public static void CannotRecordNonVoidAfterDisposing(
            InMemoryRecordedCallRepository inMemoryRecordedCallRepository,
            IService realServiceWhileRecording,
            SelfInitializingFake <IService> fakeService,
            Exception exception)
            "Given a call storage object"
            .x(() => inMemoryRecordedCallRepository = new InMemoryRecordedCallRepository());

            "And a real service to wrap while recording"
            .x(() => realServiceWhileRecording = A.Fake <IService>());

            "And a self-initializing fake wrapping the service"
            .x(() => fakeService = SelfInitializingFake <IService> .For(() => realServiceWhileRecording, inMemoryRecordedCallRepository));

            "And the fake is disposed"
            .x(() => fakeService.Dispose());

            "When I record a call to a non-void method using the fake"
            .x(() => exception = Record.Exception(() => fakeService.Object.Function()));

            "Then the fake throws an exception"
            .x(() => exception.Should()
               .BeOfType <RecordingException>()
               .Which.Message.Should().Be("The fake has been disposed and can record no more calls."));