/// <summary>
		/// Builds the structure
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="p">The point at which to build</param>
		private void BuildCallback( Point3D p )
			if ( m_User.Map == null || m_User.Map == Map.Internal )


			// Calculate bounds
			Point2D start = new Point2D( int.MaxValue, int.MaxValue );
			Point2D end = Point2D.Zero;
			int z = int.MaxValue;

			foreach ( Point2D point in m_Tiles.Keys )
				start.X = Math.Min( start.X, point.X );
				start.Y = Math.Min( start.Y, point.Y );
				end.X = Math.Max( end.X, point.X );
				end.Y = Math.Max( end.Y, point.Y );

				ArrayList tiles = m_Tiles[ point ] as ArrayList;
				foreach( Tile t in tiles )
					z = Math.Min( z, t.Z );

			Point2D center = Point2D.Zero;
			center.X = start.X + ( ( end.X - start.X ) / 2 );
			center.Y = start.Y + ( ( end.Y - start.Y ) / 2 );

			foreach( Point2D point in m_Tiles.Keys )
				int xOffset = point.X - center.X;
				int yOffset = point.Y - center.Y;

				ArrayList tiles = m_Tiles[ point ] as ArrayList;

				if ( tiles == null || tiles.Count == 0 )

				foreach( Tile t in tiles )
					int zOffset = t.Z - p.Z;

					Server.Items.Static item = new Server.Items.Static( t.ID - 16384 );
					item.MoveToWorld( new Point3D( p.X + xOffset, p.Y + yOffset, p.Z + zOffset ), m_User.Map );
					m_Building.Add( item );
Esempio n. 2
        private void BuildBoard(ChessControl chess, Point3D p, Map map)
            chess.m_BoardHeight        = p.Z + 5;      // Placing stairs on the specified point
            chess.BoardNorthWestCorner = new Point2D(p.X, p.Y);

            #region Board Tiles

            int stairNW = 1909;
            int stairSE = 1910;
            int stairSW = 1911;
            int stairNE = 1912;
            int stairS  = 1901;
            int stairE  = 1902;
            int stairN  = 1903;
            int stairW  = 1904;
            int black   = 1295; //hue = 2406;
            int white   = 1298; //hue = 2101;


            for (int x = 0; x < 8; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < 8; y++)
                    int tile = 0;

                    if (x % 2 == 0)
                        if (y % 2 == 0)
                            tile = white;                            //swapped
                            tile = black;
                        if (y % 2 == 0)
                            tile = black;                            //swapped
                            tile = white;

                    if (chess.Orientation == BoardOrientation.EastWest)                       // Invert tiles if the orientation is EW
                        if (tile == black)
                            tile = white;                            //swapped
                            tile = black;

                    for (int kx = 0; kx < chess.m_SquareWidth; kx++)
                        for (int ky = 0; ky < chess.m_SquareWidth; ky++)
                            Server.Items.Static s = new Server.Items.Static(tile);
                            if (tile == black)
                                s.Hue = m_BoardBlackHue;
                            else if (tile == white)
                                s.Hue = m_BoardWhiteHue;
                            Point3D target = new Point3D(p.X + x * chess.m_SquareWidth + kx, p.Y + y * chess.m_SquareWidth + ky, chess.m_BoardHeight);
                            s.MoveToWorld(target, map);

            Point3D nw = new Point3D(p.X - 1, p.Y - 1, p.Z);
            Point3D ne = new Point3D(p.X + 8 * chess.m_SquareWidth, p.Y - 1, p.Z);
            Point3D se = new Point3D(p.X + 8 * chess.m_SquareWidth, p.Y + 8 * chess.m_SquareWidth, p.Z);
            Point3D sw = new Point3D(p.X - 1, p.Y + 8 * chess.m_SquareWidth, p.Z);

            Server.Items.Static NW = new Server.Items.Static(stairNW)
                Hue = m_BoardStairsHue
            NW.MoveToWorld(nw, map);

            Server.Items.Static NE = new Server.Items.Static(stairNE)
                Hue = m_BoardStairsHue
            NE.MoveToWorld(ne, map);

            Server.Items.Static SE = new Server.Items.Static(stairSE)
                Hue = m_BoardStairsHue
            SE.MoveToWorld(se, map);

            Server.Items.Static SW = new Server.Items.Static(stairSW)
                Hue = m_BoardStairsHue
            SW.MoveToWorld(sw, map);

            for (int x = 0; x < 8 * chess.m_SquareWidth; x++)
                Point3D top    = new Point3D(p.X + x, p.Y - 1, p.Z);
                Point3D bottom = new Point3D(p.X + x, p.Y + 8 * chess.m_SquareWidth, p.Z);
                Point3D left   = new Point3D(p.X - 1, p.Y + x, p.Z);
                Point3D right  = new Point3D(p.X + chess.m_SquareWidth * 8, p.Y + x, p.Z);

                Server.Items.Static N = new Server.Items.Static(stairN)
                    Hue = m_BoardStairsHue
                N.MoveToWorld(top, map);

                Server.Items.Static S = new Server.Items.Static(stairS)
                    Hue = m_BoardStairsHue
                S.MoveToWorld(bottom, map);

                Server.Items.Static W = new Server.Items.Static(stairW)
                    Hue = m_BoardStairsHue
                W.MoveToWorld(left, map);

                Server.Items.Static E = new Server.Items.Static(stairE)
                    Hue = m_BoardStairsHue
                E.MoveToWorld(right, map);
Esempio n. 3
        private static void BuildBoard(ChessControl chess, Point3D p, Map map)
            chess.m_BoardHeight        = p.Z + 5;      // Placing stairs on the specified point
            chess.BoardNorthWestCorner = new Point2D(p.X, p.Y);

            #region Board Tiles

            int stairNW = 1909;
            int stairSE = 1910;
            int stairSW = 1911;
            int stairNE = 1912;
            int stairS  = 1901;
            int stairE  = 1902;
            int stairN  = 1903;
            int stairW  = 1904;
            int black   = 1295;
            int white   = 1298;


            for (int x = 0; x < 8; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < 8; y++)
                    int tile = 0;

                    if (x % 2 == 0)
                        if (y % 2 == 0)
                            tile = black;
                            tile = white;
                        if (y % 2 == 0)
                            tile = white;
                            tile = black;

                    if (chess.Orientation == BoardOrientation.EastWest)                       // Invert tiles if the orientation is EW
                        if (tile == white)
                            tile = black;
                            tile = white;

                    for (int kx = 0; kx < chess.m_SquareWidth; kx++)
                        for (int ky = 0; ky < chess.m_SquareWidth; ky++)
                            Server.Items.Static s      = new Server.Items.Static(tile);
                            Point3D             target = new Point3D(p.X + x * chess.m_SquareWidth + kx, p.Y + y * chess.m_SquareWidth + ky, chess.m_BoardHeight);
                            s.MoveToWorld(target, map);

            Point3D nw = new Point3D(p.X - 1, p.Y - 1, p.Z);
            Point3D ne = new Point3D(p.X + 8 * chess.m_SquareWidth, p.Y - 1, p.Z);
            Point3D se = new Point3D(p.X + 8 * chess.m_SquareWidth, p.Y + 8 * chess.m_SquareWidth, p.Z);
            Point3D sw = new Point3D(p.X - 1, p.Y + 8 * chess.m_SquareWidth, p.Z);

            new Server.Items.Static(stairNW).MoveToWorld(nw, map);
            new Server.Items.Static(stairNE).MoveToWorld(ne, map);
            new Server.Items.Static(stairSE).MoveToWorld(se, map);
            new Server.Items.Static(stairSW).MoveToWorld(sw, map);

            for (int x = 0; x < 8 * chess.m_SquareWidth; x++)
                Point3D top    = new Point3D(p.X + x, p.Y - 1, p.Z);
                Point3D bottom = new Point3D(p.X + x, p.Y + 8 * chess.m_SquareWidth, p.Z);
                Point3D left   = new Point3D(p.X - 1, p.Y + x, p.Z);
                Point3D right  = new Point3D(p.X + chess.m_SquareWidth * 8, p.Y + x, p.Z);

                new Server.Items.Static(stairN).MoveToWorld(top, map);
                new Server.Items.Static(stairS).MoveToWorld(bottom, map);
                new Server.Items.Static(stairW).MoveToWorld(left, map);
                new Server.Items.Static(stairE).MoveToWorld(right, map);
Esempio n. 4
		private void BuildBoard( ChessControl chess, Point3D p, Map map )
			chess.m_BoardHeight = p.Z + 5; // Placing stairs on the specified point
			chess.BoardNorthWestCorner = new Point2D( p.X, p.Y );

			#region Board Tiles

			int stairNW = 1909;
			int stairSE = 1910;
			int stairSW = 1911;
			int stairNE = 1912;
			int stairS = 1901;
			int stairE = 1902;
			int stairN = 1903;
			int stairW = 1904;
			int black = 1295; //hue = 2406;
            int white = 1298; //hue = 2101;


			for ( int x = 0; x < 8; x++ )
				for ( int y = 0; y < 8; y++ )
					int tile = 0;

					if ( x % 2 == 0 )
						if ( y % 2 == 0 )
							tile = white;//swapped
							tile = black;
						if ( y % 2 == 0 )
							tile = black;//swapped
							tile = white;

					if ( chess.Orientation == BoardOrientation.EastWest ) // Invert tiles if the orientation is EW
						if ( tile == black )
							tile = white;//swapped
							tile = black;

					for ( int kx = 0; kx < chess.m_SquareWidth; kx++ )
						for ( int ky = 0; ky < chess.m_SquareWidth; ky++ )
							Server.Items.Static s = new Server.Items.Static( tile );
                            if (tile == black)
                                s.Hue = m_BoardBlackHue;
                            else if (tile == white)
                                s.Hue = m_BoardWhiteHue;
						    Point3D target = new Point3D( p.X + x * chess.m_SquareWidth + kx, p.Y + y * chess.m_SquareWidth + ky, chess.m_BoardHeight );
							s.MoveToWorld( target, map );

			Point3D nw = new Point3D( p.X - 1, p.Y - 1, p.Z );
			Point3D ne = new Point3D( p.X + 8 * chess.m_SquareWidth, p.Y - 1, p.Z );
			Point3D se = new Point3D( p.X + 8 * chess.m_SquareWidth, p.Y + 8 * chess.m_SquareWidth, p.Z );
			Point3D sw = new Point3D( p.X - 1, p.Y + 8 * chess.m_SquareWidth, p.Z );

		    Server.Items.Static NW = new Server.Items.Static(stairNW) {Hue = m_BoardStairsHue};
		    NW.MoveToWorld( nw, map );

            Server.Items.Static NE = new Server.Items.Static(stairNE) { Hue = m_BoardStairsHue };
            NE.MoveToWorld(ne, map);

            Server.Items.Static SE = new Server.Items.Static(stairSE) { Hue = m_BoardStairsHue };
            SE.MoveToWorld(se, map);

            Server.Items.Static SW = new Server.Items.Static(stairSW) { Hue = m_BoardStairsHue };
            SW.MoveToWorld(sw, map);

			for ( int x = 0; x < 8 * chess.m_SquareWidth; x++ )
				Point3D top = new Point3D( p.X + x, p.Y - 1, p.Z );
				Point3D bottom = new Point3D( p.X + x, p.Y + 8 * chess.m_SquareWidth, p.Z );
				Point3D left = new Point3D( p.X - 1, p.Y + x, p.Z );
				Point3D right = new Point3D( p.X + chess.m_SquareWidth * 8, p.Y + x, p.Z );

                Server.Items.Static N = new Server.Items.Static(stairN) { Hue = m_BoardStairsHue };
                N.MoveToWorld(top, map);

                Server.Items.Static S = new Server.Items.Static(stairS) { Hue = m_BoardStairsHue };
                S.MoveToWorld(bottom, map);

                Server.Items.Static W = new Server.Items.Static(stairW) { Hue = m_BoardStairsHue };
                W.MoveToWorld(left, map);

                Server.Items.Static E = new Server.Items.Static(stairE) { Hue = m_BoardStairsHue };
                E.MoveToWorld(right, map);
Esempio n. 5
		private static void BuildBoard( ChessControl chess, Point3D p, Map map )
			chess.m_BoardHeight = p.Z + 5; // Placing stairs on the specified point
			chess.BoardNorthWestCorner = new Point2D( p.X, p.Y );

			#region Board Tiles

			int stairNW = 1909;
			int stairSE = 1910;
			int stairSW = 1911;
			int stairNE = 1912;
			int stairS = 1901;
			int stairE = 1902;
			int stairN = 1903;
			int stairW = 1904;
			int black = 1295;
			int white = 1298;


			for ( int x = 0; x < 8; x++ )
				for ( int y = 0; y < 8; y++ )
					int tile = 0;

					if ( x % 2 == 0 )
						if ( y % 2 == 0 )
							tile = black;
							tile = white;
						if ( y % 2 == 0 )
							tile = white;
							tile = black;

					if ( chess.Orientation == BoardOrientation.EastWest ) // Invert tiles if the orientation is EW
						if ( tile == white )
							tile = black;
							tile = white;

					for ( int kx = 0; kx < chess.m_SquareWidth; kx++ )
						for ( int ky = 0; ky < chess.m_SquareWidth; ky++ )
							Server.Items.Static s = new Server.Items.Static( tile );
							Point3D target = new Point3D( p.X + x * chess.m_SquareWidth + kx, p.Y + y * chess.m_SquareWidth + ky, chess.m_BoardHeight );
							s.MoveToWorld( target, map );

			Point3D nw = new Point3D( p.X - 1, p.Y - 1, p.Z );
			Point3D ne = new Point3D( p.X + 8 * chess.m_SquareWidth, p.Y - 1, p.Z );
			Point3D se = new Point3D( p.X + 8 * chess.m_SquareWidth, p.Y + 8 * chess.m_SquareWidth, p.Z );
			Point3D sw = new Point3D( p.X - 1, p.Y + 8 * chess.m_SquareWidth, p.Z );

			new Server.Items.Static( stairNW ).MoveToWorld( nw, map );
			new Server.Items.Static( stairNE ).MoveToWorld( ne, map );
			new Server.Items.Static( stairSE ).MoveToWorld( se, map );
			new Server.Items.Static( stairSW ).MoveToWorld( sw, map );

			for ( int x = 0; x < 8 * chess.m_SquareWidth; x++ )
				Point3D top = new Point3D( p.X + x, p.Y - 1, p.Z );
				Point3D bottom = new Point3D( p.X + x, p.Y + 8 * chess.m_SquareWidth, p.Z );
				Point3D left = new Point3D( p.X - 1, p.Y + x, p.Z );
				Point3D right = new Point3D( p.X + chess.m_SquareWidth * 8, p.Y + x, p.Z );

				new Server.Items.Static( stairN ).MoveToWorld( top, map );
				new Server.Items.Static( stairS ).MoveToWorld( bottom, map );
				new Server.Items.Static( stairW ).MoveToWorld( left, map );
				new Server.Items.Static( stairE ).MoveToWorld( right, map );