Esempio n. 1
        public DynamicLine()

            //In this case we will not only plot double values
            //to make it easier to handle "live-data" we are going to use WeatherViewModel class
            //we need to let LiveCharts know how to use this model

            //first we create a new configuration for WeatherViewModel
            var config = new SeriesConfiguration<WeatherViewModel>();

            //now we map X and Y
            //we will use Temperature as Y
            config.Y(model => model.Temperature);
            //and DateTime as X, we convert to OADate so we can plot it easly.
            config.X(model => model.DateTime.ToOADate());

            //now we create our series with this configuration
            Series = new SeriesCollection(config) {new LineSeries {Values = new ChartValues<WeatherViewModel>()}};

            //to display a custom label we will use a formatter,
            //formatters are just functions that take a double value as parameter
            //and return a string, in this case we will convert the OADate to DateTime
            //and then use a custom date format
            XFormatter = val => DateTime.FromOADate(val).ToString("hh:mm:ss tt");
            //now for Y we are rounding and adding ° for degrees
            YFormatter = val => Math.Round(val) + " °";

            //Don't forget DataContext so we can bind these properties.
            DataContext = this;

            _timer = new DispatcherTimer { Interval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1) };
            _timer.Tick += TimerOnTick;
Esempio n. 2
        public DynamicLine()

            //In this case we will not only plot double values
            //to make it easier to handle "live-data" we are going to use WeatherViewModel class
            //we need to let LiveCharts know how to use this model

            //first we create a new configuration for WeatherViewModel
            var config = new SeriesConfiguration <WeatherViewModel>();

            //now we map X and Y
            //we will use Temperature as Y
            config.Y(model => model.Temperature);
            //and DateTime as X, we convert to OADate so we can plot it easly.
            //config.X(model => model.DateTime.ToOADate());
            config.X(x => x.Test);

            //now we create our series with this configuration
            Series = new SeriesCollection(config)
                new LineSeries {
                    Values = new ChartValues <WeatherViewModel>(), PointRadius = 0

            //to display a custom label we will use a formatter,
            //formatters are just functions that take a double value as parameter
            //and return a string, in this case we will convert the OADate to DateTime
            //and then use a custom date format
            //XFormatter = val => DateTime.FromOADate(val).ToString("hh:mm:ss tt");
            //now for Y we are rounding and adding ° for degrees
            YFormatter = val => Math.Round(val) + " °";

            //Don't forget DataContext so we can bind these properties.
            DataContext = this;

            _timer = new DispatcherTimer {
                Interval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(500)
            _timer.Tick += TimerOnTick;
        private void InitializeChart()
            var config = new SeriesConfiguration <UsageViewModel>();

            config.Y(x => x.Usage);
            config.X(x => x.Time.ToOADate());
            Series = new SeriesCollection(config)
                new LineSeries {
                    Values      = new ChartValues <UsageViewModel>(),
                    PointRadius = 0,
                new LineSeries
                    Values      = new ChartValues <UsageViewModel>(),
                    PointRadius = 0,
            DataContext = this;
            YFormatter  = val => "";
            XFormatter  = val => "";
Esempio n. 4
        public MainWindow()

            var config = new SeriesConfiguration <tempGraph>();

            config.Y(model => model.temperature);
            config.X(model => model.time.ToOADate());
            Series = new SeriesCollection(config)
                new LineSeries {
                    Values = new ChartValues <tempGraph>()
            Series.Add(new LineSeries {
                Values = new ChartValues <tempGraph>()
            Series.Add(new LineSeries {
                Values = new ChartValues <tempGraph>()
            Series[0].Title = "External Temperature";
            Series[1].Title = "Internal Temperature";
            Series[2].Title = "Ground Temperature";
            XFormatter      = val => DateTime.FromOADate(val).ToString("");
            YFormatter      = val => val + " °";
            DataContext     = this;
            _timer          = new DispatcherTimer {
                Interval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1000)
            _timer.Tick += TimerOnTick;

            var config2 = new SeriesConfiguration <pressureGraph>();

            config2.Y(model => model.pressure);
            config2.X(model => model.time.ToOADate());
            Series2 = new SeriesCollection(config2)
                new LineSeries {
                    Values = new ChartValues <pressureGraph>()
            Series2.Add(new LineSeries {
                Values = new ChartValues <pressureGraph>()
            Series2[0].Title = "Barometric Pressure";
            Series2[1].Title = "Ground Barometric Pressure";
            XFormatter2      = val => DateTime.FromOADate(val).ToString("");
            YFormatter2      = val => val + "hPa";
            DataContext      = this;
            _timer2          = new DispatcherTimer {
                Interval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1000)
            _timer2.Tick += Timer2OnTick;
            Binding binding_1 = new Binding("SelectedValue");

            binding_1.Source = VideoDevicesComboBox;
            WebcamCtrl.SetBinding(Webcam.VideoDeviceProperty, binding_1);

            Binding binding_2 = new Binding("SelectedValue");

            binding_2.Source = AudioDevicesComboBox;
            WebcamCtrl.SetBinding(Webcam.AudioDeviceProperty, binding_2);

            // Create directory for saving video files
            string videoPath = @"C:\VideoClips";

            if (!Directory.Exists(videoPath))
            // Create directory for saving image files
            string imagePath = @"C:\WebcamSnapshots";

            if (!Directory.Exists(imagePath))
            // Set some properties of the Webcam control
            WebcamCtrl.VideoDirectory = videoPath;
            WebcamCtrl.ImageDirectory = imagePath;
            WebcamCtrl.FrameRate      = 72;
            WebcamCtrl.FrameSize      = new System.Drawing.Size(1080, 720);

            // Find available a/v devices
            var vidDevices = EncoderDevices.FindDevices(EncoderDeviceType.Video);
            var audDevices = EncoderDevices.FindDevices(EncoderDeviceType.Audio);

            VideoDevicesComboBox.ItemsSource   = vidDevices;
            AudioDevicesComboBox.ItemsSource   = audDevices;
            VideoDevicesComboBox.SelectedIndex = 0;
            AudioDevicesComboBox.SelectedIndex = 0;
            releaseServo.IsEnabled             = false;
            servoArm.IsEnabled     = false;
            t1.IsEnabled           = false;
            t2.IsEnabled           = false;
            bw.DoWork             += Bw_DoWork;
            bw.RunWorkerCompleted += Bw_RunWorkerCompleted;
 static ReactiveObservableCollectionWrapper()
     DefaultConfiguration.Y(model => model.Count);
     DefaultConfiguration.X(model => model.Time.ToOADate());
Esempio n. 6
        public MainWindow()

            var config = new SeriesConfiguration<tempGraph>();
            config.Y(model => model.temperature);
            config.X(model => model.time.ToOADate());
            Series = new SeriesCollection(config) { new LineSeries { Values = new ChartValues<tempGraph>() } };
            Series.Add(new LineSeries { Values = new ChartValues<tempGraph>() });
            Series.Add(new LineSeries { Values = new ChartValues<tempGraph>() });
            Series[0].Title = "External Temperature";
            Series[1].Title = "Internal Temperature";
            Series[2].Title = "Ground Temperature";
            XFormatter = val => DateTime.FromOADate(val).ToString("");
            YFormatter = val => val + " °";
            DataContext = this;
            _timer = new DispatcherTimer { Interval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1000) };
            _timer.Tick += TimerOnTick;

            var config2 = new SeriesConfiguration<pressureGraph>();
            config2.Y(model => model.pressure);
            config2.X(model => model.time.ToOADate());
            Series2 = new SeriesCollection(config2) { new LineSeries { Values = new ChartValues<pressureGraph>() } };
            Series2.Add(new LineSeries { Values = new ChartValues<pressureGraph>() });
            Series2[0].Title = "Barometric Pressure";
            Series2[1].Title = "Ground Barometric Pressure";
            XFormatter2 = val => DateTime.FromOADate(val).ToString("");
            YFormatter2 = val => val + "hPa";
            DataContext = this;
            _timer2 = new DispatcherTimer { Interval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1000) };
            _timer2.Tick += Timer2OnTick;
            Binding binding_1 = new Binding("SelectedValue");
            binding_1.Source = VideoDevicesComboBox;
            WebcamCtrl.SetBinding(Webcam.VideoDeviceProperty, binding_1);

            Binding binding_2 = new Binding("SelectedValue");
            binding_2.Source = AudioDevicesComboBox;
            WebcamCtrl.SetBinding(Webcam.AudioDeviceProperty, binding_2);

            // Create directory for saving video files
            string videoPath = @"C:\VideoClips";

            if (!Directory.Exists(videoPath))
            // Create directory for saving image files
            string imagePath = @"C:\WebcamSnapshots";

            if (!Directory.Exists(imagePath))
            // Set some properties of the Webcam control
            WebcamCtrl.VideoDirectory = videoPath;
            WebcamCtrl.ImageDirectory = imagePath;
            WebcamCtrl.FrameRate = 72;
            WebcamCtrl.FrameSize = new System.Drawing.Size(1080, 720);

            // Find available a/v devices
            var vidDevices = EncoderDevices.FindDevices(EncoderDeviceType.Video);
            var audDevices = EncoderDevices.FindDevices(EncoderDeviceType.Audio);
            VideoDevicesComboBox.ItemsSource = vidDevices;
            AudioDevicesComboBox.ItemsSource = audDevices;
            VideoDevicesComboBox.SelectedIndex = 0;
            AudioDevicesComboBox.SelectedIndex = 0;
            releaseServo.IsEnabled = false;
            servoArm.IsEnabled = false;
            t1.IsEnabled = false;
            t2.IsEnabled = false;
            bw.DoWork += Bw_DoWork;
            bw.RunWorkerCompleted += Bw_RunWorkerCompleted;