Esempio n. 1
        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Creates a matrix from the source data table
            double[,] sourceMatrix = (dgvLearningSource.DataSource as DataTable).ToMatrix(out sourceColumns);

            // Get only the input vector values
            var inputs = sourceMatrix.Submatrix(0, sourceMatrix.GetLength(0) - 1, 0, 1).ToArray();

            // Get only the label outputs
            var outputs = new int[sourceMatrix.GetLength(0)];

            for (int i = 0; i < outputs.Length; i++)
                outputs[i] = (int)sourceMatrix[i, 2];

            var cv = new CrossValidation <KernelSupportVectorMachine>(inputs.Length, 10);

            cv.Fitting = (int k, int[] training, int[] testing) =>
                var trainingInputs  = inputs.Submatrix(training);
                var trainingOutputs = outputs.Submatrix(training);
                var testingInputs   = inputs.Submatrix(testing);
                var testingOutputs  = outputs.Submatrix(testing);

                // Create the specified Kernel
                IKernel kernel = getKernel();

                // Creates the Support Vector Machine using the selected kernel
                var svm = new KernelSupportVectorMachine(kernel, 2);

                // Creates a new instance of the SMO Learning Algortihm
                var smo = new SequentialMinimalOptimization(svm, trainingInputs, trainingOutputs);

                // Set learning parameters
                smo.Complexity = (double)numC.Value;
                smo.Tolerance  = (double)numT.Value;

                // Run
                double trainingError   = smo.Run();
                double validationError = smo.ComputeError(testingInputs, testingOutputs);

                return(new CrossValidationValues <KernelSupportVectorMachine>(svm, trainingError, validationError));

            var result = cv.Compute();
Esempio n. 2
        static void Main()
            //Uncomment this entire block for training
            Console.Write("SVM Trainer");
            var    Root     = "C:\\Users\\Pictor17\\Python";
            string FilePath = Root + "\\Wetdata3s.csv";

            System.IO.TextReader reader = new StreamReader(FilePath);
            // Open dataset
            CsvReader datR = new CsvReader(reader, false);

            double[][] mat = datR.ToTable().ToArray();
            mat = mat.Transpose();

            double[][] matPCA = new double[mat.Length][];
            mat.CopyTo(matPCA, 0);

            FilePath = Root + "\\Wetlabels3.csv";
            System.IO.TextReader readerL = new StreamReader(FilePath);
            // Open labels
            CsvReader labR = new CsvReader(readerL, false);

            System.Data.DataTable temp = labR.ToTable();
            double[] dlab   = temp.Columns[0].ToArray();
            int[]    labels = new int[dlab.Length];
            /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
            //Convert values of 0 in csv to -1(0 = dry)
            for (int i = 0; i < dlab.Length; i++)
                if (dlab[i] == 0)
                    dlab[i] = -1;
                labels[i] = (int)dlab[i];
            /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
            // Perform PCA on dataset to reduce features
            //var pca = new PrincipalComponentAnalysis(matPCA, AnalysisMethod.Center);
            //Console.Write("\nPerforming Mean-centred PCA");
            //double[][] matPCAtransform = pca.Transform(matPCA, 300);
            System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryFormatter formatter = new System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryFormatter();

            //Transform WellROI from PCA
            //string pPath = String.Format(@"{0}\Pictorial\Files\pca.bin", Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData));
            //using (FileStream LoadPCAStream = File.Open(pPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
            //var pca = (PrincipalComponentAnalysis)formatter.Deserialize(LoadPCAStream);
            //Take 100 most significant features
            //matPCAtransform = pca.Transform(mat, (int)300);
            // }
            //catch (IOException)

            /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
            //Sort data variables and split into test / train set
            var nRows      = mat.Length;
            var nCols      = mat[0].Length;
            var nRowsTest  = Convert.ToInt32(0.05 * nRows); //95% Train / 5% Test
            var nRowsTrain = nRows - nRowsTest;

            double[][] trainDat = new double[nRowsTrain][];
            int[]      y_train  = new int[nRowsTrain];
            //double[] y_train = new double[nRowsTrain];
            for (int k = 0; k < nRowsTrain; k++)
                trainDat[k] = new double[nCols];
                Array.Copy(mat[k], trainDat[k], nCols);
                y_train[k] = (int)dlab[k];
                //y_train[k] = dlab[k];

            double[][] testDat = new double[nRowsTest][];
            int[]      y_test  = new int[nRowsTest];
            for (int k = 0; k < nRowsTest; k++)
                testDat[k] = new double[nCols];
                Array.Copy(mat[nRows - nRowsTest + k], testDat[k], nCols);
                y_test[k] = (int)dlab[nRows - nRowsTest + k];
            Console.Write("\nDataset Uploaded");
            double[] pred     = new double[nRowsTest];
            double[] predksvm = new double[nRowsTest];

            double[][] outputs = new double[y_train.Length][];
            for (int k = 0; k < y_train.Length; k++)
                outputs[k] = new double[] { 0 };

            for (int j = 0; j < y_train.Length; j++)
                outputs[j][0] = y_train[j];

            //int numInputs = 36300;
            //int numClasses = 2;
            //int hidden = 1;
            ////double[][] outputs = Accord.Statistics.Tools.Expand(y_train, numClasses, -1, 1);

            //ActivationNetwork network = new ActivationNetwork(new SigmoidFunction(), numInputs, hidden, 1);
            //Accord.Neuro.Learning.LevenbergMarquardtLearning teacher = new Accord.Neuro.Learning.LevenbergMarquardtLearning(network);
            //for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
            //    double error = teacher.RunEpoch(trainDat, outputs);

            //Gaussian gauss = new Gaussian();
            //gauss.Gamma = 0.01;
            //Quadratic quad = new Quadratic(1);
            //KernelSupportVectorMachine ksvm = new KernelSupportVectorMachine(quad,mat.Columns());
            //SequentialMinimalOptimization ksmo = new SequentialMinimalOptimization(ksvm, trainDat, y_train);
            //ksmo.Complexity = 0.0001;
            //double error = ksmo.Run();

            //Create grid search
            Accord.MachineLearning.GridSearchRange[] ranges =
                new Accord.MachineLearning.GridSearchRange("complexity", new double[] { 1E-4, 0.5E-4, 1E-3 }),

            Console.Write("\nPerforming Grid Search on SVM");
            var gridsearch = new Accord.MachineLearning.GridSearch <SupportVectorMachine>(ranges);

            gridsearch.Fitting = delegate(Accord.MachineLearning.GridSearchParameterCollection parameters, out double error)
                double complexity = parameters["complexity"].Value;
                SupportVectorMachine          svm = new SupportVectorMachine(mat.Columns());
                SequentialMinimalOptimization smo = new SequentialMinimalOptimization(svm, trainDat, y_train);
                //ProbabilisticCoordinateDescent smo = new ProbabilisticCoordinateDescent(svm, trainDat, y_train);
                smo.Complexity = complexity;
                error          = smo.Run();

            Console.Write("\nTraining Optimised SVM...");
            Accord.MachineLearning.GridSearchParameterCollection bestParameters; double minError;
            SupportVectorMachine bsvm = gridsearch.Compute(out bestParameters, out minError);

            var crossvalidation = new Accord.MachineLearning.CrossValidation(size: mat.Length, folds: 10);

            crossvalidation.Fitting = delegate(int k, int[] indicesTrain, int[] indicesValidation)
                var trainingInputs    = mat.Submatrix(indicesTrain);
                var trainingOutputs   = labels.Submatrix(indicesTrain);
                var validationInputs  = mat.Submatrix(indicesValidation);
                var validationOutputs = labels.Submatrix(indicesValidation);

                var svm = new SupportVectorMachine(mat.Columns());

                var smo = new SequentialMinimalOptimization(svm, trainingInputs, trainingOutputs);
                //var smo = new ProbabilisticCoordinateDescent(svm, trainingInputs, trainingOutputs);
                smo.Complexity = bestParameters[0].Value;
                double error           = smo.Run();
                double validationError = smo.ComputeError(validationInputs, validationOutputs);
                return(new Accord.MachineLearning.CrossValidationValues(svm, error, validationError));

            var    result           = crossvalidation.Compute();
            double trainingErrors   = result.Training.Mean;
            double validationErrors = result.Validation.Mean;

            ////var minError = result.Models.Select(y => y.ValidationValue).Min();
            ////var bestModel = result.Models.Where(x => x.ValidationValue == minError).FirstOrDefault();

            ////SupportVectorMachine bsvm = (SupportVectorMachine)bestModel.Model;

            ///* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
            //Accord.MachineLearning.GridSearchRange[] rangesk =
            //    new Accord.MachineLearning.GridSearchRange("complexity" , new double[] {1E-3,1E-2,0.1}),
            //    new Accord.MachineLearning.GridSearchRange("gamma", new double[] {1E-4,0.001,0.01, 0.1}),
            //Console.Write("\nPerforming Grid Search on kSVM");
            //var gridsearchk = new Accord.MachineLearning.GridSearch<KernelSupportVectorMachine>(rangesk);
            //gridsearchk.Fitting = delegate (Accord.MachineLearning.GridSearchParameterCollection parametersk, out double errork)
            //    double complexity = parametersk["complexity"].Value;
            //    double gamma = parametersk["gamma"].Value;
            //    Gaussian gauss = new Gaussian();
            //    gauss.Gamma = gamma;
            //    KernelSupportVectorMachine ksvm = new KernelSupportVectorMachine(gauss, mat.Columns());
            //    SequentialMinimalOptimization ksmo = new SequentialMinimalOptimization(ksvm, trainDat, y_train);
            //    ksmo.Complexity = complexity;
            //    errork = ksmo.Run();
            //    return ksvm;

            //Console.Write("\nTraining Optimised kSVM...");
            //Accord.MachineLearning.GridSearchParameterCollection bestParametersk; double minErrork;
            //KernelSupportVectorMachine bksvm = gridsearchk.Compute(out bestParametersk, out minErrork);

            //var crossvalidationk = new Accord.MachineLearning.CrossValidation(size: mat.Length, folds: 10);
            //crossvalidationk.Fitting = delegate (int k, int[] indicesTrain, int[] indicesValidation)
            //    var trainingInputs = mat.Submatrix(indicesTrain);
            //    var trainingOutputs = labels.Submatrix(indicesTrain);
            //    var validationInputs = mat.Submatrix(indicesValidation);
            //    var validationOutputs = labels.Submatrix(indicesValidation);

            //    var ksvm = new SupportVectorMachine(mat.Columns());

            //    var ksmo = new SequentialMinimalOptimization(ksvm, trainingInputs, trainingOutputs);
            //    ksmo.Complexity = bestParametersk[0].Value;
            //    double error = ksmo.Run();
            //    double validationError = ksmo.ComputeError(validationInputs, validationOutputs);
            //    return new Accord.MachineLearning.CrossValidationValues(ksvm, error, validationError);

            //var resultk = crossvalidationk.Compute();
            //double trainingErrorsk = resultk.Training.Mean;
            //double validationErrorsk = resultk.Validation.Mean;

            ////double error = smo.Run();
            ////double errork = ksmo.Run();
            //Console.Write("\nTraining Complete");
            ////Console.Write("\nBest C: %0.2f", bestParameters[0].Value);
            ///* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
            //Save SVM Model
            //System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryFormatter formatter = new System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryFormatter();
            FileStream Savestream = new FileStream("svm.bin", FileMode.Create);

            formatter.Serialize(Savestream, bsvm);
            Console.Write("\nSaved SVM Model");

            ////FileStream PCAStream = new FileStream("pca.bin", FileMode.Create);
            ////formatter.Serialize(PCAStream, pca);
            ////Console.Write("\nSaved PCA matrix");

            //System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryFormatter formatterk = new System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryFormatter();
            //FileStream Savestreamk = new FileStream("ksvm.bin", FileMode.Create);
            //formatter.Serialize(Savestreamk, bksvm);
            //Console.Write("\nSaved kSVM Model");

            //string tPath = String.Format(@"{0}\Pictorial\Files\svm.bin", Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData));
            //string tPath = "svm.bin"; //Local project location of SVM model
            //Predict values

            for (int i = 0; i < nRowsTest; i++)     //Uncomment for training
                pred[i] = bsvm.Compute(testDat[i]); //Uncomment for training
                //    predksvm[i] = bksvm.Compute(testDat[i]);
                //    pred[i] = ksvm.Compute(testDat[i]);
            ///* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
            //// Use confusion matrix to compute some performance metrics
            int[] predict = new int[pred.Length];
            //int[] predictk = new int[predksvm.Length];
            for (int p = 0; p < pred.Length; p++)
                predict[p] = Math.Sign(pred[p]);
                //    predictk[p] = Math.Sign(predksvm[p]);
            ConfusionMatrix confusionMatrix = new ConfusionMatrix(predict, y_test, -1, 1); //Predicted, Expected, Positive, Negative Uncomment for training
            //ConfusionMatrix confusionMatrixk = new ConfusionMatrix(predictk, y_test, -1, 1);
Esempio n. 3
        public void CrossvalidationConstructorTest()

            // This is a sample code on how to use Cross-Validation
            // to assess the performance of Support Vector Machines.

            // Consider the example binary data. We will be trying
            // to learn a XOR problem and see how well does SVMs
            // perform on this data.

            double[][] data =
                new double[] { -1, -1 }, new double[] { 1, -1 },
                new double[] { -1,  1 }, new double[] { 1,  1 },
                new double[] { -1, -1 }, new double[] { 1, -1 },
                new double[] { -1,  1 }, new double[] { 1,  1 },
                new double[] { -1, -1 }, new double[] { 1, -1 },
                new double[] { -1,  1 }, new double[] { 1,  1 },
                new double[] { -1, -1 }, new double[] { 1, -1 },
                new double[] { -1,  1 }, new double[] { 1,  1 },

            int[] xor = // result of xor for the sample input data
                -1,  1,
                1,  -1,
                -1,  1,
                1,  -1,
                -1,  1,
                1,  -1,
                -1,  1,
                1,  -1,

            // Create a new Cross-validation algorithm passing the data set size and the number of folds
            var crossvalidation = new CrossValidation <KernelSupportVectorMachine>(size: data.Length, folds: 3);

            // Define a fitting function using Support Vector Machines. The objective of this
            // function is to learn a SVM in the subset of the data indicated by cross-validation.

            crossvalidation.Fitting = delegate(int k, int[] indicesTrain, int[] indicesValidation)
                // The fitting function is passing the indices of the original set which
                // should be considered training data and the indices of the original set
                // which should be considered validation data.

                // Lets now grab the training data:
                var trainingInputs  = data.Submatrix(indicesTrain);
                var trainingOutputs = xor.Submatrix(indicesTrain);

                // And now the validation data:
                var validationInputs  = data.Submatrix(indicesValidation);
                var validationOutputs = xor.Submatrix(indicesValidation);

                // Create a Kernel Support Vector Machine to operate on the set
                var svm = new KernelSupportVectorMachine(new Polynomial(2), 2);

                // Create a training algorithm and learn the training data
                var smo = new SequentialMinimalOptimization(svm, trainingInputs, trainingOutputs);

                double trainingError = smo.Run();

                // Now we can compute the validation error on the validation data:
                double validationError = smo.ComputeError(validationInputs, validationOutputs);

                // Return a new information structure containing the model and the errors achieved.
                return(new CrossValidationValues <KernelSupportVectorMachine>(svm, trainingError, validationError));

            // Compute the cross-validation
            var result = crossvalidation.Compute();

            // Finally, access the measured performance.
            double trainingErrors   = result.Training.Mean;
            double validationErrors = result.Validation.Mean;

            Assert.AreEqual(3, crossvalidation.K);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, result.Training.Mean);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, result.Validation.Mean);

            Assert.AreEqual(3, crossvalidation.Folds.Length);
            Assert.AreEqual(3, result.Models.Length);
Esempio n. 4
        public void BootstrapConstructorTest3()

            // This is a sample code on how to use 0.632 Bootstrap
            // to assess the performance of Support Vector Machines.

            // Consider the example binary data. We will be trying
            // to learn a XOR problem and see how well does SVMs
            // perform on this data.

            double[][] data =
                new double[] { -1, -1 }, new double[] { 1, -1 },
                new double[] { -1,  1 }, new double[] { 1,  1 },
                new double[] { -1, -1 }, new double[] { 1, -1 },
                new double[] { -1,  1 }, new double[] { 1,  1 },
                new double[] { -1, -1 }, new double[] { 1, -1 },
                new double[] { -1,  1 }, new double[] { 1,  1 },
                new double[] { -1, -1 }, new double[] { 1, -1 },
                new double[] { -1,  1 }, new double[] { 1,  1 },

            int[] xor = // result of xor for the sample input data
                -1,  1,
                1,  -1,
                -1,  1,
                1,  -1,
                -1,  1,
                1,  -1,
                -1,  1,
                1,  -1,

            // Create a new Bootstrap algorithm passing the set size and the number of resamplings
            var bootstrap = new Bootstrap(size: data.Length, subsamples: 50);

            // Define a fitting function using Support Vector Machines. The objective of this
            // function is to learn a SVM in the subset of the data indicated by the bootstrap.

            bootstrap.Fitting = delegate(int[] indicesTrain, int[] indicesValidation)
                // The fitting function is passing the indices of the original set which
                // should be considered training data and the indices of the original set
                // which should be considered validation data.

                // Lets now grab the training data:
                var trainingInputs  = data.Submatrix(indicesTrain);
                var trainingOutputs = xor.Submatrix(indicesTrain);

                // And now the validation data:
                var validationInputs  = data.Submatrix(indicesValidation);
                var validationOutputs = xor.Submatrix(indicesValidation);

                // Create a Kernel Support Vector Machine to operate on the set
                var svm = new KernelSupportVectorMachine(new Polynomial(2), 2);
                Assert.AreEqual(2, svm.NumberOfClasses);
                Assert.AreEqual(1, svm.NumberOfOutputs);

                // Create a training algorithm and learn the training data
                var smo = new SequentialMinimalOptimization(svm, trainingInputs, trainingOutputs);

                double trainingError = smo.Run();

                // Now we can compute the validation error on the validation data:
                double validationError = smo.ComputeError(validationInputs, validationOutputs);

                // Return a new information structure containing the model and the errors achieved.
                return(new BootstrapValues(trainingError, validationError));

            // Compute the bootstrap estimate
            var result = bootstrap.Compute();

            // Finally, access the measured performance.
            double trainingErrors   = result.Training.Mean;
            double validationErrors = result.Validation.Mean;

            // And compute the 0.632 estimate
            double estimate = result.Estimate;

            Assert.AreEqual(50, bootstrap.B);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, trainingErrors);
            Assert.AreEqual(0.021428571428571429, validationErrors);

            Assert.AreEqual(50, bootstrap.Subsamples.Length);
            Assert.AreEqual(0.013542857142857143, estimate);
Esempio n. 5
        private void Test_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // TODO: This line of code loads data into the 'diabetesDataSetB.ContinuousData' table. You can move, or remove it, as needed.

            // This is a sample code on how to use Cross-Validation
            // to access the performance of Support Vector Machines.

            // Consider the example binary data. We will be trying
            // to learn a XOR problem and see how well does SVMs
            // perform on this data.

            double[][] data =
                new double[] { -1, -1 }, new double[] { 1, -1 },
                new double[] { -1,  1 }, new double[] { 1,  1 },
                new double[] { -1, -1 }, new double[] { 1, -1 },
                new double[] { -1,  1 }, new double[] { 1,  1 },
                new double[] { -1, -1 }, new double[] { 1, -1 },
                new double[] { -1,  1 }, new double[] { 1,  1 },
                new double[] { -1, -1 }, new double[] { 1, -1 },
                new double[] { -1,  1 }, new double[] { 1,  1 },

            int[] xor = // result of xor for the sample input data
                -1,  1,
                1,  -1,
                -1,  1,
                1,  -1,
                -1,  1,
                1,  -1,
                -1,  1,
                1,  -1,

            // Create a new Cross-validation algorithm passing the data set size and the number of folds
            var crossvalidation = new CrossValidation <KernelSupportVectorMachine>(size: data.Length, folds: 3);

            // Define a fitting function using Support Vector Machines. The objective of this
            // function is to learn a SVM in the subset of the data dicted by cross-validation.

            crossvalidation.Fitting = delegate(int k, int[] indicesTrain, int[] indicesValidation)
                // The fitting function is passing the indices of the original set which
                // should be considered training data and the indices of the original set
                // which should be considered validation data.

                // Lets now grab the training data:
                var trainingInputs  = data.Submatrix(indicesTrain);
                var trainingOutputs = xor.Submatrix(indicesTrain);

                // And now the validation data:
                var validationInputs  = data.Submatrix(indicesValidation);
                var validationOutputs = xor.Submatrix(indicesValidation);

                // Create a Kernel Support Vector Machine to operate on the set
                var svm = new KernelSupportVectorMachine(new Polynomial(2), 2);

                // Create a training algorithm and learn the training data
                var smo = new SequentialMinimalOptimization(svm, trainingInputs, trainingOutputs);

                double trainingError = smo.Run();

                // Now we can compute the validation error on the validation data:
                double validationError = smo.ComputeError(validationInputs, validationOutputs);

                // Return a new information structure containing the model and the errors achieved.
                return(new CrossValidationValues <KernelSupportVectorMachine>(svm, trainingError, validationError));

            //crossvalidation.CreatePartitions(2, data,out xor);

            // Compute the cross-validation
            var result = crossvalidation.Compute();

            // Finally, access the measured performance.
            double trainingErrors   = result.Training.Mean;
            double validationErrors = result.Validation.Mean;
Esempio n. 6
        private CrossValidationResult _performCrossValidation()
            // Create a new Cross-validation algorithm passing the data set size and the number of folds
            var crossvalidation = new CrossValidation(size: _inputs.Length, folds: _configuration.CrossValidationNumFolds);

            Console.WriteLine("Num Samples: " + crossvalidation.Samples);

            // ConcurrentDictionary<string, NodeClassification> nodeClassifications = new ConcurrentDictionary<string, NodeClassification>();
            CrossValidationResult cvResult = new CrossValidationResult();

            // Define a fitting function using Support Vector Machines. The objective of this
            // function is to learn a SVM in the subset of the data indicated by cross-validation.
            crossvalidation.Fitting = delegate(int k, int[] indicesTrain, int[] indicesValidation)
                // The fitting function is passing the indices of the original set which
                // should be considered training data and the indices of the original set
                // which should be considered validation data.

                // Lets now grab the training data:
                var trainingInputs  = _inputs.Submatrix(indicesTrain);
                var trainingOutputs = _outputs.Submatrix(indicesTrain);
                var trainingNames   = _names.Submatrix(indicesTrain);

                // And now the validation data:
                var validationInputs  = _inputs.Submatrix(indicesValidation);
                var validationOutputs = _outputs.Submatrix(indicesValidation);
                var validationNames   = _names.Submatrix(indicesValidation);

                if (validationNames.Intersect <String>(trainingNames).Count() > 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("Warning, Training and Validation Set not disjunct.");
                    Utility.writeToConsole <String>(validationNames.Intersect(trainingNames).ToArray());

                //Console.WriteLine("=== TRAINING ===");

                //Console.WriteLine("=== VALIDATION ===");

                //Console.WriteLine("=== INTERSECTION ===");
                //String[] intersection = Utility.Intersection(validationNames, trainingNames);

                // Create a Kernel Support Vector Machine to operate on the set
                var svm = new KernelSupportVectorMachine(_kernel, _inputs[0].Length);
                //Accord.MachineLearning.Boosting.Boost<KernelSupportVectorMachine> b;
                // Create a training algorithm and learn the training data
                var smo = new SequentialMinimalOptimization(svm, trainingInputs, trainingOutputs)
                    // Set learning parameters
                    Tolerance              = _configuration.Tolerance,
                    PositiveWeight         = _configuration.WeightPositiveClass,
                    NegativeWeight         = _configuration.WeightNegativeClass,
                    UseClassProportions    = _configuration.UseComputedWeights,
                    UseComplexityHeuristic = true

                //if (!_configuration.UseHeuristicalComplexity)
                _smo.Complexity = _configuration.Complexity;

                double trainingError = smo.Run();

                // Now we can compute the validation error on the validation data:
                double validationError = smo.ComputeError(validationInputs, validationOutputs);

                // Predictions & Confusion Matrix
                List <int>    predictions    = new List <int>();
                List <double> rawPredictions = new List <double>();

                int index = 0;
                foreach (double[] inputVector in validationInputs)
                    // Compute the decision output for vector
                    // Console.WriteLine(validationNames[index]);
                    // Utility.writeToConsole<double>(inputVector);
                    double rawPrediction = svm.Compute(inputVector);

                    int prediction = rawPrediction > 0.0d ? +1 : -1;

                        // Update Node Classifications
                        cvResult.AddOrUpdateClassification(validationNames[index], rawPrediction, validationOutputs[index]);
                    catch (IndexOutOfRangeException)
                        Console.WriteLine("Failed to update CV Result: Input Vector larger than Name Vector.");


                ConfusionMatrix confusionMatrix = new ConfusionMatrix(predictions.ToArray(), validationOutputs, 1, -1);

                // Return a new information structure containing the model and the errors achieved.
                return(new CrossValidationValues(svm, trainingError, validationError));

            // Compute the cross-validation
            var result = crossvalidation.Compute();

            // Finally, access the measured performance.
            double trainingErrors   = result.Training.Mean;
            double validationErrors = result.Validation.Mean;

            Console.WriteLine("Training Errors: " + result.Training.Mean);
            Console.WriteLine("Validation Errors: " + result.Validation.Mean);

            ConfusionMatrix aggregatedConfusionMatrix = ConfusionMatrix.Combine(cvResult.ConfusionMatrices.ToArray());
