Esempio n. 1
        private async Task SetAgentButton_Clicked(Button setAgentButton)
            List <Input> agentSelectionInputs = new List <Input>();

            // show any existing agents
            List <SensingAgent> currentAgents = null;

            // android allows us to dynamically load code assemblies, but iOS does not. so, the current approach
            // is to only support dynamic loading on android and force compile-time assembly inclusion on ios.
#if __ANDROID__
            // try to extract agents from a previously loaded assembly
                currentAgents = _protocol.GetAgents(_protocol.AgentAssemblyBytes);
            catch (Exception)
            { }
#elif __IOS__
            currentAgents = _protocol.GetAgents();

            // display warning message, as there is no other option to load agents.
            if (currentAgents.Count == 0)
                await SensusServiceHelper.Get().FlashNotificationAsync("No agents available.");


            // let the user pick from currently available agents
            ItemPickerPageInput currentAgentsPicker = null;
            if (currentAgents != null && currentAgents.Count > 0)
                currentAgentsPicker = new ItemPickerPageInput("Available agent" + (currentAgents.Count > 1 ? "s" : "") + ":", currentAgents.Select(agent => agent.Id).Cast <object>().ToList())
                    Required = false


#if __ANDROID__
            // add option to scan qr code to import a new assembly
            QrCodeInput agentAssemblyUrlQrCodeInput = new QrCodeInput(QrCodePrefix.SENSING_AGENT, "URL:", false, "Agent URL:")
                Required = false


            List <Input> completedInputs = await SensusServiceHelper.Get().PromptForInputsAsync("Sensing Agent", agentSelectionInputs, null, true, "Set", null, null, null, false);

            if (completedInputs == null)

            // check for QR code on android. this doesn't exist on ios.
            string agentURL = null;

#if __ANDROID__
            agentURL = agentAssemblyUrlQrCodeInput.Value?.ToString();

            // if there is no URL, check if the user has selected an agent.
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(agentURL))
                if (currentAgentsPicker != null)
                    string selectedAgentId = (currentAgentsPicker.Value as List <object>).FirstOrDefault() as string;

                    SensingAgent selectedAgent = null;

                    if (selectedAgentId != null)
                        selectedAgent = currentAgents.First(currentAgent => currentAgent.Id == selectedAgentId);

                    // set the selected agent, watching out for a null (clearing) selection that needs to be confirmed
                    if (selectedAgentId != null || await DisplayAlert("Confirm", "Are you sure you wish to clear the sensing agent?", "Yes", "No"))
                        _protocol.Agent = selectedAgent;

                        setAgentButton.Text = "Set Agent" + (_protocol.Agent == null ? "" : ":  " + _protocol.Agent.Id);

                        if (_protocol.Agent == null)
                            await SensusServiceHelper.Get().FlashNotificationAsync("Sensing agent cleared.");
#if __ANDROID__
                // download agent assembly from scanned QR code
                byte[] downloadedBytes      = null;
                string downloadErrorMessage = null;
                    // download the assembly and extract agents
                    downloadedBytes = _protocol.AgentAssemblyBytes = await new WebClient().DownloadDataTaskAsync(new Uri(agentURL));
                    List <SensingAgent> qrCodeAgents = _protocol.GetAgents(downloadedBytes);

                    if (qrCodeAgents.Count == 0)
                        throw new Exception("No agents were present in the specified file.");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    downloadErrorMessage = ex.Message;

                // if error message is null, then we have 1 or more agents in the downloaded assembly.
                if (downloadErrorMessage == null)
                    // redisplay the current input prompt including the agents we just downloaded
                    _protocol.AgentAssemblyBytes = downloadedBytes;
                    await SetAgentButton_Clicked(setAgentButton);
                    SensusServiceHelper.Get().Logger.Log(downloadErrorMessage, LoggingLevel.Normal, GetType());
                    await SensusServiceHelper.Get().FlashNotificationAsync(downloadErrorMessage);
Esempio n. 2
        public SensingAgentPage(SensingAgent sensingAgent)
            Label idleLabel = new Label
                HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
                Text           = SensingAgentState.Idle.ToString(),
                BindingContext = sensingAgent

            idleLabel.SetBinding(BackgroundColorProperty, new Binding(nameof(SensingAgent.State), converter: new SensingAgentStateColorConverter(), converterParameter: SensingAgentState.Idle));

            Label opportunisticObservationLabel = new Label
                HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
                Text           = SensingAgentState.OpportunisticObservation.ToString(),
                BindingContext = sensingAgent

            opportunisticObservationLabel.SetBinding(BackgroundColorProperty, new Binding(nameof(SensingAgent.State), converter: new SensingAgentStateColorConverter(), converterParameter: SensingAgentState.OpportunisticObservation));

            Label opportunisticControlLabel = new Label
                HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
                Text           = SensingAgentState.OpportunisticControl.ToString(),
                BindingContext = sensingAgent

            opportunisticControlLabel.SetBinding(BackgroundColorProperty, new Binding(nameof(SensingAgent.State), converter: new SensingAgentStateColorConverter(), converterParameter: SensingAgentState.OpportunisticControl));

            Label activeObservationLabel = new Label
                HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
                Text           = SensingAgentState.ActiveObservation.ToString(),
                BindingContext = sensingAgent

            activeObservationLabel.SetBinding(BackgroundColorProperty, new Binding(nameof(SensingAgent.State), converter: new SensingAgentStateColorConverter(), converterParameter: SensingAgentState.ActiveObservation));

            Label activeControlLabel = new Label
                HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
                Text           = SensingAgentState.ActiveControl.ToString(),
                BindingContext = sensingAgent

            activeControlLabel.SetBinding(BackgroundColorProperty, new Binding(nameof(SensingAgent.State), converter: new SensingAgentStateColorConverter(), converterParameter: SensingAgentState.ActiveControl));

            Label endingControlLabel = new Label
                HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
                Text           = SensingAgentState.EndingControl.ToString(),
                BindingContext = sensingAgent

            endingControlLabel.SetBinding(BackgroundColorProperty, new Binding(nameof(SensingAgent.State), converter: new SensingAgentStateColorConverter(), converterParameter: SensingAgentState.EndingControl));

            Content = new ScrollView
                Content = new StackLayout
                    Orientation       = StackOrientation.Vertical,
                    HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
                    Children          =