public void TestClientBrand( string canonical_name, string localPath, string remoteFolderPath, string url, string user, string password, string repositoryId, string binding) { ServerCredentials credentials = new ServerCredentials() { Address = new Uri(url), Binding = binding, UserName = user, Password = password }; var underTest = new ClientBrand(credentials, repositoryId, remoteFolderPath); Assert.That(underTest.SetupServer(credentials), Is.True); foreach (string path in underTest.PathList) { DateTime date; Assert.That(underTest.GetFileDateTime(path, out date), Is.True); using (var stream = new MemoryStream()) { Assert.That(underTest.GetFile(path, stream), Is.True); Assert.That(stream.Length, Is.GreaterThan(0)); } } }
/// <summary>Check for current application updates.</summary> /// <param name="credentials">Server credentials for private repository updates.</param> /// <param name="status">Update check status event.</param> public static void CheckForUpdates(ServerCredentials credentials, Action <UpdateCheckStatus, string> status) { if (status is null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(status)); } Task.Run(async() => { try { var cts = new CancellationTokenSource(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30)); var lines = await DoCheckForUpdates(credentials, cts.Token, status); if (lines.Length == 1 && lines[0].ToLowerInvariant() == "uptodate") { status.Invoke(UpdateCheckStatus.UpToDate, string.Empty); return; } status.Invoke(UpdateCheckStatus.UpdatesAvailable, lines.Join("\n")); } catch (UpdateException e) { status.Invoke(e.Status, e.ToString()); } catch (Exception e) { status.Invoke(UpdateCheckStatus.Error, e.ToString()); } }); }
private async Task EnsureConnectUser(ServerCredentials credentials, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { if (ConnectUser != null && string.Equals(ConnectUser.Id, credentials.ConnectUserId, StringComparison.Ordinal)) { return; } ConnectUser = null; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(credentials.ConnectUserId) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(credentials.ConnectAccessToken)) { try { ConnectUser = await _connectService.GetConnectUser(new ConnectUserQuery { Id = credentials.ConnectUserId }, credentials.ConnectAccessToken, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false); OnConnectUserSignIn(ConnectUser); } catch { // Already logged at lower levels } } }
public void CreateMultipleServerCredentialsBasedOnTheGivenOne() { var userName = "******"; var originalUrl = ""; var password = new Password(Guid.NewGuid().ToString()); var originalCredentials = new ServerCredentials { Address = new Uri(originalUrl), Password = password, Binding = BindingType.Browser, UserName = userName }; var list = originalCredentials.CreateFuzzyCredentials(); Assert.That(list, Is.Not.Null); Assert.That(list, Is.Not.Empty); Assert.That(list.First().Credentials, Is.EqualTo(originalCredentials)); Assert.That(list[1].Credentials.Address.ToString(), Is.EqualTo(originalCredentials.Address.ToString())); Assert.That(list[1].Credentials.Binding, Is.Not.EqualTo(originalCredentials.Binding)); foreach (var entry in list) { Assert.That(entry.Credentials.Password.ToString(), Is.EqualTo(password.ToString())); Assert.That(entry.Credentials.UserName, Is.EqualTo(userName)); Console.WriteLine(entry); } }
public ActionResult Index() { if (Request.IsAuthenticated) { try { var serverCredentials = new ServerCredentials().GetServerCredentials(User.Identity.Name); return(View(new MapView { ServerUp = new MineStat(serverCredentials.IP, (ushort)serverCredentials.Port).ServerUp, MapUrl = serverCredentials.MapUrl })); } catch (Exception e) { return(ViewBag.Error = e.Message); } } else { return(Redirect("~/Account/Login")); } }
private async Task <bool> SaveServerCreds(ServerCredentials configuration) { var tsc = new TaskCompletionSource <bool>(); Deployment.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(async() => { await Lock.WaitAsync(); try { var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(configuration); await _storageService.WriteAllTextAsync(Constants.Settings.ServerCredentialSettings, json).ConfigureAwait(false); } finally { Lock.Release(); } Debug.WriteLine("SaveCreds, Server count: " + (configuration != null && configuration.Servers != null ? configuration.Servers.Count : 0)); tsc.SetResult(true); }); return(await tsc.Task); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="RemoteStorageClient"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name="address">Server address.</param> /// <param name="streaming">Data transfer via WCF Streaming.</param> public RemoteStorageClient(Uri address, bool streaming = true) : base(address, "remoteStorage") { _streaming = streaming; Credentials = new ServerCredentials(); SecurityBatchSize = 1000; }
//[ValidateAntiForgeryToken] public async Task <ActionResult> ServerCredentials(ServerCredentials model) { using (var context = new ApplicationDbContext()) { if (context.Set <ServerCredentials>().Any(x => x.Name == model.Name)) { context.Entry(model).State = EntityState.Modified; } else { context.Entry(model).State = EntityState.Added; } try { await context.SaveChangesAsync(); } catch { RedirectToAction("Index", new { Message = ManageMessageId.SaveError }); } } return(RedirectToAction("Index", new { Message = ManageMessageId.Saved })); }
public void Login(ServerCredentials.LoginData loginData) { UserConfiguration userConfig = null; if (loginData != null) { while (loginData != null && userConfig == null) { userConfig = UserManagement.TokenLogin(loginData.Token); if (userConfig == null) { logger.Warn(String_Functions.UppercaseFirst(loginData.Username) + " Failed to Login... Retrying in 5 seconds"); Thread.Sleep(5000); loginData = ServerCredentials.Read(); } } if (userConfig != null) { logger.Info(String_Functions.UppercaseFirst(userConfig.Username) + " Logged in Successfully"); } } CurrentUser = userConfig; }
public string CallRcon(string commandRcon, ServerCredentials serverCredentials) { var answer = ""; try { using (var rcon = RCONClient.INSTANCE) { if (serverCredentials != null) { rcon.setupStream(serverCredentials.IP, serverCredentials.RconPort, password: serverCredentials.Password); answer = rcon.sendMessage(RCONMessageType.Command, commandRcon).RemoveColorCodes(); if (rcon.isInit == false) { answer = "Error: Server is offline!"; } else if (rcon.ErrorMsg.Length > 0) { answer = rcon.ErrorMsg; } } else { answer = "Error: Configure connection!"; } } } catch (Exception ex) { answer = ex.Message; } return(answer); }
private void SetCredentials(ServerCredentials credentials = null) { var serverCredentials = credentials ?? new ServerCredentials(); SettingsPanel.Login = serverCredentials.Login; SettingsPanel.Password = serverCredentials.Password; }
/// <nodoc/> internal void Start(int port, ServerServiceDefinition serverService) { var interceptor = new ServerInterceptor(m_loggingContext, m_invocationId); ServerCredentials serverCreds = null; if (GrpcSettings.EncryptionEnabled) { string certSubjectName = EngineEnvironmentSettings.CBBuildUserCertificateName; if (GrpcEncryptionUtil.TryGetPublicAndPrivateKeys(certSubjectName, out string publicCertificate, out string privateKey, out var _) && publicCertificate != null && privateKey != null) { serverCreds = new SslServerCredentials( new List <KeyCertificatePair> { new KeyCertificatePair(publicCertificate, privateKey) }, null, SslClientCertificateRequestType.DontRequest); Logger.Log.GrpcAuthTrace(m_loggingContext, $"Server-side SSL credentials is enabled."); } else { Logger.Log.GrpcAuthWarningTrace(m_loggingContext, $"Could not extract public certificate and private key from '{certSubjectName}'. Server will be started without ssl."); } }
public ActionResult Index() { if (Request.IsAuthenticated) { try { var credentials = new ServerCredentials(); var serverCredentials = credentials.GetServerCredentials(User.Identity.Name); if (serverCredentials == null) { serverCredentials = credentials.CreateStock(User.Identity.Name); } var mineStat = new MineStat(serverCredentials.IP, (ushort)serverCredentials.Port); var statusViewModel = new StatusViewModel(serverCredentials, mineStat); return(View(statusViewModel)); } catch (Exception ex) { ViewData["Error"] = "Error: " + ex.Message; return(Redirect("~/Account/Login")); } } else { return(Redirect("~/Account/Login")); } }
public ProcessResult Do(ServerCredentials server) { return _sshCommand.Do(server, string.Format(@"7z.exe -y x -o{0} ""{1}{2}""", _buildToolsDirectory, server.HomeDirectory, _buildToolsZip)); }
public static Server StartServer(IList <ServerServiceDefinition> services, ServerCredentials serverCredentials, string host, int basePort, int count, out int port) { UseConsoleVerboseLogger(); var options = new List <ChannelOption> { new ChannelOption(ChannelOptions.MaxSendMessageLength, int.MaxValue), new ChannelOption(ChannelOptions.MaxReceiveMessageLength, int.MaxValue), }; for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) { var server = new Server(options); foreach (var service in services) { server.Services.Add(service); } server.Ports.Add(host, basePort + i, serverCredentials); try { server.Start(); port = basePort + i; return(server); } catch (IOException ex) when(i < count - 1 && ex.Message.IndexOf("Failed to bind port", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) >= 0) { } } throw new InvalidOperationException($"Failed to start server at {host} using port range [{basePort}-{basePort+count})"); }
public async Task <ServerCredentials> GetServerCredentials() { if (_servers == null) { await _asyncLock.WaitAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); try { if (_servers == null) { try { _servers = _json.DeserializeFromFile <ServerCredentials>(Path); } catch (IOException) { _servers = new ServerCredentials(); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.ErrorException("Error reading saved credentials", ex); _servers = new ServerCredentials(); } } } finally { _asyncLock.Release(); } } return(_servers); }
public ClientBrand(ServerCredentials credentials, string repositoryId, string remoteFolderPath) { Dictionary <string, string> parameters = CmisUtils.GetCmisParameters(credentials); ISessionFactory factory = SessionFactory.NewInstance(); IList <IRepository> repos = factory.GetRepositories(parameters); foreach (IRepository repo in repos) { if (repo.Id == repositoryId) { this.repository = repo; this.repoName = repo.Name; } } if (this.repository == null) { throw new ArgumentException("No such repository for " + repositoryId); } this.session = this.repository.CreateSession(); this.folder = this.session.GetObjectByPath(remoteFolderPath) as IFolder; if (this.folder == null) { throw new ArgumentException("No such folder for " + remoteFolderPath); } foreach (string name in this.nameList) { this.pathList.Add((remoteFolderPath + "/" + name).Replace("//", "/")); } this.DeleteFiles(); this.CreateFiles(); }
/// <summary> /// Check if the CMIS server holds the client brand files /// </summary> /// <param name="credentials"></param> /// <returns>Whether the CMIS server holds the client brand files</returns> public bool TestServer(ServerCredentials credentials) { IRepository repo = this.GetRepo(credentials); if (repo == null) { return(false); } try { ISession session = repo.CreateSession(); foreach (string path in this.PathList) { try { IDocument doc = session.GetObjectByPath(path) as IDocument; if (doc == null) { return(false); } } catch (CmisObjectNotFoundException e) { Logger.Debug(e.ErrorContent, e); return(false); } } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.Debug(e.Message, e); return(false); } return(true); }
public void GetRepositoriesTroughProxy( string cmisServerUrl, string cmisUser, string cmisPassword, string proxyUrl, string proxyUser, string proxyPassword) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(proxyUrl)) { Assert.Ignore(); } ServerCredentials credentials = new ServerCredentials { Address = new Uri(cmisServerUrl), UserName = cmisUser, Password = cmisPassword }; ProxySettings proxySettings = new ProxySettings(); proxySettings.Selection = string.IsNullOrEmpty(cmisServerUrl) ? ProxySelection.NOPROXY : ProxySelection.CUSTOM; proxySettings.Server = new Uri(proxyUrl); proxySettings.LoginRequired = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(proxyUser); if (proxySettings.LoginRequired) { proxySettings.Username = proxyUser; proxySettings.ObfuscatedPassword = Crypto.Obfuscate(proxyPassword); } HttpProxyUtils.SetDefaultProxy(proxySettings, true); Assert.That(credentials.GetRepositories(), Is.Not.Empty); }
void ICredentialsProvider.Save(ServerCredentials credentials) { if (credentials is null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(credentials)); } lock (this) { var clone = credentials.Clone(); if (!clone.AutoLogon) { clone.Password = null; } Directory.CreateDirectory(Paths.CompanyPath); var file = Path.Combine(Paths.CompanyPath, _credentialsFile); clone.Save().Serialize(file); _credentials = clone; } }
public static void Main(string[] args) { ServerCredentials serverCredentials = null; var securityOption = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("GREETER_SERVER_SECURITY"); switch (securityOption) { case "insecure": serverCredentials = ServerCredentials.Insecure; break; case "tls": serverCredentials = CreateSslServerCredentials(mutualTls: false); break; case "mtls": serverCredentials = CreateSslServerCredentials(mutualTls: true); break; default: throw new ArgumentException("Illegal security option."); } Console.WriteLine("Starting server with security: " + securityOption); Server server = new Server() { Services = { Greeter.BindService(new GreeterImpl()) }, Ports = { new ServerPort("", Port, serverCredentials) }, }; server.Start(); Console.WriteLine("Started server on port " + Port); server.ShutdownTask.Wait(); }
// ReSharper restore InconsistentlySynchronizedField bool ICredentialsProvider.TryLoad(out ServerCredentials credentials) { lock (this) { if (_credentials != null) { credentials = _credentials.Clone(); return(IsValid); } var file = Path.Combine(Paths.CompanyPath, _credentialsFile); credentials = null; try { if (File.Exists(file) || File.Exists(file.MakeLegacy())) { credentials = new ServerCredentials(); credentials.LoadIfNotNull(file.DeserializeWithMigration <SettingsStorage>()); _credentials = credentials.Clone(); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.LogError(); } return(IsValid); } }
public void GetRepositories( string canonical_name, string localPath, string remoteFolderPath, string url, string user, string password, string repositoryId, string binding) { ServerCredentials credentials = new ServerCredentials() { Address = new Uri(url), Binding = binding, UserName = user, Password = password }; var repos = credentials.GetRepositories(); Assert.That(repos, Is.Not.Null.Or.Empty); foreach (var repo in repos) { Assert.That(string.IsNullOrEmpty(repo.Id), Is.False); Assert.That(string.IsNullOrEmpty(repo.Name), Is.False); Console.WriteLine(repo.ToString()); } }
public void GetRepositories( string canonical_name, string localPath, string remoteFolderPath, string url, string user, string password, string repositoryId) { ServerCredentials credentials = new ServerCredentials() { Address = new Uri(url), UserName = user, Password = password }; Dictionary <string, string> repos = CmisUtils.GetRepositories(credentials); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> pair in repos) { Assert.That(string.IsNullOrEmpty(pair.Key), Is.False); Assert.That(string.IsNullOrEmpty(pair.Value), Is.False); } Assert.NotNull(repos); }
public static List <LoginCredentials> CreateFuzzyCredentials(this ServerCredentials normalCredentials) { var result = new List <LoginCredentials>(); result.Add(new LoginCredentials { Credentials = normalCredentials }); result.Add(new LoginCredentials { Credentials = new ServerCredentials { Address = new Uri(normalCredentials.Address.ToString()), Password = new Password(normalCredentials.Password.ToString()), Binding = normalCredentials.Binding == BindingType.AtomPub ? BindingType.Browser : BindingType.AtomPub, UserName = normalCredentials.UserName } }); string[] bindings = { BindingType.Browser, BindingType.AtomPub }; string[] browserSuffixes = { "/cmis/browser" }; string[] atompubSuffixes = { "/cmis/atom11", "/cmis/atom" }; // Extract protocol and server name or IP address string prefix = normalCredentials.Address.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority); string[][] suffixes = { browserSuffixes, atompubSuffixes }; for (int i = 0; i < bindings.Length; ++i) { // Create all suffixes for (int j = 0; j < suffixes[i].Length; ++j) { string fuzzyUrl = prefix + suffixes[i][j]; result.Add(new LoginCredentials { Credentials = new ServerCredentials { Address = new Uri(fuzzyUrl), Binding = bindings[i], UserName = normalCredentials.UserName, Password = new Password(normalCredentials.Password.ToString()) } }); } } return(result); }
public Task <ServerCredentials> GetServerCredentials() { if (cred == null) { cred = new ServerCredentials(); } return(Task.FromResult(cred)); }
public void DefaultConstructor() { var cred = new ServerCredentials(); Assert.IsNull(cred.Address); Assert.IsNull(cred.UserName); Assert.IsNull(cred.Password); }
void IPersistable.Load(SettingsStorage storage) { Id = storage.GetValue <string>("Id").To <Guid>(); Credentials = storage.GetValue <SettingsStorage>("Credentials").Load <ServerCredentials>(); UseLocal = storage.GetValue <bool>("UseLocal"); Path = storage.GetValue <string>("Path"); //IsAlphabetic = storage.GetValue<bool>("IsAlphabetic"); }
private static Grpc.Core.Server StartServer([NotNull] MicroserverArguments arguments, out IServiceHealth health) { // TODO: Move to ProSuite var healthService = new HealthServiceImpl(); health = null; // new ServiceHealth(healthService); int maxThreadCount = arguments.MaxParallel; if (maxThreadCount <= 0) { maxThreadCount = Environment.ProcessorCount - 1; } var taskScheduler = new StaTaskScheduler(maxThreadCount); var removeOverlapsServiceImpl = new RemoveOverlapsGrpcImpl(taskScheduler) { //Health = health }; var advancedReshapeServiceImpl = new AdvancedReshapeGrpcImpl(taskScheduler); var changeAlongServiceImpl = new ChangeAlongGrpcImpl(taskScheduler); //health.SetStatus(removeOverlapsServiceImpl.GetType(), true); ServerCredentials serverCredentials = GrpcServerUtils.GetServerCredentials(arguments.Certificate, arguments.PrivateKeyFile); var oneGb = (int)Math.Pow(1024, 3); IList <ChannelOption> channelOptions = GrpcServerUtils.CreateChannelOptions(oneGb); var server = new Grpc.Core.Server(channelOptions) { Services = { RemoveOverlapsGrpc.BindService(removeOverlapsServiceImpl), ReshapeGrpc.BindService(advancedReshapeServiceImpl), ChangeAlongGrpc.BindService(changeAlongServiceImpl) //Health.BindService(healthService) }, Ports = { new ServerPort(arguments.HostName, arguments.Port, serverCredentials) } }; server.Start(); _msg.InfoFormat("Service is listening on host {0}, port {1}.", arguments.HostName, arguments.Port); return(server); }
public DatabaseManagerServer(int port, BaseDatabase database, ServerCredentials credentials) { Database = database; Server = new Server { Services = { DatabaseService.BindService(new DatabaseServiceImplement(database)) }, Ports = { new ServerPort("localhost", port, credentials) } }; }
/// <summary> /// Save the credentials to <see cref="Paths.CompanyPath"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name="credentials">The class that contains a login and password to access the services .</param> public static void SaveCredentials(this ServerCredentials credentials) { if (credentials == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(credentials)); } credentials.SaveCredentials(credentials.AutoLogon); }
public ProcessResult Do(ServerCredentials server) { const string winscp = @"winscp\"; const string keyfile = @"Key.ppk"; var scpCmd = string.Format(@"{6}{0} /command ""open sftp://{1}@{2}:{3} -hostkey=""""{7}"""" -privatekey={6}{4}"" ""rm {5}"" ""put {6}{5}"" ""exit""", winscp, server.User, server.Host, server.Port, keyfile, _buildToolsZip, _buildToolsDirectory, server.HostKey); return _command.Do(scpCmd); }
public AgarioClient() { Console.WriteLine(BitConverter.IsLittleEndian); state = new WorldState(); credentials = Servers.GetFFAServer(); Console.WriteLine("Server {0}", credentials.Server); Console.WriteLine("Key {0}", credentials.Key); var uri = "ws://" + credentials.Server; Console.WriteLine(uri); ws = new WebSocket(uri); ws.Origin = ""; ws.OnOpen += OnOpen; ws.OnError += OnError; ws.OnMessage += OnMessageReceived; ws.OnClose += OnClose; ws.Connect(); }
public static ServerCredentials MakePostRequest(string postData) { //Maybe we could use webclient but I didn't succeed making a correctly formated application/x-www-form-urlencoded post request WebRequest request = WebRequest.Create(""); request.Method = "POST"; byte[] byteArray = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(postData); request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; request.ContentLength = byteArray.Length; Stream dataStream = request.GetRequestStream(); dataStream.Write(byteArray, 0, byteArray.Length); dataStream.Close(); WebResponse response = request.GetResponse(); Console.WriteLine(((HttpWebResponse)response).StatusDescription); dataStream = response.GetResponseStream(); StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(dataStream); string result = reader.ReadToEnd(); Console.WriteLine(result); var lines = result.Split('\n'); var output = new ServerCredentials{ Server = lines[0], Key = lines[1] }; reader.Close(); dataStream.Close(); response.Close(); return output; }
void ShowLoginPage() { Header = CmisSync.Properties_Resources.Where; Description = ""; AddressLabel = new NSTextField() { Alignment = NSTextAlignment.Left, BackgroundColor = NSColor.WindowBackground, Bordered = false, Editable = false, Frame = new RectangleF(190, 320, 196 + 196 + 16, 17), StringValue = Properties_Resources.EnterWebAddress, Font = UI.BoldFont }; AddressTextField = new NSTextField() { Frame = new RectangleF(190, 290, 196 + 196 + 16, 22), Font = UI.Font, Delegate = new TextFieldDelegate(), StringValue = (Controller.PreviousAddress == null || String.IsNullOrEmpty(Controller.PreviousAddress.ToString())) ? "https://" : Controller.PreviousAddress.ToString() }; AddressTextField.Cell.LineBreakMode = NSLineBreakMode.TruncatingHead; AddressHelpLabel = new NSTextField() { BackgroundColor = NSColor.WindowBackground, Bordered = false, TextColor = NSColor.DisabledControlText, Editable = false, Frame = new RectangleF(190, 265, 196 + 196 + 16, 17), Font = NSFontManager.SharedFontManager.FontWithFamily("Lucida Grande", NSFontTraitMask.Condensed, 0, 11), }; NSTextField UserLabel = new NSTextField() { Alignment = NSTextAlignment.Left, BackgroundColor = NSColor.WindowBackground, Font = UI.BoldFont, Bordered = false, Editable = false, Frame = new RectangleF(190, 230, 196, 17), StringValue = Properties_Resources.User }; NSTextField UserTextField = new NSTextField() { Font = UI.Font, StringValue = String.IsNullOrEmpty(Controller.saved_user) ? Environment.UserName : Controller.saved_user, Frame = new RectangleF(190, 200, 196, 22) }; UserTextField.Cell.LineBreakMode = NSLineBreakMode.TruncatingHead; PasswordLabel = new NSTextField() { Alignment = NSTextAlignment.Left, BackgroundColor = NSColor.WindowBackground, Bordered = false, Editable = false, Frame = new RectangleF(190 + 196 + 16, 230, 196, 17), StringValue = Properties_Resources.Password, Font = UI.BoldFont }; PasswordTextField = new NSSecureTextField() { Frame = new RectangleF(190 + 196 + 16, 200, 196, 22), Delegate = new TextFieldDelegate() }; WarningTextField = new NSTextField() { BackgroundColor = NSColor.WindowBackground, Bordered = false, TextColor = NSColor.Red, Editable = false, Frame = new RectangleF(190, 30, 196 + 196 + 16, 160), Font = NSFontManager.SharedFontManager.FontWithFamily("Lucida Grande", NSFontTraitMask.Condensed, 0, 11), }; WarningTextField.Cell.LineBreakMode = NSLineBreakMode.ByWordWrapping; ContinueButton = new NSButton() { Title = Properties_Resources.Continue, Enabled = false }; CancelButton = new NSButton() { Title = Properties_Resources.Cancel }; (AddressTextField.Delegate as TextFieldDelegate).StringValueChanged += CheckAddressTextField; ContinueButton.Activated += delegate { ServerCredentials credentials = null; InvokeOnMainThread(delegate { credentials = new ServerCredentials() { UserName = UserTextField.StringValue, Password = PasswordTextField.StringValue, Address = new Uri(AddressTextField.StringValue) }; ContinueButton.Enabled = false; CancelButton.Enabled = false; }); Thread check = new Thread(() => { Tuple<CmisServer, Exception> fuzzyResult = CmisUtils.GetRepositoriesFuzzy(credentials); CmisServer cmisServer = fuzzyResult.Item1; if (cmisServer != null) { Controller.repositories = cmisServer.Repositories; } else { Controller.repositories = null; } InvokeOnMainThread(delegate { if (Controller.repositories == null) { WarningTextField.StringValue = Controller.getConnectionsProblemWarning(fuzzyResult.Item1, fuzzyResult.Item2); ContinueButton.Enabled = true; CancelButton.Enabled = true; } else { Controller.Add1PageCompleted(cmisServer.Url, credentials.UserName, credentials.Password.ToString()); } }); }); check.Start(); }; CancelButton.Activated += delegate { Controller.PageCancelled(); }; ContentView.AddSubview(AddressLabel); ContentView.AddSubview(AddressTextField); ContentView.AddSubview(AddressHelpLabel); ContentView.AddSubview(UserLabel); ContentView.AddSubview(UserTextField); ContentView.AddSubview(PasswordLabel); ContentView.AddSubview(PasswordTextField); ContentView.AddSubview(WarningTextField); Buttons.Add(ContinueButton); Buttons.Add(CancelButton); Controller.CheckAddPage(AddressTextField.StringValue); }
private void ShowAdd1Page() { this.Present(); Header = CmisSync.Properties_Resources.Where; VBox layout_vertical = new VBox (false, 12); HBox layout_fields = new HBox (true, 12); VBox layout_address = new VBox (true, 0); HBox layout_address_help = new HBox(false, 3); VBox layout_user = new VBox (true, 0); VBox layout_password = new VBox (true, 0); // Address Label address_label = new Label() { UseMarkup = true, Xalign = 0, Markup = "<b>" + CmisSync.Properties_Resources.EnterWebAddress + "</b>" }; Entry address_entry = new Entry () { Text = (Controller.PreviousAddress == null || String.IsNullOrEmpty(Controller.PreviousAddress.ToString()))?"https://":Controller.PreviousAddress.ToString(), ActivatesDefault = false }; Label address_help_label = new Label() { Xalign = 0, UseMarkup = true, Markup = "<span foreground=\"#808080\" size=\"small\">" + CmisSync.Properties_Resources.Help + ": " + "</span>" }; EventBox address_help_urlbox = new EventBox(); Label address_help_urllabel = new Label() { Xalign = 0, UseMarkup = true, Markup = "<span foreground=\"blue\" underline=\"single\" size=\"small\">" + CmisSync.Properties_Resources.WhereToFind + "</span>" }; address_help_urlbox.Add(address_help_urllabel); address_help_urlbox.ButtonPressEvent += delegate(object o, ButtonPressEventArgs args) { Process process = new Process(); process.StartInfo.FileName = "xdg-open"; process.StartInfo.Arguments = ""; process.Start (); }; address_help_urlbox.EnterNotifyEvent += delegate(object o, EnterNotifyEventArgs args) { address_help_urlbox.GdkWindow.Cursor = hand_cursor; }; Label address_error_label = new Label() { Xalign = 0, UseMarkup = true, Markup = "" }; address_error_label.Hide(); // User Entry user_entry = new Entry () { Text = Controller.PreviousPath, ActivatesDefault = false }; if(String.IsNullOrEmpty(Controller.saved_user)) { user_entry.Text = Environment.UserName; } else { user_entry.Text = Controller.saved_user; } // Password Entry password_entry = new Entry () { Visibility = false, ActivatesDefault = true }; Controller.ChangeAddressFieldEvent += delegate (string text, string example_text) { Application.Invoke (delegate { address_entry.Text = text; }); }; Controller.ChangeUserFieldEvent += delegate (string text, string example_text) { Application.Invoke (delegate { user_entry.Text = text; }); }; Controller.ChangePasswordFieldEvent += delegate (string text, string example_text) { Application.Invoke (delegate { password_entry.Text = text; }); }; address_entry.Changed += delegate { string error = Controller.CheckAddPage(address_entry.Text); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(error)) { address_error_label.Markup = "<span foreground=\"red\">" + CmisSync.Properties_Resources.ResourceManager.GetString(error, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture) + "</span>"; address_error_label.Show(); } else { address_error_label.Hide(); } }; // Address layout_address_help.PackStart(address_help_label, false, false, 0); layout_address_help.PackStart(address_help_urlbox, false, false, 0); layout_address.PackStart (address_label, true, true, 0); layout_address.PackStart (address_entry, true, true, 0); layout_address.PackStart (layout_address_help, true, true, 0); // layout_address.PackStart (address_error_label, true, true, 0); // User layout_user.PackStart (new Label () { Markup = "<b>" + CmisSync.Properties_Resources.User + ":</b>", Xalign = 0 }, true, true, 0); layout_user.PackStart (user_entry, false, false, 0); // Password layout_password.PackStart (new Label () { Markup = "<b>" + CmisSync.Properties_Resources.Password + ":</b>", Xalign = 0 }, true, true, 0); layout_password.PackStart (password_entry, false, false, 0); layout_fields.PackStart (layout_user); layout_fields.PackStart (layout_password); // layout_vertical.PackStart (new Label (""), false, false, 0); layout_vertical.PackStart (layout_address, false, false, 0); layout_vertical.PackStart (layout_fields, false, false, 0); layout_vertical.PackStart (address_error_label, true, true, 0); Add (layout_vertical); // Cancel button Button cancel_button = new Button (cancelText); cancel_button.Clicked += delegate { Controller.PageCancelled (); }; // Continue button Button continue_button = new Button (continueText) { Sensitive = String.IsNullOrEmpty( Controller.CheckAddPage (address_entry.Text)) }; continue_button.Clicked += delegate { // Show wait cursor this.GdkWindow.Cursor = wait_cursor; // Try to find the CMIS server (asynchronous using a delegate) GetRepositoriesFuzzyDelegate dlgt = new GetRepositoriesFuzzyDelegate(CmisUtils.GetRepositoriesFuzzy); ServerCredentials credentials = new ServerCredentials() { UserName = user_entry.Text, Password = password_entry.Text, Address = new Uri(address_entry.Text) }; IAsyncResult ar = dlgt.BeginInvoke(credentials, null, null); while (!ar.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne(100)) { while (Application.EventsPending()) { Application.RunIteration(); } } Tuple<CmisServer, Exception> result = dlgt.EndInvoke(ar); CmisServer cmisServer = result.Item1; if(cmisServer != null) { Controller.repositories = cmisServer.Repositories; address_entry.Text = cmisServer.Url.ToString(); } else { Controller.repositories = null; } // Hide wait cursor this.GdkWindow.Cursor = default_cursor; if (Controller.repositories == null) { // Show warning string warning = ""; string message = result.Item2.Message; Exception e = result.Item2; if (e is CmisPermissionDeniedException) { warning = Properties_Resources.LoginFailedForbidden; } else if (e is CmisServerNotFoundException) { warning = Properties_Resources.ConnectFailure; } else if (e.Message == "SendFailure" && cmisServer.Url.Scheme.StartsWith("https")) { warning = Properties_Resources.SendFailureHttps; } else if (e.Message == "TrustFailure") { warning = Properties_Resources.TrustFailure; } else { warning = message + Environment.NewLine + Properties_Resources.Sorry; } address_error_label.Markup = "<span foreground=\"red\">" + warning + "</span>"; address_error_label.Show(); } else { // Continue to folder selection Controller.Add1PageCompleted( new Uri(address_entry.Text), user_entry.Text, password_entry.Text); } }; Controller.UpdateAddProjectButtonEvent += delegate (bool button_enabled) { Application.Invoke (delegate { continue_button.Sensitive = button_enabled; if(button_enabled) { continue_button.SetFlag(Gtk.WidgetFlags.CanFocus); continue_button.SetFlag(Gtk.WidgetFlags.CanDefault); continue_button.GrabDefault(); } }); }; AddButton (cancel_button); AddButton (continue_button); Controller.CheckAddPage (address_entry.Text); address_entry.GrabFocus (); }
partial void OnContinue (MonoMac.Foundation.NSObject sender) { ServerCredentials credentials = new ServerCredentials() { UserName = UserText.StringValue, Password = PasswordText.StringValue, Address = new Uri(AddressText.StringValue) }; AddressText.Enabled = false; UserText.Enabled = false; PasswordText.Enabled = false; ContinueButton.Enabled = false; CancelButton.Enabled = false; Thread check = new Thread(() => { Tuple<CmisServer, Exception> fuzzyResult = CmisUtils.GetRepositoriesFuzzy(credentials); CmisServer cmisServer = fuzzyResult.Item1; if (cmisServer != null) { Controller.repositories = cmisServer.Repositories; } else { Controller.repositories = null; } InvokeOnMainThread(delegate { if (Controller.repositories == null) { WarnText.StringValue = Controller.getConnectionsProblemWarning(fuzzyResult.Item1, fuzzyResult.Item2); AddressText.Enabled = true; UserText.Enabled = true; PasswordText.Enabled = true; ContinueButton.Enabled = true; CancelButton.Enabled = true; } else { RemoveEvent(); Controller.Add1PageCompleted(cmisServer.Url, credentials.UserName, credentials.Password.ToString()); } }); }); check.Start(); }