Esempio n. 1
 // Constructors ////////////////////////////////////////////
 public ConfigurationWrapper(SNC.Content configContent)
     if (configContent == null) 
         throw new ArgumentNullException("configContent");
     _configContent = configContent;
Esempio n. 2
		internal static List<SNC.Content> GetChildren(int contentId, string repositoryId, out SNC.Content folder)
			SNC.Content content = null;
			content = SNC.Content.Load(contentId);

            if (content == null)
				throw new ArgumentException("Object '" + contentId + "' is not exist in '" + repositoryId + "' repository");

			var ifolder = content.ContentHandler as IFolder;
			if (ifolder == null)
				throw new ArgumentException("Object is not a folder (id = '" + contentId + "')");

			var contentList = new List<SNC.Content>();
			foreach (var node in ifolder.Children)

			folder = content;
			return contentList;
Esempio n. 3
		private static string GenerateAtomContent(SNC.Content content)
			return String.Concat(
				"Name: ", content.Name,
                ", type: ", String.IsNullOrEmpty(content.ContentType.DisplayName) ? content.ContentType.Name : content.ContentType.DisplayName,
				content.ContentHandler is IFolder ? ". This object can contain other objects" : "",
				". ",
				String.IsNullOrEmpty(content.ContentType.Description) ? "" : content.ContentType.Description
Esempio n. 4
        private void BuildAfterSubmitForm(SNC.Content formitem)
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(AfterSubmitViewPath))
                Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(string.Concat("<div class=\"sn-form-submittext\">", CurrentForm.AfterSubmitText, "</div>")));
                Button ok = new Button();
                ok.ID = "btnOk";
                ok.Text = "Ok";
                ok.CssClass = "sn-submit";
                ok.Click += new EventHandler(ok_Click);
Esempio n. 5
		private static List<CmisProperty> BuildCmisProperties(SNC.Content content)
			var cmisProps = new List<CmisProperty>();
			foreach (var fieldName in content.Fields.Keys)
				var field = content.Fields[fieldName];
				var fieldValue = field.GetData();
				if (fieldValue == null)
				if (fieldName == "NodeType" || fieldName == "Path" || fieldName == "Password")
				if (fieldName == "Index")
					cmisProps.Add(new CmisIntegerProperty { Name = fieldName, Value = Convert.ToInt32(fieldValue) });
				else if (fieldName == "Id")
					cmisProps.Add(new CmisIdProperty { Name = fieldName, Value = fieldValue });
				else if (fieldValue is int)
					cmisProps.Add(new CmisIntegerProperty { Name = fieldName, Value = fieldValue });
				else if (fieldValue is decimal)
					cmisProps.Add(new CmisDecimalProperty { Name = fieldName, Value = fieldValue });
				else if (fieldValue is Boolean)
					cmisProps.Add(new CmisBooleanProperty { Name = fieldName, Value = fieldValue });
				else if (fieldValue is WhoAndWhenField.WhoAndWhenData)
					var whoAndWhenValue = (WhoAndWhenField.WhoAndWhenData)fieldValue;
					cmisProps.Add(new CmisDateTimeProperty { Name = fieldName + "_When", Value = whoAndWhenValue.When });
					cmisProps.Add(new CmisStringProperty { Name = fieldName + "_Who", Value = whoAndWhenValue.Who.Name });
				else if (fieldValue is HyperLinkField.HyperlinkData)
					var hyperlinkData = (HyperLinkField.HyperlinkData)fieldValue;
					cmisProps.Add(new CmisUriProperty { Name = fieldName, Value = hyperlinkData.Href });
				else if (fieldValue is List<string>)
					cmisProps.Add(new CmisStringProperty { Name = fieldName, Value = String.Join(",", ((List<string>)fieldValue).ToArray()) });
					cmisProps.Add(new CmisStringProperty { Name = fieldName, Value = fieldValue.ToString() });
			return cmisProps;
Esempio n. 6
		private static CmisAllowableActions GetAllowableActions(SNC.Content content)
			if (content.ContentHandler is IFolder)
				return new CmisAllowableFolderActions
					CanGetParent = content.ContentHandler.ParentId == 0 ? false : content.ContentHandler.ParentId != Repository.Root.Id,
					CanAddPolicy = false,
					CanGetChildren = true,
					CanDelete = false,
					CanGetDescendants = false,
					CanGetProperties = false,
					CanMove = false,
					CanRemovePolicy = false,
					CanUpdateProperties = false
				return new CmisAllowableDocumentActions
					CanAddPolicy = false,
					CanAddToFolder = false,
					CanCancelCheckout = false,
					CanCheckin = false,
					CanCheckout = false,
					CanDelete = false,
					CanDeleteContent = false,
					CanDeleteVersion = false,
					CanGetAllVersions = false,
					CanGetParents = false,
					CanGetProperties = false,
					CanMove = false,
					CanRemoveFromFolder = false,
					CanRemovePolicy = false,
					CanSetContent = false,
					CanUpdateProperties = false,
					CanViewContent = false
Esempio n. 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the ContenView for the <see cref="SenseNet.ContentRepository.Content ">Content</see>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="content">The Content belonging to the the ContentView</param>
        /// <param name="aspNetPage"></param>
        /// <param name="mode">The ViewMode in which FieldControls of the ContentView will be rendered</param>
        /// <param name="viewPath">The location of the file defining the ContentView</param>
        public static ContentView Create(SNC.Content content, System.Web.UI.Page aspNetPage, ViewMode mode, string viewPath)
            // ways to call this function:
            // - absolute actual: "/Root/Global/contentviews/Book/Edit.ascx"
            // - relative actual: "$skin/contentviews/Book/Edit.ascx"
            // - absolute root:   "/Root/Global/contentviews"
            // - relative root:   "$skin/contentviews"
            // - empty string:    ""

            var resolvedPath = ResolveContentViewPath(content, mode, viewPath);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(resolvedPath))
                if (viewPath.ToLower().EndsWith(".ascx"))
                    throw new ApplicationException(String.Concat("ContentView was not found: ", viewPath));
                    throw new ApplicationException(String.Concat("ViewRoot was not found: ", viewPath));
            return CreateFromActualPath(content, aspNetPage, mode, resolvedPath);
Esempio n. 8
        internal static string GetValue(string name, SNC.Content parentContent)
            string[] parts = name.Split(new char[] { '.' });
            if (parts.Length == 0)
                return "";

            string currPart = "";
            #region special values

            if (parts[0].ToLower() == "current" && parts.Length > 1)
                switch (parts[1].ToLower())
                    case "url":
                        if (parts.Length > 2)
                            switch (parts[2].ToLower())
                                case "hostname":
                                    foreach (string url in SNP.Page.Current.Site.UrlList.Keys)
                                        if (SenseNet.Portal.Virtualization.PortalContext.Current.OriginalUri.ToString().IndexOf(string.Concat(SenseNet.Portal.Virtualization.PortalContext.Current.OriginalUri.Scheme, "://", url, "/")) == 0)
                                            return (url);
                                    return ("");
                                case "host":
                                    foreach (string url in SNP.Page.Current.Site.UrlList.Keys)
                                        if (SenseNet.Portal.Virtualization.PortalContext.Current.OriginalUri.ToString().IndexOf(string.Concat(SenseNet.Portal.Virtualization.PortalContext.Current.OriginalUri.Scheme, "://", url, "/")) == 0)
                                            return (string.Concat(SenseNet.Portal.Virtualization.PortalContext.Current.OriginalUri.Scheme, "://", url));
                                    return ("");
                                case "name":
                                    return (SenseNet.Portal.Virtualization.PortalContext.Current.OriginalUri.OriginalString);
                                    return ("");
                            return ("");
                    case "user":
                        if (User.Current != null && parts.Length > 1)
                            switch (parts[2].ToLower())
                                case "isauthenticated":
                                    return (User.Current.IsAuthenticated ? "1" : "0");
                                    return (((User)User.Current).GetProperty(parts[2]).ToString());
                            return ("");
                    case "site":
                        if (PortalContext.Current.Site != null)
                            return PortalContext.Current.Site.GetProperty(parts[2]).ToString();
                            return ("");
                    case "page":
                        if (PortalContext.Current.Page != null)
                            return PortalContext.Current.Page.GetProperty(parts[2]).ToString();
                            return ("");


            object obj = null;
            object previousListObj = null; // Needed because of IList fields with no indexing
            foreach (string _currPart in parts)
                currPart = _currPart;
                int index = 0;
                //bool isIndexed = false;

                #region Custom properties

                // Check if current part is indexed and if it is get the index and take it off the current part
                if (IsIndexedField(currPart))
                    index = GetIndexedFieldValue(currPart);
                    //isIndexed = true;
                    currPart = StripIndex(currPart);

                if (currPart == "Count")
                    if (previousListObj is ICollection)
                        return (((ICollection)previousListObj).Count.ToString());
                    else if (obj is ICollection)
                        return (((ICollection)obj).Count.ToString());

                if (currPart == "AsList()" || Regex.IsMatch(currPart, "AsList[(](['\"](.*)['\"])[)]"))
                    if (previousListObj is IList)
                        Match firstMatch = Regex.Match(currPart, "AsList[(](['\"](.*)['\"])[)]");
                        string separatorString = firstMatch.Groups[1].Value;
                        if (separatorString == String.Empty)
                            separatorString = ", "; // default
                        List<string> elements = new List<string>();
                        foreach (object currObj in previousListObj as IList)
                        return string.Join(separatorString, elements.ToArray());

                if (_currPart == "Load()" && obj is string)
                    obj = Node.Load<Node>(obj as string);
                    if (!(obj is Node))
                        return "";
                        parentContent = SNC.Content.Load(((Node)obj).Id);

                if (currPart == "SiteRelativePath")
                    if (SNP.Page.Current.Site != null && ((Node)parentContent.ContentHandler).Path.StartsWith(SNP.Page.Current.Site.Path))
                        return (((Node)parentContent.ContentHandler).Path.Substring(SNP.Page.Current.Site.Path.Length));
                        currPart = "Path";

                if (currPart == "PageRelativePath")
                    if (SNP.Page.Current != null && ((Node)parentContent.ContentHandler).Path.StartsWith(SNP.Page.Current.Path))
                        return (((Node)parentContent.ContentHandler).Path.Substring(String.Concat(SNP.Page.Current.Path, "/").Length));
                        currPart = "Path";

                if (currPart == "Children" && obj is IFolder)
                    IFolder f = obj as IFolder;
                    previousListObj = f.Children;
                    obj = f.Children;
                    if (index < f.ChildCount)
                        obj = f.Children.ToArray<Node>()[index];
                        parentContent = SNC.Content.Load(((Node)obj).Id);

                // Check for 'string' parts
                if (Regex.IsMatch(_currPart, @"'(.+)'"))
                    if (obj == null || obj is string)
                        Match firstMatch = Regex.Match(_currPart, @"'(.+)'");
                        obj += firstMatch.Groups[1].Value;
                        return "";

                #region Custom Field property mappings

                if (obj is SenseNet.ContentRepository.Fields.HyperLinkField.HyperlinkData)
                    var hyperlinkObj = (SenseNet.ContentRepository.Fields.HyperLinkField.HyperlinkData)obj;
                    if (currPart == "Href")
                        obj = hyperlinkObj.Href;
                    if (currPart == "Text")
                        obj = hyperlinkObj.Text;
                    if (currPart == "Title")
                        obj = hyperlinkObj.Title;
                    if (currPart == "Target")
                        obj = hyperlinkObj.Target;



                // If parent content is empty next part can not be resolved. Later on however something could be returned if 'string' or Load() part is present
                if (parentContent == null)
                    obj = null;

                // Try to get the property of the current part
                    obj = parentContent[_currPart];//((GenericContent)parentContent.ContentHandler).GetProperty(currPart);
                catch (Exception e) //logged
                    obj = ((GenericContent)parentContent.ContentHandler).GetProperty(currPart);

                #region Check the type of the obj and deal with it and set previousListObj, parentContent and obj accordingly
                if (obj is IList)
                    IList list = obj as IList;
                    obj = list;
                    previousListObj = list;
                    if (index < list.Count)
                        obj = list[index];
                        Node node = obj as Node;
                        if (node != null)
                            parentContent = SNC.Content.Load(node.Id);
                            parentContent = null;
                        parentContent = null;
                else if (obj is SenseNet.ContentRepository.Fields.HyperLinkField.HyperlinkData)
                else if (obj is Node)//Not link and not HyperlinkData
                    parentContent = SNC.Content.Load(((Node)obj).Id);
                else // If the object was not of the above then carry it on to the next iteration
            if (obj != null) // No more parts left
                return (obj.ToString());
                return ("");
                //throw new Exception(String.Format("{0} could not be resolved at {1}.", name, currPart));
Esempio n. 9
 internal void Initialize(SNC.Content content, ViewMode viewMode)
     this.Content = content;
     this.FieldControls = new List<FieldControl>();
     _errorControls = new List<ErrorControl>();
     this.DisplayName = content.DisplayName;
     this.Description = content.Description;
     this.Icon = content.Icon;
     string prefixId = String.Concat("ContentView", "_", viewMode, "_");
     this.ID = String.Concat(prefixId, content.ContentHandler.Id.ToString());
     this.ViewMode = viewMode;
     this.DefaultControlRenderMode = GetDefaultControlRenderMode(viewMode);
Esempio n. 10
		private ValiditySetting GetValiditySetting(SNC.Content content)
			ValiditySetting result = new ValiditySetting();

			//if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.ValidFromPropertyName))
			//    result.ValidFromPropertyName = this.ValidFromPropertyName;
			//if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.ValidTillPropertyName))
			//    result.ValidTillPropertyName = this.ValidTillPropertyName;

			// try to fetch PreviewDate value
			if (content.Security.HasPermission(SenseNet.ContentRepository.Storage.Schema.PermissionType.OpenMinor))
				result.CurrentDateTime = GetPreviewDate();

			// reads property values

			// if error has been occured while parsing property values, returns null.
			if (!result.IsValid)
				return null;

			return result;
Esempio n. 11
        private static ContentView CreateFromViewRoot(SNC.Content content, System.Web.UI.Page aspNetPage, ViewMode mode, string viewRoot)
            // ways to call this function:
            // - absolute root:   "/Root/Global/contentviews"
            // - relative root:   "$skin/contentviews"
            // - empty string:    ""

            string resolvedPath = ResolveContentViewPath(content, mode, viewRoot);
            return CreateFromActualPath(content, aspNetPage, mode, resolvedPath);
Esempio n. 12
        private static ContentView CreateFromActualPath(SNC.Content content, System.Web.UI.Page aspNetPage, ViewMode viewMode, string viewPath)
            if (content == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("content");
            if (aspNetPage == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("aspNetPage");
            if (viewPath == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("viewPath");
            if (viewPath.Length == 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("viewPath", "Parameter 'viewPath' cannot be empty");
            if (viewMode == ViewMode.None)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("viewMode", "Parameter 'viewMode' cannot be ViewMode.None");

            string path = String.Concat("~", viewPath);

            ContentView view = GetContentViewFromCache(path);

            // if not in request cache
            if (view == null)
                var addToCache = false;
                    view = aspNetPage.LoadControl(path) as ContentView;
                    addToCache = true;
                catch (Exception e) //logged
                    var errorContentViewPath = RepositoryPath.Combine(Repository.ContentViewFolderName, "Error.ascx");
                    var resolvedErrorContentViewPath = SkinManager.Resolve(errorContentViewPath);
                    path = String.Concat("~", resolvedErrorContentViewPath);
                    view = aspNetPage.LoadControl(path) as ContentView;
                    view.ContentException = e;
                if (view == null)
                    throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("ContentView instantiation via LoadControl for path '{0}' failed.", path));
                if (addToCache)
                    AddContentViewToCache(path, view);

            view.Initialize(content, viewMode);
            return view;
Esempio n. 13
        private static string ResolveContentViewPath(SNC.Content content, ViewMode mode, string path)
            // ways to call this function:
            // - absolute actual: "/Root/Global/contentviews/Book/Edit.ascx"
            // - relative actual: "$skin/contentviews/Book/Edit.ascx"
            // - absolute root:   "/Root/Global/contentviews"
            // - relative root:   "$skin/contentviews"
            // - empty string:    ""

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path))
                path = Repository.ContentViewFolderName;

            var isActual = path.EndsWith(".ascx");

            // - relative with custom name --> convert to relative actual
            if (isActual && !path.Contains(RepositoryPath.PathSeparator))
                path = string.Format("{0}/{1}/{2}", Repository.ContentViewFolderName, content.ContentType.Name, path);

            var isAbsolute = SkinManager.IsNotSkinRelativePath(path);

            // - absolute actual: "/Root/Global/contentviews/Book/Edit.ascx"
            if (isAbsolute && isActual)
                return path;
                // "/Root/Global/contentviews/Book/Edit.ascx"

            // - relative actual: "$skin/contentviews/Book/Edit.ascx"
            if (!isAbsolute && isActual)
                return SkinManager.Resolve(path);
                // "/Root/{skin/global}/contentviews/Book/Edit.ascx"

            // - absolute root:   "/Root/Global/contentviews"
            if (isAbsolute && !isActual)
                var probePath = GetTypeDependentPath(content, mode, path);
                var node = Node.LoadNode(probePath);
                if (node != null)
                    return probePath;
                    // "/Root/Global/contentviews/Book/Edit.ascx"
                probePath = GetGenericPath(content, mode, path);
                node = Node.LoadNode(probePath);
                if (node != null)
                    return probePath;
                    // "/Root/Global/contentviews/Edit.ascx"

                return string.Empty;

            // - relative root:   "$skin/contentviews"
            if (!isAbsolute && !isActual)
                var typedPath = GetTypeDependentPath(content, mode, path);
                var resolvedPath = string.Empty;
                if (SkinManager.TryResolve(typedPath, out resolvedPath))
                    return resolvedPath;
                    // "/Root/{skin}/contentviews/Book/Edit.ascx"

                var genericPath = GetGenericPath(content, mode, path);
                if (SkinManager.TryResolve(genericPath, out resolvedPath))
                    return resolvedPath;
                    // "/Root/{skin}/contentviews/Edit.ascx"

                var probePath = SkinManager.Resolve(typedPath);
                var node = Node.LoadNode(probePath);
                if (node != null)
                    return probePath;
                    // "/Root/Global/contentviews/Book/Edit.ascx"

                probePath = SkinManager.Resolve(genericPath);
                node = Node.LoadNode(probePath);
                if (node != null)
                    return probePath;
                    // "/Root/Global/contentviews/Edit.ascx"

                return string.Empty;
            return string.Empty;
Esempio n. 14
 private static string GetGenericPath(SNC.Content content, ViewMode mode, string viewRoot)
     // "$skin/contentviews/Edit.ascx"
     return RepositoryPath.Combine(viewRoot, String.Concat(mode, ".ascx"));
Esempio n. 15
 private static string GetTypeDependentPath(SNC.Content content, ViewMode mode, string viewRoot)
     // "$skin/contentviews/Book/Edit.ascx"
     return RepositoryPath.Combine(viewRoot, String.Concat("/", content.ContentType.Name, "/", mode, ".ascx"));
Esempio n. 16
        private void BuildAfterSubmitForm_ContentView(SNC.Content formitem)
            if (CurrentForm == null)

            //FormItem fi = new FormItem(CurrentForm);
            //_cFormItem = SNC.Content.Create(fi);
            if (formitem == null && _formItemID != 0)
                formitem = Content.Load(_formItemID);

            if (formitem != null)
                _cFormItem = formitem;

                _cvFormItem = ContentView.Create(_cFormItem, this.Page, ViewMode.New, AfterSubmitViewPath);

                _cvFormItem.ID = "cvAfterSubmitFormItem";
                //_cvFormItem.Init += new EventHandler(_cvFormItem_Init);
                _cvFormItem.UserAction += new EventHandler<UserActionEventArgs>(_cvAfterSubmitFormItem_UserAction);

            else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(AfterSubmitViewPath))
Esempio n. 17
		private static string PrintFieldErrors(SnC.Content content)
			var sb = new StringBuilder();
			sb.AppendLine("---------- Field Errors:");
			foreach (string fieldName in content.Fields.Keys)
				Field field = content.Fields[fieldName];
				if (!field.IsValid)
					sb.Append(": ");
			return sb.ToString();
Esempio n. 18
            public void Fill(SNC.Content content)
                _isValid = true;

                DateTimeField validFromField = content.Fields[_validFromPropertyName] as DateTimeField;
                DateTimeField reviewDateField = content.Fields[_reviewDatePropertyName] as DateTimeField;
                DateTimeField archiveDateField = content.Fields[_archiveDatePropertyName] as DateTimeField;
                DateTimeField validTillField = content.Fields[_validTillPropertyName] as DateTimeField;
                if (_isValid)
                    _validFrom = Convert.ToDateTime(validFromField.GetData());
                    _reviewDate = Convert.ToDateTime(reviewDateField.GetData());
                    _archiveDate = Convert.ToDateTime(archiveDateField.GetData());
                    _validTill = Convert.ToDateTime(validTillField.GetData());

Esempio n. 19
 public bool SetMetadata(SNC.Content content, string currentDirectory, bool isNewContent, bool needToValidate, bool updateReferences)
     if (_xmlDoc == null)
         return true;
     _transferringContext = new ImportContext(
         _xmlDoc.SelectNodes("/ContentMetaData/Fields/*"), currentDirectory, isNewContent, needToValidate, updateReferences);
     bool result = content.ImportFieldData(_transferringContext);
     _contentId = content.ContentHandler.Id;
     return result;
Esempio n. 20
		private static bool SetMetadata(SnC.Content snContent, Content content, bool isNewContent, bool updateReferences)
			XmlDocument xml = new XmlDocument();
			var context = new ImportContext(xml.SelectNodes("/ContentMetaData/Fields/*"), null, isNewContent, true, updateReferences);
			bool result = snContent.ImportFieldData(context);
			var contentId = snContent.ContentHandler.Id;
			content.HasReference = context.HasReference;
			return result;
Esempio n. 21
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates the ContenView for the <see cref="SenseNet.ContentRepository.Content ">Content</see>.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="content">The Content belonging to the the ContentView</param>
 /// <param name="aspNetPage"></param>
 /// <param name="mode">The ViewMode in which FieldControls of the ContentView will be rendered</param>
 public static ContentView Create(SNC.Content content, System.Web.UI.Page aspNetPage, ViewMode mode)
     return CreateFromViewRoot(content, aspNetPage, mode, Repository.ContentViewFolderName);
Esempio n. 22
		//-- Object service tools
		private static Atom10FeedFormatter BuildEntry(SNC.Content content, string repositoryId)
			var baseUri = GetBaseUri();

			var title = content.Name;
			var description = GenerateAtomContent(content);
			var lastUpdateTime = new DateTimeOffset(content.ContentHandler.ModificationDate);
			var linkHref = GetEntryActionUri(baseUri, repositoryId, content.Id, "getEntry");
			var feedAlternateLink = new Uri(linkHref);
			var feedId = linkHref;

			CmisObject cmisObject = new CmisObject { Properties = BuildCmisProperties(content), AllowableActions = GetAllowableActions(content) };

			SyndicationFeed feed = new SyndicationFeed(title, description, feedAlternateLink, feedId, lastUpdateTime);
			feed.ElementExtensions.Add(cmisObject, new XmlSerializer(typeof(CmisObject)));
			foreach (var link in BuildLinks(content, baseUri, repositoryId))

			var formatter = new Atom10FeedFormatter(feed);
			return formatter;
Esempio n. 23
		private static List<SyndicationLink> BuildLinks(SNC.Content content, string baseUri, string repositoryId)
			var links = new List<SyndicationLink>();

			//-- atom links
			links.Add(new SyndicationLink { RelationshipType = "self", Uri = new Uri(GetEntryActionUri(baseUri, repositoryId, content.Id, "getEntry")) });
			//links.Add(new SyndicationLink { RelationshipType = "edit", Uri = new Uri(GetEntryActionUri(baseUri, repositoryId, content.Id, "__????__")) });
			//-- CMIS links
			//links.Add(new SyndicationLink { RelationshipType = "cmis-allowableactions", Uri = new Uri(GetEntryActionUri(baseUri, repositoryId, content.Id, "__????__")) });
			//links.Add(new SyndicationLink { RelationshipType = "cmis-relationships", Uri = new Uri(GetEntryActionUri(baseUri, repositoryId, content.Id, "__????__")) });
			//links.Add(new SyndicationLink { RelationshipType = "cmis-type", Uri = new Uri(GetEntryActionUri(baseUri, repositoryId, content.Id, "__????__")) });

			if (content.ContentHandler is IFolder)
				//-- atom links
				links.Add(new SyndicationLink { RelationshipType = "cmis-parent", Uri = new Uri(GetEntryActionUri(baseUri, repositoryId, content.Id, "getParent")) });
				links.Add(new SyndicationLink { RelationshipType = "cmis-children", Uri = new Uri(GetEntryActionUri(baseUri, repositoryId, content.Id, "getChildren")) });
				//-- atom links
				//links.Add(new SyndicationLink { RelationshipType = "edit-media", Uri = new Uri(GetEntryActionUri(baseUri, repositoryId, content.Id, "__????__")) });
				//links.Add(new SyndicationLink { RelationshipType = "enclosure", Uri = new Uri(GetEntryActionUri(baseUri, repositoryId, content.Id, "__????__")) });
				//links.Add(new SyndicationLink { RelationshipType = "alternate", Uri = new Uri(GetEntryActionUri(baseUri, repositoryId, content.Id, "__????__")) });
				//-- CMIS links
				links.Add(new SyndicationLink { RelationshipType = "cmis-parents", Uri = new Uri(GetEntryActionUri(baseUri, repositoryId, content.Id, "getParents")) });
				//links.Add(new SyndicationLink { RelationshipType = "cmis-allversions", Uri = new Uri(GetEntryActionUri(baseUri, repositoryId, content.Id, "__????__")) });
				//links.Add(new SyndicationLink { RelationshipType = "cmis-latestversion", Uri = new Uri(GetEntryActionUri(baseUri, repositoryId, content.Id, "__????__")) });
				//links.Add(new SyndicationLink { RelationshipType = "cmis-stream", Uri = new Uri(GetEntryActionUri(baseUri, repositoryId, content.Id, "__????__")) });

			return links;
Esempio n. 24
        internal bool UpdateReferences(SNC.Content content, bool needToValidate)
            if (_transferringContext == null)
                _transferringContext = new ImportContext(_xmlDoc.SelectNodes("/ContentMetaData/Fields/*"), null, false, needToValidate, true);
                _transferringContext.UpdateReferences = true;

            var node = content.ContentHandler;
            node.NodeModificationDate = node.NodeModificationDate;
            node.ModificationDate = node.ModificationDate;
            node.NodeModifiedBy = node.NodeModifiedBy;
            node.ModifiedBy = node.ModifiedBy;

            if (!content.ImportFieldData(_transferringContext))
                return false;
            if (!HasPermissions && !HasBreakPermissions)
                return true;
            var permissionsNode = _xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("/ContentMetaData/Permissions");
            content.ContentHandler.Security.ImportPermissions(permissionsNode, this._metaDataPath);

            return true;
Esempio n. 25
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets a the specified property belonging to the Content of the View in a safe way.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="name">The property name. Can be hierarchical.</param>
 /// <returns>String value of the property specified</returns>
 internal static string GetValue(string name, SNC.Content parentContent, OutputMethod outputMethod)
     switch (outputMethod)
         case OutputMethod.Default:
             throw new NotSupportedException("OutputMethod cannot be Default");
         case OutputMethod.Raw:
             return GetValue(name, parentContent);
         case OutputMethod.Text:
             return System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(GetValue(name, parentContent));
         case OutputMethod.Html:
             return SenseNet.Portal.Security.Sanitize(GetValue(name, parentContent));
             throw new NotImplementedException("Unknown OutputMethod: " + outputMethod);