Esempio n. 1
            protected override RdfBindingSet runTripleConstraints(java.util.List tripleConstraints, 
		    	name.levering.ryan.sparql.model.logic.ConstraintLogic.CallParams p)
                if (DisableQuery)
                    return null;

                RdfSourceWrapper s = (RdfSourceWrapper)p.source;

                if (s.source is QueryableSource) {
                    QueryableSource qs = (QueryableSource)s.source;
                    QueryOptions opts = new QueryOptions();

                    opts.Limit = p.limit;

                    VariableList distinguishedVars = new VariableList();
                    VariableList undistinguishedVars = new VariableList();

                   opts.VariableKnownValues = new VarKnownValuesType();

                    Statement[] graph = new Statement[tripleConstraints.size()];
                    Hashtable varMap1 = new Hashtable();
                    Hashtable varMap2 = new Hashtable();

                    Entity metaField;
                    // In this case, we want to treat the meta fields of all of the statements
                    // in this group as bound by a single variable.
                    if (p.graphVariable != null) {
                        metaField = ToRes(p.graphVariable, p.knownValues, true, varMap1, varMap2, s, opts, distinguishedVars, undistinguishedVars, p.distinguishedVariables) as Entity;

                    // Otherwise, we are told what graph to use. If sourceDatasets is null,
                    // we are looking in the default graph.
                    } else if (p.sourceDatasets == null) {
                        /*if (p.defaultDatasets.size() == 0) {
                            metaField = Statement.DefaultMeta;
                        } else if (p.defaultDatasets.size() == 1) {
                            metaField = s.ToEntity((Value)p.defaultDatasets.iterator().next());
                        } else {
                            metaField = new SemWebVariable();
                            opts.VariableKnownValues[(Variable)metaField] = s.ToEntities((Value[])p.defaultDatasets.toArray(new Value[0]));

                        // For the default Graph, we always pass DefaultMeta.
                        metaField = Statement.DefaultMeta;

                    // Otherwise, we are looking in the indicated graphs.
                    } else {
                        if (p.sourceDatasets.size() == 0) {
                            metaField = new SemWebVariable();
                        } else if (p.sourceDatasets.size() == 1) {
                            metaField = s.ToEntity((Value)p.sourceDatasets.iterator().next());
                        } else {
                            metaField = new SemWebVariable();
                            opts.VariableKnownValues[(Variable)metaField] = s.ToEntities((Value[])p.sourceDatasets.toArray(new Value[0]));

                    for (int i = 0; i < tripleConstraints.size(); i++) {
                        TripleConstraintData triple = tripleConstraints.get(i) as TripleConstraintData;
                        if (triple == null) return null;

                        graph[i] = new Statement(null, null, null, null); // I don't understand why this should be necessary for a struct, but I get a null reference exception otherwise (yet, that didn't happen initially)
                        graph[i].Subject = ToRes(triple.getSubjectExpression(), p.knownValues, true, varMap1, varMap2, s, opts, distinguishedVars, undistinguishedVars, p.distinguishedVariables) as Entity;
                        graph[i].Predicate = ToRes(triple.getPredicateExpression(), p.knownValues, true, varMap1, varMap2, s, opts, distinguishedVars, undistinguishedVars, p.distinguishedVariables) as Entity;
                        graph[i].Object = ToRes(triple.getObjectExpression(), p.knownValues, false, varMap1, varMap2, s, opts, distinguishedVars, undistinguishedVars, p.distinguishedVariables);
                        graph[i].Meta = metaField;
                        if (graph[i].AnyNull) return new RdfBindingSetImpl();
                        if (!(graph[i].Subject is Variable) && !(graph[i].Predicate is Variable) && !(graph[i].Object is Variable) && !(graph[i].Meta is Variable))
                            return null; // we could use Contains(), but we'll just abandon the Query() path altogether

                    if (p.distinguishedVariables == null) {
                        opts.DistinguishedVariables = null;
                    } else if (distinguishedVars.Count > 0) {
                        opts.DistinguishedVariables = distinguishedVars;
                    } else if (undistinguishedVars.Count > 0) {
                        // we don't mean to make it distinguished, but we need at least one,
                        // and for now we'll just take the first
                        opts.DistinguishedVariables = new VariableList();
                    } else {
                        // no variables!
                        return null;

                    opts.VariableLiteralFilters = new LitFilterMap();
                    foreach (DictionaryEntry kv in varMap1) {
                        if (p.knownFilters != null && p.knownFilters.containsKey(kv.Key)) {
                            LitFilterList filters = new LitFilterList();
                            for (java.util.Iterator iter = ((java.util.List)p.knownFilters.get(kv.Key)).iterator(); iter.hasNext(); )
                            opts.VariableLiteralFilters[(Variable)kv.Value] = filters;

                    // too expensive to do...
                    //if (!qs.MetaQuery(graph, opts).QuerySupported)
                    //	return null; // TODO: We could also check if any part has NoData, we can abandon the query entirely

                    QueryResultBuilder builder = new QueryResultBuilder();
                    builder.varMap = varMap2;
                    builder.source = s;
                    qs.Query(graph, opts, builder);
                    return builder.bindings;

                return null;
Esempio n. 2
        public override void Run(SelectableSource source, QueryResultSink resultsink)
            if (!(query is SelectQuery))
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Only SELECT queries are supported by this method (" + query.GetType() + ").");

            // Perform the query
            SelectQuery squery = (SelectQuery)query;
            RdfSourceWrapper sourcewrapper = BindLogic(source);

            RdfBindingSet results;
            try {
                results = squery.execute(sourcewrapper);
            } catch (name.levering.ryan.sparql.common.QueryException e) {
                throw new QueryExecutionException("Error executing query: " + e.Message, e);

            // Prepare binding objects
            java.util.List vars = results.getVariables();
            SparqlVariable[] svars = new SparqlVariable[vars.size()];
            SemWebVariable[] vars2 = new SemWebVariable[vars.size()];
            for (int i = 0; i < svars.Length; i++) {
                svars[i] = (SparqlVariable)vars.get(i);
                vars2[i] = new SemWebVariable(svars[i].getName());

            // Initialize the result sink
            resultsink.Init(vars2); // set distinct and ordered

            // Set the comments
            resultsink.AddComments(queryString + "\n");

            // Iterate the bindings
            java.util.Iterator iter = results.iterator();
            long ctr = -1, ctr2 = 0;
            while (iter.hasNext()) {
                RdfBindingRow row = (RdfBindingRow);

                // Since SPARQL processing may be lazy-delayed,
                // add any new comments that might have been logged.


                if (ctr < ReturnStart && ReturnStart != -1) continue;

                Resource[] bindings = new Resource[vars2.Length];

                for (int i = 0; i < bindings.Length; i++) {
                    Resource r = sourcewrapper.ToResource(row.getValue(svars[i]));
                    r = sourcewrapper.Persist(r);
                    bindings[i] = r;


                resultsink.Add(new VariableBindings(vars2, bindings));

                if (ctr2 >= ReturnLimit && ReturnLimit != -1) break;


            // Close the result sink.