protected void btnCreatnew_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { string mcl = txtMaClaim.Text; int madv = int.Parse(drSubsidiary.SelectedItem.Value.ToString()); int maGDV = int.Parse(drSurveyor.SelectedItem.Value.ToString()); int idloaihtt = int.Parse(drTypeofloss.SelectedItem.Value.ToString()); clm.Follower = drSurveyor.SelectedItem.ToString(); if (madv != 0 && maGDV != 0 && idloaihtt != 0) { string mahoaDV = dvdao.LayMaHoa(madv); string matenGDV = gdv.LayMaTen(maGDV); string tendonvi = drSubsidiary.SelectedItem.Text; string tengdv = drSurveyor.SelectedItem.Text; int maKH = khdao.LayMaKH(); // them khach hang moi khdto.MaKhachHang = maKH; string tenKH = txtInsurerd.Text; if (tenKH != "") { khdto.TenKhachHang = tenKH; } else { Response.Write("<script>alert('Name of insured can not empty!!');</script>"); } khdto.TenNguoiDaiDien = ""; khdto.Email = ""; khdto.DienThoai = ""; khdto.Fax = ""; khdto.DiaChi = ""; khdto.MaDonViBH = madv; bool themKH = khdao.KhachHangMoi(khdto); if (themKH == true)// hop le thi them claim { clm.MaClaim = mcl; clm.TenClaim = mcl + mahoaDV + "-" + drTypePolicy.SelectedItem.Value + "-" + txtTypePolicy.Text; clm.MaDonVi = (int)madv; clm.MaGDV1 = (int)maGDV; clm.MaKhachHang = maKH; if (idloaihtt != 0) { clm.MaloaiHinhTonThat = (int)idloaihtt; } else { Response.Write("<script>alert('Please select Type of Loss!');</script>"); } string ghichu = txtGhiChu.Text; if (ghichu != "") { clm.GhiChu = ghichu; } else { clm.GhiChu = ""; } string ngaychidinh = txtAssignedDate.Text; if (ngaychidinh != "") { clm.AssignedDate = ngaychidinh; } else { clm.AssignedDate = ""; } string tp = txtTypePolicy.Text; if (tp == "") { Response.Write("<script>alert('Type Police can not empty!');</script>"); } else { clm.TypePolicy = tp; bool themclaim = cldao.InsertShort(clm); if (themclaim == true) { sm.SendNewClaim(clm, khdto, tendonvi, tengdv); Session["IDClaim"] = mcl; Session["ThamChieu"] = mcl; int GDVThem = int.Parse(Request.Cookies["MaGDV"].Value); string noidung = gdv.LayTenTheoMa(GDVThem) + " created new claim no. " + mcl + "."; SaveLogTracking(GDVThem, noidung, mcl); ClearInputs(Page.Controls); //Response.Redirect("~/Pages/TypeItemWorkSheet.aspx"); //lblThongBao.Text = "Insert successful!"; Response.Write("<script>window.parent.location = '../Pages/Layout.aspx'</script>"); } } } } else { lblThongBao.Text = "Please choose item in dropdonwlist!"; } } catch (SqlException ex) { lblThongBao.Text = ex.Message; } }
protected void btnCreatnew_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { string mcl = txtMaClaim.Text; int madv = int.Parse(drSubsidiary.SelectedItem.Value.ToString()); int maGDV = int.Parse(drSurveyor.SelectedItem.Value.ToString()); int idloaihtt = int.Parse(drTypeofloss.SelectedItem.Value.ToString()); clm.Follower = drSurveyor.SelectedItem.ToString(); if (madv != 0 && maGDV != 0 && idloaihtt != 0) { string mahoaDV = dvdao.LayMaHoa(madv); string matenGDV = gdv.LayMaTen(maGDV); string tendonvi = drSubsidiary.SelectedItem.Text; string tengdv = drSurveyor.SelectedItem.Text; int maKH = khdao.LayMaKH(); // them khach hang moi khdto.MaKhachHang = maKH; string tenKH = txtInsurerd.Text; if (tenKH != "") { khdto.TenKhachHang = tenKH; } else { Response.Write("<script>alert('Name of insured can not empty!!');</script>"); } khdto.TenNguoiDaiDien = ""; khdto.Email = ""; khdto.DienThoai = ""; khdto.Fax = ""; khdto.DiaChi = ""; khdto.MaDonViBH = madv; bool themKH = khdao.KhachHangMoi(khdto); if (themKH == true)// hop le thi them claim { clm.MaClaim = mcl; clm.TenClaim = mcl + mahoaDV + "-" + drTypePolicy.SelectedItem.Value + "-" + txtTypePolicy.Text; clm.MaDonVi = (int)madv; clm.MaGDV1 = (int)maGDV; //string nguoichidinh = txtHandler.Text; //if (nguoichidinh != "") // clm.NguoiPhuTrach = nguoichidinh; //else // clm.NguoiPhuTrach = ""; clm.MaKhachHang = maKH; //string sohd = txtPolicyNo.Text; //if (sohd != "") // clm.PolicyNo = sohd; //else // clm.PolicyNo = ""; //string hieuluc = txtEffective.Text; //if (hieuluc != "") // clm.Effective = hieuluc; //else // clm.Effective = ""; if (idloaihtt != 0) { clm.MaloaiHinhTonThat = (int)idloaihtt; } else { Response.Write("<script>alert('Please select Type of Loss!');</script>"); } string ghichu = txtGhiChu.Text; if (ghichu != "") { clm.GhiChu = ghichu; } else { clm.GhiChu = ""; } //string date = txtDateofloss.Text; //if (date != "") // clm.Dol = date; //else // clm.Dol = ""; //string diadiemtt = txtPresmises.Text; //if (diadiemtt != "") // clm.Premises = diadiemtt; //else // clm.Premises = ""; string ngaychidinh = txtAssignedDate.Text; if (ngaychidinh != "") { clm.AssignedDate = ngaychidinh; } else { clm.AssignedDate = ""; } #region Oldcode //string dienbientonthat = ckDienBienTonThat.Text; //if (dienbientonthat != "") // clm.DienBienTonThat1 = dienbientonthat; //else // clm.DienBienTonThat1 = ""; //string thongbaocqcn = ""; //if (ckYes.Checked == true) //{ // thongbaocqcn = "Yes"; // clm.ThongBaoCQCN1=thongbaocqcn; // //ckNo.Checked = false; //} //if (ckNo.Checked == true) //{ // thongbaocqcn = "No"; // clm.ThongBaoCQCN1=thongbaocqcn; // //ckYes.Checked = false; //} //if (ckNo.Checked == false && ckYes.Checked == false) // clm.ThongBaoCQCN1 = "No"; //string ghichutbcqcn = txtFurthernotes.Text; //if (ghichutbcqcn != "") // clm.GhiChuTBCQCN = ghichutbcqcn; //else // clm.GhiChuTBCQCN = ""; //string phamvitonthat = ckExtentofloss.Text; //if (phamvitonthat != "") // clm.PhamViTonThat = phamvitonthat; //else // clm.PhamViTonThat = ""; //string duphong = txtintitialreserve.Text; //if (duphong != "") // clm.DuPhongTonThat = duphong; //else // clm.DuPhongTonThat = ""; //string phuluc = txtappendixattached.Text; //if (phuluc != "") // clm.PhuLucDinhKem1 = phuluc; //else // clm.PhuLucDinhKem1 = ""; //string dephongvakhuyencao = ckDePhongTonThatVaKhuyenCao.Text; //if (dephongvakhuyencao != "") // clm.DePhongVaKhuyenCao = dephongvakhuyencao; //else // clm.DePhongVaKhuyenCao = ""; //string ykien = ckYKienGDV.Text; //if (ykien != "") // clm.YKienGDV = ykien; //else // clm.YKienGDV = ""; //clm.GioKhaoSatHienTruong = txtTimeComplete.Text; #endregion string tp = txtTypePolicy.Text; if (tp == "") { Response.Write("<script>alert('Type Police can not empty!');</script>"); } else { clm.TypePolicy = tp; bool themclaim = cldao.InsertShort(clm); if (themclaim == true) { ClearInputs(Page.Controls); sm.SendNewClaim(clm, khdto, tendonvi, tengdv); //Response.Redirect(Request.Url.PathAndQuery, true);// làm sạch textbox Session["IDClaim"] = mcl; Response.Redirect("~/Pages/TypeItemWorkSheet.aspx"); } } } } else { lblThongBao.Text = "Please choose item in dropdonwlist!"; } } catch (SqlException ex) { lblThongBao.Text = ex.Message; } }