void Start() { instance = this; answer = 0; question = new int[3]; question[0] = 9; question[1] = 6; question[2] = 2; if (index == 1) { questions[0].gameObject.SetActive(true); questions[0].gameObject.SetActive(false); questions[0].gameObject.SetActive(false); } if (index == 1) { questions[0].gameObject.SetActive(false); questions[0].gameObject.SetActive(true); questions[0].gameObject.SetActive(false); } if (index == 2) { questions[0].gameObject.SetActive(false); questions[1].gameObject.SetActive(false); questions[2].gameObject.SetActive(true); } }
public void ApplyDefaultChapterSequencing() { var seq = new Sequencing(); SequencingPatternManager.ApplyDefaultChapterSequencing(seq); Assert.AreEqual(seq.ControlMode.Flow, true); Assert.AreEqual(seq.ControlMode.Choice, true); }
public string ToString(HL7Table.HL7Version version) { List <string> lst = new List <string>() { SortBy.ToString(version), Sequencing.Value() }; return(string.Join("^", lst)); }
public void ApplyRandomSetSequencingPattern() { var seq = new Sequencing(); const int count = 10; SequencingPatternManager.ApplyRandomSetSequencingPattern(seq, count); Assert.AreEqual(seq.RandomizationControls.ReorderChildren, true); Assert.AreEqual(seq.RandomizationControls.SelectionTiming, Timing.Once); Assert.AreEqual(seq.RandomizationControls.SelectCount, count); }
public static Sequencing ApplyDefaultChapterSequencing(Sequencing sequencing) { sequencing.ControlMode = new ControlMode(); sequencing.LimitConditions = null; sequencing.RandomizationControls = null; sequencing.ControlMode.Choice = true; sequencing.ControlMode.Flow = true; return(sequencing); }
public static Sequencing ApplyDefaultChapterSequencing(Sequencing sequencing) { if (sequencing.ControlMode == null) { sequencing.ControlMode = new ControlMode(); } sequencing.ControlMode.Choice = true; sequencing.ControlMode.Flow = true; return(sequencing); }
public void ApplyControlChapterSequencing() { var seq = new Sequencing(); SequencingPatternManager.ApplyControlChapterSequencing(seq); Assert.AreEqual(seq.ControlMode.Choice, false); Assert.AreEqual(seq.ControlMode.Flow, true); Assert.AreEqual(seq.ControlMode.ForwardOnly, true); Assert.AreEqual(seq.ControlMode.ChoiceExit, false); Assert.AreEqual(seq.LimitConditions.AttemptLimit, 1); }
public static Sequencing ApplyRandomSetSequencingPattern(Sequencing sequencing, int selectCount) { sequencing.RandomizationControls = new RandomizationControls(); sequencing.ControlMode = new ControlMode(); sequencing.LimitConditions = null; sequencing.RandomizationControls.ReorderChildren = true; sequencing.RandomizationControls.SelectionTiming = Timing.Once; sequencing.RandomizationControls.SelectCount = selectCount; return(sequencing); }
public virtual void Parse(int courseId) { var db = this.GetDbContext(); var course = db.Courses.Single(c => c.Id == courseId); if (!course.Locked.Value) { return; } var coursePath = this.GetCoursePath(course.Id); var courseTempPath = this.GetCourseTempPath(course.Id); var manifestPath = Path.Combine(courseTempPath, SCORM.ImsManifset); Zipper.ExtractZipFile(coursePath + ".zip", courseTempPath); var manifest = Manifest.Deserialize(manifestPath); var importer = new Importer(manifest, course, this); importer.Import(); // QUICK FIX for importing images var imagesPath = Path.Combine(courseTempPath, "Node"); if (Directory.Exists(imagesPath)) { FileHelper.DirectoryCopy(imagesPath, Path.Combine(coursePath, "Node")); } // QUICK FIX for "Row not found or changed." exception db = this.GetDbContext(); course = db.Courses.Single(c => c.Id == courseId); course.Locked = false; var xml = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Sequencing)); // try to apply sequencing from imported course try { var sequencing = manifest.SequencingCollection.Sequencings[0]; course.Sequencing = xml.SerializeToXElemet(sequencing); } catch (Exception) // apply default sequencing if any errors occured { var sequencing = new Sequencing(); sequencing = SequencingPatternManager.ApplyDefaultChapterSequencing(sequencing); course.Sequencing = xml.SerializeToXElemet(sequencing); } db.SubmitChanges(); }
public static Sequencing ApplyControlChapterSequencing(Sequencing sequencing) { sequencing.ControlMode = new ControlMode(); sequencing.LimitConditions = new LimitConditions(); sequencing.RandomizationControls = null; sequencing.ControlMode.Choice = false; sequencing.ControlMode.Flow = true; sequencing.ControlMode.ForwardOnly = true; sequencing.ControlMode.ChoiceExit = false; sequencing.LimitConditions.AttemptLimit = 1; return(sequencing); }
//private bool _part6Compete; private void Part6Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { _sequenceLayers = _interpolationPointLayers.ToDictionary(ci => ci.Key, ci => new Layer <SequencePath> { Paths = ci.Value.Paths.Select(path => new SequencePath { Path = path, Sequences = Sequencing.Create(path.Points.Select(p => p.Direction).ToList()).ToList() }).ToList() }); var sequences = _sequenceLayers.SelectMany(cl => cl.Value.Paths.SelectMany(p => p.Sequences.Select(s => new { Color = cl.Key }))).ToList(); Part6ComboBox.ItemsSource = sequences.Select((cs, i) => new ColorSelectionItem(cs.Color, i)).ToList(); SequenceCount.Content = sequences.Count; Part6Button.IsEnabled = false; }
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Tracing ImageData, then returning PaddedPaletteImage with tracedata in layers private static TracedImage PaddedPaletteImageToTraceData(Bitmap image, Tracing tracing, SvgRendering rendering) { // Selective Gaussian blur preprocessing //if (options.Blur.BlurRadius > 0) //{ // // TODO: This seems to not work currently. // imgd = Blur(imgd, options.Blur.BlurRadius, options.Blur.BlurDelta); //} // 1. Color quantization var colors = image.ChangeFormat(PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb).ToColorReferences(); var colorGroups = ColorGrouping.Convert(colors, image.Width, image.Height, Palette); // 2. Layer separation and edge detection var rawLayers = Layering.Convert(colorGroups, image.Width, image.Height, Palette); // 3. Batch pathscan var pathPointLayers = rawLayers.ToDictionary(cl => cl.Key, cl => new Layer <PathPointPath> { Paths = Pathing.Scan(cl.Value, tracing.PathOmit).ToList() }); // 4. Batch interpollation var interpolationPointLayers = pathPointLayers.ToDictionary(cp => cp.Key, cp => Interpolation.Convert(cp.Value)); // 5. Batch tracing var sequenceLayers = interpolationPointLayers.ToDictionary(ci => ci.Key, ci => new Layer <SequencePath> { Paths = ci.Value.Paths.Select(path => new SequencePath { Path = path, Sequences = Sequencing.Create(path.Points.Select(p => p.Direction).ToList()).ToList() }).ToList() }); var segmentLayers = sequenceLayers.ToDictionary(ci => ci.Key, ci => new Layer <SegmentPath> { Paths = ci.Value.Paths.Select(path => new SegmentPath { Segments = path.Sequences.Select(s => Segmentation.Fit(path.Path.Points, s, tracing, rendering)).SelectMany(s => s).ToList() }).ToList() }); return(new TracedImage(segmentLayers, image.Width, image.Height)); }
public EnumerationBenchmarks(Func <uint, Enumerations <uint> > classics, Sequencing <uint> subject) { _classics = classics; _subject = subject; }
private ActivityDefinition GetActivityInteraction(int interactionIndex) { ActivityDefinition interactionDef = null; using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(DbUtils.GetConnectionString())) { SqlDataReader reader = null; SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(GetActivityInteractionQuery, connection); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@id", interactionIndex); try { connection.Open(); reader = command.ExecuteReader(); if (reader.Read()) { InteractionType type = reader.GetString(1); interactionDef = type.CreateInstance(new JObject(), ApiVersion.GetLatest()); if (!reader.IsDBNull(2)) { JsonString json = reader.GetString(2); var sList = new List <string>(); var crp = json.ToJArray(); foreach (var jstring in crp) { sList.Add(jstring.Value <string>()); } (interactionDef as InteractionActivityDefinitionBase).CorrectResponsesPattern = sList.ToArray(); } if (!reader.IsDBNull(3)) { Choice cho = interactionDef as Choice; Sequencing seq = interactionDef as Sequencing; if (cho != null) { cho.Choices = new InteractionComponentCollection(reader.GetString(3)); } else if (seq != null) { seq.Choices = new InteractionComponentCollection(reader.GetString(3)); } } if (!reader.IsDBNull(4)) { Likert def = interactionDef as Likert; if (def != null) { def.Scale = new InteractionComponentCollection(reader.GetString(4)); } } if (!reader.IsDBNull(5)) { Matching match = interactionDef as Matching; if (match != null) { match.Source = new InteractionComponentCollection(reader.GetString(5)); } } if (!reader.IsDBNull(6)) { Matching match = interactionDef as Matching; if (match != null) { match.Target = new InteractionComponentCollection(reader.GetString(6)); } } if (!reader.IsDBNull(7)) { Performance perf = interactionDef as Performance; if (perf != null) { perf.Steps = new InteractionComponentCollection(reader.GetString(7)); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { return(null); } finally { if (reader != null && !reader.IsClosed) { reader.Close(); } } } return(interactionDef); }
public void SequencingTest() { var sequencing = new Sequencing(); sequencing.AdlObjectives = new AdlObjectives(); sequencing.AdlObjectives.Objectives = new List <AdlObjective>(); sequencing.AuxiliaryResources = "res"; sequencing.ConstrainedChoiceConsiderations = new ConstrainedChoiceConsiderations { ConstrainChoice = true, CourseId = 1, NodeId = 2, PreventActivation = false, Type = "type" }; sequencing.ControlMode = new ControlMode { Choice = true, ChoiceExit = false, CourseId = 1, Flow = false, ForwardOnly = false, NodeId = 2, Type = "type", UseCurrentAttemptObjectiveInfo = false, UseCurrentAttemptProgressInfo = true }; sequencing.DeliveryControls = new DeliveryControls { CompletionSetByContent = true, CourseId = 1, NodeId = 2, ObjectiveSetByContent = false, Tracked = false, Type = "type" }; sequencing.Id = "id"; sequencing.IdRef = "ref"; sequencing.LimitConditions = new LimitConditions { AttemptAbsoluteDurationLimit = "1", AttemptLimit = 0, CourseId = 1, NodeId = 2, Type = "type" }; sequencing.Objectives = new Objectives(); sequencing.RandomizationControls = new RandomizationControls { CourseId = 1, NodeId = 2, RandomizationTiming = Timing.Once, ReorderChildren = true, SelectCount = 1, SelectionTiming = Timing.Never }; sequencing.RollupConsiderations = new RollupConsiderations { CourseId = 1, NodeId = 2, MeasureSatisfactionIfActive = false, RequiredForCompleted = Required.IfNotSkipped, RequiredForIncomplete = Required.IfNotSuspended, RequiredForNotSatisfied = Required.Always, RequiredForSatisfied = Required.IfAttempted, Type = "type", }; sequencing.RollupRules = new RollupRules { CourseId = 1, NodeId = 2, ObjectiveMeasureWeight = 1, RollupObjectiveSatisfied = false, RollupProgressCompletion = true, RollupRulesList = new List <RollupRule>() }; sequencing.SequencingRules = new SequencingRules { ExitConditionRule = new Rule { RuleAction = new RuleAction { Action = Action.Previous }, RuleConditions = new RuleConditions { ConditionCombination = ConditionCombination.All, RuleConditionsList = new List <RuleCondition>() } } }; var rule = new RollupRule { ChildActivitySet = ChildActivitySet.All, CourseId = 1, NodeId = 2, Type = "type", MinimumCount = 1, MinimumPercent = 1, RollupAction = new RollupAction { Action = RollupActions.Completed } }; var con = new RollupConsiderations { CourseId = 1, NodeId = 2, MeasureSatisfactionIfActive = false, RequiredForCompleted = Required.Always, RequiredForIncomplete = Required.IfNotSkipped, RequiredForNotSatisfied = Required.IfNotSkipped, RequiredForSatisfied = Required.IfAttempted, Type = "type" }; sequencing.RollupConsiderations = con; sequencing.RollupRules = new RollupRules { CourseId = 1, NodeId = 2, ObjectiveMeasureWeight = 1, RollupObjectiveSatisfied = false, RollupProgressCompletion = true, RollupRulesList = new List <RollupRule>() }; sequencing.RollupRules.RollupRulesList.Add(rule); var manifest = new Manifest(); manifest.SequencingCollection = new SequencingCollection(); manifest.SequencingCollection.Sequencings = new List <Sequencing>(); manifest.SequencingCollection.Sequencings.Add(sequencing); var path = Path.Combine(this.root, "sequencing.xml"); manifest.Serialize(new StreamWriter(path)); Assert.IsTrue(File.Exists(path)); }