTimmedEmpty())
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Please add a non empty server login password for attribute 'serverLoginPassword'.");

            if (SuperAdminPassword.IsNullOrTimmedEmpty())
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Please add non empty super admin password for attribute 'superAdminPassword'.");
Esempio n. 5
 public void OpenRegister()
Esempio n. 6
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // RedDot Login with (user/password)
            var authData = new PasswordAuthentication("user", "password");

            var login = new ServerLogin()
                Address = new Uri("http://localhost/cms"), AuthData = authData

            // Session is the entry point to interact with the RedDot server.
            // Creating the session object automatically creates a connection.
            // Dispose() closes the connection in a a clean way (this is done
            // automatically at the end of the using block).
            using (var session = SessionBuilder.CreateOrReplaceOldestSession(login))
                // Select a project based on the name
                var project = session.ServerManager.Projects.GetByName("MyProjekt");

                // Find all pages based on the Content Class "MyContentClass"
                var pageSearch = project.Pages.CreateSearch();
                pageSearch.ContentClass = project.ContentClasses.GetByName("MyContentClass");

                var pages = pageSearch.Execute();

                // Attach suffix ".php" to all filenames of the pages found
                foreach (var curPage in pages)
                    curPage.Filename = curPage.Filename + ".php";

                    // Commit changes to the server
        public void Update(ServerLogin login)
            var previous = _context.ServerLogins.Find(login.ServerLoginId);

            if (previous == null)
                throw new NotFoundException("ServerLogin not found.");

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(login.UserName))
                throw new ValidationException("Missing UserName");

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(login.PasswordHash))
                throw new ValidationException("Missing Password");

            if (!login.UserName.Equals(previous.UserName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) &&
                GetByUserName(login.UserName, previous.DepartmentId, previous.ServerId) != null)
                throw new ValidationException("User Name already exists.");

            var entry = _context.Entry(previous);

            entry.Entity.UserName     = login.UserName;
            entry.Entity.PasswordHash = login.PasswordHash;


            _context.Entry(previous).State = EntityState.Detached;
        public ServerLogin Create(ServerLogin login)
            if (login == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(login));

            if (login.DepartmentId < 1)
                throw new ValidationException("Missing DepartmentId");

            if (login.ServerId < 1)
                throw new ValidationException("Missing ServerId");

                throw new ValidationException("Missing UserName");

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(login.PasswordHash))
                throw new ValidationException("Missing Password");

            var result = new ServerLogin
                ServerId = login.ServerId,
                DepartmentId = login.DepartmentId,
                UserName = login.UserName,
                PasswordHash = login.PasswordHash



            return result;
 public SmartAPIException(ServerLogin login, SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
     : base(info, context)
     if (login != null)
         Server = login.Name;
        static void Main()
            ServerLogin serverlogin = ConnectionHelpers.ServerLoginFromPowerPathRegistry();

            Application.Run(new PPLoginForm(serverlogin));
Esempio n. 11
    public void Return()


 public BrokenContentClassFolderSharingException(ServerLogin login, IContentClassFolder folder,
                                                 Guid sharedFromProjectGuid, Guid sharedFromFolderGuid)
     : base(
             "Cannot load project/folder information on broken content class folder {0}. Missing project/folder: {1}/{2}",
             folder, sharedFromProjectGuid, sharedFromFolderGuid))
     _sharedFromProjectGuid = sharedFromProjectGuid;
     _sharedFromFolderGuid  = sharedFromFolderGuid;
 public override void Validate(ServerLogin login, Version actualVersion, string method)
     if (actualVersion >= Version)
         string versionNameString = string.IsNullOrEmpty(VersionName) ? "" : " (" + VersionName + ")";
         throw new InvalidServerVersionException(login,
                                                     "Invalid server version. {0} only works on servers with version less than {1}{3}, but the current server version is {2}",
                                                     method, Version, actualVersion, versionNameString));
Esempio n. 14
    static void Main(string[] args)
        var authData = new PasswordAuthentication("admin", "123456");
        var url      = "http://localhost/cms";

        var login = new ServerLogin(url, authData);

        using (var session = SessionBuilder.CreateOrReplaceOldestSession(login))
            //this is the currently active project in the session
            var selectedProject = session.SelectedProject;

            var serverManager = session.ServerManager;

            //these are all projects, the active user is assigned to
            var currentUsersProjects = serverManager.Projects.ForCurrentUser;

            //these are all projects for the user xy, you need to be server manager to do this
            var user             = serverManager.Users["some username"];
            var projectsOfUserXy = serverManager.Projects.ForUser(user.Guid);

            //these are all projects on the server, you need to be server manager to access projects you are not assigned to
            var allProjects = serverManager.Projects;

            //you can access a single project by name
            //var myProject = serverManager.Projects.ForCurrentUser["myproject"];
            //this is the short for
            //var myProjectToo = serverManager.Projects.ForCurrentUser.GetByName("myproject");

            //if you do not know whether a specific project exists, you can use
            IProject unknownProject;
            if (serverManager.Projects.ForCurrentUser.TryGetByName("nav_demo", out unknownProject))
                Console.WriteLine($"Found project with guid: {unknownProject.Guid}");
                Console.WriteLine("No project with name myproject assigned to user");

            //you can also get a project by guid
            var projectGuid   = new Guid("...");
            var projectByGuid = serverManager.Projects.ForCurrentUser.GetByGuid(projectGuid);
            // a TryGetByGuid method is available, too

            //print all project names and guids
            foreach (var curProject in serverManager.Projects)
Esempio n. 15
        /// <summary>
        ///     Create an session object for an already existing session on the server, e.g. when opening a plugin from within a running session.
        /// </summary>
        public Session(ServerLogin login, Guid loginGuid, string sessionKey, Guid projectGuid) : this()
            ServerLogin    = login;
            _loginGuidStr  = loginGuid.ToRQLString();
            _sessionKeyStr = sessionKey;

            XmlElement sessionInfo = GetUserSessionInfoElement();

            SelectedProjectGuid = sessionInfo.GetGuid("projectguid");
Esempio n. 16
    void Awake()
        if (DEBBUGER)
        Instance = this;
        serverLogin = GetComponent <ServerLogin> ();

        Events.SceneLoaded += SceneLoaded;
        Events.LoadScene   += LoadScene;

        assetsBundleLoader = GetComponent <AssetsBundleLoader>();

        // lo hace assetsBundle: serverLogin.Init();
        public ServerLogin Create(ServerLogin login)
            if (login == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(login));

            if (login.DepartmentId < 1)
                throw new ValidationException("Missing DepartmentId");

            if (login.ServerId < 1)
                throw new ValidationException("Missing ServerId");

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(login.UserName))
                throw new ValidationException("Missing UserName");

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(login.PasswordHash))
                throw new ValidationException("Missing Password");

            var result = new ServerLogin
                ServerId     = login.ServerId,
                DepartmentId = login.DepartmentId,
                UserName     = login.UserName,
                PasswordHash = login.PasswordHash



Esempio n. 18
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        var authData = new PasswordAuthentication("", "");
        var url = "";
        var login = new ServerLogin(url, authData);
        using (var session = SessionBuilder.CreateOrReplaceOldestSession(login))

            var selectedProject = session.SelectedProject;
            var serverManager = session.ServerManager;

            var languageVariant = selectedProject.LanguageVariants.Current;
            var pageGuid = new Guid("");
            var elementGuid = new Guid("");

            var getElement = (ITextHtml)erminas.SmartAPI.CMS.Project.Pages.Elements.PageElementFactory.Instance.CreateElement(selectedProject, elementGuid, languageVariant);
            getElement.Value = "<p>my new text</p>";

Esempio n. 19
 // This constructor is needed for serialization.
 protected FileDataException(ServerLogin login, SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
     : base(login, info, context)
     // Add implementation.
Esempio n. 20
 internal FileDataException(ServerLogin login, string message, Exception inner) : base(login, message, inner)
     // Add implementation.
Esempio n. 21
 internal FileDataException(ServerLogin login) : base(login)
     // Add implementation.
Esempio n. 22
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            foreach (string name in Request.QueryString)
                    dicSession.Add(name, Request.QueryString[name]);
                catch {
                        dicSession[name] = Request.QueryString[name];
                    } catch {}

            foreach (string name in Request.Form)
                    dicSession.Add(name, Request.Form[name]);
                catch {
                        dicSession[name] = Request.Form[name];
                    catch { }


            if (Request.QueryString.Count > 0)
                Session["LoginGuid"]   = Request["LoginGuid"];
                Session["SessionKey"]  = Request["SessionKey"];
                Session["ProjectGuid"] = Request["ProjectGuid"];

            var url   = "http://localhost/cms";
            var login = new ServerLogin(url, null);

            Guid   loginGuid   = new Guid(Session["LoginGuid"].ToString());
            Guid   projectGuid = new Guid(Session["ProjectGuid"].ToString());
            String sessionKey  = Session["SessionKey"].ToString();

            var sessionBuilder = new SessionBuilder(login, loginGuid, sessionKey, projectGuid);

            var session = sessionBuilder.CreateSession();

            var serverManager = session.ServerManager;

            selectedProject = serverManager.Projects.GetByGuid(projectGuid);
            //var selectedProject = session.ServerManager.Projects[""];
            //var selectedProject = session.SelectedProject;

            TextBox1.Text = "Project: " + selectedProject.Name;

            var projectVariants  = selectedProject.ProjectVariants;
            var languageVariants = selectedProject.LanguageVariants;
            var allPages         = selectedProject.Pages.OfCurrentLanguage; //does not work. must find alternetive

            if (!IsPostBack)
                foreach (var prjVariant in projectVariants)
                    //populate variant in a drop down list
                    ListItem tmpPrjVariant = new ListItem(prjVariant.Name, prjVariant.Name);

                foreach (var langVariant in languageVariants)
                    //populate variant in a drop down list
                    ListItem tmpLangVariant = new ListItem(langVariant.Name, langVariant.Name);

                TextBox2.Text = "pages to publish: " + allPages.Count().ToString();

            if (IsPostBack)


                //Button1.Visible = false;
                oConsole.Text = string.Empty;

                //var allContentClass = session.;

                //var pageSearch = selectedProject.Pages.CreateSearch();
                //pageSearch.Category = selectedProject.Pages.;
                //pageSearch.ContentClass = selectedProject.ContentClasses.GetByName("New content class");

                 * var allPages = pageSearch.Execute();


                //SubmitButton.Enabled = true;

                 * if(Methods.DebugMode > 0)
                 * {
                 *  Debug1.Text = Methods.SessionVariables(dicSession) + Methods.viewDebug;
                 *  Debug1.Visible = true;
                 * }

                ThreadStart fullPublish      = new ThreadStart(fullPublishCall);
                Thread      startFullPublish = new Thread(fullPublish);


                var allPagess = selectedProject.Pages.OfCurrentLanguage; //does not work. must find alternetive

                foreach (var currPage in allPagess)
                    oConsole.Text += "publishing Page ID: " + currPage.Id.ToString() + "\n";

                    IPagePublishJob prop = currPage.CreatePublishJob();
                    prop.IsPublishingAllFollowingPages = false;
                    prop.IsPublishingRelatedPages      = false;
                    prop.LanguageVariants = languageVariants;
Esempio n. 23
 internal PageDeletionException(ServerLogin login, string message) : base(login, message)
     Error = PageDeletionError.Unknown;
Esempio n. 24
 public Session(ServerLogin login,
                Func <IEnumerable <RunningSessionInfo>, RunningSessionInfo> sessionReplacementSelector) : this()
     ServerLogin = login;
Esempio n. 25
 internal InvalidServerVersionException(ServerLogin server, string message) : base(server, message)
        public void Update(ServerLogin login)
            var previous = _context.ServerLogins.Find(login.ServerLoginId);

            if (previous == null)
                throw new NotFoundException("ServerLogin not found.");
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(login.UserName))
                throw new ValidationException("Missing UserName");

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(login.PasswordHash))
                throw new ValidationException("Missing Password");

            if (!login.UserName.Equals(previous.UserName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) &&
                GetByUserName(login.UserName, previous.DepartmentId, previous.ServerId) != null)
                throw new ValidationException("User Name already exists.");

            var entry = _context.Entry(previous);

            entry.Entity.UserName = login.UserName;
            entry.Entity.PasswordHash = login.PasswordHash;


            _context.Entry(previous).State = EntityState.Detached;
 public abstract void Validate(ServerLogin login, Version actualVersion, string method);