Esempio n. 1
        public static SentryEvent CleanseEvent(SentryEvent sentryEvent)
                sentryEvent.Message.Message = CleanseLogMessage.Cleanse(sentryEvent.Message.Message);

                if (sentryEvent.Fingerprint != null)
                    var fingerprint = sentryEvent.Fingerprint.Select(x => CleanseLogMessage.Cleanse(x)).ToList();

                if (sentryEvent.Extra != null)
                    var extras = sentryEvent.Extra.ToDictionary(x => x.Key, y => (object)CleanseLogMessage.Cleanse((string)y.Value));

                foreach (var exception in sentryEvent.SentryExceptions)
                    exception.Value = CleanseLogMessage.Cleanse(exception.Value);
                    foreach (var frame in exception.Stacktrace.Frames)
                        frame.FileName = ShortenPath(frame.FileName);
            catch (Exception)

Esempio n. 2
        protected override void Write(LogEventInfo logEvent)
            if (_unauthorized || !SentryEnabled)

                SentrySdk.AddBreadcrumb(logEvent.FormattedMessage, logEvent.LoggerName, level: BreadcrumbLevelMap[logEvent.Level]);

                // don't report non-critical events without exceptions
                if (!IsSentryMessage(logEvent))

                var fingerPrint = GetFingerPrint(logEvent);
                if (!_debounce.Allowed(fingerPrint))

                var extras = logEvent.Properties.ToDictionary(x => x.Key.ToString(), x => (object)x.Value.ToString());

                if (logEvent.Exception != null)
                    foreach (DictionaryEntry data in logEvent.Exception.Data)
                        extras.Add(data.Key.ToString(), data.Value.ToString());

                var sentryEvent = new SentryEvent(logEvent.Exception)
                    Level   = LoggingLevelMap[logEvent.Level],
                    Logger  = logEvent.LoggerName,
                    Message = logEvent.FormattedMessage


            catch (Exception e)
Esempio n. 3
    private static async Task Main()
        // When the SDK is disabled, no callback is executed:
        await SentrySdk.ConfigureScopeAsync(async scope =>
            // Never executed:
            // This could be any async I/O operation, like a DB query
            await Task.Yield();
            scope.SetExtra("Key", "Value");

        // Enable the SDK
        using (SentrySdk.Init(o =>
            // Send stack trace for events that were not created from an exception
            // e.g: CaptureMessage, log.LogDebug, log.LogInformation ...
            o.AttachStacktrace = true;

            // Sentry won't consider code from namespace LibraryX.* as part of the app code and will hide it from the stacktrace by default
            // To see the lines from non `AppCode`, select `Full`. Will include non App code like System.*, Microsoft.* and LibraryX.*

            // Before excluding all prefixed 'LibraryX.', any stack trace from a type namespaced 'LibraryX.Core' will be considered InApp.

            // Send personal identifiable information like the username logged on to the computer and machine name
            o.SendDefaultPii = true;

            // To enable event sampling, uncomment:
            // o.SampleRate = 0.5f; // Randomly drop (don't send to Sentry) half of events

            // Modifications to event before it goes out. Could replace the event altogether
            o.BeforeSend = @event =>
                // Drop an event altogether:
                if (@event.Tags.ContainsKey("SomeTag"))


            // Allows inspecting and modifying, returning a new or simply rejecting (returning null)
            o.BeforeBreadcrumb = crumb =>
                // Don't add breadcrumbs with message containing:
                if (crumb.Message?.Contains("bad breadcrumb") == true)


            // Ignore exception by its type:
            o.AddExceptionFilterForType <XsltCompileException>();

            // Configure the background worker which sends events to sentry:
            // Wait up to 5 seconds before shutdown while there are events to send.
            o.ShutdownTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5);

            // Enable SDK logging with Debug level
            o.Debug = true;
            // To change the verbosity, use:
            // o.DiagnosticLevel = SentryLevel.Info;
            // To use a custom logger:
            // o.DiagnosticLogger = ...

            // Using a proxy:
            o.HttpProxy = null; //new WebProxy("https://*****:*****@user{timestamp}.com";

            SentrySdk.CaptureUserFeedback(new UserFeedback(eventId, user, email, "this is a sample user feedback"));

            var error = new Exception("Attempting to send this multiple times");

            // Only the first capture will be sent to Sentry
            for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                // The SDK is able to detect duplicate events:
                // This is useful, for example, when multiple loggers log the same exception. Or exception is re-thrown and recaptured.

            var count = 10;
            for (var i = 0; i < count; i++)
                const string msg = "{0} of {1} items we'll wait to flush to Sentry!";
                SentrySdk.CaptureEvent(new SentryEvent
                    Message = new SentryMessage
                        Message   = msg,
                        Formatted = string.Format(msg, i, count)
                    Level = SentryLevel.Debug
            // Console output will show queue being flushed. Task completes then and timeout is never reached (you don't need to wait a day :)
            await SentrySdk.FlushAsync(TimeSpan.FromDays(1));

            // -------------------------

            // A custom made client, that could be registered with DI,
            // would get disposed by the container on app shutdown

            var evt = new SentryEvent();
            evt.Message = "Starting new client";
            evt.AddBreadcrumb("Breadcrumb directly to the event");
            evt.User.Username = "******";
            // Group all events with the following fingerprint:
            evt.SetFingerprint(new [] { "NewClientDebug" });
            evt.Level = SentryLevel.Debug;

            // Using a different DSN:
            using (var adminClient = new SentryClient(new SentryOptions {
                Dsn = AdminDsn
                // Make believe web framework middleware
                var middleware = new AdminPartMiddleware(adminClient, null);
                var request    = new { Path = "/admin" }; // made up request
            } // Dispose the client which flushes any queued events

                new Exception("Error outside of the admin section: Goes to the default DSN"));
        }  // On Dispose: SDK closed, events queued are flushed/sent to Sentry
Esempio n. 4
    private static async Task Main(string[] args)
        // When the SDK is disabled, no callback is executed:
        await SentrySdk.ConfigureScopeAsync(async scope =>
            // Never executed:
            // This could be any async I/O operation, like a DB query
            await Task.Yield();
            scope.SetExtra("Key", "Value");

        // Enable the SDK
        using (SentrySdk.Init(o =>
            // Send stack trace for events that were not created from an exception
            // e.g: CaptureMessage, log.LogDebug, log.LogInformation ...
            o.AttachStacktrace = true;

            // Sentry won't consider code from namespace LibraryX.* as part of the app code and will hide it from the stacktrace by default
            // To see the lines from non `AppCode`, select `Full`. That'll include non App code like System.*, Microsoft.* and LibraryX.*

            // Send personal identifiable information like the username logged on to the computer and machine name
            o.SendDefaultPii = true;

            // To enable event sampling, uncomment:
            // o.SampleRate = 0.5f; // Randomly drop (don't send to Sentry) half of events

            // Modifications to event before it goes out. Could replace the event altogether
            o.BeforeSend = @event =>
                // Drop an event altogether:
                if (@event.Tags.ContainsKey("SomeTag"))


            // Allows inspecting and modifying, returning a new or simply rejecting (returning null)
            o.BeforeBreadcrumb = crumb =>
                // Don't add breadcrumbs with message containing:
                if (crumb.Message?.Contains("bad breadcrumb") == true)


            // Configure the background worker which sends events to sentry:
            // Wait up to 5 seconds before shutdown while there are events to send.
            o.ShutdownTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5);

            // Enable SDK logging with Debug level
            o.Debug = true;
            // To change the verbosity, use:
            // o.DiagnosticsLevel = SentryLevel.Info;
            // To use a custom logger:
            // o.DiagnosticLogger = ...

            // Using a proxy:
            o.HttpProxy = null; //new WebProxy("https://localhost:3128");

            // Example customizing the HttpClientHandlers created
            o.ConfigureHandler = (handler, dsn) =>
                handler.ServerCertificateCustomValidationCallback =
                    // A custom certificate validation
                    (sender, certificate, chain, sslPolicyErrors) => !certificate.Archived;

            // Access to the HttpClient created to serve the SentryClint
            o.ConfigureClient = (client, dsn) =>
                client.DefaultRequestHeaders.TryAddWithoutValidation("CustomHeader", new[] { "my value" });
                "A 'bad breadcrumb' that will be rejected because of 'BeforeBreadcrumb callback above.'");

            // Data added to the root scope (no PushScope called up to this point)
            // The modifications done here will affect all events sent and will propagate to child scopes.
            await SentrySdk.ConfigureScopeAsync(async scope =>
                scope.AddEventProcessor(new SomeEventProcessor());
                scope.AddExceptionProcessor(new ArgumentExceptionProcessor());

                // This could be any async I/O operation, like a DB query
                await Task.Yield();
                    Data      = "Value fetched asynchronously",
                    ManaLevel = 199

            SentrySdk.CaptureMessage("Some warning!", SentryLevel.Warning);

            var error = new Exception("Attempting to send this multiple times");

            // Only the first capture will be sent to Sentry
            for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                // The SDK is able to detect duplicate events:
                // This is useful, for example, when multiple loggers log the same exception. Or exception is re-thrown and recaptured.

            // -------------------------

            // A custom made client, that could be registered with DI,
            // would get disposed by the container on app shutdown

            var evt = new SentryEvent();
            evt.Message = "Starting new client";
            evt.AddBreadcrumb("Breadcrumb directly to the event");
            evt.User.Username = "******";
            // Group all events with the following fingerprint:
            evt.SetFingerprint(new [] { "NewClientDebug" });
            evt.Level = SentryLevel.Debug;

            // Using a different DSN:
            var adminDsn = new Dsn(AdminDsn);
            using (var adminClient = new SentryClient(new SentryOptions {
                Dsn = adminDsn
                // Make believe web framework middleware
                var middleware = new AdminPartMiddleware(adminClient, null);
                var request    = new { Path = "/admin" }; // made up request
            } // Dispose the client which flushes any queued events

                new Exception("Error outside of the admin section: Goes to the default DSN"));
        }  // On Dispose: SDK closed, events queued are flushed/sent to Sentry