public int heiryokuCalc(int kuni) { GameObject targetKuni = GameObject.Find("KuniIconView"); int enemyTotalHei = 0; if (targetKuni.transform.FindChild(kuni.ToString())) { SendParam sendParam = targetKuni.transform.FindChild(kuni.ToString()).GetComponent <SendParam> (); int daimyoBusyoId = sendParam.daimyoBusyoId; int busyoLv = sendParam.busyoLv; int busyoQty = sendParam.busyoQty; int butaiLv = sendParam.butaiLv; int butaiQty = sendParam.butaiQty; if (daimyoBusyoId != 0) { StatusGet sts = new StatusGet(); int hp = sts.getHp(daimyoBusyoId, busyoLv); int hpResult = hp * 100 * busyoQty; string type = sts.getHeisyu(daimyoBusyoId); int chHp = sts.getChHp(type, butaiLv, hp); chHp = chHp * butaiQty * busyoQty * 10; enemyTotalHei = hpResult + chHp; } } return(enemyTotalHei); }
public void IconMapValueUpdate(int kuniId, int changeDaimyoId, GameObject kuniIconView, GameObject kuniMap, int myKuniQty) { Daimyo daimyo = new Daimyo(); GameObject targetKuniIcon = kuniIconView.transform.FindChild(kuniId.ToString()).gameObject; targetKuniIcon.gameObject.AddComponent <IconFadeChange> (); targetKuniIcon.gameObject.AddComponent <IconFadeChange> ().toDaimyoId = changeDaimyoId; float colorR = daimyo.getColorR(changeDaimyoId); float colorG = daimyo.getColorG(changeDaimyoId); float colorB = daimyo.getColorB(changeDaimyoId); Color newColor = new Color(colorR / 255f, colorG / 255f, colorB / 255f, 255f / 255f); GameObject kuniMapObj = kuniMap.transform.FindChild(kuniId.ToString()).gameObject; kuniMapObj.GetComponent <Image> ().color = newColor; //Change Name of target Kuni by daimyo info SendParam script = targetKuniIcon.GetComponent <SendParam> (); script.daimyoId = changeDaimyoId; string daimyoName = daimyo.getName(changeDaimyoId); script.daimyoName = daimyoName; int daimyoBusyoId = daimyo.getDaimyoBusyoId(changeDaimyoId); script.daimyoBusyoId = daimyoBusyoId; myKuniQty = myKuniQty + 1; script.kuniQty = myKuniQty; script.openFlg = true; script.clearFlg = true; int myHeiryoku = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("jinkeiHeiryoku"); script.heiryoku = myHeiryoku; }
private void _Send(byte cmd, SendParam param) { byte[] DataToSend = new byte[mDataByteNum]; DataToSend[0] = 0Xfa; DataToSend[1] = cmd; DataToSend[2] = param.HD; DataToSend[3] = param.LD; DataToSend[4] = (byte)(cmd + param.HD + param.LD); DataToSend[5] = (byte)(DataToSend[4] + 1); mSerial.Send(DataToSend); }
private static void SendMessage(object obj) { SendParam param = (SendParam)obj; ControlPack CtrlPack = param.CtrlPack; int Compnum = param.CompNum; //Socket myClientSocket = param.clientSocket; byte[] buffer = StructToBytes(CtrlPack); try { clientSocket[Compnum].Send(buffer); } catch (NullReferenceException) { return; } }
private void btn_Save_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (img == null) { MessageBox.Show(this, "이미지를 가져와야 합니다."); return; } string filePath = img.FilePath; if (!File.Exists(filePath)) { MessageBox.Show(this, "이미지가 존재하지 않습니다."); return; } string imgbinary_base64 = Encode.ImgBinaryToBase64String(filePath); SendParam sendParam = new SendParam(img.ScanDate, filePath, imgbinary_base64); WinMessage_ClientToServer workCompleteResponse = new WinMessage_ClientToServer(EXEKIND.TestScan, "workComplete", sendParam); AgentInterface.SendToServer(workCompleteResponse, serverHandle); }
public void OnClick() { //SE sound = GameObject.Find("SEController").GetComponent <AudioSource> (); sound.PlayOneShot(sound.clip); if (!bakuhuFlg) { /*Common Process*/ if (Application.loadedLevelName != "tutorialMain") { string pathOfBack = "Prefabs/Common/TouchBack"; GameObject back = Instantiate(Resources.Load(pathOfBack)) as GameObject; back.transform.SetParent(GameObject.Find("Panel").transform); back.transform.localScale = new Vector2(1, 1); back.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(0, 0); } if (Application.loadedLevelName != "clearOrGameOver") { string pathOfBoard = "Prefabs/Map/smallBoard"; GameObject board = Instantiate(Resources.Load(pathOfBoard)) as GameObject; board.transform.SetParent(GameObject.Find("Panel").transform); board.transform.localScale = new Vector2(1, 1); if (Application.loadedLevelName == "tutorialMain") { board.transform.FindChild("close").gameObject.SetActive(false); } /*Value Setting*/ //Kuni Name GameObject.Find("kuniName").GetComponent <Text> ().text = kuniName; //Daimyo Name GameObject.Find("DaimyoNameValue").GetComponent <Text> ().text = daimyoName; //Kamon string kamonPath = "Prefabs/Kamon/" + daimyoId.ToString(); GameObject kamon = GameObject.Find("KamonBack"); kamon.GetComponent <Image> ().sprite = Resources.Load(kamonPath, typeof(Sprite)) as Sprite; //Daimyo Busyo View string busyoViewPath = "Prefabs/Map/daimyoView"; GameObject daimyoView = Instantiate(Resources.Load(busyoViewPath)) as GameObject; daimyoView.transform.SetParent(kamon.transform); daimyoView.transform.localScale = new Vector2(1, 1); RectTransform busyoTransform = daimyoView.GetComponent <RectTransform> (); busyoTransform.anchoredPosition = new Vector3(90, 125, 0); busyoTransform.sizeDelta = new Vector2(180, 230); string daimyoPath = "Prefabs/Player/Sprite/unit" + daimyoBusyoId.ToString(); daimyoView.GetComponent <Image> ().sprite = Resources.Load(daimyoPath, typeof(Sprite)) as Sprite; /* * string busyoPath = "Prefabs/Player/Unit/" + daimyoBusyoId; * GameObject busyo = Instantiate (Resources.Load (busyoPath)) as GameObject; * busyo.transform.SetParent (kamon.transform); * busyo.transform.localScale = new Vector2 (1, 1); * busyo.GetComponent<DragHandler> ().enabled = false; * * RectTransform busyoTransform = busyo.GetComponent<RectTransform> (); * busyoTransform.anchoredPosition = new Vector3 (90, 100, 0); * busyoTransform.sizeDelta = new Vector2 (180, 200); * * foreach (Transform n in busyo.transform) { * GameObject.Destroy (n.gameObject); * } */ //Doumei if (doumeiFlg) { string doumeiPath = "Prefabs/Common/Doumei"; GameObject doumei = Instantiate(Resources.Load(doumeiPath)) as GameObject; doumei.transform.SetParent(kamon.transform); doumei.transform.localScale = new Vector2(1, 1); RectTransform doumeiTransform = doumei.GetComponent <RectTransform> (); doumeiTransform.anchoredPosition = new Vector3(-50, 80, 0); = "Doumei"; } //Naisei Shigen Icon List <string> naiseiIconList = new List <string> (); char[] delimiterChars = { ':' }; if (naiseiItem != "null" && naiseiItem != "") { if (naiseiItem.Contains(":")) { naiseiIconList = new List <string> (naiseiItem.Split(delimiterChars)); } else { naiseiIconList.Add(naiseiItem); } //Base string nasieiBasePath = "Prefabs/Map/Common/NaiseiList"; GameObject naiseiBase = Instantiate(Resources.Load(nasieiBasePath)) as GameObject; naiseiBase.transform.SetParent(board.transform); naiseiBase.transform.localScale = new Vector2(1, 1); RectTransform naiseiBaseTransform = naiseiBase.GetComponent <RectTransform> (); naiseiBaseTransform.anchoredPosition = new Vector3(405, -80, 0); //Icon string nasieiIconPath = "Prefabs/Map/Common/NaiseiItem"; for (int i = 0; i < naiseiIconList.Count; i++) { GameObject naiseiIcon = Instantiate(Resources.Load(nasieiIconPath)) as GameObject; naiseiIcon.transform.SetParent(naiseiBase.transform); naiseiIcon.transform.localScale = new Vector2(1, 1); string naiseiName = naiseiIconList [i]; if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese) { if (naiseiName == "kb") { naiseiIcon.transform.FindChild("Text").GetComponent <Text> ().text = "H"; naiseiIcon.GetComponent <IconExp>().IconId = 5; } else if (naiseiName == "tp") { naiseiIcon.transform.FindChild("Text").GetComponent <Text> ().text = "G"; naiseiIcon.GetComponent <IconExp>().IconId = 6; } else if (naiseiName == "kzn") { naiseiIcon.transform.FindChild("Text").GetComponent <Text> ().text = "M"; naiseiIcon.GetComponent <IconExp>().IconId = 7; } else if (naiseiName == "snb") { naiseiIcon.transform.FindChild("Text").GetComponent <Text> ().text = "N"; naiseiIcon.GetComponent <IconExp>().IconId = 8; } else if (naiseiName == "nbn") { naiseiIcon.transform.FindChild("Text").GetComponent <Text> ().text = "W"; naiseiIcon.GetComponent <IconExp>().IconId = 9; } else if (naiseiName == "mkd") { naiseiIcon.transform.FindChild("Text").GetComponent <Text> ().text = "E"; naiseiIcon.GetComponent <IconExp>().IconId = 10; } else if (naiseiName == "syn") { naiseiIcon.transform.FindChild("Text").GetComponent <Text>().text = "T"; naiseiIcon.GetComponent <IconExp>().IconId = 11; } } else { if (naiseiName == "kb") { naiseiIcon.transform.FindChild("Text").GetComponent <Text>().text = "馬"; naiseiIcon.GetComponent <IconExp>().IconId = 5; } else if (naiseiName == "tp") { naiseiIcon.transform.FindChild("Text").GetComponent <Text>().text = "砲"; naiseiIcon.GetComponent <IconExp>().IconId = 6; } else if (naiseiName == "kzn") { naiseiIcon.transform.FindChild("Text").GetComponent <Text>().text = "鉱"; naiseiIcon.GetComponent <IconExp>().IconId = 7; } else if (naiseiName == "snb") { naiseiIcon.transform.FindChild("Text").GetComponent <Text>().text = "忍"; naiseiIcon.GetComponent <IconExp>().IconId = 8; } else if (naiseiName == "nbn") { naiseiIcon.transform.FindChild("Text").GetComponent <Text>().text = "南"; naiseiIcon.GetComponent <IconExp>().IconId = 9; } else if (naiseiName == "mkd") { naiseiIcon.transform.FindChild("Text").GetComponent <Text>().text = "帝"; naiseiIcon.GetComponent <IconExp>().IconId = 10; } else if (naiseiName == "syn") { naiseiIcon.transform.FindChild("Text").GetComponent <Text>().text = "商"; naiseiIcon.GetComponent <IconExp>().IconId = 11; } } } } //Heiryoku Calc GameObject yukouValue = GameObject.Find("YukouValue"); GameObject atkBtn = GameObject.Find("AttackButton"); GameObject gaikouBtn = GameObject.Find("GaikouButton"); GameObject bouryakuhouBtn = GameObject.Find("BouryakuButton"); Color NGClorBtn = new Color(133 / 255f, 133 / 255f, 80 / 255f, 255f / 255f); Color NGClorTxt = new Color(90 / 255f, 90 / 255f, 40 / 255f, 255f / 255f); if (clearFlg == false) { if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese) { atkBtn.transform.FindChild("Text").GetComponent <Text>().text = "Attack"; } else { atkBtn.transform.FindChild("Text").GetComponent <Text>().text = "侵略"; } if (cyouhouSnbRankId != 0) { GameObject.Find("HeiryokuValue").GetComponent <Text> ().text = heiryoku.ToString(); //Shinobi Icon string shinobiItemPath = "Prefabs/Item/Shinobi/Shinobi"; GameObject shinobi = Instantiate(Resources.Load(shinobiItemPath)) as GameObject; shinobi.transform.SetParent(board.transform); shinobi.transform.localScale = new Vector2(0.25f, 0.31f); = "shinobi"; RectTransform snbTransform = shinobi.GetComponent <RectTransform> (); snbTransform.anchoredPosition = new Vector3(-251, 250, 0); shinobi.GetComponent <Button> ().enabled = false; if (cyouhouSnbRankId == 1) { Color lowColor = new Color(0f / 255f, 0f / 255f, 219f / 255f, 255f / 255f); shinobi.GetComponent <Image> ().color = lowColor; if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese) { shinobi.transform.FindChild("ShinobiRank").GetComponent <Text>().text = "Low"; } else { shinobi.transform.FindChild("ShinobiRank").GetComponent <Text> ().text = "下"; } } else if (cyouhouSnbRankId == 2) { Color midColor = new Color(94f / 255f, 0f / 255f, 0f / 255f, 255f / 255f); shinobi.GetComponent <Image> ().color = midColor; if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese) { shinobi.transform.FindChild("ShinobiRank").GetComponent <Text> ().text = "Mid"; } else { shinobi.transform.FindChild("ShinobiRank").GetComponent <Text>().text = "中"; } } else if (cyouhouSnbRankId == 3) { Color highColor = new Color(84f / 255f, 103f / 255f, 0f / 255f, 255f / 255f); shinobi.GetComponent <Image> ().color = highColor; if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese) { shinobi.transform.FindChild("ShinobiRank").GetComponent <Text> ().text = "High"; } else { shinobi.transform.FindChild("ShinobiRank").GetComponent <Text>().text = "上"; } } } else { GameObject.Find("HeiryokuValue").GetComponent <Text> ().text = "?"; } //Yukoudo yukouValue.GetComponent <Text> ().text = myYukouValue.ToString(); //Cyouhou atkBtn.GetComponent <AttackNaiseiView> ().cyouhouSnbRankId = cyouhouSnbRankId; } else { //Cleard GameObject.Find("HeiryokuValue").GetComponent <Text> ().text = heiryoku.ToString(); //Yukoudo yukouValue.GetComponent <Text> ().text = "-"; //Enable Gaiko & Cyouhou gaikouBtn.GetComponent <Image> ().color = NGClorBtn; gaikouBtn.GetComponent <Button> ().enabled = false; gaikouBtn.transform.FindChild("Text").GetComponent <Text> ().color = NGClorTxt; bouryakuhouBtn.GetComponent <Image> ().color = NGClorBtn; bouryakuhouBtn.GetComponent <Button> ().enabled = false; bouryakuhouBtn.transform.FindChild("Text").GetComponent <Text> ().color = NGClorTxt; if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese) { atkBtn.transform.FindChild("Text").GetComponent <Text> ().text = "Develop"; } else { atkBtn.transform.FindChild("Text").GetComponent <Text>().text = "内政"; } if (Application.loadedLevelName == "tutorialMain") { TutorialController tutorialScript = new TutorialController(); Vector2 vect = new Vector2(0, 50); GameObject animObj = tutorialScript.SetPointer(atkBtn, vect); animObj.transform.localScale = new Vector2(150, 150); } } //Enable Attack if (openFlg == false && clearFlg == false) { atkBtn.GetComponent <Image> ().color = NGClorBtn; //test atkBtn.GetComponent <Button> ().enabled = false; atkBtn.transform.FindChild("Text").GetComponent <Text> ().color = NGClorTxt; } //Enable Gaikou if (soubujireiFlg) { gaikouBtn.GetComponent <Image> ().color = NGClorBtn; gaikouBtn.GetComponent <Button> ().enabled = false; gaikouBtn.transform.FindChild("Text").GetComponent <Text> ().color = NGClorTxt; } //Doumei Flg if (doumeiFlg) { atkBtn.GetComponent <AttackNaiseiView> ().doumeiFlg = doumeiFlg; gaikouBtn.GetComponent <GaikouView> ().doumeiFlg = doumeiFlg; atkBtn.GetComponent <Image> ().color = NGClorBtn; atkBtn.GetComponent <Button> ().enabled = false; atkBtn.transform.FindChild("Text").GetComponent <Text> ().color = NGClorTxt; } //Set Hidden Value if (Application.loadedLevelName != "tutorialMain") { GameObject close = GameObject.Find("close").gameObject; close.GetComponent <CloseBoard> ().title = kuniName; close.GetComponent <CloseBoard> ().daimyoId = daimyoId; close.GetComponent <CloseBoard> ().daimyoBusyoId = daimyoBusyoId; close.GetComponent <CloseBoard> ().daimyoBusyoName = daimyoName; close.GetComponent <CloseBoard> ().doumeiFlg = doumeiFlg; close.GetComponent <CloseBoard> ().kuniQty = kuniQty; close.GetComponent <CloseBoard> ().kuniId = kuniId; close.GetComponent <CloseBoard> ().daimyoBusyoAtk = daimyoBusyoAtk; close.GetComponent <CloseBoard> ().daimyoBusyoDfc = daimyoBusyoDfc; close.GetComponent <CloseBoard> ().yukoudo = myYukouValue; close.GetComponent <CloseBoard> ().naiseiItem = naiseiItem; bool cyouhouFlg = false; if (cyouhouSnbRankId != 0) { cyouhouFlg = true; } close.GetComponent <CloseBoard> ().cyouhouFlg = cyouhouFlg; close.GetComponent <CloseBoard> ().cyouhouSnbRankId = cyouhouSnbRankId; } //Set Button Value AttackNaiseiView attkNaiseView = GameObject.Find("AttackButton").GetComponent <AttackNaiseiView> (); attkNaiseView.kuniId = kuniId; attkNaiseView.kuniName = kuniName; attkNaiseView.myDaimyoId = GameObject.Find("GameController").GetComponent <MainStageController> ().myDaimyo; attkNaiseView.daimyoId = daimyoId; attkNaiseView.daimyoName = daimyoName; attkNaiseView.openFlg = openFlg; attkNaiseView.clearFlg = clearFlg; attkNaiseView.activeBusyoQty = busyoQty; attkNaiseView.activeBusyoLv = busyoLv; attkNaiseView.activeButaiQty = butaiQty; attkNaiseView.activeButaiLv = butaiLv; //Cyoutei Button if (kuniId == 16) { //Yamashiro string pathOfButton = "Prefabs/Cyoutei/CyouteiIcon"; GameObject btn = Instantiate(Resources.Load(pathOfButton)) as GameObject; btn.transform.SetParent(board.transform); btn.transform.localScale = new Vector2(1, 1); btn.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(225, -220); = "CyouteiIcon"; btn.GetComponent <CyouteiPop> ().yukoudo = myYukouValue; btn.GetComponent <CyouteiPop> ().myDaimyoFlg = clearFlg; btn.GetComponent <CyouteiPop> ().occupiedDaimyoId = daimyoId; btn.GetComponent <CyouteiPop> ().occupiedDaimyoName = daimyoName; } //Syounin Button if (kuniId == 38 || kuniId == 39 || kuniId == 58) { //Hakata or Sakai string pathOfButton = "Prefabs/Syounin/SyouninIcon"; GameObject btn = Instantiate(Resources.Load(pathOfButton)) as GameObject; btn.transform.SetParent(board.transform); btn.transform.localScale = new Vector2(1, 1); btn.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(225, -220); = "SyouninIcon"; btn.GetComponent <SyouninPop> ().yukoudo = myYukouValue; btn.GetComponent <SyouninPop> ().myDaimyoFlg = clearFlg; btn.GetComponent <SyouninPop> ().occupiedDaimyoName = daimyoName; if (kuniId == 38 || kuniId == 39) { if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese) { btn.transform.FindChild("Text").GetComponent <Text>().text = "Sakai"; btn.transform.FindChild("Text").GetComponent <Text>().font = Resources.GetBuiltinResource(typeof(Font), "Arial.ttf") as Font; btn.transform.FindChild("Text").GetComponent <Text>().fontSize = 200; } else { btn.transform.FindChild("Text").GetComponent <Text>().text = "堺"; } btn.GetComponent <SyouninPop> ().sakaiFlg = true; } else if (kuniId == 58) { if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese) { btn.transform.FindChild("Text").GetComponent <Text>().text = "Hakata"; btn.transform.FindChild("Text").GetComponent <Text>().font = Resources.GetBuiltinResource(typeof(Font), "Arial.ttf") as Font; btn.transform.FindChild("Text").GetComponent <Text>().fontSize = 200; } else { btn.transform.FindChild("Text").GetComponent <Text>().text = "博多"; } } } } else { //Select Initial Daimyo Screen string pathOfBoard = "Prefabs/clearOrGameOver/DaimyoSelectBoard"; GameObject board = Instantiate(Resources.Load(pathOfBoard)) as GameObject; board.transform.SetParent(GameObject.Find("Panel").transform); board.transform.localScale = new Vector2(1, 1); GameObject selectBtn = board.transform.FindChild("SelectButton").gameObject; //Kuni Name GameObject.Find("kuniName").GetComponent <Text> ().text = kuniName; //Daimyo Name GameObject.Find("DaimyoNameValue").GetComponent <Text> ().text = daimyoName; //Kamon string kamonPath = "Prefabs/Kamon/" + daimyoId.ToString(); GameObject kamon = GameObject.Find("KamonBack"); kamon.GetComponent <Image> ().sprite = Resources.Load(kamonPath, typeof(Sprite)) as Sprite; //Daimyo Busyo View string busyoPath = "Prefabs/Player/Unit/BusyoUnit"; GameObject busyo = Instantiate(Resources.Load(busyoPath)) as GameObject; = daimyoBusyoId.ToString(); busyo.transform.SetParent(kamon.transform); busyo.transform.localScale = new Vector2(1, 1); busyo.GetComponent <DragHandler> ().enabled = false; RectTransform busyoTransform = busyo.GetComponent <RectTransform> (); busyoTransform.anchoredPosition = new Vector3(90, 100, 0); busyoTransform.sizeDelta = new Vector2(180, 200); foreach (Transform n in busyo.transform) { GameObject.Destroy(n.gameObject); } //Kuni Qty GameObject.Find("KuniQtyValue").GetComponent <Text> ().text = kuniQty.ToString(); //Once Cleared Flg if (gameClearFlg) { if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese) { GameObject.Find("KouryakuFlg").transform.FindChild("Label").GetComponent <Text>().text = " Cleared"; } else { GameObject.Find("KouryakuFlg").transform.FindChild("Label").GetComponent <Text>().text = "攻略済"; } } else { if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese) { GameObject.Find("KouryakuFlg").transform.FindChild("Label").GetComponent <Text>().text = " Never Cleared"; } else { GameObject.Find("KouryakuFlg").transform.FindChild("Label").GetComponent <Text>().text = "未攻略"; } } //Status //Daimyo Have Flg char[] delimiterChars = { ':' }; int lv = 0; StatusGet sts = new StatusGet(); //Default Status lv = 1; GameObject.Find("ButaiQtyValue").GetComponent <Text> ().text = "1"; GameObject.Find("ButaiLvValue").GetComponent <Text> ().text = "1"; //Hp int hp = sts.getHp(daimyoBusyoId, lv); hp = hp * 100; GameObject.Find("HPValue").GetComponent <Text> ().text = hp.ToString(); //Atk int atk = sts.getAtk(daimyoBusyoId, lv); atk = atk * 10; GameObject.Find("AtkValue").GetComponent <Text> ().text = atk.ToString(); //Dfc int dfc = sts.getDfc(daimyoBusyoId, lv); dfc = dfc * 10; GameObject.Find("DfcValue").GetComponent <Text> ().text = dfc.ToString(); //Spd int spd = sts.getSpd(daimyoBusyoId, lv); GameObject.Find("SpdValue").GetComponent <Text> ().text = spd.ToString(); //Heisyu string heisyu = sts.getHeisyu(daimyoBusyoId); string heisyuKanji = ""; if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese) { if (heisyu == "YR") { heisyuKanji = "Spear"; } else if (heisyu == "KB") { heisyuKanji = "Cavalry"; } else if (heisyu == "YM") { heisyuKanji = "Bow"; } else if (heisyu == "TP") { heisyuKanji = "Gun"; } } else { if (heisyu == "YR") { heisyuKanji = "槍"; } else if (heisyu == "KB") { heisyuKanji = "騎馬"; } else if (heisyu == "YM") { heisyuKanji = "弓"; } else if (heisyu == "TP") { heisyuKanji = "鉄砲"; } } GameObject.Find("HeisyuValue").GetComponent <Text> ().text = heisyuKanji.ToString(); //Naisei Shigen Icon List <string> naiseiIconList = new List <string> (); if (naiseiItem != "null" && naiseiItem != "") { if (naiseiItem.Contains(":")) { naiseiIconList = new List <string> (naiseiItem.Split(delimiterChars)); } else { naiseiIconList.Add(naiseiItem); } //Base string nasieiBasePath = "Prefabs/Map/Common/NaiseiList"; GameObject naiseiBase = Instantiate(Resources.Load(nasieiBasePath)) as GameObject; naiseiBase.transform.SetParent(board.transform); naiseiBase.transform.localScale = new Vector2(1, 1); RectTransform naiseiBaseTransform = naiseiBase.GetComponent <RectTransform> (); naiseiBaseTransform.anchoredPosition = new Vector3(405, -80, 0); //Icon string nasieiIconPath = "Prefabs/Map/Common/NaiseiItem"; for (int i = 0; i < naiseiIconList.Count; i++) { GameObject naiseiIcon = Instantiate(Resources.Load(nasieiIconPath)) as GameObject; naiseiIcon.transform.SetParent(naiseiBase.transform); naiseiIcon.transform.localScale = new Vector2(1, 1); string naiseiName = naiseiIconList [i]; if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese) { if (naiseiName == "kb") { naiseiIcon.transform.FindChild("Text").GetComponent <Text>().text = "H"; naiseiIcon.GetComponent <IconExp>().IconId = 5; } else if (naiseiName == "tp") { naiseiIcon.transform.FindChild("Text").GetComponent <Text>().text = "G"; naiseiIcon.GetComponent <IconExp>().IconId = 6; } else if (naiseiName == "kzn") { naiseiIcon.transform.FindChild("Text").GetComponent <Text>().text = "M"; naiseiIcon.GetComponent <IconExp>().IconId = 7; } else if (naiseiName == "snb") { naiseiIcon.transform.FindChild("Text").GetComponent <Text>().text = "N"; naiseiIcon.GetComponent <IconExp>().IconId = 8; } else if (naiseiName == "nbn") { naiseiIcon.transform.FindChild("Text").GetComponent <Text>().text = "W"; naiseiIcon.GetComponent <IconExp>().IconId = 9; } else if (naiseiName == "mkd") { naiseiIcon.transform.FindChild("Text").GetComponent <Text>().text = "E"; naiseiIcon.GetComponent <IconExp>().IconId = 10; } else if (naiseiName == "syn") { naiseiIcon.transform.FindChild("Text").GetComponent <Text>().text = "T"; naiseiIcon.GetComponent <IconExp>().IconId = 11; } } else { if (naiseiName == "kb") { naiseiIcon.transform.FindChild("Text").GetComponent <Text>().text = "馬"; naiseiIcon.GetComponent <IconExp>().IconId = 5; } else if (naiseiName == "tp") { naiseiIcon.transform.FindChild("Text").GetComponent <Text>().text = "砲"; naiseiIcon.GetComponent <IconExp>().IconId = 6; } else if (naiseiName == "kzn") { naiseiIcon.transform.FindChild("Text").GetComponent <Text>().text = "鉱"; naiseiIcon.GetComponent <IconExp>().IconId = 7; } else if (naiseiName == "snb") { naiseiIcon.transform.FindChild("Text").GetComponent <Text>().text = "忍"; naiseiIcon.GetComponent <IconExp>().IconId = 8; } else if (naiseiName == "nbn") { naiseiIcon.transform.FindChild("Text").GetComponent <Text>().text = "南"; naiseiIcon.GetComponent <IconExp>().IconId = 9; } else if (naiseiName == "mkd") { naiseiIcon.transform.FindChild("Text").GetComponent <Text>().text = "帝"; naiseiIcon.GetComponent <IconExp>().IconId = 10; } else if (naiseiName == "syn") { naiseiIcon.transform.FindChild("Text").GetComponent <Text>().text = "商"; naiseiIcon.GetComponent <IconExp>().IconId = 11; } } } } selectBtn.GetComponent <SelectDaimyo> ().daimyoId = daimyoId; selectBtn.GetComponent <SelectDaimyo> ().daimyoName = daimyoName; selectBtn.GetComponent <SelectDaimyo> ().daimyoBusyoId = daimyoBusyoId; selectBtn.GetComponent <SelectDaimyo> ().busyoHaveFlg = busyoHaveFlg; selectBtn.GetComponent <SelectDaimyo> ().heisyu = heisyu; } } else { //Bakuhu Menu GameObject BakuhuBase = GameObject.Find("BakuhuBase").gameObject; if (BakuhuBase.transform.FindChild("ToubatsuText") != null) { Destroy(BakuhuBase.transform.FindChild("ToubatsuText").gameObject); } if (BakuhuBase.transform.FindChild("ToubatsuSelect") == null) { string toubatsuPath = "Prefabs/Bakuhu/ToubatsuSelect"; toubatsu = Instantiate(Resources.Load(toubatsuPath)) as GameObject; toubatsu.transform.SetParent(BakuhuBase.transform); toubatsu.transform.localScale = new Vector2(1, 1); = "ToubatsuSelect"; } else { toubatsu = BakuhuBase.transform.FindChild("ToubatsuSelect").gameObject; } string kamonImagePath = "Prefabs/Kamon/" + daimyoId.ToString(); toubatsu.transform.FindChild("ToubatsuTarget").transform.FindChild("Kamon").GetComponent <Image> ().sprite = Resources.Load(kamonImagePath, typeof(Sprite)) as Sprite; string imagePath = "Prefabs/Player/Sprite/unit" + daimyoBusyoId.ToString(); toubatsu.transform.FindChild("ToubatsuTarget").transform.FindChild("Daimyo").GetComponent <Image> ().sprite = Resources.Load(imagePath, typeof(Sprite)) as Sprite; if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese) { toubatsu.transform.FindChild("Exp").GetComponent <Text> ().text = "Would you declare " + daimyoName + " attack order to surrounding parties?"; } else { toubatsu.transform.FindChild("Exp").GetComponent <Text>().text = daimyoName + "の討伐令を周辺大名に出しますか?"; } //Blinker GameObject BakuhuKuniIconView = BakuhuBase.transform.FindChild("BakuhuKuniIconView").gameObject; foreach (Transform obj in BakuhuKuniIconView.transform) { SendParam script = obj.GetComponent <SendParam> (); if (script.daimyoId != daimyoId) { if (obj.GetComponent <ImageBlinker> ()) { Destroy(obj.GetComponent <ImageBlinker> ()); obj.GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(255, 255, 255); } } else { if (!obj.GetComponent <ImageBlinker> ()) { obj.gameObject.AddComponent <ImageBlinker>(); } } } //Set Param to Button toubatsu.transform.FindChild("ToubatsuBtn").GetComponent <DoTobatsu>().targetDaimyoId = daimyoId; toubatsu.transform.FindChild("ToubatsuBtn").GetComponent <DoTobatsu>().targetDaimyoName = daimyoName; toubatsu.transform.FindChild("ToubatsuBtn").GetComponent <DoTobatsu> ().kuniQty = kuniQty; } }
public void changeKuniIconAndParam(int srcKuni, int dstKuni, int srcDaimyoId, int dstDaimyoId) { //Change Icon string imagePath = "Prefabs/Kamon/" + srcDaimyoId.ToString(); GameObject kuniIconView = GameObject.Find("KuniIconView"); GameObject targetKuni = kuniIconView.transform.FindChild(dstKuni.ToString()).gameObject; targetKuni.GetComponent <Image> ().sprite = Resources.Load(imagePath, typeof(Sprite)) as Sprite; //Change Tochi Color GameObject KuniMap = GameObject.Find("KuniMap"); Daimyo daimyoScript = new Daimyo(); float colorR = daimyoScript.getColorR(srcDaimyoId); float colorG = daimyoScript.getColorG(srcDaimyoId); float colorB = daimyoScript.getColorB(srcDaimyoId); Color kuniColor = new Color(colorR / 255f, colorG / 255f, colorB / 255f, 255f / 255f); KuniMap.transform.FindChild(dstKuni.ToString()).GetComponent <Image> ().color = kuniColor; //Change Yukoudo string tmp = "gaikou" + srcDaimyoId; int yukoudo = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(tmp); targetKuni.GetComponent <SendParam> ().myYukouValue = yukoudo; /*Change Param*/ //Set Senryoku string seiryoku = PlayerPrefs.GetString("seiryoku"); List <string> seiryokuList = new List <string> (); char[] delimiterChars = { ',' }; seiryokuList = new List <string> (seiryoku.Split(delimiterChars)); /*Get Winner Kuni Qty*/ EnemySenryokuCalc calc = new EnemySenryokuCalc(); int myKuniQty = GameObject.Find("GameController").GetComponent <MainStageController> ().myKuniQty; //int enemyKuniQty = kuniIconView.transform.FindChild (srcKuni.ToString ()).GetComponent<SendParam> ().kuniQty; //int newEnemyKuniQty = enemyKuniQty + 1; MainStageController main = new MainStageController(); for (int i = 0; i < seiryokuList.Count; i++) { int tmpDaimyoId = int.Parse(seiryokuList [i]); if (tmpDaimyoId == srcDaimyoId) { List <string> checkedKuniList = new List <string> (); int tmpKuniId = i + 1; int newWinnerKuniQty = main.countLinkedKuniQty(1, tmpKuniId, tmpDaimyoId, seiryokuList, checkedKuniList); //Get New Senryoku int busyoQty = calc.EnemyBusyoQtyCalc(myKuniQty, newWinnerKuniQty, 0); int senryokuRatio = daimyoScript.getSenryoku(srcDaimyoId); int busyoLv = calc.EnemyBusyoLvCalc(senryokuRatio); int butaiQty = calc.EnemyButaiQtyCalc(newWinnerKuniQty, myKuniQty); int butaiLv = calc.EnemyButaiLvCalc(senryokuRatio); //Change Name of target Kuni by daimyo info targetKuni.GetComponent <SendParam> ().daimyoId = srcDaimyoId; targetKuni.GetComponent <SendParam>().daimyoName = daimyoScript.getName(srcDaimyoId); //daimyoMst.param [srcDaimyoId - 1].daimyoName; targetKuni.GetComponent <SendParam>().daimyoBusyoId = daimyoScript.getDaimyoBusyoId(srcDaimyoId); //daimyoMst.param [srcDaimyoId - 1].busyoId; SendParam winnerParam = kuniIconView.transform.FindChild(tmpKuniId.ToString()).GetComponent <SendParam> (); winnerParam.busyoQty = busyoQty; winnerParam.busyoLv = busyoLv; winnerParam.butaiQty = butaiQty; winnerParam.butaiLv = butaiLv; winnerParam.kuniQty = newWinnerKuniQty; } else if (tmpDaimyoId == dstDaimyoId) { List <string> checkedKuniList = new List <string> (); int tmpKuniId = i + 1; int newLoserKuniQty = main.countLinkedKuniQty(1, tmpKuniId, tmpDaimyoId, seiryokuList, checkedKuniList); //Get New Senryoku int busyoQty = calc.EnemyBusyoQtyCalc(myKuniQty, newLoserKuniQty, 0); int senryokuRatio = daimyoScript.getSenryoku(dstDaimyoId);//daimyoMst.param [dstDaimyoId - 1].senryoku; int busyoLv = calc.EnemyBusyoLvCalc(senryokuRatio); int butaiQty = calc.EnemyButaiQtyCalc(newLoserKuniQty, myKuniQty); int butaiLv = calc.EnemyButaiLvCalc(senryokuRatio); SendParam loserParam = kuniIconView.transform.FindChild(tmpKuniId.ToString()).GetComponent <SendParam> (); loserParam.busyoQty = busyoQty; loserParam.busyoLv = busyoLv; loserParam.butaiQty = butaiQty; loserParam.butaiLv = butaiLv; loserParam.kuniQty = newLoserKuniQty; } } //Icon Color Change by Doumei Situation List <string> myDoumeiList = new List <string> (); string doumeiString = PlayerPrefs.GetString("doumei"); if (doumeiString != null && doumeiString != "") { if (doumeiString.Contains(",")) { myDoumeiList = new List <string> (doumeiString.Split(delimiterChars)); } else { myDoumeiList.Add(doumeiString); } } if (myDoumeiList.Contains(srcDaimyoId.ToString())) { Color doumeiColor = new Color(100f / 255f, 130f / 255f, 255f / 255f, 255f / 255f); targetKuni.GetComponent <SendParam> ().doumeiFlg = true; targetKuni.GetComponent <Image>().color = doumeiColor; } if (!myDoumeiList.Contains(srcDaimyoId.ToString()) && myDoumeiList.Contains(dstDaimyoId.ToString())) { Color unDoumeiColor = new Color(255f / 255f, 255f / 255f, 255f / 255f, 255f / 255f); targetKuni.GetComponent <SendParam> ().doumeiFlg = false; targetKuni.GetComponent <Image>().color = unDoumeiColor; } }
public void deleteDoumeiKuniIcon(int doumeiDaimyoId) { GameObject kuniIconView = GameObject.Find("KuniIconView"); //Set Seiryoku string seiryoku = PlayerPrefs.GetString("seiryoku"); List <string> seiryokuList = new List <string> (); char[] delimiterChars = { ',' }; seiryokuList = new List <string> (seiryoku.Split(delimiterChars)); //Change Kuni Icon Color & Param Color normalColor = new Color(255f / 255f, 255f / 255f, 255f / 255f, 255f / 255f); //White for (int i = 0; i < seiryokuList.Count; i++) { int seiryokuDaimyoId = int.Parse(seiryokuList[i]); if (seiryokuDaimyoId == doumeiDaimyoId) { int KuniId = i + 1; //Kuni Id SendParam sp = kuniIconView.transform.FindChild(KuniId.ToString()).GetComponent <SendParam> (); Image image = kuniIconView.transform.FindChild(KuniId.ToString()).GetComponent <Image> (); sp.doumeiFlg = false; image.color = normalColor; } } //Open Kuni Color openKuniColor = new Color(255f / 255f, 255f / 255f, 0f / 255f, 255f / 255f); //Yellow string openKuni = PlayerPrefs.GetString("openKuni"); List <string> openKuniList = new List <string> (); if (openKuni != null && openKuni != "") { if (openKuni.Contains(",")) { openKuniList = new List <string> (openKuni.Split(delimiterChars)); } else { openKuniList.Add(openKuni); } } string clearedKuni = PlayerPrefs.GetString("clearedKuni"); List <string> clearedKuniList = new List <string> (); if (clearedKuni != null && clearedKuni != "") { if (clearedKuni.Contains(",")) { clearedKuniList = new List <string> (clearedKuni.Split(delimiterChars)); } else { clearedKuniList.Add(clearedKuni); } } for (int i = 0; i < openKuniList.Count; i++) { string openKuniId = openKuniList [i]; //Flg Change GameObject targetOpenKuni = GameObject.Find("KuniIconView").transform.FindChild(openKuniId).gameObject; targetOpenKuni.GetComponent <SendParam> ().openFlg = true; bool doumeiFlg = targetOpenKuni.GetComponent <SendParam>().doumeiFlg; //Color Change if (!clearedKuniList.Contains(openKuniId)) { if (!doumeiFlg) { targetOpenKuni.GetComponent <Image> ().color = openKuniColor; } } } }
public int getGaikouTargetKuni(int srcKuniId, int srcDaimyoId, List <int> targetKuniList, GameObject kuniIconView, bool aggressiveFlg, List <string> seiryokuList, int myDaimyoId) { //Yukoudo Check int bestGaikouDaimyo = 0; int bestGaikouValue = 0; int bestGaikouKuni = 0; int bestHeiryokuValue = 0; Gaikou gaikou = new Gaikou(); for (int k = 0; k < targetKuniList.Count; k++) { SendParam sendParam = kuniIconView.transform.FindChild(targetKuniList [k].ToString()).GetComponent <SendParam> (); if (aggressiveFlg) { //Find best gaikou daimyo int dstDaimyoId = int.Parse(seiryokuList [targetKuniList [k] - 1]); int gaikouValue = 0; if (srcDaimyoId != dstDaimyoId) { if (dstDaimyoId == myDaimyoId) { //Get Gaikou Value string eGaikouM = "gaikou" + srcDaimyoId; gaikouValue = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(eGaikouM); } else { //Gaikou Data Check string gaikouTemp = ""; if (srcDaimyoId < dstDaimyoId) { gaikouTemp = srcDaimyoId + "gaikou" + dstDaimyoId; } else { gaikouTemp = dstDaimyoId + "gaikou" + srcDaimyoId; } if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey(gaikouTemp)) { //exsit gaikouValue = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(gaikouTemp); } else { //non exist //gaikou check gaikouValue = gaikou.getGaikouValue(srcDaimyoId, dstDaimyoId); } } //Compare with Previous one //Best one if (gaikouValue >= bestGaikouValue) { bestGaikouValue = gaikouValue; bestGaikouDaimyo = dstDaimyoId; bestGaikouKuni = targetKuniList [k]; } } } else { //Find best heiryoku daimyo int dstDaimyoId = int.Parse(seiryokuList [targetKuniList [k] - 1]); if (srcDaimyoId != dstDaimyoId) { //Heiryoku Check int heiryoku = sendParam.heiryoku; //Compare with Previous one if (heiryoku >= bestHeiryokuValue) { bestHeiryokuValue = heiryoku; int gaikouValue = 0; if (dstDaimyoId == myDaimyoId) { //Get Gaikou Value string eGaikouM = "gaikou" + srcDaimyoId; gaikouValue = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(eGaikouM); } else { //Gaikou Data Check string gaikouTemp = ""; if (srcDaimyoId < dstDaimyoId) { gaikouTemp = srcDaimyoId + "gaikou" + dstDaimyoId; } else { gaikouTemp = dstDaimyoId + "gaikou" + srcDaimyoId; } if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey(gaikouTemp)) { //exsit gaikouValue = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(gaikouTemp); } else { //non exist gaikouValue = gaikou.getGaikouValue(srcDaimyoId, dstDaimyoId); } } bestGaikouValue = gaikouValue; bestGaikouDaimyo = dstDaimyoId; bestGaikouKuni = targetKuniList [k]; } } } } //Loop End return(bestGaikouKuni); }
public void OnClick() { if (close.GetComponent <CloseBoard> ().kuniId != kuniId) { close.GetComponent <CloseBoard> ().kuniId = kuniId; AudioSource[] audioSources = GameObject.Find("SEController").GetComponents <AudioSource> (); audioSources [2].Play(); /*Status*/ //Common GameObject kuniIconView = GameObject.Find("KuniIconView").gameObject; SendParam script = kuniIconView.transform.FindChild(kuniId.ToString()).GetComponent <SendParam> (); KuniInfo kuni = new KuniInfo(); Daimyo daimyo = new Daimyo(); Gaikou gaikou = new Gaikou(); List <int> targetKuniList = new List <int> (); targetKuniList = kuni.getMappingKuni(kuniId); char[] delimiterChars = { ',' }; //Kamon GameObject daimyoNameObj = status.transform.FindChild("DaimyoName").gameObject; string imagePath = "Prefabs/Kamon/MyDaimyoKamon/" + daimyoId.ToString(); daimyoNameObj.transform.FindChild("Kamon").GetComponent <Image> ().sprite = Resources.Load(imagePath, typeof(Sprite)) as Sprite; //Daimyo Name daimyoNameObj.transform.FindChild("Value").GetComponent <Text> ().text = daimyoName; //Kuni Name GameObject kuniNameObj = status.transform.FindChild("KuniName").gameObject; kuniNameObj.transform.FindChild("Value").GetComponent <Text> ().text = kuniName; //Heiryoku status.transform.FindChild("Heiryoku").transform.FindChild("Value").GetComponent <Text> ().text = script.heiryoku.ToString(); //Yukou status.transform.FindChild("Yukoudo").transform.FindChild("Value").GetComponent <Text> ().text = script.myYukouValue.ToString(); //Attack Target bool aggressiveFlg = script.aggressiveFlg; int myDaimyoId = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("myDaimyo"); int targetKuniId = getKassenTargetKuni(kuniId, daimyoId, targetKuniList, kuniIconView, aggressiveFlg, seiryokuList, myDaimyoId); int targetDaimyoId = 0; if (targetKuniId != 0) { string targetKuniName = kuni.getKuniName(targetKuniId); targetDaimyoId = int.Parse(seiryokuList [targetKuniId - 1]); string targetDaimyoName = daimyo.getName(targetDaimyoId); status.transform.FindChild("Atk").transform.FindChild("Value").GetComponent <Text> ().text = targetKuniName + "(" + targetDaimyoName + ")"; } else { if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese) { status.transform.FindChild("Atk").transform.FindChild("Value").GetComponent <Text>().text = "None"; } else { status.transform.FindChild("Atk").transform.FindChild("Value").GetComponent <Text> ().text = "無し"; } } int targetGaikouKuniId = 0; if (snbRank > 1) //Jyo or Cyu //Gaikou { targetGaikouKuniId = getGaikouTargetKuni(kuniId, daimyoId, targetKuniList, kuniIconView, aggressiveFlg, seiryokuList, myDaimyoId); if (targetGaikouKuniId != 0) { string targetGaikouKuniName = kuni.getKuniName(targetGaikouKuniId); int targetGaikouDaimyoId = int.Parse(seiryokuList [targetGaikouKuniId - 1]); string targetGaikouDaimyoName = daimyo.getName(targetGaikouDaimyoId); if (targetDaimyoId != targetGaikouDaimyoId) { status.transform.FindChild("Gaiko").transform.FindChild("Value").GetComponent <Text> ().text = targetGaikouKuniName + "(" + targetGaikouDaimyoName + ")"; } else { sameDaimyoFlg = true; if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese) { status.transform.FindChild("Gaiko").transform.FindChild("Value").GetComponent <Text>().text = "None"; } else { status.transform.FindChild("Gaiko").transform.FindChild("Value").GetComponent <Text> ().text = "無し"; } } } else { if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese) { status.transform.FindChild("Gaiko").transform.FindChild("Value").GetComponent <Text>().text = "None"; } else { status.transform.FindChild("Gaiko").transform.FindChild("Value").GetComponent <Text>().text = "無し"; } } //Doumei string doumeiTmp = "doumei" + daimyoId.ToString(); string doumeiString = PlayerPrefs.GetString(doumeiTmp); List <string> doumeiList = new List <string> (); if (doumeiString != null && doumeiString != "") { if (doumeiString.Contains(",")) { doumeiList = new List <string> (doumeiString.Split(delimiterChars)); } else { doumeiList.Add(doumeiString); } } //Exist Check if (doumeiList.Count != 0) { List <string> doumeiListTmp = new List <string> (doumeiList); for (int j = 0; j < doumeiListTmp.Count; j++) { string doumeiDaimyoId = doumeiListTmp [j]; if (!seiryokuList.Contains(doumeiDaimyoId)) { doumeiList.Remove(doumeiDaimyoId); } } } string doumeiNameList = ""; if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese) { doumeiNameList = "None"; } else { doumeiNameList = "無し"; } for (int j = 0; j < doumeiList.Count; j++) { if (j == 0) { doumeiNameList = daimyo.getName(int.Parse(doumeiList [j])); } else { doumeiNameList = doumeiNameList + "," + daimyo.getName(int.Parse(doumeiList [j])); } } status.transform.FindChild("Doumei").transform.FindChild("Value").GetComponent <Text> ().text = doumeiNameList; } else { //Ge status.transform.FindChild("Gaiko").transform.FindChild("Value").GetComponent <Text> ().text = "?"; status.transform.FindChild("Doumei").transform.FindChild("Value").GetComponent <Text> ().text = "?"; } if (snbRank > 2) //Jyo { BusyoInfoGet busyo = new BusyoInfoGet(); string qtyAndHeisyu = busyo.getDaimyoBusyoQtyHeisyu(daimyoId); List <string> qtyAndHeisyuiList = new List <string> (); qtyAndHeisyuiList = new List <string> (qtyAndHeisyu.Split(delimiterChars)); //BusyoQty //Heisyu status.transform.FindChild("BusyoQty").transform.FindChild("Value").GetComponent <Text> ().text = qtyAndHeisyuiList[0]; status.transform.FindChild("Heisyu").transform.FindChild("Value").GetComponent <Text> ().text = qtyAndHeisyuiList[1]; } else { //Cyu or Ge status.transform.FindChild("BusyoQty").transform.FindChild("Value").GetComponent <Text> ().text = "?"; status.transform.FindChild("Heisyu").transform.FindChild("Value").GetComponent <Text> ().text = "?"; } //Main Map foreach (Transform obj in board.transform) { if ( != "Explanation") { Destroy(obj.gameObject); } } //Create Map GameObject originalKuniMap = GameObject.Find("KuniMap"); GameObject copiedKuniMap = Object.Instantiate(originalKuniMap) as GameObject; copiedKuniMap.transform.SetParent(board.transform); copiedKuniMap.transform.localScale = new Vector2(1, 0.8f); Vector3 vect = copiedKuniMap.transform.FindChild(kuniId.ToString()).transform.localPosition; float adjstX = vect.x * -1; float adjustY = vect.y * -1; RectTransform mapRect = copiedKuniMap.GetComponent <RectTransform>(); mapRect.anchoredPosition3D = new Vector3(adjstX, adjustY, 0); //Create Kamon GameObject originalKamon = GameObject.Find("KuniIconView"); GameObject copiedKamon = Object.Instantiate(originalKamon) as GameObject; copiedKamon.transform.SetParent(board.transform); copiedKamon.transform.localScale = new Vector2(1, 0.8f); RectTransform kamonRect = copiedKamon.GetComponent <RectTransform>(); kamonRect.anchoredPosition3D = new Vector3(adjstX, adjustY, 0); Entity_kuni_mst kuniMst = Resources.Load("Data/kuni_mst") as Entity_kuni_mst; Color whiteColor = new Color(255f / 255f, 255f / 255f, 255f / 255f, 255f / 255f); for (int i = 0; i < kuniMst.param.Count; i++) { int subKuniId = i + 1; GameObject tmpKuniObj = copiedKuniMap.transform.FindChild(subKuniId.ToString()).gameObject; GameObject tmpKamonObj = copiedKamon.transform.FindChild(subKuniId.ToString()).gameObject; tmpKamonObj.GetComponent <Image>().color = whiteColor; if (subKuniId == kuniId) { tmpKamonObj.GetComponent <Button>().enabled = false; tmpKamonObj.GetComponent <Image>().sprite = Resources.Load(imagePath, typeof(Sprite)) as Sprite; //EFFECT string effectPath = "Prefabs/EffectAnime/point_up"; GameObject pointUp = Instantiate(Resources.Load(effectPath)) as GameObject; pointUp.transform.SetParent(tmpKamonObj.transform); pointUp.transform.localScale = new Vector2(70, 70); pointUp.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(0, 25); pointUp.GetComponent <Fadeout>().enabled = false; } else { if (targetKuniList.Contains(subKuniId)) { tmpKamonObj.GetComponent <Button>().enabled = false; int subDaimyoId = int.Parse(seiryokuList[subKuniId - 1]); if (daimyoId != subDaimyoId) { //yukoudo int yukoudoValue = gaikou.getExistGaikouValue(daimyoId, subDaimyoId); string syukoudoPath = "Prefabs/Map/cyouhou/YukoudoLabel"; GameObject yukoudoObj = Instantiate(Resources.Load(syukoudoPath)) as GameObject; yukoudoObj.transform.SetParent(tmpKamonObj.transform); yukoudoObj.GetComponent <Text>().text = yukoudoValue.ToString(); yukoudoObj.transform.localScale = new Vector2(0.08f, 0.1f); yukoudoObj.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(0, 26); } else { tmpKamonObj.GetComponent <Image>().sprite = Resources.Load(imagePath, typeof(Sprite)) as Sprite; } if (targetKuniId != 0) { if (targetKuniId == subKuniId) { //kassen target Color atkColor = new Color(180f / 255f, 0f / 255f, 0f / 255f, 255f / 255f); tmpKamonObj.GetComponent <Image>().color = atkColor; } } if (snbRank > 1) { if (targetGaikouKuniId != 0) { if (targetGaikouKuniId == subKuniId) { if (!sameDaimyoFlg) { //gaikou target Color gaikouColor = new Color(80f / 255f, 100f / 255f, 185f / 255f, 255f / 255f); tmpKamonObj.GetComponent <Image>().color = gaikouColor; } } } } } else { Color noSubKuniColor = new Color(255f / 255f, 255f / 255f, 255f / 255f, 40f / 255f); tmpKuniObj.GetComponent <Image>().color = noSubKuniColor; tmpKamonObj.SetActive(false); } } } /* * string kuniMapPath = "Prefabs/Map/cyouhou/kuniImage"; * GameObject mainMap = Instantiate (Resources.Load (kuniMapPath)) as GameObject; * mainMap.transform.SetParent(board.transform); * mainMap.transform.localScale = new Vector2 (13, 9); * = "kuniMap" + kuniId; * string kuniImagePath = "Prefabs/Map/kuniMap/" + kuniId.ToString (); * mainMap.GetComponent<Image> ().sprite = * Resources.Load (kuniImagePath, typeof(Sprite)) as Sprite; * * int baseX = kuni.getKuniLocationX (kuniId); * int baseY = kuni.getKuniLocationY (kuniId); * int adjstX = baseX * -1; * int adjustY = baseY * -1; * * float colorR = daimyo.getColorR (daimyoId); * float colorG = daimyo.getColorG (daimyoId); * float colorB = daimyo.getColorB (daimyoId); * Color kuniColor = new Color (colorR / 255f, colorG / 255f, colorB / 255f, 255f / 255f); * mainMap.GetComponent<Image> ().color = kuniColor; * * RectTransform mapRect = mainMap.GetComponent<RectTransform> (); * mapRect.anchoredPosition3D = new Vector3 (adjstX, adjustY, 0); * * //My Kuni Kamon Icon * string kamonBackPath ="Prefabs/Map/cyouhou/KamonBack"; * GameObject kamonBack = Instantiate (Resources.Load (kamonBackPath)) as GameObject; * kamonBack.transform.SetParent (board.transform); * kamonBack.transform.localScale = new Vector2 (1, 1); * kamonBack.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(0,0); * * string kamonKuniPath = "Prefabs/Map/Kuni/" + kuniId.ToString(); * GameObject kamonObj = Instantiate (Resources.Load (kamonKuniPath)) as GameObject; * kamonObj.transform.SetParent (kamonBack.transform); * kamonObj.transform.localScale = new Vector2 (1, 0.8f); * kamonObj.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(0,0); * kamonObj.GetComponent<Image> ().sprite = * Resources.Load (imagePath, typeof(Sprite)) as Sprite; * kamonObj.GetComponent<Button> ().enabled = false; * * * //Mapping Kuni * Entity_kuni_mst kuniMst = Resources.Load ("Data/kuni_mst") as Entity_kuni_mst; * for (int i=0; i < kuniMst.param.Count; i++) { * //for (int i=0; i < targetKuniList.Count; i++) { * int subKuniId = i + 1; * * GameObject subMap = Instantiate (Resources.Load (kuniMapPath)) as GameObject; * subMap.transform.SetParent(mainMap.transform); * subMap.transform.localScale = new Vector2 (1, 1); * subMap.transform.localPosition = new Vector2 (0, 0); * * = "kuniMap" + subKuniId; * string subKuniImagePath = "Prefabs/Map/kuniMap/" + subKuniId; * subMap.GetComponent<Image> ().sprite = * Resources.Load (subKuniImagePath, typeof(Sprite)) as Sprite; * * * if (targetKuniList.Contains (subKuniId)) { * //color * int subDaimyoId = int.Parse (seiryokuList [subKuniId - 1]); * float subColorR = daimyo.getColorR (subDaimyoId); * float subColorG = daimyo.getColorG (subDaimyoId); * float subColorB = daimyo.getColorB (subDaimyoId); * Color subKuniColor = new Color (subColorR / 255f, subColorG / 255f, subColorB / 255f, 255f / 255f); * subMap.GetComponent<Image> ().color = subKuniColor; * * //Kamon * string subKamonKuniPath = "Prefabs/Map/Kuni/" + subKuniId.ToString (); * GameObject subKamonObj = Instantiate (Resources.Load (subKamonKuniPath)) as GameObject; * subKamonObj.transform.SetParent (board.transform); * subKamonObj.transform.localScale = new Vector2 (1, 0.8f); * if (daimyoId != subDaimyoId) { * string subImagePath = "Prefabs/Kamon/" + subDaimyoId.ToString (); * subKamonObj.GetComponent<Image> ().sprite = * Resources.Load (subImagePath, typeof(Sprite)) as Sprite; * * //yukoudo * int yukoudoValue = gaikou.getExistGaikouValue (daimyoId, subDaimyoId); * string syukoudoPath = "Prefabs/Map/cyouhou/YukoudoLabel"; * GameObject yukoudoObj = Instantiate (Resources.Load (syukoudoPath)) as GameObject; * yukoudoObj.transform.SetParent (subKamonObj.transform); * yukoudoObj.GetComponent<Text> ().text = yukoudoValue.ToString (); * yukoudoObj.transform.localScale = new Vector2 (0.08f, 0.1f); * yukoudoObj.transform.localPosition = new Vector2 (0, 26); * * } else { * subKamonObj.GetComponent<Image> ().sprite = * Resources.Load (imagePath, typeof(Sprite)) as Sprite; * } * subKamonObj.GetComponent<Button> ().enabled = false; * * //Kamon adjustment * int subBaseX = kuni.getKuniLocationX (subKuniId); * int subBaseY = kuni.getKuniLocationY (subKuniId); * int subAdjstX = subBaseX - baseX; * int subAdjstY = subBaseY - baseY; * * RectTransform subMapRect = subKamonObj.GetComponent<RectTransform> (); * subMapRect.anchoredPosition3D = new Vector3 (subAdjstX, subAdjstY, 0); * * if (targetKuniId != 0) { * if (targetKuniId == subKuniId) { * //kassen target * Color atkColor = new Color (180f / 255f, 0f / 255f, 0f / 255f, 255f / 255f); * subKamonObj.GetComponent<Image> ().color = atkColor; * } * } * * if (snbRank > 1) { * if (targetGaikouKuniId != 0) { * if (targetGaikouKuniId == subKuniId) { * if (!sameDaimyoFlg) { * //gaikou target * Color gaikouColor = new Color (80f / 255f, 100f / 255f, 185f / 255f, 255f / 255f); * subKamonObj.GetComponent<Image> ().color = gaikouColor; * } * } * } * } * } else { * Color noSubKuniColor = new Color (255f / 255f, 255f / 255f, 255f / 255f, 40f / 255f); * subMap.GetComponent<Image> ().color = noSubKuniColor; * } * * } * */ } }
public void wasAttacked(string key, int srcKuni, int dstKuni, int srcDaimyoId, int dstDaimyoId, bool dstEngunFlg, string dstEngunDaimyoId, string dstEngunSts) { //In the case of My Damyo was Attacked //For Dramatic Enemy Creation GameObject kuniView = GameObject.Find("KuniIconView"); if (kuniView.transform.FindChild(srcKuni.ToString())) { SendParam param = kuniView.transform.FindChild(srcKuni.ToString()).GetComponent <SendParam> (); int busyoQty = param.busyoQty; int busyoLv = param.busyoLv; int butaiQty = param.butaiQty; int butaiLv = param.butaiLv; //Dummy PlayerPrefs.SetInt("activeStageId", 0); PlayerPrefs.SetInt("activeStageMoney", busyoQty * 500); PlayerPrefs.SetInt("activeStageExp", busyoQty * 100); PlayerPrefs.SetString("activeItemType", ""); PlayerPrefs.SetInt("activeItemId", 0); PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("activeItemRatio", 0); PlayerPrefs.SetInt("activeItemQty", 0); //Actual PlayerPrefs.SetInt("activeKuniId", dstKuni); KuniInfo kuni = new KuniInfo(); string kuniName = kuni.getKuniName(dstKuni); string kassenName = ""; if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese) { kassenName = kuniName + " Defence"; } else { kassenName = kuniName + "防衛"; } PlayerPrefs.SetString("activeStageName", kassenName); PlayerPrefs.SetInt("activeDaimyoId", srcDaimyoId); PlayerPrefs.SetInt("activeBusyoQty", busyoQty); PlayerPrefs.SetInt("activeBusyoLv", busyoLv); PlayerPrefs.SetInt("activeButaiQty", butaiQty); PlayerPrefs.SetInt("activeButaiLv", butaiLv); //Passive only PlayerPrefs.SetBool("isAttackedFlg", true); PlayerPrefs.DeleteKey("isKessenFlg"); PlayerPrefs.SetString("activeKey", key); PlayerPrefs.SetInt("activeSrcDaimyoId", srcDaimyoId); PlayerPrefs.SetInt("activeDstDaimyoId", dstDaimyoId); //Engun if (dstEngunFlg) { PlayerPrefs.SetString("playerEngunList", dstEngunSts); PlayerPrefs.DeleteKey("enemyEngunList"); } else { PlayerPrefs.DeleteKey("playerEngunList"); PlayerPrefs.DeleteKey("enemyEngunList"); } //Gaikou Down Gaikou gaikou = new Gaikou(); gaikou.downGaikouByAttack(srcDaimyoId, dstDaimyoId); //Delete "Start Kassen Flg" PlayerPrefs.DeleteKey("activeLink"); PlayerPrefs.DeleteKey("activePowerType"); List <int> powerTypeList = new List <int> () { 1, 2, 3 }; int random = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, powerTypeList.Count + 1); PlayerPrefs.SetInt("activePowerType", random); //Boubi effect string boubiTmp = "boubi" + dstKuni.ToString(); int boubi = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(boubiTmp, 0); boubi = boubi / 10; PlayerPrefs.SetInt("activeBoubi", boubi); PlayerPrefs.Flush(); Application.LoadLevel("preKassen"); } }
public void OnClick() { AudioSource[] audioSources = GameObject.Find("SEController").GetComponents <AudioSource> (); if (name == "YesButton") { audioSources [0].Play(); GameObject kuniView = GameObject.Find("KuniIconView"); SendParam param = kuniView.transform.FindChild(kuniId.ToString()).GetComponent <SendParam>(); //adjust int busyoQty = param.busyoQty; int jinkeiBusyoQty = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("jinkeiBusyoQty"); if (busyoQty < jinkeiBusyoQty) { busyoQty = jinkeiBusyoQty; } int busyoLv = param.busyoLv; //adjsut int butaiQty = param.butaiQty; int jinkeiAveChQty = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("jinkeiAveChQty"); if (butaiQty < jinkeiAveChQty) { butaiQty = jinkeiAveChQty; } int butaiLv = param.butaiLv; //Dummy PlayerPrefs.SetInt("activeStageId", 0); PlayerPrefs.SetInt("activeStageMoney", busyoQty * busyoLv * 100); PlayerPrefs.SetInt("activeStageExp", busyoQty * busyoLv * 10); PlayerPrefs.SetString("activeItemType", ""); PlayerPrefs.SetInt("activeItemId", 0); PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("activeItemRatio", 0); PlayerPrefs.SetInt("activeItemQty", 0); PlayerPrefs.SetString("activeItemGrp", "no"); //Actual KuniInfo kuni = new KuniInfo(); string kassenName = ""; if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese) { kassenName = " Final Battle with " + daimyoName; } else { kassenName = daimyoName + "決戦"; } PlayerPrefs.SetString("activeStageName", kassenName); PlayerPrefs.SetInt("activeDaimyoId", daimyoId); PlayerPrefs.SetInt("activeBusyoQty", busyoQty); PlayerPrefs.SetInt("activeBusyoLv", busyoLv); PlayerPrefs.SetInt("activeButaiQty", butaiQty); PlayerPrefs.SetInt("activeButaiLv", butaiLv); //Flag PlayerPrefs.DeleteKey("isAttackedFlg"); PlayerPrefs.SetBool("isKessenFlg", true); PlayerPrefs.SetInt("kessenHyourou", needHyourouNo); //Player Doumei Flg PlayerPrefs.DeleteKey("playerEngunList"); //Enemy Doumei Handling PlayerPrefs.DeleteKey("enemyEngunList"); string doumeiTemp = "doumei" + daimyoId; string enemyDoumeiString = PlayerPrefs.GetString(doumeiTemp); char[] delimiterChars = { ',' }; List <string> doumeiList = new List <string>(); if (enemyDoumeiString != null && enemyDoumeiString != "") { if (enemyDoumeiString.Contains(",")) { doumeiList = new List <string> (enemyDoumeiString.Split(delimiterChars)); } else { doumeiList.Add(enemyDoumeiString); } } string seiryoku = PlayerPrefs.GetString("seiryoku"); List <string> seiryokuList = new List <string> (); seiryokuList = new List <string> (seiryoku.Split(delimiterChars)); Doumei doumei = new Doumei(); Gaikou gaikou = new Gaikou(); List <string> okDaimyoList = new List <string> (); List <string> checkedList = new List <string> (); string dstEngunDaimyoId = ""; string dstEngunSts = ""; //BusyoId-BusyoLv-ButaiQty-ButaiLv: okDaimyoList = doumei.traceNeighborDaimyo(kuniId, daimyoId, doumeiList, seiryokuList, checkedList, okDaimyoList); if (okDaimyoList.Count != 0) { for (int k = 0; k < okDaimyoList.Count; k++) { string engunDaimyo = okDaimyoList [k]; int yukoudo = gaikou.getExistGaikouValue(int.Parse(engunDaimyo), daimyoId); //engun check MainEventHandler main = new MainEventHandler(); bool dstEngunFlg = main.CheckByProbability(yukoudo); if (dstEngunFlg) { //Engun OK dstEngunFlg = true; if (dstEngunDaimyoId != null && dstEngunDaimyoId != "") { dstEngunDaimyoId = dstEngunDaimyoId + ":" + engunDaimyo; string tempEngunSts = main.getEngunSts(engunDaimyo); dstEngunSts = dstEngunSts + ":" + engunDaimyo + "-" + tempEngunSts; } else { dstEngunDaimyoId = engunDaimyo; string tempEngunSts = main.getEngunSts(engunDaimyo); dstEngunSts = engunDaimyo + "-" + tempEngunSts; } } } PlayerPrefs.SetString("enemyEngunList", dstEngunSts); } //Delete "Start Kassen Flg" PlayerPrefs.DeleteKey("activeLink"); PlayerPrefs.SetInt("activePowerType", 3); PlayerPrefs.Flush(); Application.LoadLevel("preKassen"); } else { audioSources [1].Play(); Destroy(confirm.gameObject); Destroy(back.gameObject); } }
private void _Send(byte cmd,SendParam param) { byte[] DataToSend = new byte[mDataByteNum]; DataToSend[0] = 0Xfa; DataToSend[1] = cmd; DataToSend[2] = param.HD; DataToSend[3] = param.LD; DataToSend[4] = (byte)(cmd + param.HD + param.LD); DataToSend[5] = (byte)(DataToSend[4] + 1); mSerial.Send(DataToSend); }
/// <summary> /// 发送请求 /// </summary> /// <param name="httpUri">请求地址</param> /// <param name="method">请求的方法</param> /// <param name="httpData">请求参数 例:{"value": "HttpSend"} C#格式(@"{""value"":""HttpSend""}")</param> /// <param name="sendParam">发送参数</param> /// <returns></returns> public static string Send(string httpUri, string method = "GET", string httpData = null, SendParam sendParam = null) { HttpWebRequest httpWebRequest = null; HttpWebResponse httpWebResponse = null; Stream reqStream = null; Stream resStream = null; try { if (sendParam == null) { sendParam = new SendParam(); } httpWebRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(httpUri); if (sendParam.Headers != null) { httpWebRequest.Headers = sendParam.Headers; } httpWebRequest.Method = method; httpWebRequest.Timeout = sendParam.TimeOut; httpWebRequest.ContentType = sendParam.ContentType; if (method != "GET") { //这个在非GET的时候,一定要加上,如果服务器返回错误,他还会继续再去请求,不会使用之前的错误数据做返回数据 httpWebRequest.ServicePoint.Expect100Continue = false; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(httpData)) { var data = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(httpData); httpWebRequest.ContentLength = data.Length; reqStream = httpWebRequest.GetRequestStream(); reqStream.Write(data, 0, data.Length); reqStream.Close(); } else { httpWebRequest.ContentLength = 0; } } var webResponse = httpWebRequest.GetResponse(); httpWebResponse = (HttpWebResponse)webResponse; resStream = httpWebResponse.GetResponseStream(); string result; if (resStream != null) { var streamReader = new StreamReader(resStream, Encoding.GetEncoding(sendParam.Encoding)); result = streamReader.ReadToEnd(); streamReader.Close(); resStream.Close(); } else { result = string.Empty; } return(result); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("CoreHttp.HttpSend Err: method=>" + method + " uri=>" + httpUri + " httpData=>" + httpData + "err=>" + ex); } finally { resStream?.Close(); reqStream?.Close(); httpWebResponse?.Close(); httpWebRequest?.Abort(); } }