public UnitOfWork(ObservationDataContext context) { _context = context; ObservationRepository = new ObservationRepository(_context); SequenceRepository = new SequenceRepository(_context); WorkingSectionRepository = new WorkingSectionRepository(_context); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Initialize(); var rep = new SequenceRepository(); var res = rep.GetLastSequence(); var dto = RandomGenerator.CreateValue(); var diff = dto.Value - res?.Value ?? 0.0; res = rep.CreateSequence(new Sequence() { CreatedOn = dto.CreateOn, Value = dto.Value, Differential = diff }); }
public UnitOfWork(VegaContext context) { _context = context; Clients = new ClientRepository(_context); Users = new UserRepository(_context); Supplier = new SupplierRepository(_context); Component = new ComponentRepository(_context); ImportingInvoice = new ImportingInvoiceRepository(_context); UGroup = new GroupsRepository(_context); FabricationOrder = new FabricationOrderRepository(_context); Expence = new ExpenceRepository(_context); ExpenceCat = new ExpenceCatRepository(_context); GroupPermission = new GroupPermissionRepository(_context); Permission = new PermissionRepository(_context); Sequence = new SequenceRepository(_context); Nomenclature = new NomenclatureRepository(_context); NomenclatureSequence = new NomenclatureSequenceRepository(_context); Color = new ColorRepository(_context); SellingInvoices = new SellingInvoicesRepository(_context); RawMaterials = new RawMaterialsRepository(_context); UsedRawMaterial = new UsedRawMaterialRepository(_context); ProgressionChecks = new ProgressionChecksRepository(_context); }
// eg. /Games/Game/1 public ActionResult Game(int id) { var SequenceModel = SequenceRepository.GetSequenceById(id); //some way of getting your model from the ID return(View(SequenceModel)); }
public async Task <string> index() { PostModel postModel = TypeChange.UrlToEntities <PostModel>(Request.QueryString.Value); if (!CheckSignature.Check(postModel.Signature, postModel.Timestamp, postModel.Nonce, appConfig.WeiXin.Token)) { return("参数错误!"); } else { Request.EnableBuffering(); using (var reader = new StreamReader(Request.Body, encoding: Encoding.UTF8)) { var body = await reader.ReadToEndAsync(); var xml = TypeChange.XmlToDict(body); String toUserName = xml.GetValueOrDefault("ToUserName"); String fromUserName = xml.GetValueOrDefault("FromUserName"); String msgType = xml.GetValueOrDefault("MsgType"); String content = xml.GetValueOrDefault("Content"); String eventType = xml.GetValueOrDefault("Event"); String eventKey = xml.GetValueOrDefault("EventKey"); String ticket = xml.GetValueOrDefault("Ticket"); await weiXin.saveLog(new WxQuestLogEntity { id = await SequenceRepository.GetNextID <WxQuestLogEntity>(), toUserName = toUserName, fromUserName = fromUserName, msgType = msgType, content = content, eventType = eventType, eventKey = eventKey, ticket = ticket, }); if (MessageUtil.MESSAGE_EVENT.Equals(msgType)) { switch (eventType.ToLower()) { case "subscribe": //订阅 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fromUserName)) { var userinfo = Helper.WeiChat.Utility.GetUserInfo(fromUserName); await weiXin.saveUser(userinfo, new List <string> { "nickname", "headimgurl", "subscribe", "subscribe_time", "remark", "groupid", "tagidListStr", "subscribe_scene", "qr_scene", "qr_scene_str" }); } break; case "unsubscribe": //取消订阅 var unsubscribeUser = new WxUserEntity() { subscribe = 0, openid = fromUserName, subscribe_time = Helper.DataTimeHelper.getDateLongTimestamp(DateTime.Now) }; await weiXin.saveUser(unsubscribeUser, new List <string> { "subscribe", "subscribe_time" }); break; case "click": //点击事件 String replay = ""; switch (eventKey) { case MessageUtil.CLICK_DOWNURL: replay = MessageUtil.downloadApp(); break; case MessageUtil.CLICK_ETC_INSTALL: replay = MessageUtil.etcInstallPlace(); break; case MessageUtil.CLICK_GetMoney: replay = MessageUtil.etcGetMoney(fromUserName); break; } string message = MessageUtil.initText(toUserName, fromUserName, replay); return(message); case "view": //url类型 break; } } // Do some processing with body… // Reset the request body stream position so the next middleware can read it Request.Body.Position = 0; return(""); } } }