public static void RegisterText_LinkClicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (FunctionStatus.AllowRegistration) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(InformationCache.SelectedServerJSON.webSignupUrl)) { Process.Start(InformationCache.SelectedServerJSON.webSignupUrl); MessageBox.Show(null, "A browser window has been opened to complete registration on " + ServerListUpdater.ServerName("Register"), "GameLauncher", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } else if (InformationCache.SelectedServerData.Name.ToUpper() == "WORLDUNITED OFFICIAL") { Process.Start("" + ((!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(DiscordLauncherPresence.UserID) && DiscordLauncherPresence.UserID != "0") ? "?discordid=" + DiscordLauncherPresence.UserID : string.Empty)); MessageBox.Show(null, "A browser window has been opened to complete registration on " + InformationCache.SelectedServerData.Name, "GameLauncher", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } else { RegisterScreen.OpenScreen(); } } else { MessageBox.Show(null, "Server seems to be Offline.", "GameLauncher", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }
private void PreloadServerList() { if (FunctionStatus.ServerListStatus != "Loaded") { ServerListUpdater.GetList(); } }
/// <summary> /// Starts the UI updater threads/tasks. /// </summary> public static void StartUIUpdaters() { ConnectionStatusUpdater.StartThread(); ServerListUpdater.StartThread(); AccountInfoUpdater.StartTask(); VersionUpdater.StartTask(); ToastManager.StartThread(); PingManager.StartThread(); }
public RegisterScreen() { IsRegisterScreenOpen = true; InitializeComponent(); SetVisuals(); DiscordLauncherPresence.Status("Register", ServerListUpdater.ServerName("Register")); this.Closing += (x, y) => { DiscordLauncherPresence.Status("Idle Ready", null); IsRegisterScreenOpen = false; GC.Collect(); }; }
private void SplashScreen_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (MainForm.Instance.Visible) StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterParent; else StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen; Activate(); BringToFront(); Focus(); _updater = new ServerListUpdater(this); _updater.Update(); }
public SelectServer() { InitializeComponent(); SetVisuals(); Version.Text = "Version: v" + Application.ProductVersion; //And one for keeping data about server, IP tbh ServerListRenderer.View = View.Details; ServerListRenderer.FullRowSelect = true; ServerListRenderer.Columns.Add(""); ServerListRenderer.Columns[0].Width = 1; ServerListRenderer.Columns.Add("Name"); ServerListRenderer.Columns[1].Width = 210; ServerListRenderer.Columns.Add("Country"); ServerListRenderer.Columns[2].Width = 100; ServerListRenderer.Columns[2].TextAlign = HorizontalAlignment.Center; ServerListRenderer.Columns.Add("Online"); ServerListRenderer.Columns[3].Width = 75; ServerListRenderer.Columns[3].TextAlign = HorizontalAlignment.Center; ServerListRenderer.Columns.Add("Registered"); ServerListRenderer.Columns[4].Width = 85; ServerListRenderer.Columns[4].TextAlign = HorizontalAlignment.Center; ServerListRenderer.Columns.Add("Ping"); ServerListRenderer.Columns[5].Width = 60; ServerListRenderer.Columns[5].TextAlign = HorizontalAlignment.Center; foreach (var substring in ServerListUpdater.NoCategoryList) { try { servers.Enqueue(ID + "_|||_" + substring.IpAddress + "_|||_" + substring.Name); ServerListRenderer.Items.Add(new ListViewItem( new[] { ID.ToString(), substring.Name, "", "", "", "", "" } )); data.Add(ID, substring); ID++; } catch { } } Thread newList = new Thread(() => { Thread.Sleep(200); this.BeginInvoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { while (servers.Count != 0) { string QueueContent = servers.Dequeue(); string[] QueueContent2 = QueueContent.Split(new string[] { "_|||_" }, StringSplitOptions.None); int serverid = Convert.ToInt32(QueueContent2[0]) - 1; string serverurl = QueueContent2[1] + "/GetServerInformation"; string servername = QueueContent2[2]; try { WebClient getdata = new WebClient(); GetServerInformation content = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <GetServerInformation>(getdata.DownloadString(serverurl)); if (content == null) { ServerListRenderer.Items[serverid].SubItems[1].Text = servername; ServerListRenderer.Items[serverid].SubItems[2].Text = "---"; ServerListRenderer.Items[serverid].SubItems[3].Text = "---"; ServerListRenderer.Items[serverid].SubItems[4].Text = "---"; } else { ServerListRenderer.Items[serverid].SubItems[1].Text = servername; ServerListRenderer.Items[serverid].SubItems[2].Text = ServerListUpdater.CountryName(; ServerListRenderer.Items[serverid].SubItems[3].Text = content.onlineNumber.ToString(); ServerListRenderer.Items[serverid].SubItems[4].Text = content.numberOfRegistered.ToString(); //PING if (!DetectLinux.LinuxDetected()) { Ping pingSender = new Ping(); Uri StringToUri = new Uri(serverurl); pingSender.SendAsync(StringToUri.Host, 1000, new byte[1], new PingOptions(64, true), new AutoResetEvent(false)); pingSender.PingCompleted += (sender3, e3) => { PingReply reply = e3.Reply; if (reply.Status == IPStatus.Success && servername != "Offline Built-In Server") { ServerListRenderer.Items[serverid].SubItems[5].Text = reply.RoundtripTime + "ms"; } else { ServerListRenderer.Items[serverid].SubItems[5].Text = "---"; } }; } else { ServerListRenderer.Items[serverid].SubItems[5].Text = "N/A"; } } } catch { ServerListRenderer.Items[serverid].SubItems[1].Text = servername; ServerListRenderer.Items[serverid].SubItems[2].Text = "---"; ServerListRenderer.Items[serverid].SubItems[3].Text = "---"; ServerListRenderer.Items[serverid].SubItems[4].Text = "---"; ServerListRenderer.Items[serverid].SubItems[5].Text = "---"; } if (servers.Count == 0) { Loading.Text = ""; } Application.DoEvents(); } }); }) { IsBackground = true }; newList.Start(); ServerListRenderer.AllowColumnReorder = false; ServerListRenderer.ColumnWidthChanging += (handler, args) => { args.Cancel = true; args.NewWidth = ServerListRenderer.Columns[args.ColumnIndex].Width; }; ServerListRenderer.DoubleClick += new EventHandler((handler, args) => { SelectedGameServerToRemember(); }); }
public static void PingAPIStatus() { Log.Checking("API: Checking Status"); Log.Checking("API Status: WorldUnited"); switch (UnitedSC = APIChecker.CheckStatus(URLs.Main + "/serverlist.json", 15)) { case APIStatus.Online: UnitedSL = RetrieveJSON(URLs.Main + "/serverlist.json", "SL"); if (UnitedSL) { UnitedCDNL = RetrieveJSON(URLs.Main + "/cdn_list.json", "CDNL"); } Log.Completed("API Status: WorldUnited"); break; default: Log.Completed("API Status: WorldUnited"); break; } if (!UnitedAPI()) { Log.Checking("API Status: DavidCarbon"); switch (CarbonSC = APIChecker.CheckStatus(URLs.Static + "/serverlist.json", 15)) { case APIStatus.Online: if (!UnitedSL) { CarbonSL = RetrieveJSON(URLs.Static + "/serverlist.json", "SL"); } else { CarbonSL = true; } if (!UnitedCDNL) { CarbonCDNL = RetrieveJSON(URLs.Static + "/cdn_list.json", "CDNL"); } else { CarbonCDNL = true; } Log.Completed("API Status: DavidCarbon"); break; default: Log.Completed("API Status: DavidCarbon"); break; } } else { CarbonSL = true; CarbonCDNL = true; } if (!CarbonAPI()) { Log.Checking("API Status: DavidCarbon [Second]"); switch (CarbonTwoSC = APIChecker.CheckStatus(URLs.Static_Alt + "/serverlist.json", 15)) { case APIStatus.Online: if (!CarbonSL) { CarbonTwoSL = RetrieveJSON(URLs.Static_Alt + "/serverlist.json", "SL"); } else { CarbonTwoSL = true; } if (!CarbonCDNL) { CarbonTwoCDNL = RetrieveJSON(URLs.Static_Alt + "/cdn_list.json", "CDNL"); } else { CarbonTwoCDNL = true; } Log.Completed("API Status: DavidCarbon [Second]"); break; default: Log.Completed("API Status: DavidCarbon [Second]"); break; } } else { CarbonTwoSL = true; CarbonTwoCDNL = true; } Log.Checking("API: Test #2"); /* Check If Launcher Failed to Connect to any APIs */ if (!CarbonAPITwo()) { DiscordLauncherPresence.Status("Start Up", "Launcher Encountered API Errors"); if (MessageBox.Show(null, Translations.Database("VisualsAPIChecker_TextBox_No_API"), Translations.Database("VisualsAPIChecker_TextBox_No_API_P2"), MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Warning) == DialogResult.Yes) { FunctionStatus.LauncherForceClose = true; } else { Log.Warning("PRE-CHECK: User has Bypassed 'No Internet Connection' Check and will Continue"); MessageBox.Show(Translations.Database("VisualsAPIChecker_TextBox_No_API_P3"), Translations.Database("VisualsAPIChecker_TextBox_No_API_P4")); } } Log.Completed("API: Test #2 Done"); if (FunctionStatus.LauncherForceClose) { FunctionStatus.ErrorCloseLauncher("Closing From API Check Error", false); } else { FunctionStatus.IsVisualAPIsChecked = true; Log.Info("LIST CORE: Moved to Function"); /* (Start Process) Check ServerList Status */ ServerListUpdater.GetList(); } }
private void SetVisuals() { /*******************************/ /* Set Font / * /*******************************/ FontFamily DejaVuSans = FontWrapper.Instance.GetFontFamily("DejaVuSans.ttf"); FontFamily DejaVuSansBold = FontWrapper.Instance.GetFontFamily("DejaVuSans-Bold.ttf"); var MainFontSize = 9f * 96f / CreateGraphics().DpiY; if (UnixOS.Detected()) { MainFontSize = 9f; } Font = new Font(DejaVuSans, MainFontSize, FontStyle.Regular); ServerListRenderer.Font = new Font(DejaVuSans, MainFontSize, FontStyle.Regular); Loading.Font = new Font(DejaVuSans, MainFontSize, FontStyle.Regular); BtnAddServer.Font = new Font(DejaVuSansBold, MainFontSize, FontStyle.Bold); BtnRemoveServer.Font = new Font(DejaVuSansBold, MainFontSize, FontStyle.Bold); BtnSelectServer.Font = new Font(DejaVuSansBold, MainFontSize, FontStyle.Bold); BtnClose.Font = new Font(DejaVuSansBold, MainFontSize, FontStyle.Bold); Version.Font = new Font(DejaVuSans, MainFontSize, FontStyle.Regular); /********************************/ /* Set Theme Colors & Images / * /********************************/ ForeColor = Theming.WinFormTextForeColor; BackColor = Theming.WinFormTBGForeColor; Loading.ForeColor = Theming.WinFormWarningTextForeColor; Version.ForeColor = Theming.WinFormTextForeColor; ServerListRenderer.ForeColor = Theming.WinFormSecondaryTextForeColor; BtnAddServer.ForeColor = Theming.BlueForeColorButton; BtnAddServer.BackColor = Theming.BlueBackColorButton; BtnAddServer.FlatAppearance.BorderColor = Theming.BlueBorderColorButton; BtnAddServer.FlatAppearance.MouseOverBackColor = Theming.BlueMouseOverBackColorButton; BtnRemoveServer.ForeColor = CustomServersOnly ? Theming.BlueForeColorButton : Theming.GrayForeColorButton; BtnRemoveServer.BackColor = CustomServersOnly ? Theming.BlueBackColorButton : Theming.GrayBackColorButton; BtnRemoveServer.FlatAppearance.BorderColor = CustomServersOnly ? Theming.BlueBorderColorButton : Theming.GrayBorderColorButton; BtnRemoveServer.FlatAppearance.MouseOverBackColor = CustomServersOnly ? Theming.BlueMouseOverBackColorButton : Theming.GrayMouseOverBackColorButton; BtnSelectServer.ForeColor = !CustomServersOnly ? Theming.BlueForeColorButton : Theming.GrayForeColorButton; BtnSelectServer.BackColor = !CustomServersOnly ? Theming.BlueBackColorButton : Theming.GrayBackColorButton; BtnSelectServer.FlatAppearance.BorderColor = !CustomServersOnly ? Theming.BlueBorderColorButton : Theming.GrayBorderColorButton; BtnSelectServer.FlatAppearance.MouseOverBackColor = !CustomServersOnly ? Theming.BlueMouseOverBackColorButton : Theming.GrayMouseOverBackColorButton; BtnClose.ForeColor = Theming.BlueForeColorButton; BtnClose.BackColor = Theming.BlueBackColorButton; BtnClose.FlatAppearance.BorderColor = Theming.BlueBorderColorButton; BtnClose.FlatAppearance.MouseOverBackColor = Theming.BlueMouseOverBackColorButton; /********************************/ /* Functions / * /********************************/ Name = (CustomServersOnly ? "Saved Custom Servers" : "Please Select a Server") + " - SBRW Launcher"; ServerListRenderer.AllowColumnReorder = false; ServerListRenderer.ColumnWidthChanging += (handler, args) => { args.Cancel = true; args.NewWidth = ServerListRenderer.Columns[args.ColumnIndex].Width; }; ServerListRenderer.DoubleClick += new EventHandler((handler, args) => { if (!CustomServersOnly) { SelectedGameServerToRemember(); } }); BtnSelectServer.Click += new EventHandler(BtnSelectServer_Click); BtnRemoveServer.Click += new EventHandler(BtnRemoveServer_Click); Version.Text = "Version: v" + Application.ProductVersion; /* And one for keeping data about server, IP tbh */ ServerListRenderer.View = View.Details; ServerListRenderer.FullRowSelect = true; ServerListRenderer.Columns.Add(""); ServerListRenderer.Columns[0].Width = 1; ServerListRenderer.Columns.Add("Name"); ServerListRenderer.Columns[1].Width = 210; ServerListRenderer.Columns.Add("Country"); ServerListRenderer.Columns[2].Width = 100; ServerListRenderer.Columns[2].TextAlign = HorizontalAlignment.Center; ServerListRenderer.Columns.Add("Online"); ServerListRenderer.Columns[3].Width = 75; ServerListRenderer.Columns[3].TextAlign = HorizontalAlignment.Center; ServerListRenderer.Columns.Add("Registered"); ServerListRenderer.Columns[4].Width = 85; ServerListRenderer.Columns[4].TextAlign = HorizontalAlignment.Center; ServerListRenderer.Columns.Add("Ping"); ServerListRenderer.Columns[5].Width = 60; ServerListRenderer.Columns[5].TextAlign = HorizontalAlignment.Center; foreach (ServerList substring in CustomServersOnly ? ServerListUpdater.NoCategoryList_CSO : ServerListUpdater.NoCategoryList) { try { ServersToPing.Enqueue(ID + "_|||_" + substring.IPAddress + "_|||_" + substring.Name); ServerListRenderer.Items.Add(new ListViewItem( new[] { ID.ToString(), substring.Name, "", "", "", "", "" } )); ServerListBook.Add(ID, substring); ID++; } catch { } } Shown += (x, y) => { Application.OpenForms[this.Name].Activate(); this.BringToFront(); new Thread(() => { while (ServersToPing.Count != 0) { string QueueContent = ServersToPing.Dequeue(); string[] QueueContent2 = QueueContent.Split(new string[] { "_|||_" }, StringSplitOptions.None); int serverid = Convert.ToInt32(QueueContent2[0]) - 1; string serverurl = QueueContent2[1] + "/GetServerInformation"; ServerName = QueueContent2[2]; string ServerJson = null; try { try { Uri URLCall = new Uri(serverurl); ServicePointManager.FindServicePoint(URLCall).ConnectionLeaseTimeout = (int)TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1).TotalMilliseconds; var Client = new WebClient { Encoding = Encoding.UTF8 }; if (!WebCalls.Alternative()) { Client = new WebClientWithTimeout { Encoding = Encoding.UTF8 }; } else { Client.Headers.Add("user-agent", "SBRW Launcher " + Application.ProductVersion + " (+"); } try { ServerJson = Client.DownloadString(serverurl); } catch { } finally { if (Client != null) { Client.Dispose(); } } } catch { } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ServerJson)) { ServerListRenderer.SafeInvokeAction(() => { ServerListRenderer.Items[serverid].SubItems[1].Text = ServerName; ServerListRenderer.Items[serverid].SubItems[2].Text = "---"; ServerListRenderer.Items[serverid].SubItems[3].Text = "---"; ServerListRenderer.Items[serverid].SubItems[4].Text = "---"; ServerListRenderer.Items[serverid].SubItems[5].Text = "---"; }, this); } else if (!IsJSONValid.ValidJson(ServerJson)) { ServerListRenderer.SafeInvokeAction(() => { ServerListRenderer.Items[serverid].SubItems[1].Text = ServerName; ServerListRenderer.Items[serverid].SubItems[2].Text = "-?-"; ServerListRenderer.Items[serverid].SubItems[3].Text = "-?-"; ServerListRenderer.Items[serverid].SubItems[4].Text = "-?-"; ServerListRenderer.Items[serverid].SubItems[5].Text = "-?-"; }, this); } else { ServerJsonData = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <GetServerInformation>(ServerJson); ServerListRenderer.SafeInvokeAction(() => { ServerListRenderer.Items[serverid].SubItems[1].Text = (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ServerJsonData.serverName)) ? ServerJsonData.serverName : ServerName; ServerListRenderer.Items[serverid].SubItems[2].Text = ServerListUpdater.CountryName(; ServerListRenderer.Items[serverid].SubItems[3].Text = ServerJsonData.onlineNumber.ToString(); ServerListRenderer.Items[serverid].SubItems[4].Text = ServerJsonData.numberOfRegistered.ToString(); }, this); Ping CheckMate = null; try { Uri StringToUri = new Uri(serverurl); ServicePointManager.FindServicePoint(StringToUri).ConnectionLeaseTimeout = (int)TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1).TotalMilliseconds; CheckMate = new Ping(); CheckMate.PingCompleted += (sender3, e3) => { if (e3.Reply != null) { if (e3.Reply.Status == IPStatus.Success && ServerName != "Offline Built-In Server") { ServerListRenderer.SafeInvokeAction(() => { ServerListRenderer.Items[serverid].SubItems[5].Text = e3.Reply.RoundtripTime + "ms"; }, this); } else { ServerListRenderer.SafeInvokeAction(() => { ServerListRenderer.Items[serverid].SubItems[5].Text = "!?"; }, this); } } else { ServerListRenderer.SafeInvokeAction(() => { ServerListRenderer.Items[serverid].SubItems[5].Text = "N/A"; }, this); } ((AutoResetEvent)e3.UserState).Set(); }; CheckMate.SendAsync(StringToUri.Host, 5000, new byte[1], new PingOptions(30, true), new AutoResetEvent(false)); } catch { ServerListRenderer.SafeInvokeAction(() => { ServerListRenderer.Items[serverid].SubItems[5].Text = "?"; }, this); } finally { if (CheckMate != null) { CheckMate.Dispose(); } } } } catch { ServerListRenderer.SafeInvokeAction(() => { ServerListRenderer.Items[serverid].SubItems[1].Text = ServerName; ServerListRenderer.Items[serverid].SubItems[2].Text = "---"; ServerListRenderer.Items[serverid].SubItems[3].Text = "---"; ServerListRenderer.Items[serverid].SubItems[4].Text = "---"; ServerListRenderer.Items[serverid].SubItems[5].Text = "---"; }, this); } finally { if (ServerJson != null) { ServerJson = null; } if (ServerJsonData != null) { ServerJsonData = null; } if (ServerName != null) { ServerName = null; } GC.Collect(); } Application.DoEvents(); } Loading.SafeInvokeAction(() => { Loading.Text = string.Empty; }, this); }).Start(); }; }
/// <summary> /// Sets the current Status of the Launcher's State /// </summary> /// <remarks>RPC Status</remarks> /// <param name="State">Which RPC Status Text to Set</param> /// <param name="Status">Additional RPC Status Details to Display</param> public static void Status(string State, string Status) { try { ButtonsList.Clear(); ButtonsList.Add(new DiscordButton() { Label = "Project Site", Url = "" }); ButtonsList.Add(new DiscordButton() { Label = "Launcher Patch Notes", Url = "" + Theming.PrivacyRPCBuild }); Presence.Buttons = ButtonsList.ToArray(); if (State == "Start Up") { Presence.State = Status; Presence.Details = "In-Launcher: " + Theming.PrivacyRPCBuild; Presence.Assets = new Assets { LargeImageText = "Launcher", LargeImageKey = "nfsw" }; } else if (State == "Unpack Game Files") { Download = true; Presence.State = Status; Presence.Details = "In-Launcher: " + Theming.PrivacyRPCBuild; Presence.Assets = new Assets { LargeImageText = "Launcher", LargeImageKey = "nfsw", SmallImageText = string.Empty, SmallImageKey = "files_success" }; Presence.Buttons = ButtonsList.ToArray(); } else if (State == "Download Game Files") { Download = true; Presence.State = Status; Presence.Details = "In-Launcher: " + Theming.PrivacyRPCBuild; Presence.Assets = new Assets { LargeImageText = "Launcher", LargeImageKey = "nfsw", SmallImageText = string.Empty, SmallImageKey = "files" }; Presence.Buttons = ButtonsList.ToArray(); } else if (State == "Download Game Files Error") { Download = true; Presence.State = "Game Download Error"; Presence.Details = "In-Launcher: " + Theming.PrivacyRPCBuild; Presence.Assets = new Assets { LargeImageText = "Launcher", LargeImageKey = "nfsw", SmallImageText = string.Empty, SmallImageKey = "files_error" }; Presence.Buttons = ButtonsList.ToArray(); } else if (State == "Idle Ready") { Presence.State = "Ready To Race"; Presence.Details = "In-Launcher: " + Theming.PrivacyRPCBuild; Presence.Assets = new Assets { LargeImageText = "Launcher", LargeImageKey = "nfsw", SmallImageText = string.Empty, SmallImageKey = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(CertificateStore.LauncherSerial) ? "official" : "unofficial" }; Presence.Buttons = ButtonsList.ToArray(); } else if (State == "Checking ModNet") { Presence.State = "Checking ModNet"; Presence.Details = "In-Launcher: " + Theming.PrivacyRPCBuild; Presence.Assets = new Assets { LargeImageText = "Launcher", LargeImageKey = "nfsw", SmallImageText = string.Empty, SmallImageKey = "files_alert" }; Presence.Buttons = ButtonsList.ToArray(); } else if (State == "ModNet File Check Passed") { Presence.State = "Has ModNet File: " + Status; Presence.Details = "In-Launcher: " + Theming.PrivacyRPCBuild; Presence.Assets = new Assets { LargeImageText = "Launcher", LargeImageKey = "nfsw", SmallImageText = string.Empty, SmallImageKey = "files_success" }; Presence.Buttons = ButtonsList.ToArray(); } else if (State == "Download ModNet") { Presence.State = "Downloading ModNet Files"; Presence.Details = "In-Launcher: " + Theming.PrivacyRPCBuild; Presence.Assets = new Assets { LargeImageText = "Launcher", LargeImageKey = "nfsw", SmallImageText = string.Empty, SmallImageKey = "files" }; Presence.Buttons = ButtonsList.ToArray(); } else if (State == "Download ModNet Error") { Presence.State = "ModNet Encounterd an Error"; Presence.Details = "In-Launcher: " + Theming.PrivacyRPCBuild; Presence.Assets = new Assets { LargeImageText = "Launcher", LargeImageKey = "nfsw", SmallImageText = string.Empty, SmallImageKey = "files_error" }; Presence.Buttons = ButtonsList.ToArray(); } else if (State == "Download Server Mods") { Presence.State = "Downloading Server Mods"; Presence.Details = "In-Launcher: " + Theming.PrivacyRPCBuild; Presence.Assets = new Assets { LargeImageText = "Launcher", LargeImageKey = "nfsw", SmallImageText = string.Empty, SmallImageKey = "files" }; Presence.Buttons = ButtonsList.ToArray(); } else if (State == "Download Server Mods Error") { Presence.State = "Server Mod Download Error"; Presence.Details = "In-Launcher: " + Theming.PrivacyRPCBuild; Presence.Assets = new Assets { LargeImageText = "Launcher", LargeImageKey = "nfsw", SmallImageText = string.Empty, SmallImageKey = "files_error" }; Presence.Buttons = ButtonsList.ToArray(); } if (Download == false) { if (State == "Security Center") { Presence.Details = "In-Launcher: " + Theming.PrivacyRPCBuild; Presence.State = "On Security Center Screen"; Presence.Assets = new Assets { LargeImageText = "Launcher", LargeImageKey = "nfsw", SmallImageText = SecurityCenter.SecurityCenterRPC(1), SmallImageKey = SecurityCenter.SecurityCenterRPC(0) }; } else if (State == "Register") { Presence.Details = "In-Launcher: " + Theming.PrivacyRPCBuild; Presence.State = "On Registration Screen"; Presence.Assets = new Assets { LargeImageText = "Launcher", LargeImageKey = "nfsw", SmallImageText = string.Empty, SmallImageKey = "screen_register" }; } else if (State == "Settings") { Presence.Details = "In-Launcher: " + Theming.PrivacyRPCBuild; Presence.State = "On Settings Screen"; Presence.Assets = new Assets { LargeImageText = "Launcher", LargeImageKey = "nfsw", SmallImageText = string.Empty, SmallImageKey = "screen_settings" }; } else if (State == "User XML Editor") { Presence.Details = "In-Launcher: " + Theming.PrivacyRPCBuild; Presence.State = "On User XML Editor Screen"; Presence.Assets = new Assets { LargeImageText = "Launcher", LargeImageKey = "nfsw", SmallImageText = string.Empty, SmallImageKey = "screen_uxe" }; } else if (State == "Verify") { Presence.Details = "In-Launcher: " + Theming.PrivacyRPCBuild; Presence.State = "On Verify Game Files Screen"; Presence.Assets = new Assets { LargeImageText = "Launcher", LargeImageKey = "nfsw", SmallImageText = string.Empty, SmallImageKey = "screen_verify" }; } else if (State == "Verify Scan") { Presence.Details = "In-Launcher: " + Theming.PrivacyRPCBuild; Presence.State = "Verifying Game Files"; Presence.Assets = new Assets { LargeImageText = "Launcher", LargeImageKey = "nfsw", SmallImageText = string.Empty, SmallImageKey = "verify_files_scan" }; } else if (State == "Verify Bad") { Presence.Details = "In-Launcher: " + Theming.PrivacyRPCBuild; Presence.State = "Downloaded " + Status + " Missing Game Files"; Presence.Assets = new Assets { LargeImageText = "Launcher", LargeImageKey = "nfsw", SmallImageText = string.Empty, SmallImageKey = "verify_files_bad" }; } else if (State == "Verify Good") { Presence.Details = "In-Launcher: " + Theming.PrivacyRPCBuild; Presence.State = "Finished Validating Game Files"; Presence.Assets = new Assets { LargeImageText = "Launcher", LargeImageKey = "nfsw", SmallImageText = string.Empty, SmallImageKey = "verify_files_good" }; } else if (State == "In-Game") { Presence.State = ServerListUpdater.ServerName("RPC"); Presence.Details = "In-Game"; Presence.Assets = new Assets { LargeImageText = "Need for Speed: World", LargeImageKey = "nfsw", SmallImageText = string.Empty, SmallImageKey = "ingame" }; if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(InformationCache.SelectedServerJSON.homePageUrl) || !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(InformationCache.SelectedServerJSON.discordUrl) || !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(InformationCache.SelectedServerJSON.webPanelUrl)) { ButtonsList.Clear(); if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(InformationCache.SelectedServerJSON.webPanelUrl)) { /* Let's format it now, if possible */ ButtonsList.Add(new DiscordButton() { Label = "View Panel", Url = InformationCache.SelectedServerJSON.webPanelUrl.Split(new string[] { "{sep}" }, StringSplitOptions.None)[0] }); } else if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(InformationCache.SelectedServerJSON.homePageUrl) && InformationCache.SelectedServerJSON.homePageUrl != InformationCache.SelectedServerJSON.discordUrl) { ButtonsList.Add(new DiscordButton() { Label = "Website", Url = InformationCache.SelectedServerJSON.homePageUrl }); } if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(InformationCache.SelectedServerJSON.discordUrl)) { ButtonsList.Add(new DiscordButton() { Label = "Discord", Url = InformationCache.SelectedServerJSON.discordUrl }); } } Presence.Buttons = ButtonsList.ToArray(); } } if (Running() && InformationCache.SelectedServerCategory != "DEV") { Client.SetPresence(Presence); } } catch (Exception Error) { LogToFileAddons.OpenLog("DISCORD", null, Error, null, true); } }
/// <summary> /// Terminates UI updater threads/tasks on FxA account logout. /// </summary> public static void TerminateUIUpdaters() { ConnectionStatusUpdater.StopThread(); ServerListUpdater.StopThread(); AccountInfoUpdater.StopTask(); }
private void RegisterButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Refresh(); List <string> registerErrors = new List <string>(); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(RegisterEmail.Text)) { registerErrors.Add("Please enter your e-mail."); RegisterEmailBorder.Image = Theming.BorderEmailError; } else if (!IsEmailValid.Validate(RegisterEmail.Text)) { registerErrors.Add("Please enter a valid e-mail address."); RegisterEmailBorder.Image = Theming.BorderEmailError; } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(RegisterTicket.Text) && _ticketRequired) { registerErrors.Add("Please enter your ticket."); RegisterTicketBorder.Image = Theming.BorderTicketError; } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(RegisterPassword.Text)) { registerErrors.Add("Please enter your password."); RegisterPasswordBorder.Image = Theming.BorderPasswordError; } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(RegisterConfirmPassword.Text)) { registerErrors.Add("Please confirm your password."); RegisterConfirmPasswordBorder.Image = Theming.BorderPasswordError; } if (RegisterConfirmPassword.Text != RegisterPassword.Text) { registerErrors.Add("Passwords don't match."); RegisterConfirmPasswordBorder.Image = Theming.BorderPasswordError; } if (!RegisterAgree.Checked) { registerErrors.Add("You have not agreed to the Terms of Service."); RegisterAgree.ForeColor = Theming.Error; } if (registerErrors.Count == 0) { bool allowReg = false; String Email; String Password; switch (Authentication.HashType(InformationCache.SelectedServerJSON.authHash ?? string.Empty)) { case AuthHash.H10: Email = RegisterEmail.Text.ToString(); Password = RegisterPassword.Text.ToString(); break; case AuthHash.H11: Email = RegisterEmail.Text.ToString(); Password = MDFive.Hashes(RegisterPassword.Text.ToString()).ToLower(); break; case AuthHash.H12: Email = RegisterEmail.Text.ToString(); Password = SHA.Hashes(RegisterPassword.Text.ToString()).ToLower(); break; case AuthHash.H13: Email = RegisterEmail.Text.ToString(); Password = SHATwoFiveSix.Hashes(RegisterPassword.Text.ToString()).ToLower(); break; case AuthHash.H20: Email = MDFive.Hashes(RegisterEmail.Text.ToString()).ToLower(); Password = MDFive.Hashes(RegisterPassword.Text.ToString()).ToLower(); break; case AuthHash.H21: Email = SHA.Hashes(RegisterEmail.Text.ToString()).ToLower(); Password = SHA.Hashes(RegisterPassword.Text.ToString()).ToLower(); break; case AuthHash.H22: Email = SHATwoFiveSix.Hashes(RegisterEmail.Text.ToString()).ToLower(); Password = SHATwoFiveSix.Hashes(RegisterPassword.Text.ToString()).ToLower(); break; default: Log.Error("HASH TYPE: Unknown Hash Standard was Provided"); return; } try { string[] regex = new Regex(@"([0-9A-Z]{5})([0-9A-Z]{35})").Split(Password.ToUpper()); Uri URLCall = new Uri("" + regex[1]); ServicePointManager.FindServicePoint(URLCall).ConnectionLeaseTimeout = (int)TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1).TotalMilliseconds; var Client = new WebClient { Encoding = Encoding.UTF8 }; if (!WebCalls.Alternative()) { Client = new WebClientWithTimeout { Encoding = Encoding.UTF8 }; } else { Client.Headers.Add("user-agent", "SBRW Launcher " + Application.ProductVersion + " (+"); } String serverReply = null; try { serverReply = Client.DownloadString(URLCall); } catch (WebException Error) { APIChecker.StatusCodes(URLCall.GetComponents(UriComponents.HttpRequestUrl, UriFormat.SafeUnescaped), Error, (HttpWebResponse)Error.Response); } catch (Exception Error) { LogToFileAddons.OpenLog("Register", null, Error, null, true); } finally { if (Client != null) { Client.Dispose(); } } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(serverReply)) { String verify = regex[2]; string[] hashes = serverReply.Split('\n'); foreach (string hash in hashes) { var splitChecks = hash.Split(':'); if (splitChecks[0] == verify) { var passwordCheckReply = MessageBox.Show(null, "Password used for registration has been breached " + Convert.ToInt32(splitChecks[1]) + " times, you should consider using a different one.\n\nAlternatively you can use the unsafe password anyway." + "\nWould you like to continue to use it?", "GameLauncher", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); if (passwordCheckReply == DialogResult.Yes) { allowReg = true; } else { allowReg = false; } } else { allowReg = true; } } } else { allowReg = true; } } catch { allowReg = true; } if (allowReg) { Tokens.Clear(); Tokens.IPAddress = InformationCache.SelectedServerData.IPAddress; Tokens.ServerName = ServerListUpdater.ServerName("Register"); Authentication.Client("Register", InformationCache.SelectedServerJSON.modernAuthSupport, Email, Password, _ticketRequired ? RegisterTicket.Text : null); if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Tokens.Success)) { DialogResult Success = MessageBox.Show(null, Tokens.Success, "GameLauncher", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); if (Success == DialogResult.OK) { Close(); } } else { MessageBox.Show(null, Tokens.Error, "GameLauncher", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } else { var message = "There were some errors while registering. Please fix them:\n\n"; foreach (var error in registerErrors) { message += "• " + error + "\n"; } MessageBox.Show(null, message, "GameLauncher", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } }
private void SetVisuals() { /*******************************/ /* Set Window Name / * /*******************************/ Text = "Register - SBRW Launcher: v" + Application.ProductVersion; /*******************************/ /* Set Initial position & Icon / * /*******************************/ FunctionStatus.CenterParent(this); /*******************************/ /* Set Font / * /*******************************/ FontFamily DejaVuSans = FontWrapper.Instance.GetFontFamily("DejaVuSans.ttf"); FontFamily DejaVuSansBold = FontWrapper.Instance.GetFontFamily("DejaVuSans-Bold.ttf"); float MainFontSize = UnixOS.Detected() ? 9f : 9f * 96f / CreateGraphics().DpiY; float SecondaryFontSize = UnixOS.Detected() ? 8f : 8f * 96f / CreateGraphics().DpiY; Font = new Font(DejaVuSans, SecondaryFontSize, FontStyle.Regular); /* Registering Panel */ RegisterEmail.Font = new Font(DejaVuSans, MainFontSize, FontStyle.Regular); RegisterPassword.Font = new Font(DejaVuSans, MainFontSize, FontStyle.Regular); RegisterConfirmPassword.Font = new Font(DejaVuSans, MainFontSize, FontStyle.Regular); RegisterTicket.Font = new Font(DejaVuSans, MainFontSize, FontStyle.Regular); RegisterAgree.Font = new Font(DejaVuSansBold, MainFontSize, FontStyle.Bold); RegisterButton.Font = new Font(DejaVuSansBold, MainFontSize, FontStyle.Bold); RegisterCancel.Font = new Font(DejaVuSansBold, MainFontSize, FontStyle.Bold); CurrentWindowInfo.Font = new Font(DejaVuSansBold, MainFontSize, FontStyle.Bold); /********************************/ /* Set Theme Colors & Images / * /********************************/ /* Set Background with Transparent Key */ BackgroundImage = Theming.RegisterScreen; TransparencyKey = Theming.RegisterScreenTransparencyKey; CurrentWindowInfo.ForeColor = Theming.FivithTextForeColor; RegisterEmail.BackColor = Theming.Input; RegisterEmail.ForeColor = Theming.FivithTextForeColor; RegisterEmailBorder.Image = Theming.BorderEmail; RegisterPasswordBorder.Image = Theming.BorderPassword; RegisterPassword.BackColor = Theming.Input; RegisterPassword.ForeColor = Theming.FivithTextForeColor; RegisterConfirmPasswordBorder.Image = Theming.BorderPassword; RegisterConfirmPassword.BackColor = Theming.Input; RegisterConfirmPassword.ForeColor = Theming.FivithTextForeColor; RegisterTicketBorder.Image = Theming.BorderTicket; RegisterTicket.BackColor = Theming.Input; RegisterTicket.ForeColor = Theming.FivithTextForeColor; RegisterAgree.ForeColor = Theming.WinFormWarningTextForeColor; RegisterButton.BackgroundImage = Theming.GreenButton; RegisterButton.ForeColor = Theming.SeventhTextForeColor; RegisterCancel.BackgroundImage = Theming.GrayButton; RegisterCancel.ForeColor = Theming.FivithTextForeColor; /********************************/ /* Events / * /********************************/ RegisterEmail.TextChanged += new EventHandler(RegisterEmail_TextChanged); RegisterPassword.TextChanged += new EventHandler(RegisterPassword_TextChanged); RegisterConfirmPassword.TextChanged += new EventHandler(RegisterConfirmPassword_TextChanged); RegisterTicket.TextChanged += new EventHandler(RegisterTicket_TextChanged); RegisterAgree.CheckedChanged += new EventHandler(RegisterAgree_CheckedChanged); RegisterButton.MouseEnter += Greenbutton_hover_MouseEnter; RegisterButton.MouseLeave += Greenbutton_MouseLeave; RegisterButton.MouseUp += Greenbutton_hover_MouseUp; RegisterButton.MouseDown += Greenbutton_click_MouseDown; RegisterButton.Click += RegisterButton_Click; RegisterCancel.MouseEnter += new EventHandler(Graybutton_hover_MouseEnter); RegisterCancel.MouseLeave += new EventHandler(Graybutton_MouseLeave); RegisterCancel.MouseUp += new MouseEventHandler(Graybutton_hover_MouseUp); RegisterCancel.MouseDown += new MouseEventHandler(Graybutton_click_MouseDown); RegisterCancel.Click += new EventHandler(RegisterCancel_Click); /********************************/ /* Functions / * /********************************/ CurrentWindowInfo.Text = "REGISTER ON \n" + ServerListUpdater.ServerName("Register").ToUpper(); try { if (InformationCache.SelectedServerJSON.requireTicket != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(InformationCache.SelectedServerJSON.requireTicket)) { _ticketRequired = InformationCache.SelectedServerJSON.requireTicket.ToLower() == "true"; } else { _ticketRequired = false; } } catch { } /* Show Ticket Box if its Required */ RegisterTicket.Visible = _ticketRequired; RegisterTicketBorder.Visible = _ticketRequired; }
private static void ShowMainScreen() { if (VisualsAPIChecker.WOPLAPI == false) { DialogResult restartAppNoApis = MessageBox.Show(null, "There's no internet connection, Launcher might crash \n \nClick Yes to Close Launcher \nor \nClick No Continue", "GameLauncher has Stopped, Failed To Connect To API", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); if (restartAppNoApis == DialogResult.No) { MessageBox.Show("Good Luck... \n No Really \n ...Good Luck", "GameLauncher Will Continue, When It Failed To Connect To API"); Log.Warning("PRE-CHECK: User has Bypassed 'No Internet Connection' Check and Will Continue"); } if (restartAppNoApis == DialogResult.Yes) { Process.GetProcessById(Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id).Kill(); } } ServerListUpdater.GetList(); CDNListUpdater.GetList(); LauncherUpdateCheck.CheckAvailability(); if (!DetectLinux.LinuxDetected()) { //Install Custom Root Certificate CertificateStore.Check(); if (!File.Exists("GameLauncherUpdater.exe")) { Log.Info("LAUNCHER UPDATER: Starting GameLauncherUpdater downloader"); try { using (WebClient wc = new WebClient()) { wc.DownloadFileCompleted += (object sender, AsyncCompletedEventArgs e) => { if (new FileInfo("GameLauncherUpdater.exe").Length == 0) { File.Delete("GameLauncherUpdater.exe"); } }; wc.DownloadFile(new Uri(""), "GameLauncherUpdater.exe"); } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error("LAUCHER UPDATER: Failed to download updater. " + ex.Message); } } else if (File.Exists("GameLauncherUpdater.exe")) { String GameLauncherUpdaterLocation = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "GameLauncherUpdater.exe"); var LauncherUpdaterBuild = FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(GameLauncherUpdaterLocation); var LauncherUpdaterBuildNumber = LauncherUpdaterBuild.FileVersion; var UpdaterBuildNumberResult = LauncherUpdaterBuildNumber.CompareTo(LatestUpdaterBuildVersion); Log.Build("LAUNCHER UPDATER BUILD: GameLauncherUpdater " + LauncherUpdaterBuildNumber); if (UpdaterBuildNumberResult < 0) { Log.Info("LAUNCHER UPDATER: " + UpdaterBuildNumberResult + " Builds behind latest Updater!"); } else { Log.Info("LAUNCHER UPDATER: Latest GameLauncherUpdater!"); } if (UpdaterBuildNumberResult < 0) { Log.Info("LAUNCHER UPDATER: Downloading New GameLauncherUpdater.exe"); File.Delete("GameLauncherUpdater.exe"); try { using (WebClient wc = new WebClient()) { wc.DownloadFile(new Uri(""), "GameLauncherUpdater.exe"); } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error("LAUNCHER UPDATER: Failed to download new updater. " + ex.Message); } } } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(FileSettingsSave.GameInstallation)) { var linksPath = Path.Combine(FileSettingsSave.GameInstallation + "\\.links"); ModNetLinksCleanup.CleanLinks(linksPath); } Log.Info("PROXY: Starting Proxy"); ServerProxy.Instance.Start(); Log.Visuals("CORE: Starting MainScreen"); Application.Run(new MainScreen()); }
private static void DoRunChecks(Arguments args) { /* Splash Screen */ if (!Debugger.IsAttached && !DetectLinux.LinuxDetected()) { _SplashScreen = new Thread(new ThreadStart(SplashScreen)); _SplashScreen.Start(); } File.Delete("communication.log"); File.Delete("launcher.log"); Log.StartLogging(); if (!DetectLinux.LinuxDetected()) { //Check if User has .NETFramework 4.6.2 or later Installed const string subkey = @"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full\"; using (var ndpKey = RegistryKey.OpenBaseKey(RegistryHive.LocalMachine, RegistryView.Registry32).OpenSubKey(subkey)) { if (ndpKey != null && ndpKey.GetValue("Release") != null && (int)ndpKey.GetValue("Release") >= 394802) { /* Check Up to Date Certificate Status */ try { WebClient update_data = new WebClient(); update_data.CancelAsync(); update_data.Headers.Add("user-agent", "GameLauncher " + Application.ProductVersion + " (+"); update_data.DownloadStringAsync(new Uri("")); update_data.DownloadStringCompleted += (sender, e) => { JsonRootCA API = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <JsonRootCA>(e.Result); if (API.CN != null) { Log.Info("CERTIFICATE STORE: Setting Common Name -> " + API.CN); CertificateStore.RootCACommonName = API.CN; } if (API.Subject != null) { Log.Info("CERTIFICATE STORE: Setting Subject Name -> " + API.Subject); CertificateStore.RootCASubjectName = API.Subject; } if (API.Ids != null) { foreach (IdsModel entries in API.Ids) { if (entries.Serial != null) { Log.Info("CERTIFICATE STORE: Setting Serial Number -> " + entries.Serial); CertificateStore.RootCASerial = entries.Serial; } } } if (API.File != null) { foreach (FileModel entries in API.File) { if (entries.Name != null) { Log.Info("CERTIFICATE STORE: Setting Root CA File Name -> " + entries.Name); CertificateStore.RootCAFileName = entries.Name; } if (entries.Cer != null) { Log.Info("CERTIFICATE STORE: Setting Root CA File URL -> " + entries.Cer); CertificateStore.RootCAFileURL = entries.Cer; } } } }; } catch { Log.Error("CERTIFICATE STORE: Unable to Retrive Latest Certificate Information"); } } else { DialogResult frameworkError = MessageBox.Show(null, "This application requires one of the following versions of the .NET Framework:\n" + " .NETFramework, Version=v4.6.2 \n\nDo you want to install this .NET Framework version now?", "GameLauncher.exe - This application could not be started.", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Error); if (frameworkError == DialogResult.Yes) { Process.Start(""); } /* Close Splash Screen (Just in Case) */ if (IsSplashScreenLive == true) { _SplashScreen.Abort(); } Process.GetProcessById(Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id).Kill(); } } } FileSettingsSave.NullSafeSettings(); FileAccountSave.NullSafeAccount(); FunctionStatus.CurrentLanguage = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Name.Split('-')[0].ToUpper(); Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("en-US"); Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("en-US"); if (UriScheme.IsCommandLineArgumentsInstalled()) { UriScheme.InstallCommandLineArguments(Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.ExecutablePath), AppDomain.CurrentDomain.FriendlyName)); if (args.Parse != null) { new UriScheme(args.Parse); } } if (EnableInsider.ShouldIBeAnInsider() == true) { Log.Build("INSIDER: GameLauncher " + Application.ProductVersion + "_" + EnableInsider.BuildNumber()); } else { Log.Build("BUILD: GameLauncher " + Application.ProductVersion); } if (Properties.Settings.Default.IsRestarting) { Properties.Settings.Default.IsRestarting = false; Properties.Settings.Default.Save(); Thread.Sleep(3000); } if (!DetectLinux.LinuxDetected()) { //Windows Firewall Runner if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(FileSettingsSave.FirewallStatus)) { if (FirewallManager.IsServiceRunning == true && FirewallHelper.FirewallStatus() == true) { string nameOfLauncher = "SBRW - Game Launcher"; string localOfLauncher = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location; string nameOfUpdater = "SBRW - Game Launcher Updater"; string localOfUpdater = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "GameLauncherUpdater.exe"); string groupKeyLauncher = "Game Launcher for Windows"; string descriptionLauncher = "Soapbox Race World"; bool removeFirewallRule = false; bool firstTimeRun = false; if (FileSettingsSave.FirewallStatus == "Not Excluded" || FileSettingsSave.FirewallStatus == "Turned Off" || FileSettingsSave.FirewallStatus == "Service Stopped" || FileSettingsSave.FirewallStatus == "Unknown") { firstTimeRun = true; FileSettingsSave.FirewallStatus = "Excluded"; } else if (FileSettingsSave.FirewallStatus == "Reset") { removeFirewallRule = true; FileSettingsSave.FirewallStatus = "Not Excluded"; } //Inbound & Outbound FirewallHelper.DoesRulesExist(removeFirewallRule, firstTimeRun, nameOfLauncher, localOfLauncher, groupKeyLauncher, descriptionLauncher, FirewallProtocol.Any); FirewallHelper.DoesRulesExist(removeFirewallRule, firstTimeRun, nameOfUpdater, localOfUpdater, groupKeyLauncher, descriptionLauncher, FirewallProtocol.Any); //This Removes the Game File Exe From Firewall //To Find the one that Adds the Exe To Firewall -> Search for `OnDownloadFinished()` string CurrentGameFilesExePath = Path.Combine(FileSettingsSave.GameInstallation + "\\nfsw.exe"); if (File.Exists(CurrentGameFilesExePath) && removeFirewallRule == true) { string nameOfGame = "SBRW - Game"; string localOfGame = CurrentGameFilesExePath; string groupKeyGame = "Need for Speed: World"; string descriptionGame = groupKeyGame; //Inbound & Outbound FirewallHelper.DoesRulesExist(removeFirewallRule, firstTimeRun, nameOfGame, localOfGame, groupKeyGame, descriptionGame, FirewallProtocol.Any); } } else if (FirewallManager.IsServiceRunning == true && FirewallHelper.FirewallStatus() == false) { FileSettingsSave.FirewallStatus = "Turned Off"; } else { FileSettingsSave.FirewallStatus = "Service Stopped"; } FileSettingsSave.SaveSettings(); } } Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(true); /* Set Launcher Directory */ Log.Info("CORE: Setting up current directory: " + Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.ExecutablePath)); Directory.SetCurrentDirectory(Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.ExecutablePath)); if (!DetectLinux.LinuxDetected()) { Log.Info("CORE: Checking current directory"); switch (FunctionStatus.CheckFolder(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory())) { case FolderType.IsTempFolder: case FolderType.IsUsersFolders: case FolderType.IsProgramFilesFolder: case FolderType.IsWindowsFolder: case FolderType.IsRootFolder: String constructMsg = String.Empty; constructMsg += "Bu Dizinde NFS World Dosyaları Yok.\nLütfen Bu Başlatıcı Dosyalarını oyunun Dosyalarının Olduğu dizine atın NOT:\n\n"; constructMsg += "• X:\\ (Anadizin, veya C:\\ ve D:\\)\n"; constructMsg += "• C:\\Program Files\n"; constructMsg += "• C:\\Program Files (x86)\n"; constructMsg += "• C:\\Kullanıcı ('Masaüstü' veya 'Belgeler')\n"; constructMsg += "• C:\\Windows\n\n"; constructMsg += "Dizinlerine Kurmayınız!"; MessageBox.Show(null, constructMsg, "NFSTR.Com Başlatıcı", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); Environment.Exit(0); break; } if (!FunctionStatus.HasWriteAccessToFolder(Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.ExecutablePath))) { MessageBox.Show("Bu Uygulama Admin Yetkileri Gerektirir"); } //Update this text file if a new GameLauncherUpdater.exe has been delployed - DavidCarbon try { try { switch (APIStatusChecker.CheckStatus("")) { case APIStatus.Online: WebClient update_data = new WebClient(); update_data.CancelAsync(); update_data.Headers.Add("user-agent", "GameLauncher " + Application.ProductVersion + " (+"); update_data.DownloadStringAsync(new Uri("")); update_data.DownloadStringCompleted += (sender, e) => { GitHubRelease GHAPI = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <GitHubRelease>(e.Result); if (GHAPI.TagName != null) { Log.Info("LAUNCHER UPDATER: Setting Latest Version -> " + GHAPI.TagName); LatestUpdaterBuildVersion = GHAPI.TagName; } Log.Info("LAUNCHER UPDATER: Latest Version -> " + LatestUpdaterBuildVersion); }; break; default: Log.Error("LAUNCHER UPDATER: Failed to Retrive Latest Updater Information from GitHub"); break; } } catch { var GetLatestUpdaterBuildVersion = new WebClient().DownloadString(URLs.secondstaticapiserver + "/Version.txt"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(GetLatestUpdaterBuildVersion)) { Log.Info("LAUNCHER UPDATER: Setting Latest Version -> " + GetLatestUpdaterBuildVersion); LatestUpdaterBuildVersion = GetLatestUpdaterBuildVersion; } } Log.Info("LAUNCHER UPDATER: Fail Safe Latest Version -> " + LatestUpdaterBuildVersion); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error("LAUNCHER UPDATER: Failed to get new version file: " + ex.Message); } } if (!DetectLinux.LinuxDetected()) { //Windows 7 Fix if (WindowsProductVersion.GetWindowsNumber() == 6.1 && (string.IsNullOrEmpty(FileSettingsSave.Win7UpdatePatches))) { if (ManagementSearcher.GetInstalledHotFix("KB3020369") == false || ManagementSearcher.GetInstalledHotFix("KB3125574") == false) { String messageBoxPopupKB = String.Empty; messageBoxPopupKB = "Hey Windows 7 User, we've detected a potential issue of some missing Updates that are required.\n"; messageBoxPopupKB += "We found that these Windows Update packages are showing as not installed:\n\n"; if (ManagementSearcher.GetInstalledHotFix("KB3020369") == false) { messageBoxPopupKB += "- Update KB3020369\n"; } if (ManagementSearcher.GetInstalledHotFix("KB3125574") == false) { messageBoxPopupKB += "- Update KB3125574\n"; } messageBoxPopupKB += "\nAditionally, we must add a value to the registry:\n"; messageBoxPopupKB += "- HKLM/SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/Control/SecurityProviders\n/SCHANNEL/Protocols/TLS 1.2/Client\n"; messageBoxPopupKB += "- Value: DisabledByDefault -> 0\n\n"; messageBoxPopupKB += "Would you like to add those values?"; DialogResult replyPatchWin7 = MessageBox.Show(null, messageBoxPopupKB, "SBRW Launcher", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); if (replyPatchWin7 == DialogResult.Yes) { RegistryKey key = Registry.LocalMachine.CreateSubKey(@"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\SCHANNEL\Protocols\TLS 1.2\Client"); key.SetValue("DisabledByDefault", 0x0); MessageBox.Show(null, "Registry option set, Remember that the changes may require a system reboot to take effect", "SBRW Launcher", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); FileSettingsSave.Win7UpdatePatches = "1"; } else { MessageBox.Show(null, "Roger that, There may be some issues connecting to the servers.", "SBRW Launcher", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); FileSettingsSave.Win7UpdatePatches = "0"; } FileSettingsSave.SaveSettings(); } } if (!RedistributablePackage.IsInstalled(RedistributablePackageVersion.VC2015to2019x86)) { var result = MessageBox.Show( "You do not have the 32-bit 2015-2019 VC++ Redistributable Package installed.\n \nThis will install in the Background\n \nThis may restart your computer. \n \nClick OK to install it.", "Compatibility", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); if (result != DialogResult.OK) { MessageBox.Show("The game will not be started.", "Compatibility", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } var wc = new WebClient(); wc.DownloadFile("", "VC_redist.x86.exe"); var proc = Process.Start(new ProcessStartInfo { Verb = "runas", Arguments = "/quiet", FileName = "VC_redist.x86.exe" }); if (proc == null) { MessageBox.Show("Failed to run package installer. The game will not be started.", "Compatibility", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } } if (Environment.Is64BitOperatingSystem == true) { if (!RedistributablePackage.IsInstalled(RedistributablePackageVersion.VC2015to2019x64)) { var result = MessageBox.Show( "You do not have the 64-bit 2015-2019 VC++ Redistributable Package installed.\n \nThis will install in the Background\n \nThis may restart your computer. \n \nClick OK to install it.", "Compatibility", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); if (result != DialogResult.OK) { MessageBox.Show("The game will not be started.", "Compatibility", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } var wc = new WebClient(); wc.DownloadFile("", "VC_redist.x64.exe"); var proc = Process.Start(new ProcessStartInfo { Verb = "runas", Arguments = "/quiet", FileName = "VC_redist.x64.exe" }); if (proc == null) { MessageBox.Show("Failed to run package installer. The game will not be started.", "Compatibility", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } } } } Console.WriteLine("Application path: " + Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.ExecutablePath)); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(FileSettingsSave.GameInstallation)) { if (!FunctionStatus.HasWriteAccessToFolder(FileSettingsSave.GameInstallation)) { MessageBox.Show("This application requires admin priviledge. Restarting..."); } } //StaticConfiguration.DisableErrorTraces = false; if (!File.Exists("servers.json")) { try { File.WriteAllText("servers.json", "[]"); } catch { /* ignored */ } } if (Properties.Settings.Default.IsRestarting) { Properties.Settings.Default.IsRestarting = false; Properties.Settings.Default.Save(); Thread.Sleep(3000); } Theming.CheckIfThemeExists(); /* Check If Launcher Failed to Connect to any APIs */ if (VisualsAPIChecker.WOPLAPI == false) { DialogResult restartAppNoApis = MessageBox.Show(null, "There's no internet connection, Launcher might crash \n \nClick Yes to Close Launcher \nor \nClick No Continue", "GameLauncher has Stopped, Failed To Connect To API", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); if (restartAppNoApis == DialogResult.No) { MessageBox.Show("Good Luck... \n No Really \n ...Good Luck", "GameLauncher Will Continue, When It Failed To Connect To API"); Log.Warning("PRE-CHECK: User has Bypassed 'No Internet Connection' Check and Will Continue"); } if (restartAppNoApis == DialogResult.Yes) { /* Close Splash Screen (Just in Case) */ if (IsSplashScreenLive == true) { _SplashScreen.Abort(); } Process.GetProcessById(Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id).Kill(); } } LanguageListUpdater.GetList(); LauncherUpdateCheck.CheckAvailability(); if (!DetectLinux.LinuxDetected()) { //Install Custom Root Certificate CertificateStore.Check(); if (!File.Exists("GameLauncherUpdater.exe")) { Log.Info("LAUNCHER UPDATER: Starting GameLauncherUpdater downloader"); try { using (WebClient wc = new WebClient()) { wc.DownloadFileCompleted += (object sender, AsyncCompletedEventArgs e) => { if (new FileInfo("GameLauncherUpdater.exe").Length == 0) { File.Delete("GameLauncherUpdater.exe"); } }; wc.DownloadFile(new Uri(""), "GameLauncherUpdater.exe"); } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error("LAUCHER UPDATER: Failed to download updater. " + ex.Message); } } else if (File.Exists("GameLauncherUpdater.exe")) { String GameLauncherUpdaterLocation = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "GameLauncherUpdater.exe"); var LauncherUpdaterBuild = FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(GameLauncherUpdaterLocation); var LauncherUpdaterBuildNumber = LauncherUpdaterBuild.FileVersion; var UpdaterBuildNumberResult = LauncherUpdaterBuildNumber.CompareTo(LatestUpdaterBuildVersion); Log.Build("LAUNCHER UPDATER BUILD: GameLauncherUpdater " + LauncherUpdaterBuildNumber); if (UpdaterBuildNumberResult < 0) { Log.Info("LAUNCHER UPDATER: " + UpdaterBuildNumberResult + " Builds behind latest Updater!"); } else { Log.Info("LAUNCHER UPDATER: Latest GameLauncherUpdater!"); } if (UpdaterBuildNumberResult < 0) { Log.Info("LAUNCHER UPDATER: Downloading New GameLauncherUpdater.exe"); File.Delete("GameLauncherUpdater.exe"); try { using (WebClient wc = new WebClient()) { wc.DownloadFile(new Uri(""), "GameLauncherUpdater.exe"); } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error("LAUNCHER UPDATER: Failed to download new updater. " + ex.Message); } } } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(FileSettingsSave.GameInstallation)) { var linksPath = Path.Combine(FileSettingsSave.GameInstallation + "\\.links"); ModNetLinksCleanup.CleanLinks(linksPath); } /* Check Permission for Launcher Folder and File it Self */ FileORFolderPermissions.CheckLauncherPerms("Folder", Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory)); Log.Info("PROXY: Starting Proxy"); ServerProxy.Instance.Start(); /* Check ServerList Status */ if (FunctionStatus.ServerListStatus != "Loaded") { ServerListUpdater.GetList(); } /* Close Splash Screen */ if (IsSplashScreenLive == true) { _SplashScreen.Abort(); } Log.Visuals("CORE: Starting MainScreen"); Application.Run(new MainScreen()); }
private void DebugScreen_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { data.AutoGenerateColumns = true; string Antivirus = String.Empty; string Firewall = String.Empty; string AntiSpyware = String.Empty; if (!UnixOS.Detected()) { try { Antivirus = (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(SecurityCenter("AntiVirusProduct"))) ? "---" : SecurityCenter("AntiVirusProduct"); Firewall = (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(SecurityCenter("FirewallProduct"))) ? "Built-In" : SecurityCenter("FirewallProduct"); AntiSpyware = (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(SecurityCenter("AntiSpywareProduct"))) ? "---" : SecurityCenter("AntiSpywareProduct"); } catch { Antivirus = "Unknown"; Firewall = "Unknown"; AntiSpyware = "Unknown"; } } string UpdateSkip; if (FileSettingsSave.IgnoreVersion == Application.ProductVersion || FileSettingsSave.IgnoreVersion == String.Empty) { UpdateSkip = "False"; } else { UpdateSkip = FileSettingsSave.IgnoreVersion; } string StreamOpt; if (FileSettingsSave.StreamingSupport == "0") { StreamOpt = "Displaying Timer"; } else { StreamOpt = "Native (Timer Removed)"; } string ThemeOpt; if (FileSettingsSave.ThemeSupport == "0") { ThemeOpt = "Disabled"; } else { ThemeOpt = "Enabled"; } string InsiderOpt; if (FileSettingsSave.Insider == "0") { InsiderOpt = "Release Only"; } else { InsiderOpt = "Insider Opt-In"; } /* Used to calculate remaining Free Space on the Game Installed Drive */ ulong lpFreeBytesAvailable = 0; if (!UnixOS.Detected()) { try { Kernel32.GetDiskFreeSpaceEx(FileSettingsSave.GameInstallation, out lpFreeBytesAvailable, out ulong lpTotalNumberOfBytes, out ulong lpTotalNumberOfFreeBytes); } catch (Exception Error) { LogToFileAddons.OpenLog("Debug", null, Error, null, true); } } var settings = new List <ListType> { new ListType { Name = "Operating System", Value = (UnixOS.Detected())? UnixOS.FullName() : Environment.OSVersion.VersionString }, new ListType { Name = "Environment Version", Value = Environment.OSVersion.Version.ToString() }, new ListType { Name = "Screen Resolution", Value = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width + "x" + Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height + " (Primary Display)" }, new ListType { Name = "", Value = "" }, new ListType { Name = "InstallationDirectory", Value = FileSettingsSave.GameInstallation }, new ListType { Name = "Launcher Version", Value = Application.ProductVersion }, new ListType { Name = "Credentials Saved", Value = (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(FileAccountSave.UserHashedPassword)) ? "True" : "False" }, new ListType { Name = "Language", Value = FileSettingsSave.Lang }, new ListType { Name = "Skipping Update", Value = UpdateSkip }, new ListType { Name = "Proxy Enabled", Value = ServerProxy.Running().ToString() }, new ListType { Name = "RPC Enabled", Value = DiscordLauncherPresence.Running().ToString() }, new ListType { Name = "Catpure Support", Value = StreamOpt }, new ListType { Name = "Theme Support", Value = ThemeOpt }, new ListType { Name = "Insider State", Value = InsiderOpt }, new ListType { Name = "", Value = "" }, new ListType { Name = "Server Name", Value = ServerListUpdater.ServerName("Debug") }, new ListType { Name = "Server Address", Value = InformationCache.SelectedServerData.IPAddress }, new ListType { Name = "CDN Address", Value = FileSettingsSave.CDN }, new ListType { Name = "ProxyPort", Value = ServerProxy.ProxyPort.ToString() }, new ListType { Name = "Client Method", Value = FileSettingsSave.WebCallMethod }, new ListType { Name = "", Value = "" }, }; if (!UnixOS.Detected()) { DriveInfo driveInfo = new DriveInfo(FileSettingsSave.GameInstallation); settings.AddRange(new[] { new ListType { Name = "Antivirus", Value = Antivirus }, new ListType { Name = "Firewall Application", Value = Firewall }, new ListType { Name = "Firewall Rule - Launcher", Value = FileSettingsSave.FirewallLauncherStatus }, new ListType { Name = "Firewall Rule - Game", Value = FileSettingsSave.FirewallGameStatus }, new ListType { Name = "AntiSpyware", Value = AntiSpyware }, new ListType { Name = "", Value = "" }, new ListType { Name = "CPU", Value = HardwareInfo.CPU.CPUName() }, new ListType { Name = "RAM", Value = HardwareInfo.RAM.SysMem() + " MB" }, new ListType { Name = "GPU", Value = HardwareInfo.GPU.CardName() }, new ListType { Name = "GPU Driver", Value = HardwareInfo.GPU.DriverVersion() }, new ListType { Name = "Disk Space Left", Value = FormatFileSize(lpFreeBytesAvailable) }, new ListType { Name = "Disk Type", Value = driveInfo.DriveFormat }, new ListType { Name = "", Value = "" } }); } settings.AddRange(new[] { new ListType { Name = "HWID", Value = HardwareID.FingerPrint.Level_One_Value() }, }); data.DataSource = settings; DataGridViewCellStyle style = new DataGridViewCellStyle { Font = new Font(data.Font, FontStyle.Regular) }; data.Columns[0].DefaultCellStyle = style; data.Columns[0].Width += 50; int size_x = 512; int size_y = 640; data.ColumnHeadersHeightSizeMode = DataGridViewColumnHeadersHeightSizeMode.AutoSize; this.Size = new Size(size_x, size_y); }
static void Main() { Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); if (NFSW.IsNFSWRunning()) { if (NFSW.DetectGameProcess()) { MessageBox.Show(null, "An instance of Need for Speed: World is already running", UserAgent.AgentAltName, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); } else { MessageBox.Show(null, "An instance of SBRW Launcher is already running.", UserAgent.AgentAltName, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } Process.GetProcessById(Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id).Kill(); } else { var mutex = new Mutex(false, UserAgent.AgentName); try { if (mutex.WaitOne(0, false)) { if (!File.Exists("nfsw.exe")) { MessageBox.Show("nfsw.exe not found! Please put this launcher in the game directory. " + "If you don't have the game installed, Use the Vanilla Launcher to install it (visit", UserAgent.AgentAltName, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); Process.GetProcessById(Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id).Kill(); } else { if (!canAccesGameData()) { MessageBox.Show("This application requires admin priviledge. Restarting..."); runAsAdmin(); return; } if (SHA.HashFile("nfsw.exe") != "7C0D6EE08EB1EDA67D5E5087DDA3762182CDE4AC") { MessageBox.Show("Invalid file was detected, please restore original nfsw.exe", UserAgent.AgentAltName, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } else { if (File.Exists(".links")) { var linksPath = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\.links"); ModNetLinksCleanup.CleanLinks(linksPath); } ServicePointManager.Expect100Continue = true; ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol |= SecurityProtocolType.Ssl3 | SecurityProtocolType.Tls | SecurityProtocolType.Tls11 | SecurityProtocolType.Tls12; ServerListUpdater.GetList(); Application.Run(new Form1()); } } } else { MessageBox.Show(null, "An instance of Launcher is already running.", UserAgent.AgentAltName, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } finally { mutex.Close(); } } }